58 B.C. - events and references (original) (raw)

Click on the links in the lists of references to go to the sources for each event


ROM {1 January -R} Sex.Cloelius holds the Ludi Compitalicii, even though they are still officially banned.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:RedSen_17,* #:Pis_8; #Ascon_7;L { CAH_9'378.}


P.Clodius passes a law to provide the corn dole at Rome completely free of charge.
* Read Dio's account
@ +Cic:Dom_25, :Sest_55; +Ascon_8;L +DioCass_38.13'1;* Schol:Bob_132;L { CAH_9'377-378; OCD_c.}


P.Clodius restores the right to belong to guilds.
* Read Cicero's account
@ +Cic:Sest_34, 55, +:Pis_9-10;* Ascon_7,L +8;L (↓) +DioCass_38.13'2.


Clodius restricts the ability of the censors to punish senators.
* Read Dio's account
@ Cic:HarResp_58, +:Sest_55, +:Pis_9-10; +Ascon_8-9;L (↓) +DioCass_38.13'2,* 40.57'2.


{January -R} Clodius prohibits the use of "watching the sky" to obstruct legislation, as allowed by the Lex Aelia Fufia.
* Read Dio's account
@ Cic:RedSen_11, :HarResp_58, +:Sest_33, 56, :Vat_18, #:Pis_9-10; +Ascon_8;L +DioCass_38.13'3-6.*


{January -R} Clodius forms an armed gang of slaves, and occupies the temple of Castor.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:Dom_54, 110, +:Sest_34, +:Pis_11;* +Plut:Cic_30'1.


M.Antonius joins the supporters of Clodius.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Cic:Phil_2'48; Plut:Ant_2'6-7.*


Pupius Piso invites Clodius to dinner.
@ Plut:Mor_511'D-E; { Probably to celebrate Clodius becoming tribune.}


Clodius mollifies the opposition of the tribune L.Ninnius.
* Read Dio's account
@ (?)Plut:Cic_30'3; +DioCass_38.14'1-3;* { CAH_9'378.}


Domitius and Memmius attempt to prosecute Caesar for his activities as consul.
* Read Suetonius' account
@ Suet:Caes_23'1,* :Ner_2'2; Schol:Bob_130;L { CAH_9'378-379; OCD_d.}


{28 January -R} The birth of Livia, the future wife of Augustus.
* Read Dio's account
@ #EhrJon:Fast_Jan30; Plin:HN_14'60;L +DioCass_58.2'1;* { OCD_l.}


ITA L.Piso visits Capua, where he hold the office of duumvir.
* Read Cicero's account
@ +Cic:Sest_19,* +:Pis_25; Ascon_10.L


ROM Clodius passes a law to give the consuls the provinces of Macedonia and Cilicia (later changed to Syria).
* Read Cicero's account
@ ~Cic:RedSen_18, :RedPop_11, :Dom_23-24,* 55, 60, +:Sest_24-25, 55, +:Pis_28, 37; +Plut:Cic_30'1; [Vict]:VirIll_81'4; { CAH_9'380; OCD_cl.}


Clodius proposes a law, to punish anyone who has taken the life of a Roman citizen without trial.
* Read Dio's account
@ +Cic:Sest_25; [Liv]:Per_103; Vell_2.45'1; Appian:BCiv_2'15; +DioCass_38.14'4-7.*


Cicero, anticipating the use of Clodius' law against himself, approaches the people of Rome as a suppliant.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ +Plut:Cic_30'4-5;* Appian:BCiv_2'15.


The equites and some of the senators demonstrate in support of Cicero, but Gabinius orders L.Lamia, one of the equites, to leave Rome.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:RedSen_12, :Dom_55-57, +:Sest_25-32,* +:Pis_18, 64, :Planc_87, :Fam_11.16'2, 12.29'1; Ascon_9;L (↓) +Plut:Cic_31'1, :Crass_13'4; +DioCass_38.16'2-3.


The consuls support Clodius against Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:RedSen_10, 13-17, +:Sest_17-24,* +:Pis_12-17, 77-78; ValMax_4.2'4; +DioCass_38.16'4-6.


The triumvirs offer no practical help to Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:RedSen_32, +:Sest_36-41, :ProvCon_43, :Pis_76-81;* Vell_2.45'2; +Plut:Cic_30'4, 31'2-3, :Pomp_46'8-9; +DioCass_38.15'1-16'1, 17'1-3; Schol:Bob_129,L 167.


