in ancient sources @ (original) (raw)

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts. On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.

Silanus (M. Junius Silanus)

- Roman praetor, 212 B.C.
207/17 Silanus defeats Hanno and Mago in Celtiberia.

Silanus 3 (D. Junius Silanus)

- Roman praetor, 142 B.C.
140/1 T.Torquatus judges his son Silanus guilty of extortion in Macedonia,
ValMax_5.8.3 to the senate about D. Silanus his son, who was governor

Silanus 4 (M. Junius Silanus)

- Roman consul, 109 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
109/_ Consuls: Q. Caecilius L.f. Metellus, M. Junius D.f. Silanus
109/13 The Cimbri defeat Silanus.
104/21 Silanus is prosecuted by Cn.Domitius, but is acquitted.
Within translations:
Cic:Brut_135 his colleague M. Silanus, they spoke, on matters of gove
Cic:DivCaec_67 Gnaeus Domitius prosecuted Marcus Silanus in connexion with the
Cic:Verr_2.2.118 he prosecuted the ex-consul Marcus Silanus for the wrong done to
Diod_34.37 [37] & . . . of Carbo and Silanus. After so many men
FastCap_p72 midicus) , M. Junius D.f. D.n. Silanus censors: M. Aemiliu

Silanus 5 (D. Junius Silanus)

- Roman consul, 62 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
62/_ Consuls: D. Junius M.f. Silanus, L. Licinius L.f. Murena
Within translations:
Cic:Brut_240 dignity. [240] D. Silanus, another of my contemporaries,
Cic:Cat_4.7 motions, one of that D. Silanus, who proposes that men who
Cic:Cat_4.11 to adopt the motion of Silanus, you will have no trouble
Cic:Flac_30 himself, in the consulship of Silanus and Murena, ** vote that
Cic:Mur_82 will find my distinguished friend, Silanus, an easy prey to them
Cic:Phil_2.12 Volcatius, Caius Figulus, Decimus Silanus, and Lucius Murena, who
Cic:Pis_56 house by the consul Decimus Silanus, and even by my own

Silanus 6 (M. Junius Silanus)

- Roman consul, 25 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
+ Silvanus
Cassiod:Chr_729 Augustus Caesar (VIII) and M. Silanus. & In the year of
ExcBarb_50A ugustus (VIII) and Silvanus Augustus (IX) and Taurus Augus
FastCap_p80 ustus IX , M. Junius M.f. D.n. Silanus [24] & Imp. Caesar
Syll_764.C ninth time and of Marcus Silanus . . . at the
Syll_764.D Whereas [the consul] Marcus [ Silanus spoke ] . . .
Syll_767 (34/3) this statue Marcus Junius Silanus, son of Marcus and

Silanus 7 (C. Junius Silanus)

- Roman consul, 17 B.C.
+ Silvanus
ExcBarb_50A time, when Lentulus and Silvanus were consuls, Zacharias
ExcBarb_50B and Cinnus Lentulus and Silvanus At that time, while the
Syll_764.C e tribe Papiria, Gaius [Junius] Silanus, . . . Quintus Acutiu
THI_215 onsuls Gaius Furnius and Gaius Silanus {17 B.C.} ad

Silanus 10 (C. Junius Silanus)

- Roman consul, 10 A.D.
Wikipedia entry
+ Silvanus
CIL_add.8 (1st cent. A.D.) ted] when P.Dolabella and C.Silvanus were consuls.
ExcBarb_52B and Carpus Austorius and Silvanus Plancus and Avitus Pompe
FastCap_p86 Junius C.f. M.n. Silanus - flamen Martialis & from 1st

Silanus 12 (Appius Junius Silanus)

- Roman consul, 28 A.D.
Wikipedia entry
[Sen]:Octav_1-3 the son-in-law of Claudius, Silanus, fell a victim, thy

Silanus 13

- soothsayer, 401 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
Aelian:NA_8.5 art, while men such as Silanus,* Megistias, Euclides

Silanus 14

- an Athenian of the late 4th century B.C.
Athen_6.245 his Apophthegms, says- "Silanus the Athenian, when Grylli

Silanus 15 (M. Junius Silanus)

- Roman governor of Asia, 76 B.C.
DPRR record
THI_204 (c. 76) an envoy to Marcus Junius Silanus, son of Decimus, the patron

Silanussee Metellus29