Aldous Huxley - The Complete Works of Aldous Huxley (original) (raw)

1944 May - June From a Notebook Aldous Huxley
1944 September - October The Philosophy of the Saints Aldous Huxley
1945 January - February That Art Thou Aldous Huxley
1945 March - April That Art Thou II Aldous Huxley
1945 May - June The Nature of the Ground Aldous Huxley
1945 July - August The Nature of the Ground II Aldous Huxley
1945 September - October God In the World Aldous Huxley
1946 January - February Origins and Consequences of Some Contemporary Thought-Patterns Aldous Huxley
1946 May - June The Sixth Patriarch Aldous Huxley
1946 September - October Some Reflections on Time Aldous Huxley
1947 January - February Reflections on Progress Aldous Huxley
1947 March - April Further Reflections on Progress Aldous Huxley
1947 September - October William Law Aldous Huxley
1947 November - December Notes on Zen Aldous Huxley
1948 March - April Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Aldous Huxley
1948 May - June A Note on Gandhi Aldous Huxley
1949 November - December Art and Religion Aldous Huxley
1950 January - February Foreword to an Essay on the Indian Philosophy of Peace Aldous Huxley
1952 January - February A Note on Enlightenment Aldous Huxley
1952 July - August Substitutes for Liberation Aldous Huxley
1954 January - February The Desert Aldous Huxley
1954 July - August A Note on Patanjali Aldous Huxley
1955 July - August Who Are We? Aldous Huxley
1956 January - February Foreword to the Supreme Doctrine Aldous Huxley
1956 May - June Knowledge and Understanding Aldous Huxley
1957 March - April The "Inanimate" is Alive Aldous Huxley
1960 November - December Symbol and Immediate Experience Aldous Huxley


On the Margin: Notes and Essays. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Doran.


"Our Contemporary Hocus-Pocus." The Adelphi. May.


Essays New and Old. London: Chatto & Windus (New York: Doran, 1927).

"Gods Propose, Men Dispose." Harper’s Magazine. October.


"The Outlook for American Culture." Harper’s Magazine. August.

Proper Studies. London: Chatto & Windus (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1928).


"America and Europe." The Century Magazine. July.

Do What You Will: Essays. London/Garden City, NY: Chatto & Windus/Doubleday, Doran & Co.

Holy Face and other Essays. London: The Fleuron.


Vulgarity in Literature and other Essays: Digressions from a Theme. London: Chatto & Windus.


Music at Night and other Essays. London/Garden City, NY: Chatto & Windus/Doubleday, Doran & Co.


Texts and Pretexts: An Anthology of Commentaries. London: Chatto & Windus (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1933).

T. H. Huxley as a Man of Letters. London: Macmillan.


"The Problem of Faith." Harper’s Magazine. January.


"Do We Require Orgies?" The Yale Review. Summer.


"Wars and Emotions." Life and Letters. April.


Heard, Gerald and Aldous Huxley. The Significance of the New Pacifism: Two Addresses. Pamphlet.

"Turning Point." Literary America. February.


"Notes on Propaganda." Harper’s Magazine. December.

The Olive Tree and other Essays. London: Chatto & Windus (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1937).

What Are You Going To Do About It? The Case for Reconstructive Peace. New York: Harper & Brothers.


Ends and Means: An Inquiry into the Nature of Ideas and into the Methods Employed for Their Realization. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Harper & Brothers.


The Elder Peter Bruegel. New York: Willey.

The Most Agreeable Vice. Los Angeles, CA: The Ward Ritchie Press.


Words and Their Meanings. Los Angeles, CA: The Ward Ritchie Press.


Grey Eminence: A Study in Religion and Politics (A Biography of Father Joseph). London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Harper & Brothers.


The Art of Seeing. New York: Harper & Brothers (London: Chatto & Windus, 1943).


The Perennial Philosophy. New York: Harper & Brothers (London: Chatto & Windus, 1946).

"Distractions I,"in Christopher Isherwood (ed.), Vedanta for the Western World. Vedanta Press: Vedanta Society of Southern California. 126-27.


Science, Liberty and Peace. London: Fellowship of Reconciliation/Harper’s.


"If My Library Burned Tonight." House and Garden. November.


Food and People. (With John Russell)

"My Favorite Records." [A list] Saturday Review of Literature. March 26.

Prisons (with the Carceri Etchings by Piranesi). Los Angeles, CA: Zeitlin & Van Brugge.


Themes and Variations. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Harper & Brothers.


Passage in John Yale (ed.), What Vedanta Means to Me: A Symposium. New York: Rider and Company.


The Devils of Loudun. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Harper & Brothers.

(Huxley, Aldous and Stuart Gilbert) Joyce the Artificer: Two Studies of Joyce's Methods. Pamphlet in the British Museum, London.


A Day in Windsor (with J. A. Kings)

"Sludge and Sanctity." Esquire. June.

"The French of Paris." Esquire. December.


The Doors of Perception. New York: Harper.

"Faith, Taste and History." Encounter. February.


"Miracle in Lebanon." Esquire. August.

"Doodles in the Dictionary." Esquire. September.

"Censorship and Spoken Literature." Esquire. October.

"Liberty, Quality, Machinery." Esquire. November.

"Canned Fish." Encounter. December.

"Usually Destroyed." Encounter. December.


Adonis and the Alphabet and other Essays. London: Chatto & Windus (Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. New York: Harper & Brothers).

