Select Papyri, 1.77 (original) (raw)



Greek text: POxy 513
Date: A.D. 184.

Diogenes also called Dionysius son of Sarapion son of Hermias, of the Phylaxithalassian tribe and the Althaean deme, to Serenus son of Philiscus son of Sarapion and of Helena, of Oxyrhynchus, greeting. Whereas in the 22nd year of Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Caesar the lord, in the month Hadrianus, I was assigned by Nemesianus, then strategos of the nome, from the unsold property of the Treasury a house with central court and yard, with the fixtures, in the quarter of the Lycians' Camp, previously owned by Sarapion, late . . ., at the assessment price of 600 drachmas and the extra charges, and whereas I was registered by the royal scribe of the nome, Pericles, as owing this sum together with the additional charges, making 637 drachmas 3 obols, and likewise for interest for the 22nd year 39 drachmas 31/2 obols 3 chalkoi, and as interest for the 23rd year 28 drachmas 21/2 obols, making a total of 68 drachmas 3 chalkoi for interest, and whereas I paid to the account of the State as the price of the house in all 637 drachmas 3 obols and likewise the interest entered against me to the amount of 68 drachmas 3 chalkoi, the receipts for which payments with the signature of me, Diogenes also called Dionysius, I have delivered to you, Serenus, because you have made a higher bid for the aforesaid house, raising the price to 1800 drachmas, and it has been made over to you by a letter of his excellency the dioiketes, Ventidius Rufinus . . ., ex-strategos, in the present 24th year on Mecheir 30 for the 1800 drachmas and the extra charges, and the royal scribe has debited you in accordance with the supplementary note which he issued, after deducting the 600 drachmas paid by me, with the remaining 1200 drachmas and the additional charges, I acknowledge that according to a communication from Epimachus who farms the bank at the Serapeum by Oxyrhynchus I have received from you the sums which I paid as aforesaid, for the price and the additional charges 637 drachmas 3 obols and for interest 68 drachmas 3 chalkoi, making a total of 705 drachmas 3 obols 3 chalkoi, and that I neither make nor will make any claim against you with regard to this or any other matter whatever up to the present day, and if any action is brought against you or your assigns with regard to this, I will take the responsibility upon myself. My father, Sarapion son of Hermias son of Hermias, of the Sosicosmian tribe and the Althaean deme, being present consents to the above statement. This receipt is valid. The 24th year of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus Pius Armeniacus Medicus Parthicus Sarmaticus Germanicus Maximus, Epeiph 4.

{Signed} I, Diogenes also called Dionysius son of Sarapion, of the Phylaxithalassian tribe and the Althaean deme, have received from Serenus the aforesaid total of 705 drachmas 3 obols 3 chalkoi in full, and I neither make nor will make any claim against him with regard to this or any other matter whatever as aforesaid, and if any action is brought against him or his with regard to this, I will take the responsibility upon myself. I, Serenus son of Philiscus son of Sarapion and of Helena, consent to the above statement and have received the receipts with your signature as aforesaid. I, Sarapion son of Hermias son of Hermias, of the Sosicosmian tribe and the Althaean deme, consen t to all the above

{Subscribed} Epeiph 4, registered . . .

papyrus 78

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