YaRD Type V (original) (raw)

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YaRD Type V

Korolev nuclear/LH2 rocket engine. Study 1963. Design considered in N1 nuclear upper stage studies. Outgrowth of work done by Bondaryuk and Glushko on YaRD engines for nuclear ICBM's, but using liquid hydrogen as propellant.

Status: Study 1963. Thrust: 392.00 kN (88,125 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 18,000 kg (39,000 lb). Specific impulse: 900 s. Burn time: 700 s.

Engine: 18,000 kg (39,000 lb). Thrust to Weight Ratio: 2.22.


YaRD Type V-B Korolev nuclear/LH2 rocket engine. Study 1963. Design considered in N1 nuclear upper stage studies. This version had 7,000 kg bioshield for manned missions. Used liquid hydrogen as propellant.

Family: nuclear-powered. Country: Russia. Launch Vehicles: N1 Nuclear V. Propellants: Nuclear/LH2. Stages: N1 Nuclear V stage. Agency: Korolev bureau. Bibliography: 283.

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