January 2002: Re: a request for help (original) (raw)
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In a message dated 01/07/2002 1:42:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,
SatTeacher@aol.com writes:
<< A friend asked me if I could suggest books or articles which discuss
Christianity and geology in a general way. He is a believer with a PhD. in
physics and wants to do some reading. Currently, he is teaching high school
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. >>
Davis Young's Christianity and the Age of the Earth is excellent. On the
history of the debate between Genesis and Geology he has another book, The
biblical Flood : a case study of the Church's response to extrabiblical
evidence /
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Eerdmans ; Carlisle : Paternoster Press, 1995.
Although I completely reject the day-age rationalizations, John Wiester's
book, The Genesis Connection has the almost unrivaled excellence of being
easy to understand. You can find my own perspective at
http://www.asa3.org/ASA/topics/Bible-Science/PSCF6-97Seely.html#The Bible and
In answer to creation science Glenn Morton has some good papers on his
website: http://home.flash.net/~mortongr/dmd.htm
To a large extent the issue is a non-issue once a person understands that in
Scripture God accommodated his theological revelation to the science of the
times. The relation between Christianity and geology is no different in
principle than between Christianity and mechanical engineering.
Best wishes,
- Next message: Michael Roberts: "Fw: [NEWS] Press Release: Dembski attacks Pennock and MIT Press"
- Previous message: Bill Payne: "Re: Pasteur and nature of science"
- Maybe in reply to: SatTeacher@aol.com: "a request for help"
- Next in thread: Michael Roberts: "Re: a request for help"
- Reply: Michael Roberts: "Re: a request for help"
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