Soyuz-U Fregat (11A511U) (original) (raw)

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Version Strap-On Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Soyuz-U Fregat Blok-B,V,G,D / 4 × RD-117 Blok-A / RD-118 Blok-I / RD-0110 Fregat / S5.92
Performance (kg) LEO LPEO SSO GTO GEO MolO IP
Soyuz-U Fregat

Nr TNr Vehicle Serial Date Sc LS Payload

1639 1 Soyuz-U Fregat A15000-079 08.02.2000 Ba LC-31/6 S IRDT 1 / IRDT-Fregat / Gruzovoy Maket 1640 2 Soyuz-U Fregat A15000-068 20.03.2000 Ba LC-31/6 S Dumsat 1644 3 Soyuz-U Fregat A15000-069 16.07.2000 Ba LC-31/6 S Cluster FM6 / Cluster FM7 1646 4 Soyuz-U Fregat A15000-070 09.08.2000 Ba LC-31/6 S Cluster FM5 / Cluster FM8

Launch sites:

Ba = Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam, Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

F Failure P Partial Failure

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