17D12 (original) (raw)

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Part of RD-58

Kosberg Lox/Kerosene rocket engine. Out of Production. Version of RD-58 for Buran orbital propulsion system 17D11. Used synthetic kerosene ('Sintin') for higher specific impulse.

Status: Out of Production. Date: 1976-88. Thrust: 86.30 kN (19,401 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 230 kg (500 lb). Specific impulse: 362 s. Burn time: 680 s. Height: 2.27 m (7.44 ft). Diameter: 1.17 m (3.83 ft).

Some data differ for 17D12 in Energia 92 compared to RD-58S (Energia 92): Area Ratio 192, Ivac 362 s, pc 78.5 bar. 15 ignitions.

Engine: 230 kg (500 lb). Chamber Pressure: 79.40 bar. Area Ratio: 189. Thrust to Weight Ratio: 38.26. Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 2.42.

Country: Russia. Spacecraft: Buran. Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. Agency: Korolev bureau.

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