Gamma 8 (original) (raw)

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Gamma 8

Bristol Siddeley H2O2/Kerosene rocket engine. Out of production. Used on Black Arrow launch vehicle. First flight 1969.

Status: Out of production. Number: 4 . Thrust: 234.80 kN (52,785 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 342 kg (753 lb). Specific impulse: 265 s. Specific impulse sea level: 251 s. Burn time: 142 s. Diameter: 1.98 m (6.49 ft).

Gamma engines were manufactured by Bristol Siddeley and used on the Black Knight and Black Arrow launch vehicles. Propellants were High Test Peroxide and Kerosene. Black Knight used 4 chambers in two pairs on the Y and Z axes. The motors were gimbaled to provide thrust in all axes.

Black Arrow was a three stage vehicle. The first stage had an 8 chamber layout with 4 pairs of Gamma engines gimbaled as with Black Knight giving thrust in all axes. The second stage had two Gamma chambers with extended nozzles to give full expansion in vacuum. Both engines were gimbaled to provide thrust in three axes.

Thrust (sl): 222.400 kN (49,998 lbf). Thrust (sl): 22,680 kgf. Engine: 342 kg (753 lb). Chamber Pressure: 47.40 bar. Thrust to Weight Ratio: 70.0146198830409. Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 8.2.

Family: Storable liquid. Country: UK. Launch Vehicles: Black Arrow. Propellants: H2O2/Kerosene. Stages: Black Arrow-1. Agency: Bristol Siddeley. Bibliography: 225, 7428.

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