YaBB:: Upgrade (original) (raw)

Ready to Upgrade?

Let's Go For It!

Steps that are REQUIRED:

� Delete Printpage.pl and Reminder.pl from your "cgi-bin/yabb" folder if they exist.

� Upload ALL files in the "cgi-bin/yabb" folder, EXCEPT Settings.pl and the /Boards, /Messages, /Members and /Variables folders.

� Empty your YaBBHelp folder and upload the new /YaBBHelp in its entirety.

� Upload the new ubb.js and fader.js files on top of your old copies.

� Empty your YaBBImages folder and upload the new /YaBBImages, including the new avatars folder (unless you wish to keep your current avatars)

� Add .hr, .imgbg, .imgcatbg, .imgtitlebg, .imgwindowbg, and .imgmenu classes to template.html.

� Copy "sticky.stk" from the "cgi-bin/yabb/Boards" folder to your /Boards folder and chmod 666 (or 777), ONLY if you did not previously have the "sticky threads" mod installed before upgrading.

� Copy "ban_memname.txt" from the "cgi-bin/yabb/Variables" folder to your /Variables folder and chmod 666 (or 777), ONLY if you did not previously have the "Ban by membername" mod installed before upgrading.

� Chmod 666 (or 777) your "agreement.txt" in the "/Variables" folder.

Steps that are OPTIONAL:

� Replace second by in template.html.

� Add the following to your template in the section:


Congratulations, you should be all set now. Enjoy your new version of YaBB! =)