Lydia, Magnesia - Ancient Greek Coins (original) (raw)



Magnesia ad Sipylum, AE20, civic issue, 2nd-1st c. BC. Turreted head of Kybele right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛ, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. ΩΠYΡ monogram in lower left field. BMC 4; Winterthur 3786; BMC 4; Sear GIC 4702; SNG Turkey 10, 563; G�kyildirim Istanbul 223; GRPC Lydia 27.




Magnesia ad Spiylum, AE21, Autonomous issue. 200-100 BC. 10.06 g. Turreted head of Kybele right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠY, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. ΔAΡK monogram in upper left field. BMC 5 corr (monogram); SNG Munich 219; GRPC Lydia 24.




Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE14. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 4.0 g. Head of Artemis right, wearing stephane, bow and quiver behind neck / ΣIΠYΛOY MAΓNHTΩN above, Zeus, bare to waist, standing left, and Hermes, chlamys over arm and petatos at his back, standing right, holding sceptre between them. ΔΠY monogram in left field. BMC 6; Paris 1461; GRPC Lydia 9.



BMC 10

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 2nd-1st Century BC. AE 23mm (8.27 gm). Laureate head of Herakles right / Athena standing left, holding Nike in extended right hand and resting left on shield set on ground; ΠXAΡ monogram in upper left field. BMC 10; Winterthur 3787; Hunter 1-2; Lindgren 753; GRPC Lydia 9.



BMC 16

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, semi-autonomous. AD 138-268. Magistrate M Jul. Metrodorus. EΠI CTΡA M OYΛ MHTΡOΔΩΡOY, head of Zeus right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding poppy, corn-ears and torch. BMC 16; SNG Cop 246; SNG Munich 232; Waddington 5073; Paris 645; GRPC Lydia 47.



BMC 17

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE25, semi-autonomous issue. AD 238-244. Magistrate Aur. Theodotos. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / EΠ CT AY ΘEOΔOTOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛ, tetrastyle temple with Tyche standing left within, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 17; RPC VII 292.6; Mionnet Supp. VII, 269; GRPC Lydia 63.



BMC 19

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. semi-autonomous. Circa 2nd-3rd Century AD. AE 15mm. MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, bearded head of Zeus, Herakles or Sipylos / EΡMOC, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding cornucopiae, resting left arm inverted urn from which water flows. BMC 19; Weber 6840; Imhoof FG 318; Imhoof LS 1; Mionnet IV, 363; SNG von Aulock 2997; SNG Tuebingen 3706-3707; Falter 471-472 and 474; SNG Cop 248; SNG Munich 231; GRPC Lydia 54.



BMC 20

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE16, semi-autonomous. 138-276. 3.3 g. MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, bearded head of Sipylos right / EΡMOC, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding cornucopiae and resting left arm on an overturned urn from which waters flow. BMC 20-21; SNG Cop 248; GRPC Lydia 54.



BMC 22

Magnesia, Lydia. AE, semi-autonomous, AD 138-276. bearded head of Sipylos right / MAΓNHTΩN, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding cornucopiae, resting left elbow on overturned urn. BMC 22; Sardis XI 231; GRPC Lydia 56.



BMC 25

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE15, 138-276 AD. 2.43 g. CIΠYΛOC, bearded head of Sipylos right / MAΓNHTON, tripod. BMC 25-26; Walcher 2680; SNG Munich 235; Leypold I, 1033; Paris 619 and 641A; SNG Turkey 10, 570; GRPC Lydia 44.



BMC 28

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE19, 138-276 AD. 5.14 g. CIΠYΛOC, bearded head of mountain-god Sipylos right / MAΓNHTON, Asklepios standing facing, looking left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. BMC 28-29; SNG Cop 252; Weber 6841-6842; Mionnet IV, 376; SNG von Aulock 2998: Hunter 6; SNG Tuebingen 3708; GRPC Lydia 52.



BMC 30

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE18, 138-276 AD. 2.96 g. CIΠYΛOC, bearded head of mountain-god Sipylos right / MAΓNHTON, Homonoia standing left, kalathos on head, holding patera and cornucopiae. BMC 30; SNG Cop 251; SNG Munich 236; Mionnet IV, 377; Leypold I, 1034; SNG Turkey 10, 571; GRPC Lydia 50.



BMC 31

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE 13.7mm, 2.29 g. MAΓNHTΩN, turreted head of Kybele (or Tyche) right / CIΠYΛOY, scorpion. BMC 31; Mionnet Supp. VII, 260; Plankenhorn 1094; GRPC Lydia 80.



BMC 32

Magnesia, Lydia, AE12, semi-autonomous issue. AD 238-244. 1.39 g. MAΓNHTΩN, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding cornucopiae and resting arm on overturned urn / CIΠYΛOY, scorpion. BMC 32; Mionnet Supp. VII, 265; GRPC Lydia 81.



BMC 33

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE16, Semi-autonomous. 238-244. MAΓNHCIA, turreted, draped bust of Tyche right / CIΠYΛOY, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding reed and resting arm on overturned urn. BMC 33; SNG Righetti 1042; SNG Munich 244; Leypold I, 1031; GRPC Lydia 77.



BMC 34

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE14, semi-autonomous. 238-244. 1.72 g. MAΓNHCIA, turreted, draped bust of Tyche right / CIΠYΛOY, tripod. BMC 34; SNG Cop 256; SNG Munich 243; Leypold I, 1030; GRPC Lydia 45.



BMC 36

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE17, Semi-autonomous. 238-244. 2.65 g. MAΓNHCIA, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / CIΠYΛOY, Tyche standing left, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Weber 6843; BMC 36-37; SNG Cop 253; SNG Tuebingen 3710; SNG Munich 242; Mionnet IV, 371; Paris 634; GRPC Lydia 82.



BMC 39

Magnesia ad Sipylum. AE23. semi-autonomous issue. 238-244. 4.86 g. MAΓNHCIA, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, Kybele, turreted, standing left between two lions, holding patera and drum. SNG Cop 254; BMC 39-40; SNG Munich 238-240; Mionnet IV, 370; GRPC Lydia 75.



