Index of Mineral Images (original) (raw)

Mineral Image Index

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Click Here for Larger Perroudite Image Perroudite © Pierre Perroud Click Here for Larger Perovskite Image Perovskite © German Type Specimen Catalogue Click Here for Larger Santarosaite Image Santarosaite © K.C. Lyncker, Hamburg / German Type Specimen Catalogue Click Here for Larger Atacamite Image Atacamite © K.C. Lyncker, Hamburg / German Type Specimen Catalogue

There are three ways of viewing mineral images.

  1. View the 4,093 mineral thumbnail images with descriptions in the alphabetized list below:
  2. Click on first letter of mineral name under the Index of.. ..Minerals With Images. A listing of all minerals will appear. To view a large picture or a mineral gallery for each mineral click on the mineral name. The photo count is in parenthesis.
  3. Mineral images can also be viewed by copyright owner of the pictures. Just click on the owner's name in the Index of Mineral Copyright Galleries to view all the images for that owner. The photo count is in parenthesis.

Index of 232 "A" Minerals With Images [A Minerals] [[B](index.php?init=B "All "B" Mineral Images")] [[C](index.php?init=C "All "C" Mineral Images")] [[D](index.php?init=D "All "D" Mineral Images")] [[E](index.php?init=E "All "E" Mineral Images")] [[F](index.php?init=F "All "F" Mineral Images")] [[G](index.php?init=G "All "G" Mineral Images")] [[H](index.php?init=H "All "H" Mineral Images")] [[I](index.php?init=I "All "I" Mineral Images")] [[J](index.php?init=J "All "J" Mineral Images")] [[K](index.php?init=K "All "K" Mineral Images")] [[L](index.php?init=L "All "L" Mineral Images")] [[M](index.php?init=M "All "M" Mineral Images")] [[N](index.php?init=N "All "N" Mineral Images")] [[O](index.php?init=O "All "O" Mineral Images")] [[P](index.php?init=P "All "P" Mineral Images")] [[Q](index.php?init=Q "All "Q" Mineral Images")] [[R](index.php?init=R "All "R" Mineral Images")] [[S](index.php?init=S "All "S" Mineral Images")] [[T](index.php?init=T "All "T" Mineral Images")] [[U](index.php?init=U "All "U" Mineral Images")] [[V](index.php?init=V "All "V" Mineral Images")] [[W](index.php?init=W "All "W" Mineral Images")] [[X](index.php?init=X "All "X" Mineral Images")] [[Y](index.php?init=Y "All "Y" Mineral Images")] [[Z](index.php?init=Z "All "Z" Mineral Images")]

Abelsonite (3) Abernathyite Abhurite (2) Abramovite Abswurmbachite Acanthite (2) Acetamide Actinolite Adamite (2) Adamsite-(Y) Adelite Aegirine (7) Aegirine-augite Aenigmatite Aerinite Aerugite Aeschynite-(Ce) Aeschynite-(Y) Afghanite (2) Afwillite Agardite-(Ca) Agardite-(Ce) Agardite-(La) Agardite-(Nd) Agardite-(Y) Agrellite Agrinierite Aguilarite Aheylite Ahlfeldite Aikinite (2) Ajoite (3) Akaganeite Akatoreite Akdalaite Akermanite Akhtenskite Akimotoite Akrochordite Aksaite Aktashite Alabandite (2) Alacranite Alamosite Alarsite Albite (3) Aldermanite Aleksite Alforsite (2) Algodonite (2) Aliettite Allabogdanite Allactite Allanite-(Ce) Allanite-(La) Allanite-(Y) Allanpringite Allargentum Alleghanyite (2) Allendeite Allophane Alloriite Alluaudite (2) Almandine (2) Alpersite Alsakharovite-Zn Alstonite Altaite (3) Althausite Altisite Alum-(K) Aluminite Aluminoceladonite Aluminocerite-(Ce) Aluminocopiapite Aluminoferrotschermakite Aluminum (2) Alumohydrocalcite Alumoklyuchevskite (2) Alumopharmacosiderite Alumotungstite Alunite Alunogen (3) Amarantite Amarillite Amber Amblygonite Ameghinite Amesite (2) Amicite Aminoffite Ammonioalunite Ammoniojarosite Ammonioleucite Analcime (3) Anandite Anapaite Anatase Ancylite-(Ce) Ancylite-(La) Andalusite Andersonite (2) Andesine Andorite (2) Andradite (3) Andreyivanovite Anduoite Andyrobertsite Angastonite (2) Angelaite Angelellite Anglesite (2) Anhydrite Ankangite Ankerite Ankinovichite Annabergite Annite Anorthite Anorthoclase Ansermetite Antarcticite Anthoinite (2) Anthophyllite (2) Antigorite (2) Antimony (2) Antlerite (2) Apachite (2) Apatite (3) Apatite-(CaCl) Apatite-(CaF) (3) Apatite-(CaOH) Aphthitalite Apjohnite Aplowite Apophyllite (5) Apophyllite-(KF) Apophyllite-(KOH) (2) Apophyllite-(NaF) Apuanite Aqualite Aragonite Arakiite Aramayoite Arapovite Aravaipaite Arcanite (2) Archerite Arctite Ardaite Ardealite Ardennite-(As) Arfvedsonite (2) Argentite Argentojarosite Argentopentlandite Argentopyrite Argutite Argyrodite (2) Arhbarite Aristarainite Armalcolite Armangite Armbrusterite (2) Armenite Armstrongite Arrojadite (2) Arrojadite-(BaFe) Arrojadite-(KFe) Arrojadite-(KNa) Arrojadite-(NaFe) Arsenbrackebuschite Arsendescloizite Arsenic (3) Arseniopleite Arseniosiderite (2) Arsenocrandallite Arsenoflorencite-(Ce) Arsenoflorencite-(La) Arsenogorceixite (2) Arsenogoyazite (2) Arsenohauchecornite Arsenolamprite (3) Arsenolite Arsenopalladinite (2) Arsenopyrite (2) Arsenosulvanite Arsenpolybasite Arsentsumebite Arsenuranospathite Arsenuranylite Arthurite (2) Artinite (2) Artsmithite (2) Arzakite Asbecasite Asbolane Aschamalmite (2) Ashburtonite Asisite Aspidolite Asselbornite Astrocyanite-(Ce) Astrophyllite Atacamite (2) Atelestite Atencioite Athabascaite Atheneite Atlasovite Atokite (3) Attakolite Attikaite Aubertite Augelite (2) Augite (3) Aurichalcite Auricupride Aurivilliusite Aurorite Aurostibite Austinite Autunite (2) Avdoninite Avicennite Avogadrite (3) Awaruite Axinite-(Fe) Axinite-(Mg) Axinite-(Mn) Azoproite Azurite (4)

