Infrared astronomy satellite (original) (raw)

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Infrared astronomy satellite

Category of spacecraft.


Aelita satellite Russian infrared astronomy satellite. Cancelled 1982. The Aelita infrared astronomical telescope spacecraft was derived from the Soyuz manned spacecraft and had an unusually long gestation.

IRAS Dutch-American-UK infrared astronomy satellite. All-sky survey of astronomical IR bodies. Astronomy, Infra-Red satellite operated by NASA, USA. Launched 1983.

COBE American infrared astronomy satellite. Cosmology satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ball Aerospace for NASA, USA. Launched 1989.

ISO European infrared astronomy satellite. Infrared astrophysics. Astronomy, Infra-Red satellite built by Aerospatiale (prime), DASA (payload) for ESA, Europe. Launched 1995.

SWAS American infrared astronomy satellite. SWAS, the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite, had a 0.6m telescope with a 490 to 550 GHz submillimeter receiver and an acousto-optical spectrometer. Built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (spacecraft), Ball Aerospace (instrument) for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA. Launched 1998.

WIRE American infrared astronomy satellite. WIRE was designed to survey the celestial sky in the infrared bands and build on the results of the IRAS mission. Astronomy, Infra-red satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Bus); Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) (Instrument) for NASA, USA. Launched 1999.

Odin Swedish infrared astronomy satellite. Odin was a Swedish dual disciplinary (astrophysics and atmospheric science) spacecraft. The 250 kg, 340 W spacecraft had a pointing accuracy of 15 arc sec and a data storage capacity of 100 MB. Science, astronomy and aeronomy satellite for SSC, Sweden. Launched 2001. Used Freja-C bus, 4 solar arrays, sunshade, 3-axis stabilzed.

MAP American infrared astronomy satellite. NASA's Microwave Anisotropy Probe was placed at the L2 Earth-Moon Lagrangian point 1.5 million km from Earth to observe the dark extragalactic sky with differential microwave radiometers using two 1.5-meter reflectors working at 22 to 90 GHz. Research (Cosmology) satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Swales Aerospace for NASA, USA. Launched 2001.

SIRTF American infrared astronomy satellite. The SIRTF (Space Infrared Telescope Facility) was planned as a 1 meter class, cryogenically cooled space telescope to be operated as an observatory for infrared astronomy. Astronomy, Infra-Red satellite built by Lockheed Martin (Bus), Ball Aerospace (Telescope) for NASA, USA. Launched 2003.

Akari Japanese infrared astronomy satellite. Astro F (Akari). Carried a 0.67m-diameter liquid-helium-cooled infrared telescope with detectors ranging from the near infrared to 60 and 170 micron channels in the far IR.

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