April 1918 Albion 100 Years Ago (original) (raw)


Morning Star, April 1, 2018, pg. 3

We continue with our theme of "Albion 100 Years Ago. "April 9, 1918: "Fire Destroys Mine Buildings. Fire that started in a mysterious way fully 50 feet from the boiler fires at the Albion Coal Mine swept away practically all the buildings at the mine last night between 9 and 10 o'clock. The conflagration lighted up the sky in brilliant style and the blaze was seen for miles around. The origin of the fire looks suspicious."

April 13, 1918: "Albion's Centenarian Juliet Calhoun Blakeley, whose 100th birthday comes next month, resided in Michigan when it was still a Territory. Read the interesting illustrated story of Albin's oldest resident in tomorrow's Sunday Detroit Free Press, Michigan's greatest newspaper. Your news dealer will deliver a copy. A. J. Marble, 412 N. Superior St. Office at the Modern Shoe Repair Shop."

April 15, 1918: "Bird Exhibit is Very Attractive. The exhibit of bird houses, shelters and other bird paraphernalia at the gas office Saturday was very attractive and gave one a new interest in bird life�All the exhibits were made by pupils of the 56h and 6th grades of the Albion Schools. The prizes for best specimens were awarded as follows: Wrens�Rustic, 1st place Sam Daleo; 2nd Lawrence Kinsey, Board, 1st Arvid Andrews, 2nd Charles R. Taber. Blue Bird rustic, 1st John Quigg, 2nd Donald Wolcott. Board, 1st Lucas Kracko; 2nd Lyord Kusch. Martin, 1st Paul Moyer; 2nd Paul Moyer. Baths-1st Harvey Biggs, 2nd Darrell Johnson. Shelters-1st Ray Claucherty, 2nd Ray Bearman."

April 16, 1918: "The drug store of Charles Roberts had an unexpected "spring opening"at 1:30 this afternoon when the big 12 x 12 plate glass window was smashed into bits by the impact of an auto driven by F. Slavoff, butcher at the corner of Albion St. and Austin Avenue. The car was one that Peter Joseph, proprietor of the Star Bakery N. Albion St., was selling to Mr. Slavoff and he was giving the latter a lesson in driving."

April 18, 1918: "William J. Porr returned to Albion Wednesday evening from Los Angeles on a business trip. He expects to dismantle his home here, and dispose of the furniture, as Mrs. Porr is not able to return to Albion to live."

"Mrs. Frank Nowlin received word today of the death of her brother, Lawrence Cole, of Moline, IL. It is expected that the remains will be brought to Albion and services will be held Saturday."

"Willard Sebastian, injured in the dynamite explosion, was reported this noon as resting comfortably at the city hospital."

"F. W. Pike of Chicago has purchased the Angell photographic studio on S. Superior St. and took possession today."

April 23, 1918: From the Marshall Chronicle: "Judge North held court here Monday. In the divorce case of Mabel vs. Clune Lake of Marengo, in which a decree was granted some time ago, an amended decree was granted so that the child which has been in the custody of the grandmother, is now placed with the mother who has remarried. The child is to visit the father in Marengo two weeks each year.""In the divorce case of Champion vs. Maude Eslow of Albion, the defendant is allowed 25attorneyfeesand25 attorney fees and 25attorneyfeesand10 alimony fees."

April 24, 1918. First Albion Boy Wounded in Action. The grim hand of war has reached out from France's martyr soil and touched an Albion boy. Mrs. Gladys Beilfuss, N. Superior St., received a telegram this morning from Washington D. C. which states that her brother George Wilkinson was wounded in Albion on the 13th of this month."

"Former Albion Nurse Given Military Funeral. The Wallaceburg, Ontario News of April 11 carries a picture and obituary of Nurse Hattie Newkirk who died of pneumonia while in service as a nurse at a southern hospital. Miss Newkirk was at one time in the Albion City Hospital and had a large number of friends in Albion."

April 26, 1918. Headline: "Dastardly Actions at Wright School. Night Raid at School-house Ends with Tearing up of Flag and Placing it in the Stove. Young Men Suspected.""The teacher of the school, Miss Georgia Cook is well liked. Her contract has expired but she had promised to stay and finish the work. However, after the vandalism of Wednesday night she felt that she was not obligated to stay longer and the school is now closed."

April 30, 1918. "Albion Schools Drop German. A petition to the school board to take the study of German from the public schools was forestalled today when Superintendent Fast announced that the subject would be dropped today�This action is being taken very generally all over the country."

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