Latin Inscriptions: Movable Objects (original) (raw)


Inscriptions from the time of the Roman Republic, translated by E.H.Warmington (1940). The numbers in red refer to the Latin text in the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.

On toilet articles found at Praeneste.


Latin Text

A golden brooch made by Manius. Seventh or sixth century B.C. The inscription is in Greek characters (running from right to left) which show the Greek alphabet undergoing a change to fit the needs of Praenestine Latin.

Manius made me for Numasios {= Numerius}.



Latin Text

(i) A bronze toilet-casket made by Novius for Dindia Macolnia. c. 250-235 B.C.

On the lid.

[a] Dindia Macolnia gave this to her daughter.

[b] Novius Plautius made me at Rome.


Latin Text

Under one of the legs.


Latin Text

(ii) Another bronze casket, depicting a rustic kitchen-scene; c.250-235 B.C. Two (or more?) slave-cooks preparing a savoury meal. The inscriptions run partly from right to left. It is usually assumed that half a dozen people are preparing one dish, but it seems to me there are two people only preparing several dishes for one meal. I have called the two persons A and B and have added what they appear to me to be doing.

[A] {who is cutting up a fish} Prepare the fish !

[B] {taking down the lower part of a pig} I've made the garlic patties thick.

. . .

[B] {with a dish of fish?-cakes in one hand and a knife in the other} I've prepared it.

[A] {holding out a dish to B} Beat it up with a leek !

. . .

[B] {stirring and addressing a large cauldron} Boil for me royally !

[A] {prodding or stirring the food in the cauldron and holding in his left hand a plate of seven cakes} Well then, mix away!

. . .

[B] {walking away and perhaps announcing to invisible diners} The roast in hand I bring.


Latin Text

(iii) Another casket, depicting Castor, Pollux, a dwarf, and companions. Now in the British Museum. Reads partly from right to left.

[a] Castor.

On mirrors.


Latin Text

(i) Depicting a boy and a girl playing on a gaming-board.

Because of that, I'll win against you.


Latin Text

(ii) Depicting Marsyas dancing with Little Pan.

[a] Marsyas.

[b] Little Pan.

[c] Vifius Philippus engraved this.


Latin Text

(iii) Depicting Lycurgus, threatening Philonicus and a rescuer.

[a] Thaseus.

[b] Lycurgus.

[c] Philonicus son of Thaseus.


Latin Text

(iv) In the Lewis collection, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Depicting domestic life. Girl Fasia on Metios' knee. Acila stands near.

[a] Metios.

[6] Fasia.

[c] Acila {or handmaid}.

[d] Ceisia Lucilia Fata and Iunios Setios Atos . . .

On scrapers.


Latin Text

(1) A small weasel, with base and handle. Praeneste.

Caress me. Property of Lucia Cornelia, daughter of Lucius.


Latin Text

(ii) Found near Corchiano, Faliscan territory.

On ware made before 220 B.C. at Cales and found in various parts of Italy (see CIL, 1.2, 405-417; and id., pp. 720-1, numbers 405a, 406(a), 2487 ff.).


Latin Text

(i) On a number of paterae.

Made by Lucius Canuleius of Cales, son of Lucius.


Latin Text

(ii) On paterae found at Tarquinii.

I, Retus Gabinius, slave of Gaius, made you at Cales.


Latin Text

(iii) On a patera bought at Naples.

Kaeso Serponius made this at Cales, in the Esquiline quarter. A slave of Gaius.


Latin Text

(iv) On a mould for paterae, found a Capua: now in the British Museum.

I am from the workshop of Lucius Canuleius.


Latin Text

(v) On a clay vessel. Rome?

Marcus? a household slave; at Cales.

On various articles. Before 220 B.C.


Latin Text

(i) Ointment-pot? Found by the Tiber. Has apex, 'Fláca' (?).


Latin Text

(ii) Small pitcher, Esquiline necropolis.

Rustius asked Rustia to take this.


Latin Text

(iii) Clay dish. Rome.

[a] I Fulfios, made it.

[b] {on the inside, in another hand:} Marcus' (?) slave.


Latin Text

(iv) Pot. Esquiline necropolis. Under one foot.

Statia possesses this pot.


Latin Text

(v) Round the funnel of an ink-well. Rome.

The property of Philotimus, slave of Lucius Lucretius.


Latin Text

(vi) Lamp. Esquiline necropolis.

For Claudius. I am not yours.


Latin Text

(vii) Lamp. Esquiline necropolis.

Do not touch; I am not yours; I am Marcus'.


Latin Text

(viii) Lamp. Velitrae.

Do not touch me. I am Gemucius'.


Latin Text

(ix) Lamp. Esquiline necropolis.

I am Sota's. Touch me not.


Latin Text

(x) Lamp. Esquiline.

Statia, our bailiff's wife.


Latin Text

(xi) Lamp. Esquiline necropolis.

Placed by Spurius Helvius for Titus Ivilius of the Stellatine tribe.


Latin Text

(xii) On the neck of a bronze bust of Medusa. Found at Rome?

Made by Gaius Ovius of the Ufentine tribe.