Vatinius escapes prosecution by accepting an offer to join Caesar's staff in Gaul.
@ Cic:Vat_33-36; Schol:Bob_140,L 150;L { Vatinius was due to appear before the praetor C.Memmius.}


Clodius passes a law to turn Cyprus into a Roman province; M.Cato is sent to expel king Ptolemy from the island, and to restore some exiles to Byzantium.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Cic:Dom_20-23, 52-53, 65, +:Sest_56-64; Sall:Hist_1'6; [Liv]:Per_104; Strab_14'684;(6.6) Vell_2.45'4; ~Plut:CatMin_34'1-7;* Flor_1.44'1-3; !Appian:BCiv_2'23; +DioCass_38.30'5; Festus:Brev_13'1; AmmMarc_14.8'15; Schol:Bob_132-133;L { CAH_9'384; OCD_cl.}


{March -R} Cicero leaves Rome and goes into exile, without waiting for a trial.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Cic:RedSen_33-34, :Dom_63-64, 95-99, :HarResp_45, :Vat_6-9, +:Pis_19-21, 31-33, :Planc_73, 86-90, :Mil_36-37, :Leg_3'25-26;L Vell_2.45'2; Plut:CatMin_35'1, +:Cic_31'4-5,* 53'1-2; Appian:BCiv_2'15; +DioCass_38.17'4-5, 45.17'3; +Obseq_68; [Vict]:VirIll_81'4; { CAH_9'381-383; OCD_c.}


Clodius passes another law, explicitly banishing Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:Dom_43-53,* 82-85, +:Sest_53-54, :Pis_72, :Leg_3'45;L Plut:CatMin_30'1, +:Cic_32'1; +DioCass_38.17'6-7; Schol:Bob_139,L 153.


Clodius seizes Cicero's possessions, and destroys his house in Rome.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:RedSen_18, :Dom_60-62, 101-141,* +:Sest_54, +:Pis_22-26, :Leg_2'42;L Vell_2.45'3; Ascon_10;L Sen:Ben_5.17'2; +Plut:Cic_33'1; Appian:BCiv_2'15;(↓) +DioCass_38.17'6, 39.11'1-2; Schol:Bob_171.


NAR {28 March -R} Caesar rushes to Gaul, on hearing that the Helvetii have fixed a date for their migration.
* Read Caesar's account
@ #Caes:BGall_1.5'1-7'2;* [Liv]:Per_103; Plut:Caes_17'5, 18'1; Oros_6.7'4; { CAH_9'383; OCD_h.}


The start of Caesar's conquest of Gaul.
* Read Caesar's account
@ Caes:BCiv_1.7'7;* Vell_2.47'2; Lucan_1'283; Plut:Caes_15'5; Suet:Caes_25'1; Flor_2.13'81; Appian:Gall_1'6;(20a) DioCass_44.33'2; Eutrop_6.17'3; AmmMarc_15.12'6; { Ancient writers say that Caesar's campaigns lasted for between 8 and 10 years.}


ETR Cicero has a dream foretelling his return, at Atina in Latium.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:Div_1'59, 2'136-141;* ValMax_1.7'5.


SIC C.Vergilius warns Cicero not to cross to Sicily.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:Planc_95-96;* +Plut:Cic_32'2.


NAR {13 April -R} The Helvetii ask Caesar to allow them to migrate, but he refuses and fortifies a stretch of the river Rhine.
* Read Caesar's account
@ #Caes:BGall_1.7'3-8'4;* Flor_1.45'2-3; Appian:Gall_15'1-2;(21) +DioCass_38.31'1-4.


GAL The Helvetii invade the territory of the Aedui, while Caesar raises reinforcements in northern Italy.
* Read Caesar's account
@ +Caes:BGall_1.9'1-11'6;* Polyaen_8.23'2.


ITA {April -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.1-7, letters written by Cicero during his journey down to Vibo, and then across southern Italy to Brundisium.


{29 April -R} Document: Cic:Fam_14.4, a letter from Cicero to his wife Terentia, written at Brundisium.


