New General Catalog of Old Books & Authors (original) (raw)

Author names starting with Mu

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More information on many of these authors, and on other books of theirs, is contained in their individual webpages, which can be found by searching on their names at the top-level of the Author and Book Info .com site.

If you have any corrections, additions or other suggestions, please send them

MU Qing {CN} (M: 1921 - 2003 Oct 11)

Wasimira Msaturwa MUACHITETE {TZ?} (M: ? - ?) (ps: HIMSELF) Ways I Have Trodden (w E KOOTZ-KRETSCHMER) [Ge-?] (tr M BRYAN) [1932]

Gabriele MUCCHI {IT} (M: 1899 Jun 25 - 2002 May 10)

Hans MUCH {DE} (M: 1880 Mar 24 - 1932 Nov 29) Die Immunitätswissenschaft [n|Ge-1911] Erblicktes Und Erlebtes [n|Ge-1912] Denken Und Schauen [n|Ge-1913] Krankheitsentstehung Und Krankheitsverhütung Und..Des Körpers [n|Ge-1913] Eine Tuberkuloseforschungsreise Nach Jerusalem [n|Ge-1913] Buddha, Der Schritt Aus Der Heimat In Die Heimatlosigkeit [n|Ge-1914] Rings Um Jerusalem [n|Ge-c1915] Auf Dem Wege Des Vollendeten [n|Ge-1918] Heimatkultur [n|Ge-1918] Norddeutsche Backsteingotik [n|Ge-1919] En Nedderdüütschen Doodendanz [Ge-1919] Die Kindertuberkulose, Ihre Gefahr Und Bekämpfung [n|Ge-1919] Die Heimkehr Des Vollendeten [n|Ge-1920] Menschen Und Moscheen Am Mittelmeer [n|Ge-c1920] Norddeutsche Gotische Plastik [n|Ge-1920] To Hus [Ge-1920] Boro Budur [n|Ge-1920] Islamik [n|Ge-1921] Über Die Unspezifische Immunität [n|Ge-1921] Moderne Biologie [n|Ge-1922] Die Welt Des Buddha [Ge-1922] Niederdeutsches Gotisches Kunsthandwerk [n|Ge-1923] Vom Sinn Der Gotik [n|Ge-1923] Akbar [n|Ge-1924] Aphorismen Zum Heilproblem [n|Ge-1925] Hippokrates Der Große [n|Ge-1926] Homöopathie [n|Ge-1926] Das Ewige Ägypten [n|Ge-1927] Meister Ekkehart [f|Ge-1927] Das Wesen Der Heilkunst [n|Ge-1928] Von Homöopathischen Dingen [n|Ge-1929] Körper-Seele-Geist [n|Ge-1931] Arzt Und Mensch [n|Ge-1932] Vermächtnis, Bekenntnisse Von Einem Arzt Und Menschen [n|Ge-1933] Nächte In Ägypten [f|Ge-?]

Geraldine MUCHA, nee THOMSEN {UK} (F: 1917 Jul 5 - 2012 Oct 12)

Jiří MUCHA {CZ} (M: 1915 Mar 12 - 1991 Apr 5) Za Mořem [f|Cz-1932] Ugle A Cesta Na Konec Světa [f|Cz-1941] Most [f|Cz-1943] Problémy Nadporučíka Knapa [f|Cz-1945] Oheň Proti Ohni [f|Cz-1947] Spálená Setba [f|Cz-1948] Skleněná Stěna [f|Cz-1949] Válka Pokračuje [f|Cz-1949] Čím Zraje Čas [f|Cz-1958] Pravděpodobná Tvář [f|Cz-1963]

Mary Elizabeth Jane MUCHALL, nee TRAILL (F: 1841 Nov 7 - 1892 May 28) I The Stolen Skates: A Canadian Tale [f|c1875] I Step By Step; or, The Shadow On A Canadian Home.. [p|1876]

Jo Ann MUCHMORE, nee McBRIDE {US} (F: 1937 Feb 4 - 2011 Nov 1) Johnny Rides Again [?]

Prof, Helen (Lenore) MUCHNIC {US} (F: 1903 Oct 14 - 2000 Jun 29) Dostoevsky's English Reputation [n|1939] An Introduction To Russian Literature [n|1947/64]

Martha MUCHOW {DE} (F: 1892 Sep 25 - 1933 Sep 29) Studien Zur Psychologie Des Erziehers [n|Ge-1923] Beiträge Zur Psychologischen Charaktersitik..Grundschulalters [n|Ge-1926] Psychologische Probleme Der Frühen Erziehung [n|Ge-1929] Zur Frage Einer Lebensraum- Und..Entwicklungspsychologie.. [n|Ge-1931] Der Lebensraum Des Grosstadtkindes (w H MUCHOW) [n|Ge-1935] Aus Der Welt Des Kindes [n|Ge-1949]

Hans (Heinrich) MUCHOW {DE} (M: c1892 - ?) Der Lebensraum Des Grosstadtkindes (w M MUCHOW) [n|Ge-1935]

Richard MUCK {DE} (M: 1878 Mar 26 - 1945) (&ps: WALDTEUFEL) Wenn Der Auerhahn Balzt [f|Ge-1908] Das Geusenlied [Ge-1914] Die Gebote Der Friedenszeit [Ge-1915] Der Waldmeister Von Lindenberg [f|Ge-1917] Das Waldgeheimnis [d|Ge-?]

Erich MÜCKENBERGER {DE} (M: 1910 Jun 8 - 1998 Feb 10) Der Jugend Jede Unterstützung [n|Ge-1952] Die Politische Massenarbeit Im Dorf Und..Aufgaben.. [n|Ge-1954]

Fr(SJ), Friedrich MUCKERMANN {DE} (M: 1883 Aug 17 - 1946 Apr 2)

Friedrich MUCKLE {DE} (M: 1883 - 1945) Das Kulturproblem Der Französischen Revolution [2v|n|Ge-1921] Friedrich Nietzsche Und Der Zusammenbruch Der Kultur [n|Ge-1921] Der Geist Der Jüdischen Kultur Und Das Abendland [n|Ge-1923] Gustav Wyneken [n|Ge-1924] Die Rettung Des Abendlandes Durch Den Geist Der Goethezeit [n|Ge-1932]

William Jeffryes MUCKLESTON {CA} (M: 1849 - ?)

Angelo Fairfax MUCKLEY {UK} (M: 1859 - 1920 May 25) Sammy Sharpnose [1919] Dora And Peter [1919] Sly Bill And Squeak Shrew [1919] Bunnikins Brown [1919] Widow Grizzles [1920] Sly Bill Again [1920] The Story Of Teddy Toad [1944] Mr And Mrs Fuzzymops [1944] The Story Of Bunnikins [1944]

Louis Fairfax MUCKLEY {UK} (M: 1862 (wrongly 1861 or 1889) - 1926 (wrongly 1914) Mar 18)

Sir, Arcot Lakshmanaswami MUDALIAR {IN} (M: 1887 Oct 14 - 1974 Apr 15)

Miguel Angel MUDARRA {VE} (M: 1919 - ?)

(William) David MUDD {UK} (M: 1933 Jun 2 - 2020 Apr 28)

Prof, Emily (Borie) (nee)Hartshorne MUDD, 2:Mrs GLOECKNER {US} (F: 1898 Sep 6 - 1998 May 2)

Richard D MUDD {US} (M: 1901 Jan 24 - 2002 May 21) Mudd Family Of The United States [b|1951]

Prof, Stuart (Clark) MUDD {US} (M: 1893 Sep 23 - 1975 May 6) Labile Bacterial Antigens..Preserving Them (w others) [n|1937] A Low Temperature Ball Mill.. (w others) [n|1937] Blood Substitutes And Blood Transfusion (jt ed) [n|1942] Persistence Of Antigens At..Inoculation.. (w M E HERDEGEN) [n|1947]

Tony(=Anthony) (Stephen) MUDD {UK} (M: c1962 - 2012 Nov 1) The Rough Guide To New Zealand (w Laura HARPER & Paul WHITFIELD) [n|1998/2002/08]

William Swearingen MUDD {US} (M: 1885 Nov 24 - 1942 Sep 19) The Old Boat Rocker [1935]

Bernard MUDDIMAN {CA} (M: ? - ?) The Men Of The Nineties [n|1920]

Joseph George MUDDIMAN {UK} (M: 1861 - 1939) (ps: Joseph Batterson WILLIAMS) A History Of English Journalism.. [n|1908] Tercentenary Handlist Of English & Welsh Newspapers.. (anon) [n|1920]