Index of Mineral Copyright Galleries

(2) [ Adam Larson ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Adam Larson&st=1& "View Adam Larson Image Gallery") (6) Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Alex Ruzicka [ American Mineralogist ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=American Mineralogist&st=1& "View American Mineralogist Image Gallery") (187) Andreas Ertl Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting Bavarian Research Institute Bernhard Pracejus Bill Birch Bonnie Light [ Canadian Mineralogist ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Canadian Mineralogist&st=1& "View Canadian Mineralogist Image Gallery") (206) [ Carlo Guidarin ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Carlo Guidarin&st=1& "View Carlo Guidarin Image Gallery") (3) Charles Fisher Chinese Science Bulletin [ Chris Wright ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Chris Wright&st=1& "View Chris Wright Image Gallery") (10) [ Dan Weinrich ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Dan Weinrich&st=1& "View Dan Weinrich Image Gallery") (48) [ Dave Barthelmy ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Dave Barthelmy&st=1& "View Dave Barthelmy Image Gallery") (88) [ Diederik Visser ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Diederik Visser&st=1& "View Diederik Visser Image Gallery") (140) Diego Rodriguez Acosta Doklady Earth Sciences [ Ed Rosenzweig ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Ed Rosenzweig&st=1& "View Ed Rosenzweig Image Gallery") (3) Electron Optics Image Gallery Elements Magazine [ Eric Erbe ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Eric Erbe&st=1& "View Eric Erbe Image Gallery") (4) [ Erik Rutnik ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Erik Rutnik&st=1& "View Erik Rutnik Image Gallery") (2) [ Eur. J. Mineral ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Eur. J. Mineral&st=1& "View Eur. J. Mineral Image Gallery") (15) Eur. Sync. Rad. Fac. [ Fabre Minerals ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Fabre Minerals&st=1& "View Fabre Minerals Image Gallery") (161) [ Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources&st=1& "View Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Image Gallery") (3) Fred Davis Geoarchaeology Geology Geophyscial Research Letters George Stevens, Malcom Alter [ German Type Specimen Catalogue ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=German Type Specimen Catalogue&st=1& "View German Type Specimen Catalogue Image Gallery") (6) Gruppo Mineralogico Romano I.V. Pekov & A.V. Kasatkin Ibrahim Jameel [ Isaias Casanova ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Isaias Casanova&st=1& "View Isaias Casanova Image Gallery") (22) J. Sejkora Jeanne S. Broome Jeff Scovil [ Jeff Weissman ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Jeff Weissman&st=1& "View Jeff Weissman Image Gallery") (1387) Jim McEwen JMPS (6) Joe Marty [ John Attard ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=John Attard&st=1& "View John Attard Image Gallery") (12) [ John Betts - Fine Minerals ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=John Betts - Fine Minerals&st=1& "View John Betts - Fine Minerals Image Gallery") (100) [ John Schneider ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=John Schneider&st=1& "View John Schneider Image Gallery") (5) [ John Veevaert ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=John Veevaert&st=1& "View John Veevaert Image Gallery") (322) [ Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences&st=1& "View Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences Image Gallery") (2) [ K.C. Lyncker, Hamburg ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=K.C. Lyncker, Hamburg&st=1& "View K.C. Lyncker, Hamburg Image Gallery") (2) Katie Phillips [ Kevin Ward ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Kevin Ward&st=1& "View Kevin Ward Image Gallery") (12) Kieth Hayes László Horváth László Horváth LeVar Burton Lithos (3) [ Lou Perloff ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Lou Perloff&st=1& "View Lou Perloff Image Gallery") (401) [ Lunar and Planetary Science Instutute ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Lunar and Planetary Science Instutute&st=1& "View Lunar and Planetary Science Instutute Image Gallery") (2) [ Meteoritics & Planetary Science ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Meteoritics & Planetary Science&st=1& "View Meteoritics & Planetary Science Image Gallery") (3) [ Mineralogia Polonica ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Mineralogia Polonica&st=1& "View Mineralogia Polonica Image Gallery") (2) [ Mineralogical Journal ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Mineralogical Journal&st=1& "View Mineralogical Journal Image Gallery") (8) [ Mineralogical Magazine ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Mineralogical Magazine&st=1& "View Mineralogical Magazine Image Gallery") (31) Mineralogical Record Mineralogy and Petrology Minservice Museum of Natural History [ Museum Victoria ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Museum Victoria&st=1& "View Museum Victoria Image Gallery") (2) N.A. Pekova Nagashima mineral collection NASA Nataly A. Pekova [ National Resouces of Canada ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=National Resouces of Canada&st=1& "View National Resouces of Canada Image Gallery") (16) Natrual History Museum [ New Data on Minerals. M., 2005. Vol. 40 ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=New Data on Minerals. M., 2005. Vol. 40&st=1& "View New Data on Minerals. M., 2005. Vol. 40 Image Gallery") (2) Okayama University [ OMNI Laboratories, Inc ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=OMNI Laboratories, Inc&st=1& "View OMNI Laboratories, Inc Image Gallery") (5) P. Tarassoff [ Paul M. Schumacher ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Paul M. Schumacher&st=1& "View Paul M. Schumacher Image Gallery") (81) [ Pavel M. Kartashov ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Pavel M. Kartashov&st=1& "View Pavel M. Kartashov Image Gallery") (68) Pennsylvania DCNR Pierre Perroud PNAS Quintin Wight R. Vernet [ Reiner Mielke ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Reiner Mielke&st=1& "View Reiner Mielke Image Gallery") (2) [ Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina&st=1& "View Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina Image Gallery") (2) [ Rhonda Spencer ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Rhonda Spencer&st=1& "View Rhonda Spencer Image Gallery") (3) Rich Geiger [ Richard Dale ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Richard Dale&st=1& "View Richard Dale Image Gallery") (27) [ Rob Lavinsky ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Rob Lavinsky&st=1& "View Rob Lavinsky Image Gallery") (38) Royal Ontario Museum [ Rruff Database ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Rruff Database&st=1& "View Rruff Database Image Gallery") (169) S Naung II S. Ansermet [ Sandro Maggia ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Sandro Maggia&st=1& "View Sandro Maggia Image Gallery") (21) Sarah L. Hansen [ Saudi Geological Survey ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Saudi Geological Survey&st=1& "View Saudi Geological Survey Image Gallery") (4) [ Sergey Vasiliev ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Sergey Vasiliev&st=1& "View Sergey Vasiliev Image Gallery") (49) [ Sergio Varvello ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Sergio Varvello&st=1& "View Sergio Varvello Image Gallery") (4) Sigurd Stordal [ Sonke Stolze ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Sonke Stolze&st=1& "View Sonke Stolze Image Gallery") (14) [ Thomas Schlothauer ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Thomas Schlothauer&st=1& "View Thomas Schlothauer Image Gallery") (4) [ Thomas Witzke ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Thomas Witzke&st=1& "View Thomas Witzke Image Gallery") (36) [ Thomas Witzke ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Thomas Witzke&st=1& "View Thomas Witzke Image Gallery") (568) [ Tom Loomis ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Tom Loomis&st=1& "View Tom Loomis Image Gallery") (266) University de Liege University of Wisconsin [ Walter Gabriel ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=Walter Gabriel&st=1& "View Walter Gabriel Image Gallery") (23) Walter Mroch [ William Lechner ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=William Lechner&st=1& "View William Lechner Image Gallery") (2) [ William Pinch ](../specimens/gallery.php?copy=William Pinch&st=1& "View William Pinch Image Gallery") (10) William Wise Willibald Büdel Willow Wight