Taurus-3110 (Taurus-XL) / Minotaur-C-XL-3110 (original) (raw)

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Taurus-3110 (OCO) [NASA]

The Taurus has been created by adding the stages of Pegasus(without wing and fins) to a Peacekeeper first stage or a Castor-120. It has been designed as a quick reaction launch vehicle, which can be launched from minimaly prepared places in a matter of a few days.

The coding of variants is as below:
1. digit = first stage (1 = TU-903; 2 = Castor-120, 3 = Castor-120 + XL upper stages)
2. digit = size of fairing (1 = small, 2 = large)
3. digit = type of Stage 4 (1 = Orion-38, 3 = Star-37FM)
4. digit = type of optional Stage 5 (0 = none)

→ complete list of all Taurus flights
→ complete list of all Peacekeeper / Castor-120 based rockets

Version Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Taurus-3110 (Taurus-XL) / Minotaur-C-XL-3110 (Minotaur-C-XL) Castor-120 Orion-50SXLT Orion-50XLT Orion-38
Performance (kg) LEO LPEO SSO GTO GEO MolO IP
Taurus-3110 (Taurus-XL) / Minotaur-C-XL-3110 (Minotaur-C-XL) 1450 1050 445 - 295

No: Type Ser Date LS Payload

8 1 Taurus-3110 T-8 24.02.2009 Va 576E F OCO (ESSP 5) 9 2 Taurus-3110 T-9 04.03.2011 Va 576E F Glory / E1P / KySat 1 / Hermes


Flight 8: Payload fairing not seperated, orbit not attained Flight 9: Payload fairing not seperated, orbit not attained

Launch sites:

Va = Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA USA/ 576E

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