James Edward MUDDOCK, later PRESTON-MUDDOCK {UK} (M: 1843 May 28 - 1934 Jan 23) (ps: Dick DONOVAN; Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) A False Heart (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1873] A Wingless Angel (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1875] As The Shadows Fall (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1876] Davos-Platz As An Alpine Winter-Station.. (w P HOLLAND) [n|1881] From The Bosom Of The Deep (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1886] Stormlight; or, The Nihilist's Doom (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1888] The Man-Hunter (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1888] Stories, Weird And Wonderful (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [s|1889] The 'J E M' Guide To Davos-Platz (w P HOLLAND) [n|1890] The Man From Manchester (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1890] Tracked And Taken (US: ..Note-book Of A Detective) (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1890] Who Poisoned Hetty Duncan?.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1890] # A Detective's Triumphs (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1891] Maid Marian And Robin Hood (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1892] For God And The Czar (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1892] From Information Received: Detective Stories (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1892] In The Grip Of The Law (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1892] Tracked To Doom (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1892] Wanted!: A Detective's..Adventures (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1892] From Clue To Capture (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1893] Link By Link: Detective Stories (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1893] Suspicion Aroused (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1893] Found And Fettered (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1894] The Star Of Fortune (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1894] Caught At Last! (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1895] A Detective's Triumphs (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1895] Dark Deeds (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1895] Eugene Vidocq: Soldier, Thief, Spy.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1895] Basile The Jester (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1896] The Great White Hand (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1896] Young Lochinvar (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1896] The Mystery Of Jamaica Terrace (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1896] Riddles Read (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1896] The Savage Club Papers (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1897] The Chronicles Of Michael Danevitch.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1897] The Lost Laird (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1898] The Records Of Vincent Trill.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1899] Tales Of Terror (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1899] Kate Cameron Of Brux; or, The Feud (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1900] # The Adventures Of Tyler Tatlock.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1900] Whose Was The Hand? (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1901] Deacon Brodie; or, Behind The Mask (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1901] Jim The Penman:..Astounding Criminals.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1901] In The King's Favour (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1902] Fair Rosalind (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1902] A Woman's Checkmate (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1902] The Scarlet Seal: A Tale Of The Borgias (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1902] Sweet 'Doll' Of Haddon Hall (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1903] In The Red Dawn: A Manchester Tale (ps: Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK) [f|1904] From Clue To Capture (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1904] The Crime Of The Century:..Richard Piggott (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1904] The Fatal Ring (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1905] A Knight Of Evil (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1905] The Knutsford Mystery (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1906] Thurtell's Crime (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1906] The Gold-Spinner (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1907] In The Queen's Service (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1907] The Shadow Of Evil (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1907] # A Gilded Serpent (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1908] In The Face Of Night (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1908] The Sin Of Preaching Jim (aka: Preaching Jim) (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1908] Startling Crimes And Notorious Criminals (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1908] Tangled Destinies (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1908] A Wild Beauty (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1908] The Great Turf Fraud.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1909] Lil Of The Slums (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1909] For Honour Or Death! (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1910] The Naughty Maid Of Mitcham (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1910] Scarlet Sinners (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1910] The Fatal Woman (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1911] The Trap (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1911] The Rich Man's Wife (w E W ELKINGTON) (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1912] The Triumphs Of Fabian Field: Criminologist (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [s|1912] The Turning Wheel:..Charn Hall Inheritance (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1912] Out There: A Romance Of Australia (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [f|1922] The Great Turf Fraud.. (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [1936] Startling Crimes And Notorious Criminals (ps: Dick DONOVAN) [1936]

Joyce Emmerson MUDDOCK (see: James Edward MUDDOCK)

O MUDE (see: Edward (St John) GOREY)

E C MUDGE {UK} (M: ? - ?) Songs Of A 'Shiny' Sereant [p|1919]

Evlyn Leigh MUDGE {US} (M: 1879 Jul 27 - 1962 Mar 25) Varieties Of Adolescent Experience [n|1926]

Jean (nee)McClure MUDGE {US} (F: 1933 Dec 4 - ?) Chinese Export Porcelain For The American Trade, 1785-1835 [n|1962]

William MUDFORD (M: 1782 Jan 8 - 1848 Mar 10) A Critical Enquiry Into The Writings Of Samuel Johnson [n|1803] The Contemplatist [e|1811] An Historical Account Of The Campaign..Netherlands In 1815 [n|1817] The Premier [f|1831] Stephen Dugard [f|1840] Tales And Trifles From 'Blackwood's'.. [s|1849] Arthur Wilson [f|1872]

Mayor, Henry MUDGE (M: 1806 Jul 26 - 1874 Jun 27)

James MUDGE (M: 1844 - 1918) 28591 Poems With Power To Strengthen The Soul (ed) [p|1907]

Rev, Lewis W MUDGE (M: ? - ?) From Solomon To The Captivity (w David GREGG) [n|1890]

Richard Zachariah MUDGE (M: 1790 Sep 6 - 1854 Sep 25)

Rev, Zachariah Atwell MUDGE (M: 1813 Jul 2 - 1888 Jun 15) The Missionary Teacher,..Cyrus Shepard (ed Daniel P KIDDER) [b|1848] I Arctic Heroes [b|1877]

Herman W MUDGETT (see: Parker WHITE)

Charles Edward MUDIE (M: 1818 Oct 18 - 1890 Oct 28)

Colin Crichton MUDIE {UK} (M: 1926 Apr 11 - 2020 Mar 11) Sopranino (w P ELLAM) [1954]

Doris MUDIE {UK} (F: ? - after 1964) (ps: J PENN (2))

Sir, (Robert) Francis MUDIE {UK} (M: 1890 Aug 24 - 1976 Sep 15)

Ian (Mayelston) MUDIE {AU} (M: 1911 Mar 1 - 1976 Oct 23) Corroboree To The Sun [p|1940] This Is Australia [p|1941] The Australian Dream [p|1943] Their Seven Stars Unseen [p|1943] Poets At War (ed) [p|1944] Poems, 1934-1944 [p|1945] The Christmas Kangaroo [f|1946] Jindyworobak Anthology (ed) [p|1946] The Blue Crane [p|1959] Riverboats [1961] The North-Bound Rider [p|1963] Australian Poets Speak (jt ed) [1961]

James MUDIE (M: 1779 - 1852 May 21) # The Felonry Of New South Wales [n|1837]

Mary MUDIE {UK} (F: 1848 - 1937 Dec 28) (&ps: ONE of His Sisters) St Michael's Priory [f|1871] Charles Henry Mudie: A Memorial Sketch (ps: ONE Of His Sisters) [b|1879]

Robert MUDIE (M: 1777 Jun 28 - 1842 Apr 29) (&ps: Laurence LANGSHANK) The Maid Of Griban [p|1819] Glenfergus [f|1819] Things In General (ps: Laurence LANGSHANK) [1824] Babylon The Great [2v|n|1825] A Second Judgment On Babylon The Great [2v|n|1829] The Feathered Tribes Of The British Islands [2v|n|1834] The Natural History Of Birds [n|1834] London And Londoners [n|?/1836]

Rosemary MUDIE, nee HORDER {UK} (F: 1928 - ?)

Thomas Mollison MUDIE (M: 1809 Nov 30 - 1876 Jul 24)

Richard MUDIE-SMITH (M: 1877 - 1916 Feb 22) The Religious Life Of London [n|?] Thoughts For The Day [n|?] Sweated Industries [n|?] The Heart Of Things [n|?] The Lost Homes Of England (w H R A) [n|?]

Edmund MUDRAK {AT} (M: 1894 Oct 27 - 1965 Dec 12) Sagen Der Technik [s|Ge-1943] Hausbuch Deutscher Märchen (jt ed) [s|Ge-1944] Sagen Der Germanen (ed) [s|Ge-?] Deutsche Heldensagen (ed) [s|Ge-?] Nordische Götter- Und Heldensagen (ed) [s|Ge-?]

Prof, Marvin MUDRICK {US} (M: 1921 Jul 17 - 1986 Oct 24) Jane Austen, Irony As Defence And Discovery [n|?] On Culture And Literature [n|?] The Man In The Machine [n|?] Books Are Not Life But Then What Is? [n|?] Nobody Here But Us Chickens [n|?]

Maximilian August MUEGGE {UK} (M: 1878 - ?) Friedrich Nietzsche [b|1908] Eugenics And The Superman [n|1909] Nietzsche [n|1913] Darts Of Defiance [1913] Treitschke [n|1915] The Parliament Of Man [n|1916] Serbian Folk Songs, Fairy Tales And Proverbs [n|1916] Cleon [1918] The War Diary Of A Square Peg [n|1920] Corneades On Injustice [n|1923] Corvey Abbey [n|1923] Kew Gardens Adventures [n|1926] A German Word Book [n|1933] DC Doctrina Carneadis [n|1934]

Lois (Virginia) (nee)Baker MUEHL {US} (F: 1920 Apr 29 - 2013 Aug 21) My Name Is --- [1959] Worst Room In The School [1961] Trading Cultures In The Classroom (w Siegmar MUEHL) [n|?]

Siegmar MUEHL {US} (M: 1922 Sep 5 - 2015 Sep 30) Trading Cultures In The Classroom (w Lois MUEHL) [n|?]

