8D423 (original) (raw)

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Izotov N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Production from 1964. Single chamber engine for UR-100 stage 2. Gas generator cycle with two large turbine exhaust pipes. First flight 1965. Later modified for the LK-700 manned lunar landeer.

AKA: 15D13;8D419. Status: Design 1964. Number: 282 . Thrust: 131.00 kN (29,449 lbf). Specific impulse: 325 s. Burn time: 184 s.

Photos available in Russian Arms Cat. (Gives thrust as 15,200 kgf, Ispvac=326))


11D423 Izotov N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. 134 kN, for use in LK-700S manned lunar lander ascent stage. Development ended 1968. Based on UR-100 stage 2 engine. Gas generator cycle; 2 large turbine exhaust pipes.

Izotov LK-700 Izotov N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. LK-700. Developed 1966-69.

Family: Storable liquid. Country: Russia. Spacecraft: LK-700. Launch Vehicles: UR-100. Propellants: N2O4/UDMH. Stages: 8S817. Agency: Izotov bureau. Bibliography: 293.

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