Select Papyri, 1.52 (original) (raw)



Greek text: PRyl 157
Date: A.D. 185.

Eudaemonis also called Tetes and Soeris also called Souerous, both daughters of Herodes also called Tiberius son of Heron, Tetes acting through her husband Dionysius also called Plantas surnamed Lupus, son of Dionysius, and Souerous through her husband Dioscurides also called ... son of Pluton, mutual greetings. We acknowledge that we have divided between each other at this present time the domain-land vineyard which we hold on lease in the village Thrage in the toparchy of the Upper Suburb, being part of the holding of Xenon . . . whatever the extent of its acreage is, containing an orchard, and that Soeris also called Souerous has been allotted the southern portion, having forthwith paid to Eudaemonis for the choice 210 silver drachmas. Its measurements are . . . beginning from south to north inside the wall of the plot in the second stade following the western wall 1 schoenion, from the western wall eastward for a certain distance 155/64 schoenia, and from this latter boundary turning off to the north 23/32 of a schoenion, and from this boundary eastward up to the eastern wall which is the boundary of the whole plot 13/32 of a schoenion. And we acknowledge that Eudaemonis also called Tetes has been allotted the northern portion, having received from Souerous as aforesaid the 210 drachmas of silver, in accordance with the aforesaid measurements of the southern portion, whatever the extent of its acreage is. The restoration of the common walls now being reconstructed shall be paid for out of our common revenues. Each of us shall irrigate her own portion, by means of . . . and men working the water-wheel and banking the channels, from our common reservoir which is in our private plot beyond the western wall of the domain-land plot . . ., the cost of maintaining and repairing the wooden water-wheel and likewise the reservoir and of cleansing it being borne by us both. The recipient of the southern portion shall permit the recipient of the northern portion, for the time of the vintage only, entrance and exit through the eastern wall near her northern boundary, and likewise the recipient of the northern portion shall permit the recipient of the southern portion to conduct water by means of the existing channel at the western wall of the plot for the irrigation of all the southern portion, and likewise, if it should become necessary at the inundation to irrigate the said southern portion by foot, the recipient of the northern portion shall permit water to be conducted through it. All public imposts on the plot both in corn and in money for the past and the future and the dues to the Treasury shall be borne by us both; for we have agreed to these terms. This division is valid, without prejudice to matters pending between us. The 19th year of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Epeiph 24. {Signed} I, Eudaemonis also called Tetes, daughter of Herodes also called Tiberius son of Heron, acting through my husband Dionysius also called Plantas surnamed Lupus, son of Dionysius, have made the division as aforesaid.

papyrus 53

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