Johann Wilhelm MUEHLON {DE} (M: 1878 Oct 31 - 1944 Feb 5) Die Verheerung Europas [n|Ge-1918]

Prof, Walter George MUELDER {US} (M: 1907 Mar 1 - 2004 Jun 12) Historical Outline Of The Bible (w E S BRIGHTMAN) [n|1936]

A MUELLER {AU?} (M: ? - ?) 32947 On Snake-Poison: Its Action And Its Antidote [n|1893]

Prof, Addison A MUELLER {US} (M: 1908 Mar 24 - 1981 Apr 7) Contract In Context [n|1951]

Alfred D MUELLER {US} (M: 1893 - ?) Progressive Trends In Rural Education [n|1926] Achievement Test In Introductory Psychology (w ?) [n|1926] Teaching In Secondary Schools [n|1928] A Vocational And Socio-Educational Survey Of Graduates.. [n|1929]

Barbara Ruth MUELLER {US} (F: 1925 Sep 10 - 2016 Nov 17) Common Sense Philately [n|1956] United States Postage Stamps [n|1958]

Prof, Carl Richard MUELLER {US} (M: 1931 Oct 7 - 2008 Jan 27)

Rev, Charles Steinkamp MUELLER (Sr) {US} (M: 1929 Apr 6 - 2019 Oct 30) God's Wonderful World Of Words [n|1963]

Curt B MUELLER {US?} (M: ? - ?) A 'Biederfrau' Of Cleveland, Ohio.. (anon) [1946]

Baron, Ferdinand (Jakob Heinrich) von MUELLER (M: 1825 Jun 30 - 1896 Oct 10 (or 9)) Definitions Of Rare Or Hitherto Undescribed Australian Plants [n|1855] Fragmenta Phytographica Australiae [12v|n|1862-82] Plants Of Victoria [2v|n|1860-65] The Natural Capabilities Of The Colony Of Victoria [n|1875] Descriptive Notes On Papuan Plants [n|1875-90] Select Extra-tropical Plants Readily Eligible For Industrial.. [n|1876] The Native Plants Of Victoria [n|1879] Eucalyptographia [n|1880] Systematic Census Of Australian Plants [n|1882] Key To The System Of Victorian Plants [2v|n|1886-88] On The Advancement Of The Natural Sciences.. [n|?]

Gerald Francis MUELLER {US} (M: 1927 Mar 8 - ?) (ps: Brother, ROBERTO) The Man Who Limped To Heaven [St Ignatius Loyola] [b|1954]

Prof, Gerhard Otto Walter MUELLER {DE/US:1953on} (M: 1926 Mar 15 - 2006 Apr 21) Korean Criminal Code [n|1956] French Criminal Code [n|1960] German Criminal Code [n|1961]

Prof, Hans Alexander MUELLER {DE/US:1945on} (M: 1888 Mar 12 - 1962 Jul 5)

Hugo (J) MUELLER {US} (M: 1909 - 2002 Aug 25) Deutsch, Erstes Buch [n|Ge-1958] Deutsch, Zweites Buch [n|Ge-c1960] Deutsch, Drittes Buch [n|Ge-1962]

Iris Wessel MUELLER (F: 1928 - after 1984) John Stuart Mill And French Thought [n|1956]

John Theodore MUELLER (M: 1885 - 1967) 28173 Three Young Pioneers:..The Early Settlement Of Our Country [f|?]

K O MUELLER (M: ? - ?) A History Of The Literature Of Ancient Greece [n|1858]

Robert Emmett MUELLER {US} (M: 1925 Apr 3 - 2017 Jan 18) Inventivity [n|1963]

William Randolph MUELLER {US} (M: 1916 Jul 10 - 2000 Mar 29) The Soueraine Light (jt ed) [e|1952] The Anatomy Of Robert Burton's England [n|1952]

Armin MUELLER-STAHL {DE} (M: 1930 Dec 17 - living 2022)

Prof, Earl Leonard MUETTERTIES {US} (M: 1927 Jun 23 - 1984 Jan 12)

Liz MUGAVERO {US} (F: ? - ?)

M A MÜGGE (M: 1878 - ?) Fr Nietzsche [b|1908] Eugenics And The Superman [n|1909] Nietzsche [b|1913] Darts Of Defiance [1913] Treitschke [1915] The Parliament Of Man [1916] Serbian Folk Songs.. [1916] Cleon [1918] The War Diary Of A Square Peg [1920]

Edward James MUGGERIDGE (M: 1830 Apr 9 - 1904 May 8) (ps: Eadweard MUYBRIDGE) The Horse In Motion [n|1878] Animal Locomotion [11v|n|1887] Descriptive Zoopraxography [n|1893] Animals In Motion [n|1899] The Human Figure In Motion [n|1901]

Jack MUGGERIDGE {UK} (M: 1909 - 2001)

Kitty(=Kathleen) (Rosalind) MUGGERIDGE, nee DOBBS (F: 1903 Dec 8 - 1994 Jun 11)

(Thomas) Malcolm MUGGERIDGE {UK} (M: 1903 Mar 24 - 1990 Nov 14) Three Flats [d|pro:1931] Autumnal Face [1931] Winter In Moscow [1933] The Earnest Atheist [b|1936] Brave Old World (w Hugh KINGSMILL) [n|1936] A Pre-view Of Next Year's News (w Hugh KINGSMILL) [n|1937] In A Valley Of This Restless Mind [n|1938/78] Next Year's News (w Hugh KINGSMILL) [1938] The Thirties [n|1940] Affairs Of The Heart [n|1949] Muggeridge Through The Microphone (ed C RALLING) [n|?] Chronicles Of Wasted Time [2v|a|1972-73]

Ethel Annie MUGGLESTONE (F: ? - ?) (ps: E A M) Anglo-Hispanic Bibliography For 1930 (ed) [n|1930]

Frank MUGGLESTONE (M: ? - ?) (ps: F M; Francisco VILLAMIGUEL y HARDIN) Manifesto Of The Social-Credit Movement (anon) [n|1933]

Valiyavettil Abdulaziz Sayid MUHAMMAD {IN} (M: 1923 May 29 - 1985 Feb 28)

Maulvi, MUHAMMAD ALI (M: 1875 - ?) Muhammad The Prophet [b|?] The Ahmadiyya Movement [n|?] Islam, The Religion Of Humanity [n|?] Muhammad And Christ [n|?] Sinlessness Of Prophets [n|?] Slavery [n|?] Collection Of The Holy Qua-an [n|?] The Babi Religion [n|?] The Religion Of Islam [n|?] Islamic Institution Of Prayer [n|?] History Of Early Caliphate [n|?]

MUHAMMAD AMIR HASSAN KHAN, of Mahmoodabad (M: 1849 Jun 16 - 1903 May 31)

Syad, MUHAMMAD MAHMUD (M: 1850 - 1903 May 8) [Law Of Evidence In British India] [n|Hi-?]

Franz Emmanuel MUHEIM {UK} (M: 1931 Sep 27 - 2020 Nov 10)

Luise/Louisa/Louise (von) MÜHLBACH (see: Clara (Maria Regina) MÜLLER)

Engelbert MÜHLBACHER (M: 1843 - 1903)

Walter MÜHLBÄCHER {DE} (M: 1903 Apr 4 - 1970 Apr 26)

Adolf MÜHLBAUER (M: 1914 - ?)

A H MÜHLBAUM (see: Heinrich (Rudolf Constanz) LAUBE)

Dietrich MÜHLBERG {DE} (M: 1936 Feb 29 - ?)

Fritz MÜHLBERG (M: 1840 - ?)

Gottfried Thilo Lothar MÜHLBERG (M: 1909 - ?)

Max MÜHLBERG (M: 1873 - ?) Outlines Of The Occurrence And Geology Of Petroleum (w I A STIGAND) [n|1925]

William MUHLBERG (M: 1875 - ?)

Josef MÜHLBERGER (M: 1903 - ?)

Karl MÜHLBERGER {AT} (M: 1857 Aug 21 - 1944 Mar 15)

Walter MÜHLBEYER (M: 1911 - ?)

Otto MÜHLBOCK (M: 1906 - ?)

Otto MÜHLBRECHT (M: 1838 - 1906)

Karl MÜHLBRETT (M: 1895 - ?)

Anton MÜHLDORF (M: 1890 - ?)

Wilhelm Karl MÜHLDORFER (M: 1837 - ?)

Carl Adolf MUHLE (M: 1786 - ?)

