in ancient sources @ (original) (raw)

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts. On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.

Galba (P. Sulpicius Galba Maximus)

- Roman consul, 211 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
+ Sulpicius
211/_ Consuls: P. Sulpicius Ser.f. Galba Maximus, Cn. Fulvius Cn.f. Centuma
208/15 The Roman proconsul Sulpicius captures Oreus.
203/24 P.Sulpicius is appointed dictator, to stop Caepio crossing to Africa.
200/_ Consuls: P. Sulpicius Ser.f. Galba Maximus (II), C. Aurelius C.f. Cot
200/1 Sulpicius puts forward a motion to declare war on Philippus, but
200/20 Sulpicius crosses over to Macedonia with a Roman army.
Within translations:
Ennius:Ann_325 - Greece was given by lot to Sulpicius, Gaul to Cotta.
FastCap_p60 lus , P. Sulpicius Ser.f. P.n. Galba Maximus & [p62] [210]
FastCap_p62 00] & P. Sulpicius Ser.f. P.n. Galba Maximus II , C. Aurel
Nepos_23.7 the consulship of Publius Sulpicius and Gaius Aurelius 200
Oros_4.17 of Cn. Fulvius and P. Sulpicius 211 B.C. Hannibal moved his

Galba 4 (Ser. Sulpicius Galba)

- Roman praetor, 187 B.C.
Cic:Acad_2.51 with his neighbour Servius Galba he used to say, 'Methought I
Cic:Acad_2.51 grounds with his neighbour Servius Galba he used to say, 'Methought

Galba 6 (Ser. Sulpicius Galba)

- Roman consul, 144 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
+ Servius , Sulpicius
167/18 to Paullus is passed, despite the strong opposition of Ser.Galba.
151/9 The Lusitani defeat Galba.
150/4 Galba massacres the Lusitani.
149/15 une Libo attempts to condemn Galba for his behaviour in Spain, and
144/_ Consuls: Ser. Sulpicius Ser.f. Galba, L. Aurelius L.f. Cotta
138/30 Galba and Laelius speak on opposite sides when a guild is accused of
134/20 Galba is the outstanding orator of his time.
Within translations:
Cic:Brut_80 the defendant Servius Galba in an assembly of the peopl
Cic:Brut_82 ities. But Servius Galba, who was something older than any
Cic:Brut_98 mplished speaker Servius Galba above-mentioned, by giving
Cic:Brut_127 Galba, the son of the eloquent Servius, and the son-in-law
Cic:Brut_295 much in commendation of Galba;- if as the best speaker
Cic:Brut_333 crowd of contemporaries, Galba, for instance, was the only
Cic:Brut_86-95 * lly supported by Servius Galba, whose manner of speaking
Cic:DeOr_1.40 I can remember that Servius Galba, a man of godlike power
Cic:DeOr_1.58 been wise men, to Servius Galba, and your father-in-law Laelius, who
Cic:DeOr_1.227 used severely to censure Servius Galba, whom he said he very
Cic:DeOr_1.239 for the aedileship and Servius Galba, though older than he, and
Cic:DeOr_1.255 lungs or throats like Servius Galba. But if you shall ever
Cic:DeOr_2.9 of the eloquence of Servius Galba or Gaius Carbo, concerning which
Cic:DeOr_2.263 when the well-known Servius Galba carried to Lucius Scribonius
Cic:DeOr_3.28 had weight, Laelius smoothness, Galba asperity, Carbo something of
Cic:Mur_59 Take the case of Ser. Galba, the facts of which are
Cic:Rep_3.42 neither our colleague Servius Galba, whom you, during his
Cic:Tusc_1.5 for it is reported that Galba, Africanus, and Laelius, were men
CIL_1.694 Servius Sulpicius Galba, consul, son of Servius, let
CIL_1.695 Latin Text Servius Sulpicius Galba, a consul of 14
FastCap_p70 & Ser. Sulpicius Ser.f. P.n. Galba , L. Aurelius L.f.
Nepos:Cat_3 the praetorship of Servius Galba, who plundered the Lusitanians.
Oros_4.21 him. 3 The praetor Sergius Galba, however, was defeated by the
Syll_685 (112/1) rom Rome under Servius Sulpicius and the conclusion
ValMax_6.4.2 person, when Ser. Sulpicius Galba and Aurelius Cotta, the
ValMax_8.1.2 itself required. For Servius Galba was vigorously accused on
ValMax_8.7.1 of the most eloquent orator Galba.
ValMax_9.6.2 [6.2] Ser. Galba was a very treacherous man.
[Vict]:VirIll_47 evil men and he prosecuted Galba when he was eighty years

Galba 7 (Ser. Sulpicius Galba)

- Roman consul, 108 B.C.
111/3 killed while in Spain, and Ser.Galba takes over as Roman commander.
109/3 war against Jugurtha; Bestia, Galba, and others are found guilty.
108/_ Consuls: Ser. Sulpicius Ser.f. Galba, (Q.?) Hortensius
Within translations:
Cic:RabPerd_21 Lucius Metellus, Servius Galba, Gaius Serranus, Publius
FastCap_p72 Ser. Sulpicius Ser.f. Ser.n. Galba , Q. Hortensius . .

Galba 8 (C. Sulpicius Galba)

- Roman orator, son of the cousul of 144 B.C.
Cic:Brut_98 daughter in marriage to Galba's son; and being likewise
Cic:Brut_127 him appeared C. Galba, the son of the eloquent Servius,
Cic:Brut_128 bove-mentioned, C. Galba one of the Priests, and the four

Galba 9

- Roman general, early 1st century B.C.
91/34 Ser.Galba is captured by the Lucanians, but escapes.

Galba 10 (Ser. Sulpicius Galba)

- Roman praetor, 54 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
57/48 Ser.Galba is driven out of the Alps by the Veragri.
52/70 Ser.Galba pledges a sum of money to Pompeius.
50/33 Ser.Galba fails to be elected as consul for the following year.
46/61a Servius Galba demands his money back from Caesar.
Cic:Phil_13.33 "You look on Servius Galba in the camp girt with
Oros_6.8 4 Galba was alarmed by the dangers
ValMax_6.2.11 the accusation of Ser. Galba was strangely presumptuous. He

Galba 11 (P. Sulpicius Galba)

- Roman praetor, 66 B.C.
DPRR record
Cic:Verr_2.1.18 me: Verres, who rejected Publius Galba as a judge, and kept

Galba 13 (Ser. Sulpicius Galab Augustus)

- Roman emperor, 68-69 A.D.
Wikipedia entry
Plutarch,- PLUTARCH, Galba
Suetonius,- SUETONIUS, Galba
Within translations:
Aelian:NA_7.10 civil wars at Rome when Galba the Roman was murdered,*
ExcBarb_48A years - cons. 4 Galba [Otho] Vitellius for one and a
Julian:Caes_310 ing in together, Vindex, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, so that
Oros_7.7 army in Spain had proclaimed Galba emperor. His courage and his
Oros_7.8 bloodshed after the murder of Galba and Piso at Rome. He
Plin:HN_3.37 people of Nemausum. The Emperor Galba added to the list two

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