in ancient sources @ (original) (raw)

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts. On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.

Barbula (Q. Aemilius Barbula)

- Roman consul, 317 and 311 B.C.
DPRR record
+ Aemilius
317/_ Consuls: Q. Aemilius Q.f. Barbula, C. Junius C.f. Bubulcus Brutus
311/_ C. Junius C.f. Bubulcus Brutus (III), Q. Aemilius Q.f. Barbula (II)
311/21 Aemilius defeats an Etruscan army near Sutrium.
311/29 Aemilius celebrates a triumph over the Etruscans.
Within translations:
FastCap_p46 [317] & Q. Aemilius Q.f. L.n. Barbula , C. Junius C.f.
FastCap_p48 III , Q. Aemilius Q.f. L.n. Barbula II [310] & Q. Fabiu
FastTr_p96 Aemilius Q.f. L.n. Barbula, consul (II), & over the Etrusc

Barbula 2 (L. Aemilius Barbula)

- Roman consul, 281 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
281/_ Consuls: L. Aemilius Q.f. Barbula, Q. Marcius Q.f. Philippus
Within translations:
Ennius:Ann_180 entum by Lucius Aemilius Barbula ? : MACROBIUS , quoting
FastCap_p52 [281] & L. Aemilius Q.f. Q.n. Barbula , Q. Marcius Q.f.
FastCap_p54 Aemilius Q.f. Q.n. Barbula - they completed the 34th lustr
FastTr_p98 Aemilius Q.f. Q.n. Barbula, proconsul, & over the Tarentin

Barbula 3 (M. Aemilius Barbula)

- Roman consul 230 B.C.
DPRR record
+ Aemilius
230/_ Consuls: M. Aemilius L.f. Barbula, M. Junius D.f. Pera
Within translations:
Cassiod:Chr_524 Lucius Livius. [524] & M. Aemilius and M. Junius. &
CIL_6.1271 .3.68 ) M. Aemilius Barbula M. Aemilius Bar
FastCap_p58 [230] & M. Aemilius L.f. Q.n. Barbula , M. Junius D.f.

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