LACE (original) (raw)

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USA 51
USA 51
Credit: Manufacturer Image

American military strategic defense satellite. USA 51. The Low-power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment was part of a dual payload with RME carrying laser defense experiments. SDI Experiments satellite built by Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for SDIO, USA. Launched 1990.

AKA: Low-power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment. Status: Operational 1990. First Launch: 1990-02-14. Last Launch: 1990-02-14. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 1,430 kg (3,150 lb). Height: 2.40 m (7.80 ft).

LACE was built by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to act as a target for ground lasers to investigate atmospheric distortion and compensation methods.

The spacecraft was gravity gradient stabilized with no attitude control thrusters. Low-power lasers were beamed from the Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS) and received by on-board IR and phased detectors. A laser locked onto a reflector mounted on a 46 meter boom to acquire the satellite. The sensor array returned data on the laser coverage, allowing the laser's adaptive optics to be adjusted, compensating for atmospheric distortion.

NCST developed, launched and operated the Low-power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment (LACE) satellite. The LACE satellite was integrated with a USAF relay-mirror experiment payload and mounted atop a Delta II rocket for a successful launch in February 1990 from Cape Canaveral. The LACE satellite carried four experiments:

More at: LACE.

Family: Military, Military strategic defense sat. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Thor, Delta, Delta 2 6000, Delta 6920-8. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral, Cape Canaveral LC17B. Agency: NRL, SDIO. Bibliography: 2, 279, 6, 12751.

1990 February 14 - . 16:15 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC17B. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Delta 6920-8.

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