TSX 5 (P95-2) (original) (raw)

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TSX 5 (Tri-Service Experiment), hosts three experiments,

Nation: USA
Type / Application: Experimental
Operator: US Air Force (USAF) STP (Space Test Program)
Contractors: Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC)
Equipment: STRV-2, CEASE, MWIR
Configuration: LEOStar
Propulsion: ?
Power: Deployable fixed solar array, batteries
Mass: 250 kg
Orbit: 410 km × 1750 km, 69�
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
TSX 5 (P95-2) 2000-030A 07.06.2000 Va, L-1011, RW30/12 Pegasus-XL


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