136 B.C. - events and references (original) (raw)

Click on the links in the lists of references to go to the sources for each event


EGY {7 Tybi -E = January} Document: AET_7.12, a bilingual sale of liturgies at Djeme.


ROM The senate refuses to endorse Mancinus' treaty.
* Read Plutarch's account
@ Cic:Rep_3'28, +:Off_3'109; ~[Liv]:Per_55; Vell_2.2'1; Plut:TGrac_7'1-6;* ~Appian:Hisp_83; DioCass_fr.79'1-3, 83'2; [Vict]:VirIll_59'4, 64'2; Eutrop_4.17'1, 10.17'2; Oros_5.4'21, 5'3; { CAH_9'61; OCD_scipio.}


SPA M.Lepidus is defeated at Pallantia.
* Read Appian's account
@ Lucil_1123; Diod_33.27'1; ~[Liv]:Per_56; ~Appian:Hisp_81-82;* +Obseq_25; ~Oros_5.5'13-16; { CAH_9'577.}


ROM Furius takes his oppponents Metellus and Pompeius as legates to Spain.
* Read Dio's account
@ +ValMax_3.7'5; DioCass_fr.82'1;* { OCD_p.}


GRE << Carneades the son of Polemarchus becomes head of the Academy, when Carneades the son of Epicomus resigns because of old age.
@ ~Apollod:Fr_54; Phld:Acad_25;B { OCD_c; Green_715.}


PAL << Cendebaeus the general of Antiochus invades Judaea.
* Read 1Maccabees' account
@ ~1Macc_15'38-16'10;* Joseph:BJ_1'51-53, :AJ_13'225-227, '236; { After the death of Tryphon.}


SPA Furius hands over Mancinus to the Numantines, but they do not accept him.
* Read Livy's account
@ Cic:DeOr_1'181, 2'137, :Off_3'109; Liv_fr'14;L ~[Liv]:Per_56;* Vell_2.1'5; Plin:HN_34'18; ~Appian:Hisp_83; Justin:Dig_50.7'18<q"Pomponius>;Obseq_24; [Vict]:VirIll_59'4; AmmMarc_14.11'32, 25.9'11; Oros_5.4'21, 5'4, '6.


ROM M.Lepidus is fined for his conduct in Spain.
@ ~Appian:Hisp_83; { CAH_9'67, '577.}


The tribune P.Rutilius tries to prevent Mancinus from entering the senate after his return from Spain.
@ Cic:DeOr_1'181-182, '238.


The censorship of Ap.Claudius Pulcher and Q.Fulvius Nobilior; Fulvius dissuades Claudius from handing out harsh punishments.
* Read Fasti's account
@ +FastCap_p70;* ~[Liv]:Per_56; Plut:TGrac_4'2; DioCass_fr.81'1; { OCD_c.}


== P.Scaevola condemns a mime for abusing the poet Accius by name on stage.
* Read Anon's account
@ [Cic]:RhetHer_1'24,* 2'19; { Probably when Scaevola was praetor - see DPRR.}