supernatural - topical index - The Skeptic's Dictionary (original) (raw)

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Can Science Decide the God Question?

Why I am not an atheist

The Templeton Fundies

Healing Prayer and Distant Healing

Onward Christian Soldiers: The Holy War on Science

The Real Winner of the Templeton Prize (SU)

The 2009 (not prestigious) Templeton Prize Winner is.... (SU)

Is Benedict XVI the Antichrist? (SU)

Lying for God (SU)

Atheists in foxholes, gods on benches (SU)

Should Governments Fund Faith-based Groups? (SU)(O)

Natural Law, Celibate Men who Wear Dresses, and Pastors who Preach Hate (S)(CT)(SU)

The New Atheism and Martin Gardner (SU)

Doing God's Work (a day in the life of the Lord)(SU)

Cardinal Speaks ex asinum (SU)

Is Atheism a Religion? (SU)

The 2009 (not prestigious) Templeton Prize Winner is.... (SU)

Religious Fascism (SU)

Freedom of Religion in the 12th century (SU)

Why isn't this child abuse? Creationists lie to children while touring a science museum (SU) (JS)

Miraculous Deception - miracles, faith healing, self-deception (SU)

Book reviews

The God Delusion
by Richard Dawkins (Houghton Mifflin 2006).

Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism by Susan Jacoby (Owl Books 2004).

See also What's the harm? for many examples of harm done in the name of religion.

Gardner, Martin.Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1957).

Nickell, Joe.Looking For A Miracle: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions and Healing Cures (Prometheus Books: Buffalo, N.Y., 1993).

Randi, James.An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural, (N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1995).

news stories

For Good Self-Control, Try Getting Religious About It