B-58 (original) (raw)

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Mach 2 rocket carrier. Convair Bomber-delta wing. Maximum release conditions: Belly mounted, 21,818 kg (22.5 m length x 1.9 m diameter x 7.1 m wingspan) at 2,130 kph at 12,195 m altitude (Kingfisher).

Status: Retired 1959. Payload: 21,818 kg (48,100 lb). Thrust: 183.23 kN (41,191 lbf). Gross mass: 72,563 kg (159,974 lb). Unfuelled mass: 25,197 kg (55,549 lb). Specific impulse: 2,020 s. Specific impulse sea level: 1,836 s. Burn time: 20,000 s. Height: 29.51 m (96.81 ft). Diameter: 9.57 m (31.39 ft). Span: 17.34 m (56.88 ft). Location: 590.

Cost $ : 78.040 million. No Engines: 4. Release velocity: 590 m/s (1,930 ft/sec). Release altitude: 12 m (40 ft). Release conditions: 2,130 kph at 12.2 km.

Country: USA. Engines: J79- 5. Launch Vehicles: High Virgo. Propellants: Air/Kerosene.

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