BMC 41

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE20. Semi-autonomous. 238-244. 5.72 g. MAΓNHCIA, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Kybele, turreted, standing left between two lions, holding patera in right hand and drum on shoulder. BMC 41; Mionnet IV, 369; Paris 632; GRPC Lydia 74.



BMC 42

Magnesia, Lydia, AE22, semi-autonomous. AD 238-244. 5.41 g. MAΓNHCIA, turreted, draped bust of Tyche right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYL, humped bull standing left. SNG Cop 255; BMC 42; SNG Munich 241; Leypold I, 1029; GRPC Lydia 71.



BMC 43

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE23, 2nd - 3rd Century BC. 4.55 g. MAΓNHCIA, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, humped bull standing right. BMC 43; Lindgren III 488A; GRPC Lydia 72.



Emec 865

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE23, semi-autonomous issue. 3.18 g. AD 138-268. Magistrates Fl. Numenios and Fl. Dionysios. ΘEON CYNKΛHTON MAΓNHTΩN EΠI ΦΛABIOC NOYMHNIOC, draped bust of the Senate right. / EΠI ΦΛABIOY ΔIONYCIOY MA..TOY, Kybele seated left, holding patera, resting left arm on drum, lion at her side. Eme� coll. 865; GRPC Lydia 60a (supplement, forthcoming). Legends var of SNG Munich 245; Mionnet IV, 382.



Fox Ilang 40

Magnesia, Lydia, AE11. 464-449 BC. Head of Senate? right / MAΓNH-TΩN, Apollo, naked except for chlamys hanging behind from his shoulders, standing left, holding raven and laurel branch. GRPC Lydia 1. (reverse similar to the obverse of Schultz AM 88).



GRPC Lydia 39

Magnesia ad Sipylum, AE15, semi-autonomous issue. Time of Augustus? Magistrate Kilas. 3.2 g. MAΓNHTΩN TΩN AΠO ΣIΠYΛOY, turreted head of Tyche right / K(IΛ)AΣ, Zeus, bare to waist, chlamys over arm, standing left, facing Hermes, cloak hanging behind, standing right, holding sceptre between them. ΠoE monogram in left field. GRPC Lydia 39. Gitbud and Naumann DF0908.



GRPC Lydia 55

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE16, AD 138-276. MAΓNHTΩ CIΠYΛOY, bearded head of Sipylos right, scorpion countermark below. / EΡMOC, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding cornucopiae, resting on overturned urn. GRPC Lydia 55. Agora 75, 175.



GRPC Lydia 57

Magnesia ad Sipylum, AE16, semi-autonomous. 138-276. MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, bearded head of Sipylos right / (no legend) river-god Hermos reclining left, holding cornucopiae, resting on overturned urn from which waters flow. GRPC Lydia 57. Tom Cederlind Item AG1918 on



G�kyildirim 226

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE15, Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 4.24 g. Head of Artemis right, wearing stephane, bow and quiver behind neck / ΣIΠYΛOY MAΓNHTΩN, Zeus, bare to waist, standing left, and Hermes, chlamys over arm and petatos at his back, standing right, holding sceptre between them. EK monogram in left field. G�kyildirim Istanbul 226; GRPC Lydia 10. BMC 6-7 var (monogram); SNG Cop 241 var (ditto).



Hunter 7

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE27. semi-autonomous. 238-244. Magistrate Au. Theodotus. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / EP CT AY QEODOTOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, tetrastyle temple with Tyche standing left within, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Hunter 7; SNG Hunterian 1431; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 772; Walcher Coll. 2677; Paris 643; Mionnet Supp. VII, 268; SNG Turkey 10, 566; RPC VII 292.3; GRPC Lydia 64.



Leypold 1033

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE16. Semi-autonomous. 138-244. CIΠYΛOC, bearded and draped bust of Sipylos right / MAΓNHTΩN, tripod. Walcher 2680; BMC 25-26; SNG Munich 235; Leypold I, 1033; Paris 641A; GRPC Lydia 44.



Lindgren 753

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE23 semi-autonomous, 2nd century BC. 11 g. Bearded head of Herakles right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛOY, Athena standing left, holding Nike in extended right hand and resting left hand on shield. M-like monogram at upper left, countermarked. Lindgren 753 (this coin); BMC 10; Winterthur 3787; Hunter 1-2; GRPC Lydia 18.



Mionnet IV, 361

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE14. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 3.33 g. Laureate head of Zeus right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛOY, serpent coiled around omphalos. ΩΠN monogram below. Mionnet IV, 361; Paris 616; GRPC Lydia 38.



Mionnet IV, 364

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE16. semi-autonomous. 238-244. Bearded head of Herakles right, lionskin knotted around neck / MAΓNHTΩN, lion walking right. Hunter 4; Leypold I, 1028 corr. ("Zeus"); SNG Righetti 1041; SNG Munich 230; Mionnet IV, 364; Paris 639C; GRPC Lydia 67.



Mionnet IV, 366

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE20. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 7.42 g. Turreted head of Kybele right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠY, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. EAΡ monogram in left field. Mionnet IV, 366; Paris 627; GRPC Lydia 25.



Mionnet IV, 367

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE21, Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 7.85 g. Turreted head of Kybele right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛOY, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. No monogram visible. Mionnet IV, 367; Paris 1966.453; GRPC Lydia 28.



Mionnet IV, 368

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE 15.4 mm. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 2.76 g. Helmeted head of Athena right, with aegis / MAΓN ΣIΠYΛOY, Homonoia standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae. Mionnet IV, 368; Paris 630; GRPC Lydia 13.



Mionnet IV, 372

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE23, 2nd-3rd Century BC. 4.55 g. MAΓNHΣIA, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛ, humped bull walking right. Mionnet IV, 372; Paris 635; GRPC Lydia 73.



