Milwaukee Defense Area (original) (raw)

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Milwaukee Defense Area

Nike air defense area, consisting of several Nike missile batteries to defend urban, industrial, and military targets from Soviet bomber attacks.

Site designations and locations of Nike missile batteries surrounding Milwaukee are:

(M-02) Milwaukee/Brown Deer (M-64) Muskegon/Prospect

(M-20) Milwaukee/Harbor Drive (M-74) Waukesha

(M-42) Cudahy (M-86) Lannon

(M-54)Hales Corners/Paynesville (M-96) Milwaukee/Silver Spring.

Headquarters facilities were located in Milwaukee.

The Chicago District of the Corps of Engineers oversaw land acquisition, design, and construction of these sites. Regular Army and National Guard units operated these sites defending southern Wisconsin and the northern approaches to Chicago. Sites M-02, M-20, and M-74 were converted from Nike Ajax to Nike Hercules. This Defense Area was merged with Chicago-Gary in 1968.

The three Nike Hercules batteries remained operational until 1971.


Nike M-02 12 Nike Ajax/Nike Hercules launchers. Operational 1957 - Jun 1971 . Both Control and launch sites transferred from DoD control to another party.

Nike M-20 12 Nike Ajax/Nike Hercules launchers.. Operational 1957 - Jun 1971 . Both Control and launch sites transferred from DoD control to another party.

Nike M-42 12 Nike Ajax launchers.. Operational 1956 - Aug 1961 . Both Control and launch sites transferred from DoD control to another party.

Nike M-54 12 Nike Ajax launchers.. Operational 1956 - Aug 1961 . Both Control and launch sites transferred from DoD control to another party.

Nike M-64 12 Nike Ajax launchers.. Operational 1956 - Mar 1963 . Both Control and launch sites transferred from DoD control to another party.

Nike M-74 12 Nike Ajax/10 Nike Hercules launchers. Operational 1956 - Jun 1971 . Both Control and launch sites transferred from DoD control to another party.

Nike M-86 12 Nike Ajax launchers.. Operational 1956 - 1958. Both Control and launch sites transferred from DoD control to another party.

Nike M-96 12 Nike Ajax launchers.. Operational 1956 - Jun 1971 . Control site West Silver Springs ASARC and Training Area. Launch site transferred from DoD control to another party.

Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Nike Ajax, Nike Hercules. Bibliography: 13403.

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