ROM M.Cotta prosecutes C.Carbo, who is found guilty of extortion as governor of Bithynia.
* Read Dio's account
@ ValMax_5.4'4; DioCass_36.40'4;* { DPRR; Carbo was governor of Bithynia until 59 B.C.}


ITA C.Octavius dies while travelling home to Rome from Macedonia.
* Read Suetonius' account
@ Cic:Phil_3'15; NicDam_126'3; Vell_2.59'2; Tac:Ann_1'9; Suet:Aug_4'1,* 8'1, 100'1; DioCass_45.1'1; { DPRR.}


MAC {May -R} Cicero crosses over from Italy to Macedonia.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Cic:Planc_97; +Plut:Cic_32'3-5;* +DioCass_38.18'1-29'4.


GAL Caesar and Labienus defeat the Helvetii by the river Arar.
* Read Caesar's account
@ +Caes:BGall_1.12'1-15'5;* Plut:Caes_18'2; Appian:Gall_1'8,(20b) 15'3;(21) Polyaen_8.23'3; +DioCass_38.32'1-33'1.


Liscus accuses Dumnorix of trying to undermine the alliance between the Aedui and the Romans.
@ Caes:BGall_1.16'1-20'6.


MAC Cn.Plancius, as quaestor in Macedonia, welcomes and protects Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:RedSen_35, :Planc_28, 61, 71, 98-101;* Hieron:Chron_1956; Schol:Bob_127,L 153, 168;L { OCD_p.}


{29 May -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.8, a letter from Cicero to Atticus, written at Thessalonice.


ROM {1 June -R} L.Ninnius proposes a motion for Cicero's recall.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:RedSen_3-4,(?):Dom_125, #:Sest_67-68;* +DioCass_38.30'3-4; { CAH_9'385.}


GAL Caesar defeats the Helvetii again, near Bibracte.
* Read Caesar's account
@ Cic:ProvCon_33; +Caes:BGall_1.21'1-26'6;* [Liv]:Per_103; Plut:Caes_18'2-4; Appian:Gall_1'8;(20b) +DioCass_38.33'2-5; Eutrop_6.17'2; Oros_6.7'5.


Caesar allows the survivors of the Helvetii to return home.
* Read Caesar's account
@ Caes:BGall_1.27'1-29'3,* 7.9'6; Strab_4'193;(3.3) Plut:Caes_18'5-6; Flor_1.45'3; +DioCass_38.33'6; Julian:Caes_321'D; Oros_6.7'4; { OCD_h.}


MAC {June -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.9-11 & Cic:QFr_1.3, letters from Cicero to Atticus and to his brother Quintus.


EGY ?? Document: BD_134, statutes of the "synodos" of Zeus Hypsistos.{ This probably dates from the first part of the reign of Ptolemy Auletes.}


{? June} Ptolemy is forced out by an uprising at Alexandria, and his daughter Berenice becomes queen of Egypt.
* Read Dio's account
@ Plut:Pomp_49'13-14; DioCass_39.12'1-2,* 13'1; [Euseb]:Chron_167, 261;(↓) ChronPasc_456'A; { OCD_p; Hölbl_p226-227; Bennett.}


GAL Diviciacus and the Aedui urge Caesar to make war on the German king Ariovistus.
* Read Caesar's account
@ Caes:BGall_1.30'1-33'5,* 6.12'6;* [Liv]:Per_104; Plut:Caes_19'1-2;(?)Flor_1.45'10; { OCD_ar.}


MAC {July/August -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.12-14 & Cic:QFr_1.4, further letters from Cicero to Atticus and to his brother Quintus.


ROM {11 August -R} Clodius is accused to plotting to murder Pompeius.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:Sest_69, +:Pis_28, :Mil_18-19,* 37; #Ascon_46;L Schol:Bob_170-172.


{16 August -R} Clodius turns against Pompeius, and prevents him from leaving his house.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Cic:Dom_66-67, :HarResp_58, +:Pis_27-30, :Mil_18; #Ascon_46-47;L (↓) +Plut:Cic_33'1-2, :Pomp_48'8-49'4;* +DioCass_38.30'2; { CAH_9'385; OCD_c.}


MAC {17-19 August -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.15-16, two letters from Cicero to Atticus.


GAL Ariovistus rejects Caesar's demands, and they prepare for war.
* Read Caesar's account
@ +Caes:BGall_1.34'1-38'7;* Flor_1.45'11; +DioCass_38.34'1-6.


