AJ10-118K (original) (raw)

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Aerojet N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Pressure-fed engine, optimized for altitude operation, used in Delta K stage from 1989. Not regeneratively cooled; used a rubber modified silica phenolic ablative at the combustion flame front.

Number: 127 . Thrust: 43.40 kN (9,757 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 98 kg (216 lb). Specific impulse: 321 s. Burn time: 444 s. Diameter: 1.70 m (5.50 ft).

A pressure-fed engine, optimized for altitude operation. First Flown: August 1982, Delta 164. Mounting: fixed. Engine Cycle: pressure-fed. Oxidizer: nitrogen tetroxide at 9.1 kg/sec. Fuel: Aerozine-50 at 4.76 kg/sec. Mixture Ratio: 1.9:1. Thrust: 43.38 kN vacuum. Isp: 320.5 sec vacuum. Expansion Rate: 65:1. Combustion Chamber Pressure: 8.84 atm. Cooling Method: ablative chamber, radiative skirt. Burn Time: qualified up to 500 sec (unlimited starts). The engine produced approx. 212-213 seconds of Isp when tested with a 1:1 nozzle at sea level for acceptance testing. The engine is not regeneratively cooled. It uses an ablative made from rubber modified silica phenolic at the combustion flame front.

Engine: 98 kg (216 lb). Chamber Pressure: 8.96 bar. Area Ratio: 65. Thrust to Weight Ratio: 43.7040816326531. Coefficient of Thrust vacuum: 5.27806773740639.

Family: Storable liquid. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Delta 2 7000, Delta 4000, Delta 5000, Delta 2 6000, Delta 3000, Delta IV Small. Propellants: N2O4/Aerozine-50. Stages: Delta K. Agency: Aerojet.

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