Mionnet IV, 380

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, semi-autonomous. AD 238-244. Magistrate Au. Theodotus. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right / EΠ CT AY ΘEOΔOTOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, distyle temple with Kybele, kalathos on head, standing left within, holding patera and drum, lions at her sides. SNG von Aulock 2999; SNG Cop 249; Mionnet IV, 380; Paris 642; SNG Munich 249; McClean 8674; GRPC Lydia 60.



Mionnet IV 385

Magnesia ad Sipylos, Lydia. AE issued by Proconsul Marcus Tullius M.f. Cicero. 30-20 BC. Magistrate Theodoros. MAΡKOΣ TYΛΛIOΣ KIKEΡΩN, bare head of Cicero right / MAΓNHTΩN TΩN AΠO ΣIΠYΛOY ΘEO-ΔΩ-ΡOΣ in two lines around, a right hand, holding wreath, two corn-ears and vine branch with bunch of grapes. Mionnet IV, 385; Hennin I, pl. 53, 1; RPC I 2448; BMC 13-15; Paris 647-648A; SNG Munich 250-251; SNG Lewis 1422; GRPC Lydia 87.



Mionnet Supp VII, 256

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE13, Autonomous issue. 200-0 BC. Head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy / MAΓNHTΩN (ΣIΠYΛOY above, off flan), rider on horseback galloping left, holding horizontal spear, ΔΠY monogram in upper right field. Mionnet Supp. VII, 256; Sestini: Fontana III, 1; GRPC Lydia 15.



Mionnet Supp. VII, 267

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE21, semi-autonomous. AD 238-244. 4.04 g. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare head of the Senate right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear, resting left hand on shield. Mionnet Supp. VII, 267; Paris 646; SNG Cop 250; Waddington 5074; SNG Munich 247-248; Vienna 33386; GRPC Lydia 69.



Mionnet Supp. VII, 268

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE25. Semi-autonomous. AD 238-244. Magistrate Au. Theodotus. 6.65 g. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, draped bust of the Senate right, countermark: turreted head of Tyche right (Howgego 198) / EP CT AY QEODOTOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, tetrastyle temple with Tyche standing left within, polos on head, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Mionnet Supp. VII, 268; Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 772; Walcher Coll. 2677; Chaudoir 2; Hunter 7; SNG Hunterian 1431; Paris 643; SNG Turkey 10, 566; RPC VII 292.3; GRPC Lydia 64.



Mionnet Supp. VII, 270

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE21, semi-autonomous, AD 253-268. Magistrate Frontonos. IEΡA CYNKΛHTOC, bare-headed, draped bust of the Senate right / EΠ ΦΡONTΩNOC MAΓN CIΠY, tetrastyle temple with Tyche standing left within, kalathos on head, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Mionnet Supp. VII, 270; GRPC Lydia 86.



Paris 624

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE20. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 8.11 g. Laureate head of Herakles right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛOY, Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear, resting left hand on shield. ΡAΛ monogram in left field. SNG Cop 242; Paris 624; GRPC Lydia 20.



Paris 624A

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE23. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. Magistrate (monogram) Philn.. 10.94 g. Bearded head of Herakles right / MAΓNHTΩ ΣIΠYΛ, Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear, resting left hand on shield. ΦIΛN monogram in left field. Paris 624A; Walcher Coll. 2678; GRPC Lydia 17.



Paris 627

Magnesia ad Sipylum, AE21, Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 8.39 g. Turreted head of Kybele right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛ, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. EAΡ monogram in upper left field. Mionnet IV, 366; Paris 627; GRPC Lydia 25.



Paris 635

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE16, semi-autonomous. 238-244. 5.64 g. MAΓNHCIA, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛ, humped bull standing right. Paris 635; Mionnet IV, 372; GRPC Lydia 73.



Paris 644

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE15? Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 3.77 g. Head of Artemis right, wearing stephane, bow and quiver behind neck / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛOY, Zeus, bare to waist, standing left, and Hermes, chlamys over arm and petatos at his back, standing right, holding sceptre between them, large thunderbolt in upper centre. ΠA monogram in left field. Paris 644; G�kyildirim Istanbul 225; GRPC Lydia 8.



Paris M3131

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE21. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 8.59 g. Turreted head of Kybele right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠY, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. ΠA monogram in left field. Paris M3131; Aiello Coll. int. no. 212; GRPC Lydia 26.



RPC 2448

Roman Consular AE23 Provincial of Proconsul Marcus Tullius M.f. Cicero. 30-20 BC. Magistrate Theodoros. 5.55 g. MAΡKOΣ TYΛΛIOΣ KIKEΡΩN, bare head of Cicero right / MAΓNHTΩN AΠO ΣIΠYΛOY around, ΘEO-ΔΩ-ΡOΣ across fields, right hand, closed, holding wreath, two corn-ears and vine branch with bunch of grapes. RPC I 2448; BMC 13-15; Paris 647-648A; SNG Munich 250-251; SNG Lewis 1422; GRPC Lydia 87.



SNG Cop 247

Imperial Times, Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE15. Bearded, draped bust of Herakles right / MAΓNHTΩN above and beneath lion walking right. BMC 24, SNG Copenhagen 247, SNG UK 4863; GRPC Lydia 66.



SNG Cop 251

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia AE20. Autonomous, ca 2nd - 3rd Century AD. Bearded head of Sipylos right / MAΓNHTΩN, Homonoia standing left, holding cornucopiae and patera. SNG Cop 251; BMC 30; SNG Munich 236; Mionnet IV, 377; Leypold I, 1034; SNG Turkey 10, 571; GRPC Lydia 50.



SNG Cop 256

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AE17. semi-autonomous, AD 138-244. MAΓNHCIA, draped and turreted bust of Tyche right / CIΠYΛOY, tripod. BMC 34; SNG Cop 256; SNG Munich 243; Leypold I, 1030; Winsemann 2878; GRPC Lydia 45.



