Select Papyri, 1.58 (original) (raw)



Greek text: PTeb 392
Date: A.D. 134�135.

The 19th year of the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus . . . at Tebtunis in the division of Polemon in the Arsinoite nome. Cronion, son of Cronion son of Heron, aged about 2[.] years, with a scar on the right shin, acknowledges to his sister Eudaemonis also called Politta, daughter of the same father and mother, aged about 46 years, with a scar on the right knee, having with her as guardian her son Eutychus . . . aged about 20 years, with a scar on the left hand, that he is bound to guarantee his sister Eudaemonis also called Politta against molestation or exaction or annoyance of any kind on account of the liabilities of her deceased husband Horion, who was also her brother, to Taotion daughter of Heracleides in virtue of a contract of deposit made in the 3rd year of Hadrianus Caesar the lord, Mesore 1, through the record-office here, namely 5 quarters of standard gold with silver coin and other items, on the terms stated in the contract, because Cronion has received these sums for his own use, whereas Horion has had nothing at all and was only entered in the deed on their instance.

{Signed} I, Cronion son of Cronion, agree to guarantee my sister Eudaemonis also called Politta against molestation, exaction or annoyance of any kind on account of the liabilities of our brother Horion to Taotion daughter of Heracleides in virtue of a contract of deposit on the terms therein stated, because I have received the sums for my own use and Horion has had nothing at all, having been entered in the deed on our instance as aforesaid. Agathes son of Arius wrote for him, as he is illiterate

{Subscribed} Registered by the record-office at Tebtunis.

papyrus 59

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