Albion 100 Years Ago - MAY, 1902 (original) (raw)

Albion 100 Years Ago - MAY, 1902

Morning Star, May 12, 2002, pg. 23

If your Albion High School Class is having a reunion this summer, be sure and have copies of my 1991 book �A History of the Albion Public Schools� for sale or for door prizes at your event. Contact me for further information at 629-5402. Also, be sure and let your classmates across the country know about our internet site and that they can post messages there for free for everyone to read. My Albion history articles are also on this site.

We continue with our theme of Albion--100 Years ago. Week ending May 1, 1902: �A Lansing man who likes to have a nice flower garden in his yard, but who has been annoyed in past summers by thieves who carried away many plants and destroyed others, has installed a network of hidden wires in his garden this year which will be kept loaded with an electric current strong enough to make any meddler wish he had never wandered from his own fireside.�

�George T. Bullen the other day found a copy of a Parma newspaper printed in 1868. It was found at the Irwin residence, which he has recently purchased and on opening the paper he found an advertisement that was placed by his father who was a Parma businessman several years ago. He thinks that it was the first time that he ever saw his father�s name in print, as the senior Mr. Bullen died when George was quite a small boy.�

Week ending May 8: �Charles W. Robertson, a former Albion boy, was married last Thursday to Miss Gertie Alice Scovel of Fort Pierre, South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson will be at home after May 10, in Westover, South Dakota.�

�During the windstorm Tuesday a narrow twister took its path through the woods near the Billinghurst School west of the city and completely uprooted several large trees. Fences and small buildings in various places were also blown away. The East Ward School was struck by lightning and, besides shattering the chimney, it knocked off considerable plaster in one of the rooms. It occurred at the noon hour when but two or three children were in the building eating their lunch, and fortunately no one was injured.�

Week ending May 29: �Prof. L. H. Baker, who has been principal of Albion High School for the past three years, has accepted a position in Kalamazoo at an increased salary and will be succeeded here by Prof. W. H. Pearce, who has been superintendent of the Springport schools for the past five years. The offer which Mr. Baker has accepted at Kalamazoo is a very flattering one, and his prospects are bright for an even more successful future.�

�Application for an injunction to prevent Catcher Jim McGuire of the Detroit team from playing with any other club than Brooklyn was made by that club Monday in Philadelphia, where papers were served on the player. The eastern club evidently wants to get the veteran back.�

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