SNG Munich 222

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 8.46 g. Laureate, bearded head of Herakles right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛOY, Athena standing left, holding Nike and spear, resting left hand on shield. A in left field. SNG Munich 222; Paris 624B; GRPC Lydia 15.



SNG vA 2998

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, 19mm, 3.15g. CIΠYΛOC, bearded head of the mountain-god Sipylos right / MAΓNHTΩN; Asklepios standing facing, head left, resting on serpent-entwined staff. SNG von Aulock 2998; GRPC Lydia 52.



Vossen 5850

Magnesia ad Sipylum, semi-autonomous issue. AD 138-244. AE15, 2.81 g. Head of Sipylus right, hair bound in a taenia / MAΓNHTΩN, tripod, dot in Δ monogram in upper left field. Vossen 5850; GRPC Lydia 30.



Vossen 74221

Magnesia ad Sipylum, AE21, Autonomous. 200-100 BC. 8.39 g. Turreted head of Kybele right / MAΓNHTΩN ΣIΠYΛ, Zeus Lydios standing left, holding eagle and sceptre. EAΡ monogram in upper left field. Vossen 74221; Mionnet IV, 366; Paris 627; GRPC Lydia 25.



Winterthur 3785

Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AE18. Autonomous. 2nd c. BC. Male head right (king or priest), hair bound in a broad taenia / MAΓNH ΣIΠYΛO, tripod altar, Δ on ΣTKΡ monogram above. Winterthur 3785; GRPC Lydia 30.




RPC 2449

Augustus, Livia, Gaius and Lucius AE19 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. MAΓNHTEΣ AΠO ΣIΠYΛOY ΣEBAΣTΩI, jugate busts of Augustus, laureate and Livia, draped right / ΔIONYΣIOΣ ΔIONYΣIOY KIΛAΣ IEΡEYΣ ΣEBAΣTOY, confronted heads of Caius Caesar right and Lucius Caesar left. RPC I 2449; BMC 44-46; Imhoof LS 2; Paris 650-651; Waddington 5075-5076; SNG Munich 254; Mionnet IV, 387; Mionnet Supp. VII, 273; GRPC Lydia 90.



RPC 2450

Augustus, AE18 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. ca. 2 BC. 2.97 g. MAΓNHTEΣ AΠO ΣIΠYΛOY ΣEBAΣTΩI, bare head of Augustus right / ΔIONYΣIOΣ KIΛAΣ, draped bust of Livia right. RPC I 2450; Paris 649; GRPC Lydia 89.




RPC 2452

Livia, AE16, 3.91 gr of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. After 17 AD. CEBACTHN MAΓNHTEC AΠO C, draped bust of Livia right / ΘEON CYNKΛHTON, draped bust of Senate right. RPC 2452; GRPC Lydia 94-96.



RPC 2452C

Livia AE16 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 17-37 BC. 2.76 g. CEBACTHN MAΓNHTEC AΠ CI, draped bust of Livia right / ΘEON CYNKΛHTON, bare head of the Senate right. RPC I 2452C; Paris 655; Waddington 5077; Imhoof LS 3; GRPC Lydia 96.



RPC 2453

Livia, AE18 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 3.07 g. Struck under Tiberius, AD 14-37. ΘEAN CEBACTHN, draped bust of Livia right / CYNKΛHTON MAΓNHTEC AΠO C, draped bust of the Senate right. RPC I 2453; BMC 48; Mionnet Supp. VII, 272; Paris 652; SNG Munich 256; Plankenhorn 1091; GRPC Lydia 97.




RPC 2451

Tiberius, AE21 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 17-18 AD. TIBEΡION CEBACTON KTICTHN, laureate bust right / MAΓNHTΩN AΠO CIΠYΛOY, Emperor, in military dress, clasping hand of Tyche. RPC 2451; SNG von Aulock 3000; Sear Greek 272; GRPC Lydia 98.




RPC 2454

Caligula, AE of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 37-41 AD. 4.25 g. ΓAION KAIΣAΡA CEBACTON. radiate head right / ΓEΡMANIKON KAI AΓΡIΠΠINAN, AM A ΠO CIΠY, Germanicus, veiled, standing facing; to right, Agrippina as Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and sceptre. RPC 2454; BMC 49; GRPC Lydia 99.




RPC 2456

Nero, AE15.5 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 15.4 mm., 3.09 g. NEΡΩNA KAICAΡA, bare head left / from top left, anti-clockwise, MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY ΘEAN CYNKΛH-TON, draped bust of the Senate right. RPC I 2456; BMC 52; SNG Munich 260; SNG Cop 258; Weber 3341; Mionnet Supp. VII, 284; Paris 660; GRPC Lydia 106.



RPC 2457

Nero and Agrippina, AE19 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 54-59. NEΡΩNA KAICAΡA, jugate heads of Nero and Agrippina right / MAΓNHTΩN AΓΡIΠΠINA CEBACTH, Demeter standing front, holding poppy, corn-ears and torch, before her stands Nero left, holding sceptre and raising right hand. RPC I 2457; BMC 53-55; Imhoof LS 4; Paris 1483; SNG T�bingen 3711-3712; SNG Turkey 7, 387; SNG Turkey 5, 431; GRPC Lydia 110.



RPC 2458

Nero and Agrippina II. AE16 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 3,54 g. AD 54-59. NEΡΩNA CEBACTON, laureate head right / AΓΡIΠΠINA CEBACTH MAΓNH, draped bust of Agrippina II right. RPC I 2458; Paris 661; GRPC Lydia 115.



RPC 2459

Nero and Poppaea, AE20 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 62-65. 5.25 g. NEΡΩNA ΠOΠΠAIAN CEBACTOYC, jugate heads of Nero and Poppaea right / ΘEAN ΡΩMHN MAΓNHTΩN AΠO CIΠYΛOY, turreted, draped bust of Roma right. RPC I 2459; Paris 666; Mionnet IV, 395; GRPC Lydia 113.



