ShK (original) (raw)

ShK (berthed to MLM-U) [NASA]

ShK (stored at MRM 1) [NASA]

The ShK (Shlyuzovaya Kamera) is an experiment airlock module of the International space station ISS.

The Shk airlock can accommodate a cargo up to 1,200 mm � 500 mm � 500 mm, with a volume of 2.1 m3, weight of 1050 kg, and peak power consumption of 1.5 kW.

It is designed to be used for:

The ShK was launched together with MRM 1 (Rassvet) on Space Shuttle mission STS-132 on 14 May 2010. It remained stored on MRM-1 for nearly years waiting for the arival of MLM-U (Nauka) in July 2021. On 4 May 2023, ShK was eventually berthed to the forward active docking port of the pressurized docking hub of the Nauka module using the ERA robotic arm.