Army Guide (original) (raw)

Artillery Fire Control Systems

1V12, 1V12-1, 1V12M, 1V12M-1 complexes

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Artillery fire control vehicles 1V13, 1V14, 1V15 and 1V16 of various modifications distinguished by structure of the equipment are the part of complexes 1V12, 1V12�1, 1V12M, 1V12M-1.

The vehicles provide investigation and fire control of platoons, batteries, battalions both day and night, at any season, under any weather conditions in intervals of ground temperatures from −40OC up to +45OC at relative air humidity 98 %, dust content in the air up to 2 g/m3, in mountains at any altitude up to 3000 m above the sea level.

Vehicle 1�13

Is intended to control fire platoons and is located on the fire position of the battery, so as to facilitate fire control.

The vehicle is used for accomplishing the following missions:

� determination of fire position coordinates; gun orientation in the main direction;

� automatic reception of firing data from the computer of 1V16M battalion command post vehicle to SPG and sighting device adjustment control by line and radio channels;

� maintaining the communication with the staff chief, battery commander, battalion commander, and gun commander.

The crew consists of the battery senior officer, squard leader (topogeodesic equipment operator), senior radio-telephone operator, computer operator, and driver.

Vehicle 1V14

Is a mobile command observation post of the battery and is intended for reconnaissance and fire control of the battery in close cooperation with motorized infantry and tank units during combat operations.

The vehicle serves to fulfill the following tasks:

� enemy and terrain reconnaissance; determining of target coordinates;

� fire adjustment;

� maintaining the communication with the headquarters staff, with the commanders of subordinated, attached and secured subdivisions.

The crew consists of the battery commander, squard leader (topogeodesic equipment operator), senior radio-telephone operator, radio-telephone operator, reconnaissance equipment and range finder operator, and driver.

Vehicle 1V15

Is a mobile command observation post of the battalion commander and is intended for accomplishing reconnaissance missions and fire control of the battalion in close cooperation with motorized infantry and tank subdivisions during combat operations.

The vehicle is intended for the same tasks, as the battery commander�s vehicle.

The crew consists of the battery commander, squard leader (topogeodesic equipment operator), senior radio-telephone operator, reconnaissance equipment and range finder operator, operator, and driver.

Vehicle 1V16

The battalion command post vehicle is used for accomplishing of the following tasks:

� firing setup computation, an estimation of fire methods at a target and automatic transmission of firing data to the fire positions of the batteries;

� topogeodesic fixation data processing; measuring terrestrial meteorological data;

� maintaining the communication with the regiment headquarters, battalion commander, battery commanders and senior officers with the attached artillery reconnaissance means.