European Radio Map: Nordic-Baltic — (original) (raw)

European Radio Map: Nordic and Baltic countries

Europeisk radiokarta: Norden-Baltikum / Euroopan radiokartta: Pohjoismaat-Baltian / Europæisk radiokort: Norden-Baltikum / Europeisk radiokart: Norden-Baltikum / Evrópska útvarpskort: Norðurlöndin-Eystrasaltsríkin / Euroopa raadio kaart: Põhja-Baltimaad / Eiropas radio karte: Ziemeļu-Baltijas / Europos radijo žemėlapis: Šiaurės-Baltijos valstybės

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Central Europe •Nordic-Baltic •Britain-IrelandFrance-BeneluxItaly-Spain-PortugalBalkansRussia-UkraineGreece-Türkiye-Caucasus

Radio stations in Sweden/ Radiostationer i Sverige

Stockholm radio stationsGothenburg radio stationsMalmö radio stationsUppsala radio stations more ...

Radio broadcasting in Sweden began in 1925 (Radiotjänst, Stockholm), FM radio was introduced in 1947, DAB digital radio in 1995. Swedish Radio – Sveriges Radio is the national public radio broadcaster with four networks, 25 regional radio stations and international service Radio Sweden, on FM and DAB. First private radio station launched in 1993. Broadcasting is regulated by the Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority – MPRT (Myndigheten för press, radio och TV). Medium wave broadcasting ended in 2010. Currently there are five commercial radio networks and more than 150 local community radio stations in Sweden; over 1100 FM radio transmitters, DAB digital radio with 10 multiplexes. Primary language on radio is Swedish.
Area: 438 574 km²; Population: 10.6 million; ITU country code: S; callsign prefix: 7S, 8S, SA~SM

Radio stations in Finland/ Radioasemat Suomessa

Helsinki radio stationsTampere radio stationsTurku radio stations more ...

Radio broadcasting in Finland began in 1923 (3NB Tampere), FM radio was introduced in 1953. The Finnish Broadcasting Company – Yle (Yleisradio) was founded in 1926 and is the national public broadcaster with five radio networks, 18 regional radio stations and international service Yle Mondo on FM. First private radio station launched in 1985. Broadcasting is regulated by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency – Traficom (Viestintävirasto). Medium wave broadcasting ended in 2013. Currently there are fourteen commercial radio networks and 60 local stations in Finland; over 800 FM radio transmitters. Primary language on radio is Finnish, with some stations in Swedish and Lappish.
Area: 338 440 km²; Population: 5.5 million; ITU country code: FIN; callsign prefix: OF~OJ

Radio stations in the Aland Islands/ Radiostationer i Åland

Mariehamn radio stations

Founded in 1996, Ålands Radio is the public radio station in this autonomous region of Finland. Currently there are 12 FM radio transmitters in Åland, including stations from mainland Finland, Sweden, and three local radio stations. Primary language on radio is Swedish.
Area: 1 554 km²; Population: 30 thou.; ITU country code: FIN (as part of Finland); callsign prefix: OF0, OG0, OH0, OJ0

Radio stations in Denmark/ Radiostasjoner i Danmark

Copenhagen radio stationsAalborg radio stationsAarhus radio stationsOdense radio stations

Radio broadcasting in Denmark began in 1924 (Københavns Radiofonistation), FM radio was introduced in 1941 (trial) and 1947 (regular service); DAB digital radio in 1995. Danish Radio – DR (Danmarks Radio) is the national public broadcaster with four networks, 11 regional radio stations and several digital stations, on LW, FM and DAB. First private radio station launched in 1993. Broadcasting is regulated by the Danish Agency for Culture – Kulturstyrelsen . Medium wave broadcasting ended in 2011. Currently there are five commercial radio networks and more than 300 local community stations in Denmark; over 590 FM radio transmitters, one active LW transmitter, one national and three regional DAB digital radio multiplexes. Primary language on radio is Danish.
Area: 42 921 km²; Population: 5.9 million; ITU country code: DNK; callsign prefix: OU~OZ, XP, 5P~5Q

Radio stations in the Faroe Islands/ Útvarpssendistøð í Føroyar

Tórshavn radio stations

Radio broadcasting in the Faroes began in 1957 (Útvarp Føroya, Tórshavn). The Faroese Broadcasting Company – KvF (Kringvarp Føroya) is the national public broadcaster. Broadcasting is regulated by the Telecommunication Authority of the Faroe Islands – Fjarskiftiseftirlitið . Currently there are almost 100 FM transmitters and repeaters on the Faroe Islands, serving KvF and 7 other radio stations; KvF have one MW transmitter. Primary languages on radio are Faroese and Danish.
Area: 1 393 km²; Population: 53 thou.; ITU country code: FRO; callsign prefix: OY

Radio stations in Greenland/ Kalaallit Nunaat Radio

Nuuk radio stations

Radio broadcasting in Greenland began in 1942 (OXI Grønlands Radio, Godthåb). The Greenlandic Broadcasting Corporation – KNR (Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa), founded in 1958, is the national public broadcaster. Broadcasting is regulated by the Greenland Home Rule – Naalakersuisut . Currently there are over 90 FM radio transmitters in Greenland, including 55 KNR repeaters and local radio stations; KNR have three MW stations. Primary languages on radio are Greenlandic and Danish.
Area: 2 166 086 km²; Population: 56 thou.; ITU country code: GRL; callsign prefix: OX

Radio stations in Norway/ Radiostasjoner i Norge

Oslo radio stationsBergen radio stationsTrondheim radio stationsStavanger radio stations more ...

