Judy Converse, MPH, RD (original) (raw)
Judy Converse, MPH, RD
Web: http://www.nutritioncare.net/
[2011 May] Judy Converse on GMO and Vaccine Damage and How to Fix It
[2011 Jan] Wakefield Has Company by Judy Converse, MPH RD LD
[2007] Letter to IOM President Fineberg by Judy Converse, MPH, RD, LD
Testimony before Massachusetts House of Representatives Joint Committee on Education, Arts, and Humanities (March 2001)
Testimony May 18, 1999 "Hepatitis B Vaccine: Helping or Hurting Public Health"
Book: [2002] When Your Doctor is Wrong Hepatitis B Vaccine, Autism, & One Child's Rescue
Special Needs Kids Go Pharm-Free, by Judy Converse, MPH, RD, LD.
Quotes [2011 May] Judy Converse on GMO and Vaccine Damage and How to Fix It Two major changes happened in the 1990s in the US, making American children born since then extremely vulnerable: One, the FDA permitted, with no safety review, the introduction ofgenetically modified (GMO) foods – including soy and corn, which both go into infant formulas and most processed foods....The gene inserted into GMO soy makes soy produce its own insecticide....The FDA said there no proof this is unsafe, so they allowed these highly profitable crops into the food supply. These cantrigger allergies more often than their naturally occurring counterparts; other findings of detrimental effects on animals eating GMO feed crops are very disconcerting, from increased miscarriages and organ failures to death. Consumers are just beginning to understand this issue. Eating food that’s genetically modified to produce its own pesticide is something we wouldn’t want to do if given the choice, but Americans were not given the choice. Interestingly, the UK is also a GMO friendly nation, and has an even a higher rate of autism than the US.