GNB (original) (raw)

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Nanosatellite built by the University of Toronto's UTIAS group, part of the exactEarth AIS constellation to monitor ship movements.

AKA: Generic Nanosatellite Bus. Status: Operational 2015. First Launch: 2015-09-28. Last Launch: 2015-09-28. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 6.00 kg (13.20 lb).


AISSat 1, 2, 3 Maritime surveillance satellite built by UTIAS for UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies) (bus); Kongsberg Seatex (payload), Norway. Launched 2010 - 2014. Used Generic Nanosatellite Bus (GNB).

CanX 4, 5 Technology satellite built by UTIAS for UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies), Canada. Launched 2014. Used Generic Nanosatellite Bus (GNB).

NORSAT 1 Science, technology, traffic monitoring satellite built by UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies) (bus); Norsk Romsenter (payload) for Norsk Romsenter. Used Generic Nano satellite Bus (GNB).

NORSAT 2 Technology, traffic monitoring satellite built by UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies) (bus); Norsk Romsenter (payload) for Norsk Romsenter, Norway. Used Generic Nanosatellite Bus (GNB).

Family: Communications. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: PSLV, PSLV-XL. Launch Sites: Sriharikota SLP.

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