RPC 2460

Nero. AE22 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AD 63-68. NEΡΩN CEBACTOC, laureate head right / MAΓNHTΩN AΠO CIΠYΛOY, turreted head of Tyche left. RPC I 2460; Vienna 28716; SNG Munich 261; Mionnet IV, 394; SNG von Aulock 3002; Lindgren I 755; Imhoof LS 5; Imhoof KM 2; GRPC Lydia 109.




Mionnet IV, 397
RPC 985 var

Domitian. AE21 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 81-96. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡ CEBACTOC, laureate head right / MAΓNHTΩN AΠO CIΠY(ΛOY?), Apollo, bare to waist, seated left on stool, holding patera and resting arm on lyre on omphalos at his side. Hunter 8; Imhoof 6; Mionnet IV, 397; Paris 667; RPC II 985 var (rev. legend); GRPC Lydia 117.




RPC 986

Domitia AE 16mm of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. ΔOMITIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓNH CIΠY, river-god Sipylos reclining left on overturned amphora, holding reed and cornucopiae. SNG von Aulock 3003; SNG Munich 264; SNG Cop 259; GRPC Lydia 122.




Mionnet IV, 400

Trajan. AE22 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 98-117. 6.28 g. AY KAI TΡAIANΩ, laureate head right. / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Kybele, seated left, holding patera and resting left arm on drum, lion at foot left. Mionnet IV, 400; Paris 670; RPC III 1946 corr (obv legend); GRPC Lydia 125.




Righetti Coll. 775

Hadrian. AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum. 117-138. 8.93 g. AV KAI T A AΔΡ AΔΡIANOC, laureate head right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛO, Dionysos, wearing short chiton, standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left. Righetti Coll. Sale IV, 775; RPC III -; GRPC Lydia 126.




Mionnet IV, 401

Sabina AE20 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 117-138. 5.87 g. CABI CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓNH CIΠYΛOY, Homonoia standing left, polos on head, holding patera and cornucopiae. Mionnet IV, 401; Paris 671; BMC 57; RPC III 1947; GRPC Lydia 129.



Waddington 5079

Sabina, AE20 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 4.41 g. 117-138. CABINA CEBACTH (or CABEINA), draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears and cornucopiae. Waddington 5079; Paris 672; RPC III 1948; GRPC Lydia 127.




BMC 58

Antoninus Pius, AE24 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 138-161. 6.78 g. AY KAI T AI AΔΡIA ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Castor standing left, naked, holding transverse spear and the bridle of a horse standing left behind him. BMC 58; Waddington 5081; Paris 674; GRPC Lydia 133.



Waddington 5080

Antoninus Pius AE33 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 138-161. 26.90 g. AY KAI T AI AΔΡIA ANTΩNEINOC or similar, laureate head right / EΠI... AΠOΛΛΩNIOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Kybele, resting left arm on drum, sitting left, in a standing biga of lions left. Waddington 5080; Paris 673; GRPC Lydia 132.




BMC 59

Marcus Aurelius, AE16 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, 161-180. 2.55 g. KAI AYΡHΛIOC, bare-headed, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, the child Ploutos standing left in short chiton, holding the front above his waist with both hands, carrying fruit in its folds. BMC 59; SNG Cop 262; SNG Munich 268; Mionnet IV, 406; Mionnet Supp. VII, 291; Leypold I, 1040; Paris 675-677; Waddington 5082 corr. (rev description); GRPC Lydia 137.




Imhoof LS 8

Faustina II, AE 26 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓN-HTΩN-EN MO-NIΔEIA in four lines within wreath of corn. Imhoof LS 8; Vienna 1947; GRPC Lydia 141.



Imhoof LS 8(2)

Faustina II, AE 26 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓN-HTΩN-EN MON-IΔEIA in four lines within wreath of corn. Imhoof LS 8; Vienna 1947; GRPC Lydia 141.



Paris 678

Faustina II, AE26 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 147-176. 11.11 g. ΦAYCTEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY EΡMOC, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding reed and resting left arm on an overturned urn. Paris 678; GRPC Lydia 143; SNG Munich 269 var (obv. legend); Mionnet IV, 409 var (ditto).



SNG Munich 269

Faustina II AE17 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 147-176. ΦAYCTEINA CEBAC, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY EΡMOC, river-god Hermos reclining left, holding reed and resting left arm on an overturned urn. SNG Munich 269; Mionnet IV, 409; Paris 679; GRPC Lydia 144.




BMC 60

Commodus, AE30 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 180-192. 14.18 g. Magistrate Aelius Kodra-. AVT KAI MAΡ AVΡH KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA A KOΔΡA, MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOC, Kybele, turreted, holding drum, sitting left in a biga of lions left. BMC 60; GRPC Lydia 145.



Paris 682

Commodus, AE26.5 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 177-192 AD. Magistrate Ai. Codra. AYT KAI MAΡ AYΡH KOMOΔOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡA AI KOΔΡA MAΓNHTΩ, CIΠYΛO, Nike standing left, crowning trophy with a shield at lower left and a captive bound to the mast. Paris 682-683; SNG Munich 270 corr. (obv. legend); Vienna 38671; Winsemann 1045; RPC IV online 2360; GRPC Lydia 149.




BMC 61-62

Crispina, AE26 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 178-192. 11.27 g. KΡICΠEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / CTΡ AIΛ KOΔΡA MAΓNHT CIΠYΛO, tetrastyle temple with figure of Kybele standing left within, holding drum on left shoulder, lion at foot to left and right. BMC 61-62; SNG Tuebingen 3713; GRPC Lydia 152.



Imhoof LS 8

Crispina, AE 26 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 178-192. CΡICΠEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right. / MAΓN-HTΩN-EMMO-NIACIA in four lines within wreath of corn. Imhoof LS 8; Winterthur 3797; Vienna 1947; GRPC Lydia 156.



Mionnet IV, 413

Crispina AE27 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 178-192. Magistrate Ael. Kodra. 12.24 g. KΡICΠEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / CTΡ AIΛ KOΔΡATOY MAΓNHT CIΠYΛOY, distyle temple, open pediment; Kybele, turreted, standing left within, holding patera and drum, between two lions. Mionnet IV, 413; Paris 684; GRPC Lydia 151.