Hans MÜHLE {DE} (M: 1897 Apr 11 - 1973 Jan 25) Tägliche Kraft Durch Das Vaterunser [n|Ge-1948] Nordische Stabkirchen [n|Ge-1961] Schöne Gotteswelt [p|Ge-1962]

Heinrich (Max Friedrich Bernhard) von zur MÜHLEN {DE} (M: 1908 Jan 27 - 1994 Jul 2) Entstehung Und Sippengefüge Der Britischen Oligarchie.. [n|Ge-1941] Die Pankower Sowjetrepublik.. (w Gerd FRIEDRICH) [n|Ge-1953]

Heinz(=Heinrich) (Dieter) von zur MÜHLEN {DE} (M: J 1914 Dec 13 - 2005 Jun 1)

Hermynia(=Hermine) (Isabelle Maria) zur MÜHLEN, nee FOLLIOT De CRENNEVILLE-POUTET, 2:Mrs KLEIN {AT/UK?} (F: 1883 Dec 12 - 1951 Mar 19 or 20) (&ps: Lawrence H DESBERRY; Traugott LEHMANN; Franziska Marisa RAUTENBERG) Schupomann Karl Müller [Ge-1924] Fairy Tales For Workers' Children [1925] End Und Anfang [a|Ge-1929] Es War Einmal .. Und Es Wird Sein [s|Ge-1930] Das Riesenrad [f|Ge-1932] Nora Hat Eine Famose Idee [f|Ge-1933] Reise Durch Ein Leben [Ge-1933] Ein Jahr Im Schatten [f|Ge-1935] Unsere Töchter, Die Nazinnen [f|Ge-1938] We Poor Shadows [Ge-1943] Als Der Fremde Kam [f|Ge-1946] Kleine Geschichten Von Großen Dichtern [Ge-1946] Was Peterchens Freunde Erzählen [s|Ge-1946] Eine Flasche Parfüm [f|Ge-1947] Ewiges Schattenspiel [f|Ge-?]

Rev, Henry Melchior MUHLENBERG (M: 1711 Sep 6 - 1787 Oct 7) ..Selbstbiographie, 1711-43 [a|Ge-1881]

Fritz MÜHLENWEG {DE} (M: 1898 Dec 11 - 1961 Sep 13)

Mamie MUHLENKAMP {UK} (F: 1901 Jun 22 - 1985 Nov 12) (ps: Catherine Mary CHRISTIAN) Greenie And The Pink 'Un [f|1928] The Luck Of The Scallop Shell [f|1929] Syringa Street [f|1930] Cherries In Search Of A Captain [f|1931] Great Stories Of All Time [s|1934] The Legions Go North [f|1935] The Wrong Uncle Jim [f|1935] Baker's Dozen [s|1937] The Marigolds Make Good [f|1937] Sidney Seeks Her Fortune [f|1937] Bringing Up Nancy Nasturtium [f|1938] A Schoolgirl From Hollywood [f|1939] Diana Takes A Chance [f|1940] The Pharaoh's Secret [f|1940] Harriet [f|1941] Harriet Takes The Field [f|1942] The 'Kingfishers' See It Through [f|1942] The School At Emery's End [f|1944] The Seventh Magpie [f|1946] The Silver Unicorn [f|1946] The Big Test [n|1947] Phyllida's Fortune [f|1947] Sally Joins The Patrol (ed Geoffrey G BOND) [f|1948] A Stranger Passed [f|1960] Sally And The Sixpenny Pig [f|1960]

(Alfred) Johannes MÜHLER {DE} (M: 1876 Feb 18 - 1952 Apr 10) An Geweihten Stätten Und Aus Alten Tagen [n|Ge-1920] Klosterleben Im Alten Mittelalter..Aufzeichnungen [n|Ge-1921]

Prof, Hans MÜHLESTEIN {CH} (M: 1886 Mar 15 - 1969 May 25)

George Henry Pasche MUHLHAUSER {UK} (M: 1870 - 1923 Nov 13) The Cruise Of The Amaryllis [f|1924]

Ernst MÜHLING (M: ? - ?)

Adolf MÜHLMANN (see: Alter MILMAN)

Josef Mathäus MÜHLMANN {AT} (M: 1886 Mar 12 - 1972 Jun 1) Salzburgs Bildende Kunst [n|Ge-1938] Hans Makart Und Seine Zeit [n|Ge-1954]

Manfred MÜHLMANN {DE} (M: 1931 Dec 26 - 2014 Jun 4) Die Erziehungsaufgaben Im Zivilprozeß.. [n|Ge-1962]

Anka MUHLSTEIN, Mrs BEGLEY {US} (F: ? - ?)

Erich MÜHSAM {DE} (M: 1878 Apr 6 - 1934 Jul 10 or 11) (&ps: [NOLO]) Der Wahre Jacob [p|Ge-1901] Die Eigenen [Ge-1903] Die Wüste [p|Ge-1904] Die Hochstapler [d|Ge-1904] Der Revoluzzer [p|Ge-1908] Der Krater [p|Ge-1909] Die Freivermählten [d|Ge-1914] Wüste-Krater-Wolken [p|Ge-1914] Brennende Erde [p|Ge-1920] Judas [d|Ge-1920] Republikanische Nationalhymne [p|Ge-1924] Revolution [p|Ge-1925] Staatsräson [d|Ge-1928] Räterepublik [Ge-1929] Alle Wetter [d|Ge-1930] Unpolitische Erinnerungen [a|Ge-1931] Die Befeiung Der Gesellschaft Vom Staat [Ge-1932]

Paul MÜHSAM {DE} (M: 1876 Jul 17 - 1960 Mar 11)

James MUILENBURG {US} (M: 1896 Jun 1 - 1974 May 10) The Literal Relations Of The Teaching Of The Twelve Spostles.. [n|?] History Of The Religion Of Israel [n|?]

A MUIR {UK} (M: ? - ?) Der Kaiser's Dream.. [p|1914] Pwder And Shot [p|1915]

Alan MUIR (see: Thomas James MORRISON)

Alan MUIR {UK?} (M: ? - ?) Children's Children [f|1879] Harold Saxon [f|1881] Lady Beauty [f|1882] Golden Girls [f|1883] Hearthrug Farces [f|1883] Tumbledown Farm [f|1889]

Alexander MUIR (M: 1793 - 1850)

Alexander MUIR (M: ? - ?)

Alexander MUIR {UK} (M: ? - ?) Aberdeenshire (w William GAMMIE) [n|1946] Geochemistry (ed) [n|1954]

(Charles) Augustus (Carlow) MUIR {UK} (M: 1892 Nov 15 - 1989 May 5) (&ps: Austin MOORE) The Third Warning [1925] The Black Pavilion (US: The Ace Of Danger) [1926] The Blue Bonnet [1926] The Shadow On The Left [1928] The Silent Partner [1929] Birds Of The Night (ps: Austin MOORE) [f|1930] The Road Of Romance [1930] Red Mask [1931] The Old Grey City [n|1931] Beginning The Adventure (aka: The Dark Adventure) [1932] The House Of Lies (ps: Austin MOORE) [1932] The Green Lantern [1933] The Riddle Of Garth [1933] Scotland's Road Of Romance [1934] Raphael MD [1935] The Crimson Crescent [1935] Satyr Mask [1936] The Bronze Door [1936] The Red Carnation [1937] The Man Who Stole The Crown Jewels [1937] Castles In The Air [1938] The Sands Of Fear [1939] The Intimate Thoughts Of John Baxter, Bookseller [1942] Joey And The Greenwings [1943] Heather-Track And High Road [1944] George Saintsbury (aka: Saintsbury Miscellany) (jt ed) [b|1945] Scottish Portrait [1948] A Last Vintage (jt ed) [1950] The Story Of Jesus [b|1953] The Fife Coal Company [n|1953] How To Choose And Enjoy Wine (ed) [n|1953] The History Of The Shotts Iron Company [n|1954] Candlelight In Avalon [n|1954] Nairns Of Kirkcaldy [n|1956] 75 Years Of Progress [n|1958] The Life Of The Very Rev Dr John White, CH [b|1958] The First Of Foot [n|1961] Andersons Of Islington [n|1963] Churchill & Sim Ltd [n|1963] Blyth, Greene, Jourdain & Co Ltd, Merchant Bankers [n|1963]

Daphne Charlotte Aimée MUIR, nee de WAAL {ZA} (F: 1896 - ?) Soldiers Immortal.. [p|1917] Curious Beasts And Tragic Tales [c1926] A Virtuous Woman [f|1929] The Lost Crusade [f|1930] The Secret Bird [f|1930] Barbaloot [f|1932] Very Heaven [f|1934]

David Bruce MUIR (M: ? - ?) On Notes & Note Books.. [n|?/1930] Memory Codes (anon) [n|1931]

Dexter MUIR (see: Leonard Reginald GRIBBLE)

Sir, Edward (Grainger) MUIR {UK} (M: 1906 Feb 18 - 1973 Oct 14)

Edwin MUIR {UK} (M: 1887 May 15 - 1959 Jan 3) (&ps: Edward MOORE) We Moderns: Enigmas And Guesses (ps: Edward MOORE) [1918] Latitudes [n|1924] + First Poems [p|1925] Chorus Of The Newly Dead [p|1926] Transition [e|1926] The Marionette [f|1927] The Structure Of The Novel [n|1928] John Knox [b|1929] The Three Brothers [f|1931] Poor Tom [f|1932] Six Poems [p|1932] Variations On The Time Theme [p|1934] Scottish Journey [n|1935] Social Credit And The Labour Party [n|1935] k Journeys And Places [p|1937] Scott And Scotland [n|1938] The Present Age From 1914 [n|1939] The Story And The Fable [a|1940] + The Narrow Place [p|1943] The Scots And Their Country [n|1946] The Voyage.. [p|1946] The Politics Of King Lear [1947] Essays On Literature And Society [e|1949/65] The Labyrinth [p|1949] Collected Poems, 1921-1951 (ed J C HALL) [p|1952] + An Autobiography [a|1954] Prometheus [1954] + One Foot In Eden [p|1956] New Poets, 1959 (ed) [p|1959] Collected Poems, 1921-1958 (ed J C HALL & Willa MUIR) [p|1960/1963] The Estate Of Poetry [n|1962]

Ernest MUIR {UK} (M: 1880 Jun 17 - 1974 Nov 1)

Frank MUIR (see: T Frank MUIR)

Frank (Herbert) MUIR {UK} (M: 1920 Feb 5 (or 20) - 1998 Jan 2) The Frank Muir Book [n|?] An Irreverent And Almost Complete Social History Of The Bathroom [n|?] The Oxford Book Of Humorous Prose (ed) [?] The Walpole Orange [?] A Kentish Lad [a|?]