Heaven and Hell. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Harper & Brothers.

"Where Do You Live?" Esquire. May.

"Madness, Badness, Sadness." Esquire. June.

"Genius." Esquire. August.

"Facts and Fetishes." Esquire. September.

"A Case of Voluntary Ignorance." Esquire. October.

"Paradoxes of Progress." Esquire. November.

"Can We Be Well Educated?" Esquire. December.


"Post-Mortem on Bridey." Esquire. January.

"Pleasures." Esquire. February.

"The Oddest Science." Esquire. March.

"Politics and Biology." Esquire. April.

"On Adaptation." Theatre Arts. December.


Brave New World Revisited. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Harper & Collins.


"The Final Revolution." Contact 2. Issue dedicated to Huxley.

"The Final Revolution" in Feathersome, Robert M. and Alexander Simon (eds) A Pharmacologic Approach to the Study of the Mind. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. 119-220.


On Art and Artists. New York: Meridian.


"The Shape of Things in 1986." True. February.


"Unpainted Landscapes." Encounter. October.


Literature and Science. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Harper & Row.

The Politics of Ecology: The Question of Survival.

"The Only Way to Write a Modern Poem about a Nightmare." Harper’s Magazine. August.

"Salt." House and Garden. March.

"Statement for the Los Angeles Trial." George Wickes (ed.). Henry Miller and the Critics. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 175-176.


"Culture and the Individual." David Solomon (ed.). LSD. New York: Putnam.


"Shakespeare and Religion" in Julian Huxley (1969): 165-175.

"Variations on Goya." John Gassner and Sidney Thomas (eds.). The Nature of Art. New York: Crown Publishers Inc., 457-467.

Practicas religiosas en Mesoamèrica [Religious Practices in Mid-America]. Guatemala: Josè de Pineda Ibarra.


Form and Substance. Los Angeles, CA: The Plantin Press.

New Fashioned Christmas. Berkeley, CA: The Hart Press.

"Usually Destroyed." Thomas Kane and Leonard J. Peters (eds.).Writing Prose Techniques. New York: Oxford UP, 308-319 (3rd edn.).

New Fashioned Christmas. Berkeley, CA: The Hart Press.


America and the Future: An Essay. Austin, TX: Jenkins Publishing Co.


Mori, Haruhide (ed.) (Aldous Huxley et al.) A Conversation on D. H. Lawrence. Los Angeles, CA: Friends of the UCLA Library.


Ferrucci, Piero (ed.) The Human Situation: Lectures at Santa Barbara 1959. New York: Harper & Row.

Horowitz, Michael and Cynthia Palmer (eds.) Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience (1931-1963). New York: Stonehill (London: Chatto & Windus, 1980).


Aldous Huxley's Hearst Essays James Sexton (ed.), Garland:New York, 1994.

[David Bradshaw and James Sexton have recently completed a scholarly edition of Aldous Huxley's unpublished play Now More Than Ever for the
University of Texas Press, Austin.


Huxley, Aldous and Christopher Isherwood, Jacob’s Hands. London: Bloomsbury.


"Stars and the Man." The Hubble Collection.


"The Outlook for American Culture: Some Reflections in a Machine Age," in Peter Firchow, The End of Utopia. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press.


Taylor, Tom. The Autobiography and Memoirs of Benjamin Robert Haydon: 1786-1846. London: Peter Davies.


The Letters of D.H. Lawrence. London/New York: Heinemann/Viking.


Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. New York: Pynson Printers for the members of the Limited Editions Club.


Ligt, Barthelemy de.The Conquest of Violence: An Essay on War and Revolution. London: G. Routledge & Sons Ltd.

Gregg, Richard. Training for Peace: A Programme for Peace Workers. London: George Routledge & Sons.


They Still Draw Pictures. New York: Spanish Child Welfare Association of America for the American Friends Service Committee (New York: O.U.P., 1939).


Radiguet, Raymond. Devil in the Flesh. Washington: Black Sun Press.


They Still Draw Pictures. New York: Spanish Child Welfare Association of America for the American Friends Service Committee (New York: O.U.P., 1939).


Parkhurst, Helen. Exploring the Child's World. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.


Bhagavad-Gita; The Song of God. New York: Mentor.

Morgan, Louisa. Inside Yourself: A New Way to Health Based On the Alexander Technique. London: Stuttgart.


Eschelbach, Claire John and Joyce Lee Shober, Aldous Huxley: A Bibliography 1916-1959. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press (New York: Octagon Books, 1979).


Starkey, Marion Lena. The Devils in Massachusetts: A Modern Inquiry Into the Salem Witch Trials. New York: Time, Inc. (Time Reading Program Special Edition).


Inchiesta a Palermo/Poverty in Sicily: A Study of the Province of Palermo. Harmondsworth: Penguin (originally published as To Feed the Hungry, London: MacGibbon and Kee, 1959).


Huxley, Laura Archera, You Are Not the Target: A Practical Manual of How to Cope with a World of Bewildering Change and Uncertainty. London: Heinemann.


The Opportunities of a Night. Translated by Eric Sutton from Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crebillon's_Le Nuit et le Moment_). New York, NY: B. Blom.


Simon, Oliver and Jules Rodenberg. Printing of Today.


Roth, Sanford. Portraits of the fifties. New York/San Francisco: Kampmann/Mercury House.


Roth, Sanford. Paris in the fifties. New York/San Francisco: Kampmann/Mercury House.