Mionnet IV, 414

Crispina AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 178-192. Magistrate Ael. Kodra. KΡICΠEINA CEBACT, draped bust right / CTΡ AIΛ KOΔΡA MAΓNHT CIΠYΛO, tetrastyle temple with Kybele, turreted, standing left within, holding patera and drum, between two lions. SNG T�bingen 3713; SNG Munich 271; Mionnet IV, 414; Paris 685; GRPC Lydia 153.



Mionnet Supp. VII 298

Crispina, AE21 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 178-192. 4.63 g. KΡICΠEINA CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛO, River-god Hermos reclining left, holding reed and resting left arm on overturned urn. Mionnet Supp. VII, 298; Paris 686; GRPC Lydia 158.




Imhoof LS 9

Septimius Severus, AE36 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 193-211. Magistrate Corinthus. 19.44 g. AYT KAI Λ CEΠTI CEOYHΡOC ΠEΡT, laureate, draped bust right / EΠI CTΡA KOΡINΘOY MAΓNHTΩ CIΠYΛOY, Kybele, turreted, seated left on stool in a biga of lions left and resting left arm on drum. Imhoof LS 9; Paris 1966.453; GRPC Lydia 161.




Mionnet IV 417

Julia Domna AE19 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 193-217. 4.71 g. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛO, humped bull standing left. SNG Munich 275; Mionnet IV, 417; Waddington 5083; Paris 688; GRPC Lydia 168.



Mionnet Supp. VII, 299

Julia Domna AE24 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 193-217. 5.41 g. IOYΛIA CEBACTH, draped bust right / MAΓNHT CIΠYΛ, Kybele, turreted, standing left, holding patera, drum on shoulder, lion at her side with front right paw raised. Mionnet Supp. VII, 299 corr (rev. legend); Paris 687; GRPC Lydia 169.




BMC 66

Caracalla, AE30 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 198-217. Magistrate M. Aur. Gaius. AYT K M AYΡ C ANTΩNEINOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ M AYΡ ΓAIOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Nike walking left, holding palm branch and wreath, crowning a trophy before her, bound captive at the foot of the trophy. BMC 66; Paris 691; GRPC Lydia 173.



Imhoof LS 11

Caracalla, AE31 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 198-217. Magistrate M. Aur. Gaius. AYT K M AYΡ C ANTΩNEINOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / EΠI CTΡA M AYΡ ΓAIOY around, EN MO-NIΔEIA-MAΓNH-TΩN CI-ΠYΛOY in five lines within wreath. Imhoof LS 11 corr. (C of AYΡ C omitted); GRPC Lydia 171.



Mionnet IV, 418

Caracalla, AE37 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 198-217. 27.15 g. Magistrate M. Aurelius Gaius. AYT K M AYΡ C ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ M AYΡ ΓAIOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, Magnesia, turreted, standing right, holding spear and pelta (small Amazonian shield), offering her right hand to Kybele standing facing her, holding patera in her right hand and drum on her left shoulder, lion walking left at her feet. Mionnet IV, 418; Paris AA.GR.809; GRPC Lydia 172.



Mionnet Supp. VII, 302

Caracalla, AE34 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 198-217. 22.75 g. AYT K M AYΡ C ANTΩNEINOC, laureate, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, emperor on horseback riding right, holding spear, two captives beneath horse. Weber 6845; Mionnet Supp. VII, 302; Paris 690; GRPC Lydia 175.




BMC 69

Severus Alexander AE32 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 222-235. 15.47 g. Magistrate Aur. Eraseinus. A K M AYΡ CEY AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate head right / EΠI CTΡA AYΡ EΡACEINOY around, ENMO-NIΔEIA-MAΓNH-TΩN CI-ΠYΛOY in five lines within wreath. BMC 69; Mionnet IV, 421; Paris 692; GRPC Lydia 176.



Mionnet Supp. VII, 305

Severus Alexander AE37 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 222-235. Magistrate A. Cleitianos Metra. 18.19 g. A K M AYΡ CE AΛEXANΔΡOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ CT KΛEITANOY MHTΡ MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, emperor standing left by altar, holding patera and being crowned by Nike standing left behind him. Mionnet Supp. VII, 305; Paris 693; GRPC Lydia 177.




BMC 70

Julia Mamaea, AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 222-235. Magistrate Aur. Erasinus. 8.86 g. IOY MAMAIA CEBA, draped bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ EΡACEINOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, Kybele, turreted, seated left, holding patera and sceptre, lion standing left at her side. BMC 70; Paris 695; GRPC Lydia 188.



BMC 73

Julia Mamaea AE22 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 222-235. 6.08 g. IOY MAMAIA CEBAC, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, humped bull standing left. BMC 73; SNG Munich 281; Weber (Germany) 3343; Paris 694; GRPC Lydia 193.



Mionnet Supp. VII, 307

Julia Mamaea AE24 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 222-235. 6.90 g. IOY MAMAIA CEBA, draped bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, distyle temple with Kybele standing within, supporting a drum on her shoulder, lions at foot to left and right. Mionnet Supp. VII, 307; Paris 696; GRPC Lydia 192.




BMC 76

Gordian III, AE 32 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 11.96 g. 238-244 AD. Magistrate Aur. Theodotos. AV KAI M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CT AY ΘEOΔOTOY B MAΓNHTΩN CIΠ-YΛ, Magnesia, turreted, in short chiton standing facing, holding pelta and patera, being crowned by Nike standing left. BMC 76; SNG M�nchen 286; GRPC Lydia 195.



RPC 286

Gordian III, AE 38 mm, 27.04 g. of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. Magistrate Aurelius Theodotos. AYK AY M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right; c/m: head of Tyche right; cornucopia to right / EΠI CTΡA AYΡ ΘEOΔOTOV B, MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYLOY below, Kybele holding reins and resting arm on tympanum, seated left on cart drawn by two lions. RPC 286.1 (this coin); c/m: Howgego 198; GRPC Lydia 196.