Gillian MUIR, nee ?, 1:Mrs ?, 2:Mrs ? {UK} (F: 1949 - living 2006)

Prof, James MUIR {UK} (M: 1951 Mar 7 - 2013 May 1)

James A MUIR (see: Angus (Ian) WELLS)

Jane MUIR, Mrs PETRONE {US} (F: 1929 Sep 15 - ?) (&ps: Jane Muir PETRONE) Famous Dancers [n|1956] Famous Modern American Women Writers [n|1959] Of Men And Numbers [n|1961]

Jean MUIR {US} (F: 1906 Mar 4 - 1973 Mar 24) A Little Widow Is A Dangerous Thing (w Helen King HASTINGS) [1959] The Woods Were Full Of Men (w Irma Lee EMMERSON) [1963] Pigeon Feathers [?] The Smiling Medusa [?]

Rev, John MUIR (M: 1778 - 1857 Feb 1) Popery Makes Void The Laws Of God [n|1836] The Doctrines And Practices Of Popery Examined [n|1851] Discourses Delivered [e|1856]

Judge, John MUIR (M: 1810 Feb 5 - 1882 Mar 7) Original Sanskrit Texts On The Origin..People Of India [5v|n|?]

John MUIR (M: 1838 Apr 21 - 1914 Dec 24) 33443 Cruise Of The Revenue-Steamer 'Corwin' In Alaska..1881 [n|1883] Picturesque California [n|1888] 10012,L The Mountains Of California [n|1894] Our National Parks [n|1901] 12298 The Grand Cañon Of The Colorado [n|1902] 11673 Stickeen [n|1909] 32540,L[%](My First Summer In The Sierra [n|1911])My First Summer In The Sierra [n|1911] 7091 The Yosemite [n|1912] 18359 The Story Of My Boyhood And Youth [a|1913] 7345 Travels In Alaska [n|1915] Letters To A Friend [a|1915] A Thousand-Mile Walk To The Gulf (ed W F BADE) [n|1916] & The Cruise Of The 'Corwin' (ed W F BADE) [n|1917] 326 Steep Trails (ed W F BADE) [n|1918] Studies In The Sierra [n|1950]

Prof, Kenneth (Arthur) MUIR {UK} (M: 1907 May (wrongly Mar) 5 - 1996 Sep 30) (&ps: Louis CARTEL; Mark FINNEY; Sheila LATIMER; E G NEWBERRY) The Nettle And The Flower [1933] Jonah In The Whale [1935]

Linda MUIR (F: ? - ?) Pathway To Paradise [f|1939] Melody At Twilight [f|1940] The Wayward Heart [f|1940]

Malcolm MUIR {US} (M: 1885 Jul 19 - 1979 Jan 30) Trade Associations And Code Authorities..Business Management [n|1934]

Marianne MUIR {UK} (F: ? - ?) Verses From The West Wight [p|1945]

Marie (Agnes) MUIR, nee ? {UK} (F: 1904 Aug 25 - 1998 Aug) (&ps: Monica BLAKE; Monica CLYNDER; Barbara KAYE; Jean SCOTT) In A Web Of Skin (ps: Monica BLAKE) [f|1936] The Libing Lie (ps: Monica BLAKE) [f|1936] Laird Of Castle Croy [f|1949] Dear Mrs Boswell [f|1953] Leezie Lindsay [f|1955] The Torridons' Triumph (aka: The Torridons' Triumphant Summer) [f|1960] Love's Conflict (ps: Jean SCOTT) [f|1960] The Torridons' Surprise [f|1961] Two Hearts At Sea (ps: Jean SCOTT) [f|1961] Torridons In Spain [f|1962] Torridons In Trouble [f|1963] Web Of Destiny [f|?]

Matthew Moncrieff Pattison MUIR {UK} (M: 1848 Nov 1 - 1931 Sep 2) Heroes Of Science - Chemists [n|1883] Elementary Chemistry (w Charles SLATER) [n|1887] 14218 The Story Of Alchemy And The Beginnings Of Chemistry [n|1902]

Bp, Pearson M'Adam MUIR {UK} (M: 1846 Jan 26 - 1927 Jul 13) The Church Of Scotland [n|1890] Religious Writers Of England [n|1901] 32006 Modern Substitutes For Christianity [n|1909] Seventh Jubilee Of The General Assembly [n|1910]

Percival Horace MUIR, aka Percy MUIR {UK} (M: 1894 Dec 17 - 1979 (wrongly 1980 or 1981) Nov 24) Points, 1874-1930 (1st series) [1931] Points, 1866-1934 (2nd series) [1934] Book Collecting [2v|n|1944-1949] Talks On Book Collecting (ed) [e|1952] English Children's Books [n|1954/79] Minding My Own Business [1956]

Peter MUIR {US} (M: ? - ?) War Without Music [a|1940]

Prof, (John) Ramsay (Bryce) MUIR {UK} (M: 1872 Sep 30 - 1941 May 4) History Of Municipal Government In Liverpool (w ?) [n|1906] History Of Liverpool [n|1907] Peers And Bureaucrats [n|1910] Atlas Of Modern History [n|1911] Britain's Case Against Germany [n|?] Making Of British India [n|1915] Nationalism And Internationalism [n|1916] 4326 The Expansion Of Europe [n|1913/17/22/1926/1935/1939] National Self-Government [n|1918] The Character Of The British Empire [n|1918] History Of The British Commonwealth [2v|n|1920-22] Liberalism And Industry [n|1920] Politics And Progress [n|1923] America The Golden [n|1927] British History [n|1928] Roham The Great [n|1929] How Britain Is Governed [n|1930] Political Consequences Of The Great War [n|1931] The Interdependent World, And Its Problems [n|1933] A Brief History Of Our Own Times [n|1934] The Record Of The National Government [n|1936] Civilization And Liberty [n|1940] Ramsay Muir (ed Stuart HODGSON) [a|1944]

Robert MUIR (M: c1790 - 1868) The True Issue [1838]

Sir, Robert MUIR {UK} (M: 1864 Jul 5 - 1959 Mar 30) Manual Of Bacteriology (10e w J RITCHIE) [n|?] Studies On Immunity [n|?] Text-book Of Pathology (6e) [n|?]

Robert Cuthbertson MUIR {CA} (M: 1856 - 1935 Jun 19)

Robin MUIR {NZ} (M: 1918 - ?)

Susan MUIR (see: Nina Cairns ROBINSON)

T Frank MUIR {UK&US} (M: ? - ?) (&ps: Frank MUIR)

Sir, Thomas MUIR {UK} (M: 1844 Aug 25 - 1934 Mar 21) A Treatise On The Theory Of Determinants [n|1882] History Of Determinants [n|1890] The Theory Of Determinants In The Historical Order.. [n|1906-1923]

Thomas MUIR {UK} (M: ? - ?) Death In Reserve [f|1948] Death On The Trooper [f|1948] Death On The Loch [f|1949] Death Below Zero [f|1950] Death Without Question [f|1951] Death Under Virgo [f|1952] Death On The Agenda [f|1953] Death In Soundings [f|1955] Trouble Aboard [f|1957]

Ward MUIR {UK} (M: 1878 - 1927 Jun 9) 17655 Observations Of An Orderly:..Work In An English War Hospital [1917] A Camera For Company [n|1923]

Willa(=Wilhemina) (Johnston) MUIR, nee ANDERSON {UK} (F: 1890 Mar 13 - 1970 May 22) (&ps: Agnes Neill SCOTT) Imagined Corners [f|1931] Mrs Ritchie [f|1933] Mrs Grundy In Scotland [1936]

William MUIR (M: 1787 Oct 11 - 1869 Jun 23) Discourses On The Epistles [e|?] Practical Sermons On The Holy Spirit [e|1842] Metrical Meditations [n|1870]

Sir, William MUIR (M: 1819 Apr 27 - 1905 Jul 11) * Annals Of The Early Caliphate [n|1883] 16996 Two Old Faiths:..Hindus And The Mohammedans (w J M MITCHELL) [n|1891] * The Life Of Mahomet [b|1894] The Mameluke Or Slave Dynasty Of Egypt, 1260-1517 AD [n|1896] The Muhammadan Controversy [n|?]

