VZLUsat 1 (QB50 CZ02) (original) (raw)

VZLUsat 1 [VZLU]

VZLUSat 1 is a Czech 2U-CubeSat mission built by VZL� to test several technologies in space and to take part on the QB50 mission.

VZLUSat 1 carries following experiments.

As a payload for QB50, the satellite carries the Flux-Φ-Probe Experiment (FIPEX) of TU Dresden, which is able to distinguish and measure the time-resolved behaviour of atomic and molecular oxygen as a key parameter of the lower thermosphere. Atomic oxygen is the dominant species in these regions and therefore its measurement is crucial in the validation of atmosphere models.

The satellite is one of six QB50 science satellites, which were to be launched on a Dnepr rocket on the QB50-DS flight. When the availability of Dnepr launch vehicle had become doubtful, they were transfered to an Indian PSLV-XL launch.