RPC 289

Gordian III, AE 38 mm, of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 238-244. A K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; countermark: turreted head of Tyche right, Howgego 198 / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Kybele, turreted, standing left, holding patera in right hand and drum on left shoulder, two lions at her feet. SNG Munich 284; Waddington 5084; RPC VII 289; Mionnet Supp. VII, 309 corr. ("lion and eagle"); GRPC Lydia 199.



RPC 290

Gordian III, AE22 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 238-244 AD. 4.96 g. A K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / MAΓNHTON CIΠYΛOY, bull standing left. RPC VII 290; SNG Cop 268; SNG Leypold 1044; GRPC Lydia 198.



SNG Munich 284

Gordian III, AE23 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 5.12 g. A K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Kybele, turreted, standing left, holding patera in right hand and drum on left shoulder, two lions at her feet. SNG Munich 284 (lions omitted but illustrated); Waddington 5084; Mionnet Supp. VII, 309 corr. ("lion and eagle"); GRPC Lydia 199.




BMC 80

Philip I AE38 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 244-249. Magistrate Aur. Kleitianos. 37.7 mm, 22.78 g. AYT K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC AYΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ KΛEITIANOY B MAΓNHTΩN CIΠ, Zeus, naked, standing front, head right, holding thunderbolt and sceptre. BMC 80; Mionnet IV, 433; Mionnet Supp. VII, 310; Paris 704; GRPC Lydia 205.



BMC 82

Philip I, AE29 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 244-249. 10.87 g. Magistrate Aurelios Kleitianos. AYT K M IOY ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / EΠ CTΡ AYΡ KΛEITIANOY B MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, Apollo seated left on rock, holding laurel branch and resting left arm on lyre set on low column. BMC 82; SNG Leypold 1046; GRPC Lydia 202.




BMC 86

Otacilia Severa. AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, 244-249. Magistrate Ainius. 7.59 g. M ΩTA CEBHΡA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane, countermark: turreted head of Tyche right (Howgego 198) / EΠ AINIOY MAΓNH CIΠYΛ, Kybele, turreted, seated left, holding patera and resting arm on drum, lion standing left at her side. Paris 708B; without countermark: SNG Cop 270; BMC 86; SNG Munich 290; GRPC Lydia 207.



Duesseldorf 07125

Otacilia Severa, AE24 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 244-249 AD. M ΩTA CEBHΡA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane / EΠ AINEIOY IΠ MAΓNH, CIΠYΛ around and below, tetrastyle temple with curved architrave, figure of Tyche standing left within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Duesseldorf 07125; Winterthur 3800; SNG Lewis 1432-1433; SNG Righetti 1044; GRPC Lydia 216.



GRPC Lydia 220

Otacilia Severa, AE26 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 244-249. 7.00 g. M ΩTA CEBHΡA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane, on crescent / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛ, Kybele seated left, holding patera and resting arm on drum, lion standing left at her feet. GRPC Lydia 220. Rev. legend var of SNG Cop 271; Weber 6847 and BMC 88 (all with CIΠY). Numismatik Naumann 45, 457.



Plankenhorn 1098

Otacilia Severa AE24 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. Magistrate Aineios. AD 244-249. M OTA CEBHΡA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane, countermark: turreted head of Tyche right (Howgego 198) / EΠ AINIOY MAΓNH CIΠYΛ, Kybele seated left on throne, holding patera and resting elbow upon tympanum; lion left at her side. SNG Cop 270; BMC 86; SNG Munich 290; Kraft pl. 38, 74; Paris 708B (same countermark; Plankenhorn (Naumann) 1098; GRPC Lydia 212.



SNG Cop 271

Otacilia Severa, Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, 244-249 AD. AE23. M ΩTA CEBHΡA CEB, Draped bust right on crescent / MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, Kybele seated left, holding patera, resting left arm on tympanum, sceptre resting against side of throne, lion at feet. BMC 88, SNG Copenhagen 271, Weber 6847; GRPC Lydia 221.



Winterthur 3800

Otacilia Severa AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 244-249. Magistrate Aenius Ippikus II. M ΩTA CEBHΡA C, draped bust right, wearing stephane / EΠ AINIOY IP MAΓNHT CIΠYΛ, tetrastyle temple with Tyche standing left within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. Winterthur 3800; Dusseldorf 7125; SNG Lewis 1432-1433; SNG Righetti 1044; Mionnet Supp. VII, 319 and 321; GRPC Lydia 216.




Mionnet IV, 439

Philip II (or Philip I?), AE38 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 247-249. Magistrate Hermios Ippokos II. 18.07 g. AY K M IOY ΦIΛIΠΠOC, laureate, draped bust right / EΠ CTΡ AYΡ AINEIOY B IΠΠIKOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Kybele, turreted, holding drum, in a biga of lions left. Mionnet IV, 439; Paris 705; GRPC Lydia 201.



Mionnet IV, 441

Philip II. AE35 of Magnesia ad Siplylum, Lydia. 247-249. Magistrate Aur. Kleitianos. AYT K M IOYΛ ΦIΛIΠΠOC AYΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / E CT KΛEITIANOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Kybele seated left, holding patera and sceptre, resting left arm on drum, lion at her feet. SNG Munich 291; Mionnet IV, 441; Paris 706; Kraft pl. 37, 70; GRPC Lydia 228.




Paris 713

Trajan Decius, AE40 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 249-251. Magistrate Artemas Menemachos Laianos. 21.55 g. AYT K Γ M K TΡAIANOC ΔEKIOC CEB, radiate, draped bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ AΡTEMA MENEM ΛAIANOY MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛ, emperor on horseback galloping right, holding spear, two bound captives beneath and before the horse. Paris 713; GRPC Lydia 223 corr. (Philip).



