Convoy HG 57 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HG 57 Departed Gibraltar on March 22(?)-1941 and arrived Liverpool on Apr. 11.
Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" agrees w/24 ships in this convoy, but gives departure date March 25.

Also, the Rescue Vessel Zamalek was with this convoy for a while. She was on her 3rd voyage as such, having started this voyage from Clyde on Apr. 3-1941 with Convoy OB 305 until dispersed on Apr. 6, then returned to Clyde with Convoy HG 57, Apr. 7-Apr. 11.

Summary of HMS Nigeria's Report:
The convoy had 8 columns, with 4 ships in the centre columns, decreasing to 2 in the wing columns; columns disposed in line abreast, ships in column in line ahead.

Average speed: 6 knots.
Maximum speed: 7 knots.
Minimum (in rought weather): 3 1/2 knots.

HMS Nigeria joined at 15:30 BST on Apr. 3 in 45 27N 22 00W, in good weather until p.m. Apr. 5, at which time a gale with contrary winds started, continuing for 48 hours, then subsiding during the night of of Apr. 7/8, and weather was again fair on Apr. 9. Scottish Monarch lost a man overboard during this gale.

F.S. La Malouine had been detached to the U.K. at 10:20 on Apr. 4 with a "dangerous" medical case. The medical officer of HMS Rochester was transferred to this ship.

The local escort was to have joined on Apr. 6, but the bad weather and very low visibility delayed the meeting until p.m. on the 8th.

Following the gale, there were 3 stragglers. The Swedish Trio rejoined p.m. on Apr. 8, the convoy altering course for 35 minutes to assist her. HMS Cavina and HMS Hilary searched for the other stragglers that day, finding Cantal 45 miles astern. Nigeria found her 15 miles astern at noon on Apr. 9. "She should have caught up by the time the convoy dispersed" (Nigeria parted company before convoy dispersed). Marvia was believed to have hove to during the gale and was not seen after the night of Apr. 6/7. "She was a very poor steamer in bad weather and seemed continually awash between forecastle and poop".

"The discipline of the convoy was excellent. It was surprising how well the formation was maintained in bad weather with so many old and apparently ill found ships".

Nigeria left the convoy at dusk on Apr. 9 in 55 41N 10 08W, in order to refuel at Scapa as instructed by the Vice Admiral Commanding, Battle Cruiser Squadron. The convoy was expected to arrive at its dispersal point early on the forenoon of the 10th.

Commodore's notes are not available.

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