Convoy HX 169 - (original) (raw)

List received from Ted Agar (His source: A diary. Although the information is usually incomplete, I consider this diary valuable and important in and of itself and, therefore, I've transcribed it and kept it "as is" on this website, adding further details and/or corrections from other sources separately, rather than within the form itself [except for cargoes], as seen below).

Cargoes have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on the late Arnold Hague's database - see his listing for HX 169 at Ships in all HX convoys.

Underlined ships returned to port, except those that are linked, which will automatically be underlined.

Br=British, Du=Dutch, Norw=Norwegian, Bel=Belgian, Pa=Panamanian, Ru=Russian.

refrig. - general

refrig. - general

10 passengers

Ville d'Anvers
504 mails






Australia Star
refrig. - general

There's a note in connection with the slow Convoy SC 65, saying that Boston City, sailing in that convoy, originally came from HX 169, as did the Norwegian Finnanger. Similarly, a note for SC 64, states that Cloucester City in that convoy came from HX 169.

* Amsterdam (from HX 168) returned to port, then joined the slow Convoy SC 66 on Jan. 23.

** Joined Convoy PQ 9/PQ 10

A notation in the diary states "No catapult freighters went out in convoy today. 39 ships went out in the convoy. Originally there were 42 but 3 were cancelled: Egda (Norw), Eidanger (Norw) and Athelqueen (Br. tanker)".
All 3 are listed in HX 170.

The Rescue Vessel Perth was also with this convoy for a while - see Notes below.

Comparing all this with what can be found in Arnold Hague's listing for HX 169 at Ships in all HX convoys, we learn that the above un-named ships were: In station 14 - Panamanian Africander, general cargo. Collided with Palembang, returned in tow. Palembang also returned, having also collided with the Norwegian Norefjord. Palembang does not show up again until Convoy HX 186, while Africander is listed in SC 81.
In station 32 - British British Governor, FFO
In station 33 - British Davila, FFO, straggled Jan. 15
In station 34 - Norwegian Atlantic, cargo of gas oil, straggled Jan. 15
In station 35 - British Alexia, FFO
In station 42 - Norwegian Kaldfonn, dieso, straggled Jan. 15
In station 44 - Norwegian Finnanger (FFO, detached Jan. 9, returned, listed in Convoy SC 65, as already mentioned)
In station 45 - British British Yeoman, FFO, for Londonderry
In station 52 - British Carelia, aviation gas
In station 72 - British Robert F. Hand, petrol, straggled Jan. 15
In station 73 - British Empire Pict, petrol (later became Norwegian Norland)
In station 81 - British Manchester Exporter, general, straggled Jan. 15
In station 94 - Norwegian Norefjord, general cargo, returned following collision with Palembang. (Listed in HX 175, returned. Joined HX 176).

*Additionally, A. Hague has included some ships in stations where none are listed in the diary, as follows:
In station 62 - British Athelviscount (cargo of petrol)
In station 24 - British Empire Oil (aviation gas)
In station 61 - British Geo. W. McKnight (petrol)
In station 84 - British Taron (petrol, straggled Jan. 10)

He adds that Australia Star straggled on Jan. 10, while Bayano, Mentor, Suriname, Troubadour and Zuiderkerk became stragglers on Jan. 15. The Russian Tbilisi also straggled, but date is not given. Also, he has Brimanger in station 64, Tankexpress in 63.

According to notes for Convoy HX 168, it looks like Zuiderkerk, Mangkalihat and Atlantic were originally scheduled for that convoy, as were Brimanger and Robert F. Hand.