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**More Details for 2001-07-31


Launch delayed from July 25. Koronas-F was a Russian solar observatory that pointed toward Sun within 10 arc-minutes to conduct a variety of observations. In broad categories, it carried X-ray monitors to locate sources within 1 arc-sec, radio receivers to measure flux and polarization, and particle counters.

A similar version of this observatory, Coronas-I (Koronas-I, 1994-014A) was launched in 1994, but its functionality was crippled by orientation control failure a few months after launch. [Some acronyms:- IZMIRAN: Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, Russia. CBK-PAN: Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences. IAG: Federov Applied Geophysics Institute. PTI: Ioffe PhysicoTechnical Institute, Russia. NIIYaF-MSU: Skobeltsyn Nuclear Research Institute of Moscow State University. LPI: Lebedev Physics Institute, Russia. IKI: Space Research Institute, Russia. MEPHI: Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute. FIAN: (Probably) Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences.] The sun-synchronous orbit had a period of 94.7 min, apogee 540 km, perigee 499 km, and inclination 82.5 deg.

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