OCTOBER 1919 - Albion 100 Years Ago (original) (raw)

Albion 100 Years Ago - OCTOBER 1919

Morning Star, October 6, 2019, pg. 10

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." October 1, 1919: "It was announced today by the F. H. Darrow Steel Boat company that they had purchased the Hurley barn, best known as the Coliseum building on Clinton St. for use as a factory."

October 2, 1919. "American Legion Adopts By-Laws. A number of important matters of business were transacted by the Patrick Leo Hanlon Post of the American Legion at its regular meeting last evening."

"An important business change occurred last night when W. H. Gawne, who has been proprietor of the Hotel Albion for the past several months, sold out his interests to R. E. Lawless of Toledo, Ohio, who has already taken possession."

October 3, 1919. "Mrs. Nellie Williams of Clarendon, convicted of assault with intent to do great bodily harm on her husband Solon Williams, when she shot him at their home south of Albion July 17, was sentenced by Judge North Thursday to serve from 9 months to 10 years in the Detroit house of corrections with the recommendation of 3 years. She was taken to Detroit today."

"New Building for S. Superior St. The northeast corner of S. Superior and Ash Sts. will undergo a splendid improvement this fall through the purchase of the residence property at that point from Fred A. Avery, by Henry F. Tuchtenhagen, who will erect a $10,000 garage building on the corner and a 2-story store building to the north of it, while Mr. Avery will later erect a 2-story building for his dry-cleaning business."

October 4, 1919: "Nick Hadgoff, who operated a soft drink and ice cream place on N. Albion St., has opened a restaurant at 105 W. Porter St. He will make a specialty of Coney Island sandwiches, having the first eating place of this kind in the downtown section."

October 5, 1919: "Victory Park Campaign Will Start This Week. Five Large Subscriptions Already In. The much-desired goal of a recreation park for the city of Albion as a lasting memorial to the boys from this community in the service is now in sight after weeks of careful thought and planning on the part of the committee of 25 people."

October 9, 1919: "Albion�s new ice-making concern, the Eastman Pure Ice Company, Eastman and Stevens proprietors, is now manufacturing its product in their building on Michigan Avenue, formerly the Eastman livery barn, and made its first deliveries today."

"Victory Park Campaign Is Gaining Momentum. Enthusiasm for Victory Park is steadily increasing. Albion people are realizing more and more the great advantages of the proposed memorial will bring to our city. The fact that once a Victory Park, always a Victory Park, through all the years to come, is winning many friends for the project."

October 22, 1919: "Albion Chamber of Commerce Started. At a well-attended meeting at the club-house last evening, following the luncheon of the Boosters and Knockers, Albion�s new Chamber of Commerce was made a reality. Organization was effected by the adoption of the constitution and by-laws which had been drawn up by the local committee�At the close of the meeting the directors organized with the election of the following: president, George E. Dean; vice-president, D. M. McAuliffe; secretary, Hadley H. Sheldon; treasurer, David A. Gardfield."

"The two foreigners who were arrested Sunday morning by Chief of Police Stoddard for having seven gallons of booze in their possession were brought before Judge North of the circuit court yesterday afternoon in Battle Creek. Both pled guilty. John Deski was fined 300,assessedcostsof300, assessed costs of 300,assessedcostsof10 and sentenced to 15 days in the county jail. Wassley Sewanork, who was only a technical violator of the law, was let down with a payment of $25 costs."

"Pupils from the Nema Phipps piano studio will give a recital Friday evening, October 25 at 8 o�clock in the E. L. T. Club-rooms. No admission will be charged."

October 27, 1919: "Victory Park Fund Passes $20,00 Mark. Popular Subscriptions for Recreation Grounds go Beyond the Goal Set by Workers, With Victory Pledges Still Coming In."

October 29, 1919: "W. Gaynor, colored, paid a fine of $2 and costs in Justice Watson�s court this morning, after pleading guilty to a charge of assault and battery preferred by Joe DeMazzio. The latter alleged that the former struck him after an argument the two had in a local factory."

October 30, 1919. "The civil service room in the local post office was a busy place today as 20 aspirants to the job of government census enumerator were there, taking the somewhat thorough examination required by the Census regulations in preparation for the taking of the national census in 1920�As is usually the case, it will probably be June or July, 1920, before local people learn what the Albion census is. There is much interest being shown in whether or not the 10,000 mark will be reached here."

October 21, 1919. "Albion Coal Mine Will Shut Down. Miners are to Walk out at Midnight Tonight in Compliance with National Order. In spite of the fact that there is said to be no dissatisfaction among the workers in the B.S K. Coal Mining company�s mine north of Albion, the 26 men employed there, all of them members of the Jackson local of the Miner�s union, will walk out at midnight tonight. The owners of the mine will close it down until the strike is settled, it was announced today by J. K. Knapp, manager of the company."


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