Energia Ecosat (original) (raw)

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Energia Ecosat

Russian earth land resources satellite. Study 1992.

Status: Study 1992. Gross mass: 10,000 kg (22,000 lb).

RKK Energia, relying on their experience with the Progress-M and Gamma spacecraft, conceived a new, nearly 10- metric-ton, sun-synchronous satellite with a variety of Earth observation sensors, including a side-looking radar, a television camera, a video spectrometer, and a scanning radiometer. The scientific payload could reach a mass of 1.4 metric tons with an available power of 2 kW. From an operating altitude of 400 to 800 km, the spacecraft would be able to return data directly or via a relay satellite for a period of 3-5 years. If it had been approved, launch by the Zenit booster would not have come until 1996 or later.

Family: Earth, Earth land resource sat, Sun synchronous orbit. Country: Russia. Launch Vehicles: Energia. Agency: Korolev bureau. Bibliography: 119.

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