Caesar quells a mutiny in his army, caused by fear of the Germans.
* Read Caesar's account
@ +Caes:BGall_1.39'1-41'5;* [Liv]:Per_104; Frontin:Str_1.11'3, 4.5'11; Plut:Caes_19'3-5; Flor_1.45'12; Appian:Gall_17'1;(21) +DioCass_38.35'1-47'2; Quint_3.8'19-21; Oros_6.7'6.


ROM Clodius helps Tigranes, the son of king Tigranes, to escape from custody at the house of Flavius.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Ascon_47;L Plut:Pomp_48'10;* +DioCass_38.30'1; Schol:Bob_118-119;L { CAH_9'385; OCD_c.}


Lentulus Spinther is elected consul for the following year, with the help of Caesar.
@ Caes:BCiv_1.22'4.


M.Scaurus gives extravagant displays, including leopards and a hippopotamus, while holding the office of aedile.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:Sest_116,* :Off_2'57; ValMax_2.4'6; Ascon_18, 27;L Plin:HN_8'64, '96, 9'11,L 34'36, 35'127, 36'5-7, '50, '113-116; { OCD_s; DPRR.}


MAC {September -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.17-19, letters from Cicero to Atticus, written at Thessalonice.


GER Ariovistus agrees to meet Caesar, but their negotiations soon break down.
* Read Caesar's account
@ +Caes:BGall_1.48'1-50'3;* Appian:Gall_17'1;(21) +DioCass_38.47'3-4.


After some delay, Ariovistus enters into a battle with Caesar, and is completely defeated.
* Read Caesar's account
@ +Caes:BGall_1.48'1-54'1,* 4.16'7; [Liv]:Per_104; Frontin:Str_2.1'16, 6'3; Plut:Caes_19'6-12; Flor_1.45'12-13; Appian:Gall_1'9;(22) Polyaen_8.23'4; ClemAl:Strom_1'15;(↓↓) +DioCass_38.47'4-50'5; Oros_6.7'6-10; { CAH_9'385; OCD_a.}


AEG Ptolemy Auletes visits Cato at Rhodes.
@ Plut:CatMin_35'4-7; { Hölbl_p226-227.}


GRE M.Antonius leaves Rome to study rhetoric in Greece.
@ Plut:Ant_2'7-8; { Before Gabinius went out to Syria.}


ROM {late September -R} Atticus receives a large inheritance from his uncle Q.Caecilius.
* Read Cicero's account
@ +Cic:Att_3.20'1-2;* Nepos:Att_5'1-2; ValMax_7.8'5.


CIS Caesar returns to Cisalpine Gaul.
@ +Caes:BGall_1.54'2-3; +Plut:Caes_20'1-3.


MAC {October -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.20-21 & Cic:Fam_14.2, letters from Cicero to Atticus and to his wife Terentia.


ROM {29 October -R} Eight tribunes, led by Ninnius, pass a motion in the senate for the recall of Cicero, but it is vetoed by L.Aelius.
* Read Cicero's account
@ #Cic:Att_3.23'1-4,* :RedSen_4, 8; :Sest_69-70; { CAH_9'387.}


CIS Sestius attempts to win Caesar's support for Cicero's return.
@ Cic:Sest_71.


MAC {Nov./Dec. -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.22-25 & Cic:Fam_14.1-3, further letters from Cicero to Atticus and to his wife Terentia.


ROM == Clodius proposes that freedmen should be able to vote among the rural tribes.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ (?)Plut:Cic_30'1;* Ascon_52.L


== Clodius is bribed to pass a law appointing Brogitarus priest of Magna Mater at Pessinus.
@ +Cic:Sest_56; { CAH_9'379; OCD_c.}


== The consuls ban the worship of Serapis, Isis and other eastern gods in Rome.
@ +Tert:Apol_6'8; Arnob_2'73.


AEG == Document: CIL_1.2550, the Lex Gabinia Calpurnia concerning the island of Delos.


PON == C.Piso leaves the province of Pontus, where he is quaestor, to help his father-in-law Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account
@ Cic:Fam_14.1'4, 3'3, :RedSen_38,* :RedPop_7, :Brut_272.


SYR << Lentulus Marcellinus, as governor of Syria, fights against the Arabs.
@ Appian:Syr_51; { DPRR; Lentulus was governor in 59 and 58 B.C.}


CIS == The poet Vergilius starts studying at a school in Cremona.
* Read Suetonius' account
@ [Suet]:Verg_6;* +Hieron:Chron_1959.