Radio broadcasting in Norway began in 1925 (Kringkastningselskapet, Oslo), FM radio was introduced in 1954 and DAB digital radio in 1995 (trial) and 1999 (regular service). The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation – NRK (Norsk rikskringkasting) is the national public broadcaster with three analog radio networks, 10 digital stations, 12 regional radio stations, on LW, FM and DAB. First private radio station launched in 1994. Broadcasting is regulated by the Norwegian Media Authority – Medietilsynet . Currently there are 18 DAB digital radio multiplexes with over 970 transmitters filled with public radio and mainstream commercial programmes. In 2017 Norway became the first country in the world that stopped most of its FM radio transmitters. Community radio continues using FM band with more than 100 local community stations with over 500 FM radio transmitters. There area two AM transmitters in the Country: one LW and one MW transmitter. Primary language on radio is Norwegian.
Area: 386 194 km²; Population: 5.5 million; ITU country code: NOR; callsign prefix: 3Y, JW~JX, LA~LN

Radio stations in Iceland/ Útvarpstöðvar í Ísland

Reykjavík radio stations

Radio broadcasting in Iceland began in 1926 (H.f. Útvarp, Reykjavík). The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service – RÚV (Ríkisútvarpið) is the national public broadcaster with two radio networks on LW and FM. First private radio station launched in 1986. Broadcasting is regulated by the Regulation of Post and Telecommunication in Iceland – PFS (Póst- og fjarskiptastofnun). Currently there are five commercial radio networks and many local radio stations in Iceland; over 300 FM radio transmitters, two active LW transmitters. Primary language on radio is Icelandic.
Area: 103 000 km²; Population: 383 thou.; ITU country code: ISL; callsign prefix: TF

Radio stations in Estonia/ Raadiojaamad Eestis

Tallinn radio stationsTartu radio stationsNarva radio stationsPärnu radio stations

Radio broadcasting in Estonia began in 1926 (Raadio-Ringhääling, Tallinn), FM radio was introduced in 1956 (65.8-74 MHz) and 1991 (87.5-108 MHz). Estonian Public Broadcasting – ERR (Eesti Rahvusringhääling) is the national public broadcaster with four radio national networks and one local station on FM. First private radio station launched in 1992. Broadcasting is regulated by the Technical Surveillance Authority – TJA (Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet). Currently there are fifteen commercial radio networks and many local radio stations in Estonia; 200 FM radio transmitters, one active MW transmitter. Primary language on radio is Estonian, with some stations in Russian.
Area: 45 227 km²; Population: 1.3 million; ITU country code: EST; callsign prefix: ES

Radio stations in Latvia/ Radiostacijas Latvijā

Riga radio stationsDaugavpils radio stationsLiepaja radio stationsVentspils radio stations more ...

Radio broadcasting in Latvia began in 1925 (Radiofon, Riga), FM radio was introduced in 1955 (65.8-74 MHz) and 1991 (87.5-108 MHz), DAB digital radio in 2016. Latvian Radio – Latvijas Radio is the national public radio broadcaster with five networks and one local station on FM. First private radio station launched in 1991. Broadcasting is regulated by the National Electronic Media Council – NEPLP (Nacionālā elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu padome). Currently there are fourteen commercial radio networks and many local radio stations in Latvia; 250 FM radio transmitters, one active MW transmitter. Primary language on radio is Latvian, with some stations in Russian.
Area: 64 573 km²; Population: 1.8 million; ITU country code: LVA; callsign prefix: YL

Radio stations in Lithuania/ Lietuvos radijo stotys

Vilnius radio stationsKaunas radio stationsKlaipėda radio stationsPanevėžys radio stationsŠiauliai radio stations

Radio broadcasting in Lithuania began in 1926 (Lietuvos radijas, Kaunas), first radio in Vilnius was established in 1928 (Polskie Radio Wilno), FM radio was introduced in 1958 (65.8-74 MHz) and 1991 (87.5-108 MHz). Lithuanian National Radio and Television – LRT (Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija) is the national public broadcaster with three radio networks on FM. First private radio station launched in 1989

. Broadcasting is regulated by the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania – LRTK (Lietuvos Radijo ir Televizijos Komisija). Currently there are fifteen commercial radio networks and many local radio stations in Lithuania; 317 FM radio transmitters, one active MW and one SW station. Primary language on radio is Lithuanian, with some stations in Russian.
Area: 65 286 km²; Population: 2.7 million; ITU country code: LTU; callsign prefix: LY

See also

Radio in Britain-IrelandRadio in Central EuropeRadio in Russia-Ukraine Radio in North America

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