Bruce Wallace MUIRDEN {AU} (M: 1928 - 1991)

Alice Jane MUIRHEAD (F: ? - ?) (&ps: Alice Jane HOME) My Sister Ruth [f|1891] Helen Murdoch; or, Treasures Of Darkness (&ps: Alice Jane HOME) [f|1896] My Prize Translation.. (ps: Alice Jane HOME) [s|1902] Sibyl Garth; or, Who Teacheth Like Him (ps: Alice Jane HOME) [f|1904] Ruth Carey's Hundredfold (ps: Alice Jane HOME) [f|1911] Safeguarded.. (ps: Alice Jane HOME) [p|1913] The Meeting Place.. (ps: Alice Jane HOME) [p|1931]

Claud MUIRHEAD {UK} (M: ? - ?) The Causes Of Death Among The Assured In The Scottish Widows.. [n|1902]

Findlay MUIRHEAD {UK} (M: 1860 - 1935 May 15) Wales [n|1926] The French Alps (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1926] Southern France (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1926] London And Its Environs [n|1927] Paris And Its Environs [n|1927] Northern Italy (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1927] Handbook Of Travel Talk [n|1927] Normandy (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1928] Brittany (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1928] A Short Guide To London (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1928] Belgium (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1929] Southern Spain And Portugal (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1929] England [n|1930] North-Eastern France [n|1930] Switzerland [n|1930] Southern Italy (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1930] Northern Spain (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1930] 70 Miles Around London (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1930] Great Britain [n|1930] North-Western France (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1931] Scotland [n|1932] Ireland (w Russell MUIRHEAD) [n|1932]

Rev, Ian Adair MUIRHEAD {UK} (M: 1913 Aug 16 - 1983 May 21)

James MUIRHEAD (M: 1831 - 1889 Nov 8)

James Fullarton MUIRHEAD {UK} (M: 1853 Dec 25 - 1934 Apr 6) 17648 The Land Of Contrasts: A Briton's View Of His American Kin [n|1898/?] America [n|1903]

James Patrick MUIRHEAD (M: 1813 Jul Oct 15 - ?)

Prof, John Henry MUIRHEAD {UK} (M: 1855 - 1940 May 24)

(Litellus) Russell MUIRHEAD {UK} (M: 1896 Sep 3 - 1976 Feb 6) Southern France (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1926] The French Alps (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1926] Wales (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1926] Paris And Its Environs (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1927] Northern Italy (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1927] Normandy (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1928] Brittany (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1928] A Short Guide To London (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1928] Belgium (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1929] Southern Spain And Portugal (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1929] North-Eastern France (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1930] Southern Italy (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1930] Northern Spain (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1930] 70 Miles Around London (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1930] North-Western France (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1931] Ireland (w Findlay MUIRHEAD) [n|1932]

(James) Thorburn MUIRHEAD {UK} (M: 1899 Jun 1 - 1980 May 4) Without Prejudice [1934] Brother Ceylon [1935]

William MUIRHEAD (M: 1822 Mar 7 - 1900 Oct 3)

Georgina Mary MUIR MACKENZIE, 1:Mrs SEBRIGHT, Baroness D'EVERTON (F: 1833 - 1874 Jan 24) Across The Carpathians (w A P IRBY) [n|1862] Travels In The Slavonic Provinces Of Turkey.. (w A P IRBY) [n|1867]

Judge, Kenneth James MUIR MACKENZIE {UK} (M: 1882 May 1 - 1931 Jun 3)

Montague Johnstone MUIR-MACKENZIE (M: 1847 Sep 29 - 1919 Apr 18) Mackenzie On Bills Of Lading [n|?] Chalmers And Mackenzie On The Judicature Acts (w CHALMERS) [n|?] Mackenzie And Lushington On The Laws Of Registration (w LUSHINGTON) [n|?] Mackenzie And Clarke On The Bankruptcy Acts (w CLARKE) [n|?] Notes On The Temple Organ [n|?]

Sir, Alan (Marshall) MUIR WOOD {UK} (M: 1921 Aug 8 - 2009 Feb 1)

Héctor MUJICA {VE} (M: 1927 Apr 10 - ?)

Enrique MUJICA ÁLVAREZ {VE} (M: 1945 - ?)

Manuel MUJICA LÁINEZ {AR} (M: 1910 Sep 11 - 1984 Apr 21)

Elio MUJICA SEQUERA {VE} (M: 1924 - ?)

Hirendranath MUKERJEE {IN} (M: 1907 Nov 23 - 2004 Jul 30) India Struggles For Freedom [n|1948]

Radhakamal MUKERJEE {IN} (M: 1889 Dec 7 - 1968 Aug 24) The Foundations Of Indian Economics [n|1916] Principles Of Comparative Economics [2v|n|1921-22] Democracies Of The East [n|1923] Borderland Of Economics [n|1925] Civics [n|1926] Groundwork Of Economics [n|1926] Regional Sociology [n|1926] The Rural Economy Of India [n|1926] Introduction To Social Psychology (w Dr N N SEN-GUPTA) [1930] Land Problems Of India [n|1933] Migrant Asia [n|1934] Limits And Potentialities Of Agriculture In India Analysed [n|c1936] Theory And Art Of Mysticism [n|1937] The Regional Balance Of Man [n|1938] The Changing Face Of Bengal [n|1938] Food Planning For Four Hundred Millions [n|1938] Economic Problems Of Modern India (ed N) [1938] Population Problems In India (ed) [n|1939] Man And His Habitation [n|1939] Economic History Of India, 1600-1800 [1944] The Indian Working Class [n|1945] Planning The Countryside [n|1945] Social Ecology [n|1945] The Political Economy Of Population [n|1946] The Social Structure Of Values [n|1946] Races, Land And Food [n|1946] The Social Function Of Art [n|1946] The Dynamics Of Morals [n|1951] Intercaste Tensions [n|1952] The Social Transition In An Indian City [n|1952] The Horizon Of Marriage [n|1957] The Frontiers Of Social Science [e|1957] The Lord Of The Autumn Moons [n|1957] The Culture And Art Of India [n|1958] The History Of Indian Civilization [n|1958] The Symbolic Life Of Man [n|1958] The Philosophy Of Social Science [n|1960] Cosmic Art Of India [n|1961] The Dimensions Of Human Evolution [n|1963]

Swami, A P MUKERJI (M: ? - ?) 13300 The Doctrine And Practice Of Yoga [n|1922]

Dhan Gopal MUKERJI {?/US} (M: 1890 Jul 6 - 1936 Jul 14) Chintamini (w Mary Carolyn DAVIES) [d|pub:1914] Layla-Majnu [d|pub:1916] Rajani [p|1916] 22848 Sandhya: Songs Of Twilight [p|1917] The Judgment Of India [d|pub:1922] 24460 Kari, The Elephant [f|1922] Caste And Outcast [a|1923] Jungle, Beasts And Men [s|1923] Chief Of The Herd [1923] My Brother's Face [1924] Hari, The Jungle Lad [1924] Pearl Lagoon [s|1924] The Secret Listeners Of The East [1926] Gay-Neck [f|1927] Ghond The Hunter [f|1928] A Son Of Mother India Answers [1928] The Chief Of The Herd [1929] Visit India With Me [n|1929] Devotional Passages From The Hindu Bible [n|1929] Hindu Fables For Little Children [n|1929] Disillusioned India [1930] Rama, The Hero Of India [1930] Bunny, Hound And Clown [1931] The Master Monkey [1932] Daily Meditation [n|1933] The Path Of Prayer [n|1934] Fierce-Face [1936] Hindu Scriptures (ed) [n|1938]

Sir, Lal Gopal MUKERJI (M: 1874 Jul 29 - 1942 Aug 9) Law Of Transfer Of Property In British India [n|1925/1931]

Rai Bahadur, P N MUKERJI {IN} (M: 1882 Dec 22 - 1965 Dec 20) Samkhya O Yoga - Parichaya O Sadhana (N) [?-?]

S MUKERJI (?: ? - ?) 17113 Indian Ghost Stories [s|?/?/1919]

Sambhu Chandra MUKERJI (M: 1839 May 8 - 1894 Feb 7) On The Causes Of The Mutiny [n|1857] Mr Wilson, Lord Canning And The Income Tax [n|1860] The Career Of An Indian Princess [n|1869] The Prince In India And To India [n|1872] The Empire Is Peace [n|1875] The Baroda Coup D'Etat [n|1875]

Prof, Bharati MUKHERJEE, Mrs BLAISE {IN/US} (F: 1940 Jul 27 - 2017 Jan 28) A Father [s|?] The Management Of Grief [s|?]

