ASM6_6 (original) (raw)

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We can build well!
The magazine publishes the interview of the editor-in-chief of the �Architecture and Building of Moscow� Blinov D.J. with the deputy leader of the joint-stock company �Mospromstroj� Voskobojnikov V.G.. Voskobojnikov V.G. answered the questions of the reporter with great pleasure.(p.4)

Romantic and practical person of the real architecturePetrushkova A.V., architectDichter Y.E., Candidate of Architecture
The name of Osterman N.A. is well known in the architectural environment. Following his example the word �Cheremushky� was emphasized districts of mass house-building in all towns of the USSR. The article contains the cognitive information about the activity of this man - the romantic and eminent practical person of the real architecture.(p.8)

A.R.RzhanitsynTynin G.A., Candidate of technical sciences
The article is published under the heading �Portrait of the Master� and tells about the professional development of the engineer Rzhanitsyn A.R.. He is one of the founders of the building mechanics. Rzhanitsyn�s A.R. contribution to the development of mechanics of solid has the enormous importance. He is the author of more than 200 scientific works, 10 monographs.(p.13)

Renovation of the � Dinamo � stadiumKanchely N.V., Candidate of technical sciencesZolotov P.E., engineer
The draft for the arrangement of the new �peak� above stands of the �Dinamo� stadium was worked out in the Kurortproject. The following principles were assumed as a basis :- the maximum preservation of the stadium appearance ;- the covering of all stands with the light-transparent �peak� ;- minimum constructive introductions in the exist stands.(p.14)

Renovation of the �Dinamo� stadiumKanchely N.V., Candidate of technical sciencesZolotov P.E., engineer
The draft for the arrangement of the new �peak� above stands of the �Dinamo� stadium was worked out in the Kurortproject. The following principles were assumed as a basis :- the maximum preservation of the stadium appearance ;- the covering of all stands with the light-transparent �peak� ;- minimum constructive introductions in the exist stands.(p.14)

The square of the Krestyanskaya gateAkselrod K.I., architect
The two-stage competition for the best solution of the square of the Krestyanskaya gate was announced by the Moscomarchitecture. Six projects were chosen for the subsequent studying. The present article tells about these projects. The second round of the competition was scheduled for the end of November this year.(p.18)

Quick-erected covered skating-rinksBlinov D.J.
The building of quick-erected covered skating-rinks with the artificial ice began in our capital last year. The series of type projects was created by architects of the workshop N4 under the leadership of Toronenko A.V.. This program is aimed at the solution of problem of youth leisure.(p.26)

Challenge to the new millennium
The regular exhibition of firms - producers of ceramic manufactured articles �Cersaie - 99� was found under this name in Bologna. The increased competition on the part of less developed countries causes alarm to competitors of the exhibition. The solution of this problem is the main �challenge to the new millennium�. (p.28)

Moscow - Paris. Nature and town-planningObolensky N.V.
This monograph is the new tendency of book-printing which is dedicated to town-planning problems. The monograph �Moscow - Paris....� is very good illustrated and printed at a high polygraphic level.(p.30)

The Ice Palace of Irina RodninaBlinov D.J.
The idea of the building of the I. Rodnina�s Ice Palace came into existence in the limits of the building program of covered type skating-rinks. The project of the I.Rodnina�s Ice Palace won the first place at the competition �Architecture - 99� ( the leader of this project - Bokov A.I.).(p.32)

First Moscow arcadesProkofieva I.A., architect
The article tells about the building history of first Moscow arcades. Nine trade arcades were built in the XIXth - the beginning of the XXth century in Moscow. The gallery of the prince Golizyn M. was the first arcade (1835 - 1839). Its architect was Bykovsky M.. The article mentions also the Solodovnikovsky arcade (1862 - 1884), its architect was Nikitin N..(p.34)

The crowning sanctuary in SokolnikyRomanenko V.A., architect
The article tells about the building history of the crowning sanctuary in Moscow. The town council was desided to built this building in 1895 and charged the architect Ober A.L. with the working out of the project of the crowning sanctuary. After his death the architect Meysner A.F. took personal control of all building works.(p.42)