Lothaller (original) (raw)

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Lothaller, Clemens

Austrian engineer cosmonaut 1989-1991. Doctorate degree from University of Vienna, 1987. One of five Austrian candidates in 1992 ESA selection. Made short list twice, but not selected in 1992 and 1998. Later had his own medical practice.

Status: Inactive; Active 1989-1991. Born: 1963-05-08. Birth Place: Vienna.

More at: Lothaller.

Family: Cosmonaut. Country: Austria. Spacecraft: Mir. Flights: Soyuz TM-13A, Soyuz TM-13 Austromir. Bibliography: 4452.

1963 May 8 - .

1989 October 1 - .

1991 August - .

1991 October 2 - . 05:59 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-U2.

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