IN Pres, Pranab Kumar MUKHERJEE {IN} (M: 1935 Dec 11 - 2020 Aug 31)

Sujit MUKHERJEE {IN} (M: 1930 Aug 21 - 2003 Jan 14) Autobiography Of An Unknown Cricketer [a|?]

Santosh Kumar MUKHERJI (M: 1893 - ?) Infantile Cirrhosis Of The Liver [n|1922] Endocrinology [n|1924] Incompatibilities In Prescriptions [n|1928] Practical Prescriptions [n|1932] Prostitution In India [n|1932] [Raktatialap] [f|Be?-1917] Kismet [d|pro:1917]

Subhas MUKHOPADHYAY {IN} (M: 1919 Feb 12 - 2003 Jul 8) Padatik [p|Be-1940] Amar Bangla [p|Be-1951] Phul Phutuk Na Phutuk [p|Be-1957] Jata Durei Jai [p|Be-1962]

Tito Rajarshi MUKHOPADHYAY {IN} (M: c1987 - ?)

(Henrietta) May MUKLE {UK} (F: 1880 May 14 - 1963 Feb 20)

Margaret Elizabeth MULAC {UK} (M: 1912 Sep 21 - 2005 Aug 27) The Playleaders' Manual [n|1941] The Game Book [n|1946] Leisure [n|1961]

Gustav Albert MULACH {DE} (M: 1893 Aug 14 - 1955 Sep 28)

Dominic (Chola) MULAISHO {ZM} (M: 1933 Aug 15 - 2013 Jul 1)

Ugo MULAS {IT} (M: 1928 Aug 28 - 1973 Mar 2)

Virginia MULAZZI {IT} (F: 1851 - 1926) 17850 La Pergamena Distrutta: Romanzo Del Seculo XVI [f|It-1872]

Wolf-Heinrich (Konrad Ludwig Hans) von der MÜLBE {DE} (M: 1879 Oct 22 - 1965 Apr 30) Sonne Und Nacht [Ge-1902] Die Erste Schule Von Fontainebleau [n|Ge-1904] Die Darstellung Des Jüngsten Gerichts..Frankreichs [n|Ge-1911] Michelangelo [n|Ge-1912] Harald Vorchs Todesfahrt [Ge-1926] Stanoffs Tochter [Ge-1935] Das Märchen Vom Rasierzeug [Ge-1937]

James Henry MULCAHY, aka Fr, Justin MULCAHY {US?} (M: ? - ?) Liturgical Music (anon) [n|c1922]

Prof, John MULCAHY (M: c1809 - 1853 Dec 1)

Lucille (Helen) (nee)Burnett MULCAHY {US} (F: 1918 Nov 10 - 2016 Jan 17) (&ps: Helen HALE) Dark Arrow [f|1953] Pira [1954] Dale Evans And Danger In Crooked Canyon (ps: Helen HALE) [f|1958]

Lola MULCASTER (F: ? - ?) What Shall I Say? [n|1956]

Richard MULCASTER (M: c1530 - 1611 Apr 15) The Positions [n|1581] The Elementarie [n|1582]

J J de MULDER (see: Jozef Firmin (Hubert) VINCKX)

Sir, Robert (David) MULDOON {NZ} (M: 1921 Sep 25 - 1992 Aug 5)

Sylvan J MULDOON (?: ? - ?) The Projection Of The Astral Body (w Hereward CARRINGTON) [n|1929]

William MULDOON, aka 'Iron Duke', aka 'The Solid Man' {US} (M: 1852 (wrongly 1845) May 25 - 1933 Jun 3) Muldoon, The Solid Man Of Sport.. [a|1929]

William Hawthorne MULDREW (M: 1867 - 1904 Oct 7)

Werner MULERTT {DE} (M: 1892 Feb 23 - 1944 Dec 26) Anleitung Und Hilfsmittel Zum Studium Des Spanischen [n|Ge-1922] Azorín (José Martinez Ruiz) [n|Ge-1926] Lesebuch Der Älteren Spanischen Literatur..Bis 1800 [n|Ge-1927] Literarische Frauen-Idealbilder..Italienischen Renaissance [n|Ge-1941]

Angelo MULESKO (see: Joseph (Woodson) OGLESBY (Jr))

Paul MULET (see: Louis RIVERS)

Lenore Elizabeth MULETS (F: 1876 - ?) (&ps: Mary MULLER) Little People Of Japan: A Story Of Japanese Child-Life (ps: Mary MULLER) [1902] Insect Stories [s|1903] 20547 Bird Stories (aka: Stories Of Birds) [s|1903] Flower Stories [s|1904] Story Of Akimakoo, An African Boy [f|1904] Tree Stories [s|1905] Stories Of Little Animals [s|1905] Stories Of Little Fishes [s|1905] Stories Of Big Animals [s|1913] Sunshine Lands Of Europe [n|1918] Little People Of The Snow [1925]

Ami French MULFORD (M: ? - ?) Fighting Indians In The 7th US Cavalry, Custer's Favorite.. [a|?/1879]

Clarence Edward MULFORD {US} (M: 1883 Feb 3 - 1956 May 10) 33039 The Orphan [f|1908/1924] 2546 Bar-20 (aka: Hopalong Cassidy's Rustler Round-Up) [s|1907] * Hopalong Cassidy [f|1910] 4922 Bar-20 Days (aka: Hopalong Cassidy's Private War) [s|1911] Hopalong Cassidy [f|1912] Buck Peters, Ranchman (w John Wood CLAY) [f|1912] The Coming Of (Hopalong) Cassidy -.. [s|1913] The Man From Bar-20 [f|1918] Johnny Nelson [f|1920] The Bar-20 Three (aka: Hopalong Cassidy Sees Red) [f|1921] 31699 'Bring Me His Ears' (UK: Beckoning Trails) [f|1922] * Tex (UK: Tex - Of Bar 20) [f|1922] Black Buttes [f|1923] Hopalong Cassidy Returns [f|1924/1950] Rustlers' Valley [f|1924] Cottonwood Gulch [f|1925] + The Bar-20 Rides Again [f|1926] Hopalong Cassidy Protégé [f|1926] Corson Of The JC [f|1927] + Mesquite Jenkins [f|1928] Me An' Shorty [f|1929] The Deputy Sheriff [f|1930] Hopalong Cassidy And The Eagle's Brood [f|1931/1950] Mesquite Jenkins, Tumbleweed [f|1932] The Round-Up [f|1933] Trail Dust(f) [1934] On The Trail Of The Tumbling T [f|1935] Hopalong Cassidy Takes Cards [f|1937] Hopalong Cassidy Serves A Writ [f|1941/1950] Hopalong Cassidy's Saddle Mate [f|1949] The Orphan Outlaw [f|1950] Hopalong Cassidy With The Trail Herd [f|1950] Hopalong Cassidy's Bar 20 Rides Again [f|1950]

David Campbell MULFORD {US} (M: 1937 Jun 27 - living 2022)

Prentice MULFORD (M: 1834 Apr 5 - 1891 May c27) (&ps: DOGBERRY) The Swamp Angel [1888] Your Forces And How To Use Them [n|1888] L Life By Land And Sea: Prentice Mulford's Story [a|1889]

(Mitchell) Stockton MULFORD {US} (M: 1886 Jun 21 - 1960 Sep 20) (&ps: Ray DEAN)

Alan Edward MULGAN {NZ} (M: 1881 - 1962) Maori And Pakeha (w A W SHRIMPTON) [1921] Three Plays Of New Zealand [1924] The English Of The Line.. [p|1926] Home [1927]

Edward Ker MULGAN {UK/NZ?} (M: 1857 - 1920 Nov 14)

John (Alan Edward) MULGAN {NZ} (M: 1911 Dec 31 - 1945 Apr 26) Poems Of Freedom (ed) [p|1938] Man Alone [f|1939] The Emigrants (w Hector BOLITHO) [1939] Report On Experience [1947]

Peter David MULGREW {NZ} (M: 1927 Nov 21 - 1979 Nov 28) No Place For Men (aka: I Hold The Heights) 64

John Archibald MULHALL {UK} (M: 1899 Jul 19 - 1971 Apr 16)

Michael George MULHALL (M: 1836 Sep 29 - 1900 Dec 12) Progress Of The World [n|1880] History Of Prices [n|1885] Industries And Wealth, Nations [n|1896] The Dictionary Of Statistics [n|?/?/?/1899]

Marion (nee?)McMurrough MULHALL {IE} (F: c1840 - ?) From Europe To Paraguay And Matto-Grosso [n|1877] Between The Amazon And The Andes [n|1881] Explorers In The New World Before And After Columbus [n|1909] Beginnings [n|1911]

Frederick Ludwig MULHAUSER {US} (M: 1911 Jun 21 - 1974 Feb 25)

Ruth (Elizabeth) MULHAUSER {US} (F: 1913 Nov 20 - 1980 Dec 8) Le Français D'Aujourd'hui (w ?) [n|Fr-1962]

A H R MULHOLLAND {CA} (?: ? - ?)