RPC 573

Trajan Decius, AE31 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 249-251. Magistrate Artemas Menemachos Laianos. 15.00 g. AY K Γ M K TΡAIANOC ΔEKIOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ AY AΡTEMA MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY, Nike walking left, holding palm branch and wreath, crowning a trophy before her, captive at the foot of the trophy. RPC IX 573; GRPC Lydia 235.



SNG Fitz 4865

Trajan Decius, AE32 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 249-251. Magistrate Artemas. AY K Γ M K TΡAIANOC ΔEKIOC, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡ AΡTEMA MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛ AYΡ, Nike walking left, holding palm branch and wreath, crowning a trophy before her, captive at the foot of the trophy. SNG Fitzwilliam 4865; Vienna GR33644; SNG Munich 292; Mionnet IV, 443; GRPC Lydia 233.




BMC 90

Herennia Etruscilla AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 249-251 AD. 7.03 gt. Magistrate Artemas. EΡEN ETΡOYCTIΛΛA, draped bust right / EΠ CT AΡTEMA MAΓNH-TΩN CIΠY, tetrastyle temple with cult image of Kybele within, turreted, holding patera, drum on left shoulder, two lions at her sides. BMC 90; SNG Muenchen 293; GRPC Lydia 239.



BMC 91

Herennia Etruscilla. AE27 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 249-251. Magistrate Artema. 8.0 g. EΡEN ETΡOYCKIΛΛA, draped bust right / EΠ AΡTEMA MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛOY CTΡ, tetrastyle temple with open pediment, Tyche standing left within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. BMC 91; Leypold I, 1049; Paris 715; GRPC Lydia 245.



Mionnet Supp VII, 330

Herennia Etruscilla. AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 7.25 g. 249-251. Magistrate Artema. EΡEN ETΡOYCKIΛΛA, draped bust right, uncertain countermark below / EΠ CT AΡTEMA MAΓNHT CIΠY, tetrastyle temple with figure standing left by altar within, holding patera. Mionnet Supp. VII, 330; Paris 717; GRPC Lydia 242.



Paris 716

Herennia Etruscilla of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 249-251. Magistrate Artema. 6.37 g. EΡEN ETΡOYCKIΛΛA, draped bust right, countermark: turreted head of Tyche right (Howgego 198) / EΠ CTΡ AΡTEMA MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY, tetrastyle temple, open pediment; Kybele, turreted, standing left within, holding patera and drum, between two lions. Winterthur 3799; Paris 716 type; GRPC Lydia 240.



SNG Cop 272

Herennia Etruscilla AE24 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia, AD 249-251. Magistrate Artemas. EΡEN ETΡOYCKIΛΛA, draped bust right / EΠ CTΡ AΡTEMA MAΓNHTΩN CIΠYΛ, tetrastyle temple with open pediment and Kybele, turreted, standing left within, holding patera and drum, between two lions. SNG Cop 272; RPC IX 575; GRPC Lydia 238.




Hunter 15

Gallienus. AE 24mm of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. AD 253-268. 6.59 g Magistrate Aur. Frontonos. ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡ AYΡ ΦΡONTΩNOC MAΓNHT CIΠ, prize crown inscribed EN MONIΔEA, containing two palm branches. Hunter 15; SNG Hunterian 1435; GRPC Lydia 250.



Mionnet IV, 445

Gallienus AE32 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 253-268. Magistrate Aur. Frontonos. ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡ AYΡ ΦΡONTΩNOC MAΓNH CIΠ, emperor on horseback riding right, holding spear, two fallen enemies below. Mionnet IV, 445; SNG Cop 273; SNG Munich 297; Mionnet Supp. VII, 332; Paris 718; GRPC Lydia 247.



Mionnet IV, 446

Gallienus. AE25 of Magnesia ad Sipylum. 253-260. Magistrate Aur. Frontonos. ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / EΠI CTΡ AYΡ ΦΡONTΩNOC MAΓNHTΩN CI, prize crown inscribed EN MONIΔEA, containing two palm branches. Mionnet IV, 450; Leypold I, 1051; GRPC Lydia 254.



Mionnet IV, 450

Gallienus AE26 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / EΠ AVΡ ΛOΓ ΓEI NOV B, MAΓN-HTΩN CI-ΠY, Tyche standing left, being crowned by Nike standing behind. Mionnet IV, 451; BMC 97; SNG T�bingen 3716; Weber 6848; SNG Munich 294; GRPC Lydia 255.



Mionnet IV, 451

Gallienus. AE27 of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 253-268. Magistrate Aur. Loggeinos II. Π ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EP AYR LOGGEINOY B MAΓNHTΩN CIΠY around prize crown inscribed EN MONIΔEA, containing two palm branches. SNG T�bingen 3716; Weber 6848; BMC 97; SNG Munich 294; Mionnet IV, 451.



SNG Cop 274

Gallienus, AE of Magnesia ad Sipylum, Lydia. 7.85 g. ΛIKIN ΓAΛΛIHNOC, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right / EΠ CTΡ AVΡ ΦΡONTΩNOC MAΓNHTΩN CI, prize urn inscribed EN MONIΔEA, containing two palm branches. SNG Cop 274; Lindgren III A489A; GRPC Lydia 248




Kapossy 48

Salonina, AE21 of Magnesia, 5.75 g. Magistrate Aurelius Longinus. AD. 253-268. IO KOΡ CAΛΩNEINA, diademed and draped bust right / EΠI CTΡ ΛONΓEINOY B MAΓNHTΩN C in two lines around and below, Kybele, polos on head, seated left, holding patera and resting left arm on drum. Kapossy, "R�mische Provinzialm�nzen in Bern", 48 (magistrate's name corrected); GRPC Lydia 258.



SNG Munich 298

Salonina, AE of Magnesia, Lydia. 253-268 AD. IOV KOΡ CAΛONEINA, draped bust right / EΠ ΦΡONTΩNOC MAΓN, tetrastyle temple with curved architrave and decorated columns; cult image of Tyche standing within, holding rudder and cornucopiae. SNG Munich 298; Mionnet IV, 452; GRPC Lydia 256.