Latin Text

(xiii) On the cloak of a bronze status of Jupiter. District of Orvieto.

The work of Gaius Pomponius, of the Quirine tribe.


Latin Text

(xiv) On a vessel of Umbrian origin. Found on the Esquiline.

Gaius Paconius, son of Gaius, grandson of Quintus.


Latin Text

On a bronze vessel of Campanian origin. Now in the British Museum.

Quintus Luenius, praefect, son of Quintus, made this in the name of his tribes.


Latin Text

On a bronze disk. The letters are formed by punctured dots. From Picenum.

To Vibius Avilius son of Vibius, and Vibius Alfienus son of Publius out of the traffic revenue of the hamlet.


Latin Text

On a chalk lid of a well? Esquiline.

I, Gaius Antonius, made it.

Portable guest-tokens.


Latin Text

(i) Piece of a fat bronze fish found at Fundi. Between 222 and 153 B.C.

Unanimously resolved: the Senators on the Roll. Titus Fa . . . the praefects and all the praefecture of Fundi have established a bond of guestship with Tiberius {Claudius?}. We entrust all of us to his good faith and in it meet together. We all choose him as a patron. In the consulship of Marcus Claudius son of Marcus and . . .


Latin Text

(ii) Half of a halved bronze ram's head. Trasacco.

Titus Manlius, son of Titus.


Titus Staiodius, son of Numerius.

On wine-jars or bottles. (i), (ii), (iii) are each on a different jar.


Latin Text

(i) Esquiline, 102 B.C.


Latin Text

(ii) Between Viminal and Esquiline, 102 B.C.


Latin Text

(iii) By the Ostian Way, 101 B.C.


Latin Text

(iv) By the Ostian Way, 97 B.C. Both [a] and [b] are on the same jar.

[a] Waxed Arvisian of Gaius Domitius.


Latin Text

(v) Found somewhere in Rome. 129 B.C.?

[a] Vergilian estate. Gaius Sempronius and Quintus Fabricius.

On various objects, second or first century B.C.


Latin Text

(i) On a brick. Velitrae.

Gaius Tossius and Lucius Tossius, sons of Gaius; Gaius Tossius, freedman of Gaius.


Latin Text

(ii) On a cask found near Orvieto.

The pottery of Lucius Tettius Balbus.

Antiochus, slave of Tossius Sextus made it.


Latin Text

(iii) On a small earthen equipoise {counterbalance}. Near Mantua.

I, Antiochus, modelled you.


Latin Text

(iv) Clay tile. Cortona?

Made by Lucius Quintius Au. (?), slave of Statius.


Latin Text

(v) On the plinth of a statuette. Origin unknown.

Modelled by Gaius Rufius, statuette-maker.


Latin Text

(vi) Under the foot of an 'Arretine' vessel. Rome.

Do not filch me. I belong to Helvetius.


Latin Text

(vii) On a bronze dish. Origin unknown.

From Aula Septunolena, as a gift to Petro Maesius.


Latin Text

(viii) On some pigs of lead found in a mine near Cartagena in Spain.

Marcus Roscius and Publius Roscius, sons of Marcus, of the Maecian tribe.


Latin Text

On sling-shots found at Castro Giovanni (Henna) in Sicily. 133 B.C.

Lucius Piso consul, son of Lucius.

Sling-shots of lead of the so-called Social War. 90- 89 B.C. (CIL, 1.2, 848-884). The first found at Corropoli, the rest at Asculum. Some of the readings are very uncertain.


Latin Text

[i] [a] The Italians. [b] Titus Lafrenius, praetor.


Latin Text


Latin Text


Latin Text


Latin Text


Latin Text

[vi] Runaways, you are done for!


Latin Text

[vii] There's hell for you, damn you!


Latin Text

[viii] [a] Swallow the bull, and go to hell! [b] Yet you will belch up the lot!

'Tesserae consulares'. Tickets of bone or ivory.


Latin Text

(i) Rome? 96 B.C.

Inspected by Capito slave of Memmius, in the month of November, in the consulship of Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Cassius.


Latin Text

(ii) Origin unknown. 94 B.C.

Inspected by Phuloxenus, servant of associate ironsmiths, on the 5th of April in the consulship of Gaius Coelius and Lucius Domitius.


Latin Text

(iii) Near Tarracina. 93 B.C.

Inspected by Menophulus, slave of Lucius Abius, in the consulship of Gaius Valerius and Marcus Herennius.


Latin Text

(iv) Near Capua? 86 B.C. Spurious?

Inspected by Dardanus, slave of Babius, on the 5th of Feb., in the consulship of Lucius Cornelius and Lucius Valerius.


Latin Text

(v) Origin unknown. Now in the British Museum. 85 B.C.

Inspected by Cocero, slave of Fafinius, on the 5th of Oct. in the consulship of Lucius Cinna and Gnaeus Papirius.


Latin Text

(vi) Rome? 80 B.C.

Inspected by Bato, slave of Attalenius, on the 4th of Mar. in the consulship of Lucius Sulla and Quintus Metellus.


Latin Text

Private notice of voting-place of a guild. Bronze plate for hanging up. Found at Rome.

Place reserved for the free-born who go down to give their votes.

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