Catherine MULHOLLAND, Mrs HURLEY {US} (F: 1923 Apr 8 - 2011 Jul 6) A Wedding In The Valley [d|?]

Clara MULHOLLAND {UK} (F: c1849 - 1934 May 30) The Little Bog-Trotters [f|1878] 19889 Naughty Miss Bunny: A Story For Little Children [f|1883] Linda's Misfortunes [f|1885] Percy's Revenge [f|1887] The Miser Of King's Court [f|1887] The Strange Adventures Of Little Snowdrop.. [s|1889] A Striking Contrast [f|1895] Little Merry Face And His Crown Of Content.. [s|1895] The Lost Chord [f|1905] In A Roundabout Way [f|1908] Through Mist And Shadow [f|1909] Sweet Doreen [f|1915] Her Last Message [f|1926]

John MULHOLLAND {US} (M: 1898 Jun 9 - 1970 Feb 25) Magic In The Making (w Milton SMITH) [n|1925] Quicker Than The Eye [n|1932]

John Hugh MULHOLLAND {US} (M: 1900 Jun 28 - 1974 Jun 16)

Rosa MULHOLLAND, 1:Lady GILBERT {UK} (F: 1841 - 1921 Apr 21 (wrongly 26)) (&ps: C DICKENS; R M; Ruth MURRAY) Dunmara (ps: Ruth MURRAY) [f|1864] Hester's History (anon) [f|1869] The Wicked Woods Of Tobereevil [f|1872] The Little Flower Seekers [f|1873] Eldergowan [s|1874] Five Little Farmers [f|1875] The Wild Birds Of Killeevy [f|1883] Four Little Mischiefs [f|1883] Gems For The Young From Favourite Poets (ps: R M) (ed) [p|1884] 15538 Hetty Gray; or, Nobody's Bairn [f|1884] The Walking Trees.. [s|1885] 18991 The Late Miss Hollingford [f|1886] Marcella Grace [f|1886] A Fair Emigrant [f|1888] Gianetta [f|1889] The Haunted Organist Of Hurly Burly.. [s|1891] The Mystery Of Hall-In-The-Wood [f|1893] Marigold.. [s|1894] Banshee Castle (aka: The Girls Of Banshee Castle) [f|1895] Our Own Story.. [s|1896] Nanno [f|1899] Vagrant Verses [p|1899] 20492 Terry; or, She Ought To Have Been A Boy [f|1900] Onora (aka: Norah Of Waterford) [f|1900] Cynthia's Bonnet Shop [f|1901] The Tragedy Of Chris [f|1903] The Squire's Grand-daughters [f|1903] A Girl's Ideal [f|1905] Life Of Sir John T Gilbert, LLD, FSA, Irish Historian.. [b|1905] Our Sister Maisie [f|1907] Our Boycotting [d|pub:1907] The Story Of Ellen [f|1907] Spirit And Dust [p|1908] The Return Of Mary O'Murrough [f|1908] Cousin Sara [f|1909] Father Tim [f|1910] The O'Shaughnessy Girls [f|1911] Fair Noreen [f|1912] Twin Sisters [f|1913] Old School Friends [f|1914] The Daughter In Possession [f|1915] Dreams & Realities [p|1916] Narcissa's Ring [f|1916] O'Loghlin Of Clare [f|1916] # Collected Stories [s|?]

(Mathilde Emma) Alice von MÜLINEN, nee de BARY {CH} (F: 1868 Aug 30 - 1952 Aug 31) Le Vent Dans Les Arbres [p|Fr-1909]

Harry (Kurt Victor) MULISCH {NL} (M: 1927 Jul 29 - 2010 Oct 30) Archibald Strohalm [f|Du-1952] Siegfried [f|Du-?] (tr ?) [?]

Kursendas MULJI (M: 1832 Jul 25 - 1875 Aug)

Prof, Donald James Dennis MULKERNE {US} (M: 1921 Oct 14 - 2005 Aug 16) Economic And Social Geography (w Sidney E EKBLAW) [n|1958]

Abe MULKEY {US} (M: ? - ?) Abe Mulkey's Budget [a|1897]

Mathias MULL (M: 1820 - 1893 Oct)

Sir, Dinshah Fardunji MULLA (M: 1868 - 1934 Apr 26)

Don MULLALLY / MULLALY {US?} (M: c1885 - 1933 Apr 1) Maggie [d|1923]

Frederic (Rhonda) MULLALLY {UK} (M: 1918 (or 1920) Feb 25 - 2014 Sep 7) Death Pays A Dividend (w Fenner BROCKWAY) [n|1945] Fascism Inside England [n|1946] Dance Macabre [f|1958] Man With Tin Trumpet [f|1961]

Fr, Charles J MULLALY {US} (M: 1877 Sep 19 - 1949 Oct 25) Spiritual Reflections For Sisters [2v|n|1936-1938] The Priest Who Failed [n|1936] Could You Explain Catholic Practices? [n|1937] The Bravest Of The Virginia Cavalry [n|1937]

Terence Frederick Stanley MULLALY {UK} (M: 1927 Nov 14 - 2020 Feb 13)

Celina Rios MULLAN (F: ? - ?) (ps: Ana Lisa de LEON; Marisa de ZAVALA)

Charles Seymour MULLAN {UK} (M: 1893 Jun 17 - 1969 Oct 19) (&ps: RHADAMANTHUS) Census Of India, v3 Assam [n|1931] A Scholar In Clive Street (ps: RHADAMANTHUS) [1946]

Hugh MULLAN {US} (M: 1911 Nov 19 - 2003 Mar 22)

John MULLAN {UK} (M: 1830 Jul 31 - 1909 Dec 28)

George MULLANE {CA} (M: 1850 - 1938) Victor Hugo's Daughter And Occasional Verse [p|1923]

Rev, Cornelius A MULLANEY (M: 1930 Feb 12 - ?)

Prof, Patrick Francis MULLANY (M: 1847 Jun 29 - 1893 Aug (or Sep) 20) (&ps: Brother, AZARIAS) & Aristotle And The Christian Church (ps: AZARIAS) [n|1888]

Louis MULLEM (M: ? - 1908) 12620 Contes D'Amerique [Fr-1890]

Arthur Francis MULLEN {US} (M: ? - ?) Western Democrat [a|1940]

Barbara MULLEN {US} (F: 1914 - ?) Life Is An Adventure [a|1937]

Benjamin Henry MULLEN {UK} (M: 1862 Jan 19 - ?)

Brendan (Charles) MULLEN {UK} (M: 1949 Oct 9 - 2009 Oct 12)

Prof, James Hanna MULLEN {US} (M: 1924 Nov 29 - 1989 Jul 8) Against The Goad [1961]

Katharine Maria MULLEN, Mrs ARCHIBALD {US} (F: 1880 Mar 21 - 1951 Feb 18) (ps: Almira BAILEY) 4643 Vignettes Of San Francisco [n|1921] Seattle, Her Faults, Her Virtues [n|?]

Larry(=Lawrence) (Joseph) MULLEN, Jr {IE} (M: 1961 Oct 31 - living 2023)

Pat MULLEN {IE} (M: 1885 - ?) Man Of Aran [a|1934] Come Another Day [a|1940]

Peg(=Margaret) (E) MULLEN, nee ? {US} (F: 1917 Jun 11 - 2009 Oct 2)

Prof, Richard Dale MULLEN {US} (M: 1915 Sep 30 - 1998 Aug 8)

Robert Rodolph MULLEN {US} (M: 1908 Nov 24 - 1986 Mar 16)

Samuel MULLEN (M: 1802 - 1858) Harley Beckford [f|1849]

Stanley MULLEN (M: ? - ?) Kinsmen Of The Dragon [1951]

Rev, Thomas James MULLEN {US} (M: 1934 Aug 2 - 2009 Jun 19) The Renewal Of The Ministry [n|1963]

William Clinton MULLENDORE {US} (M: 1892 May 18 - 1983 Dec 1) History Of The United States Food Administration, 1917-1919 [n|1941]

Emma MÜLLENHOFF {DE} (F: 1871 Sep 22 - 1944 Apr 14) Aus Einem Stillen Hause..Geschichten Für Besinnliche Leute [s|Ge-1904] Abseits [f|Ge-1905] Kleine Lieder [f|Ge-1906] Was Aus Ihnen Wurde [f|Ge-1908] Von Solchen, Die Zur Seite Stehen [f|Ge-1910] Wandernde Und Wollende [f|Ge-1911] Nach Eigenem Gesetz [f|Ge-1913] Aus Dem Leben Unserer Mutter [f|Ge-1916] Im Hell-Dunkel [f|Ge-1917] Der Herzbaum [f|Ge-1919] Am Waisengang 5 [f|Ge-1920] Sonniges Land [f|Ge-1921] Lichtträger [f|Ge-1922] Thade Reimers [s|Ge-1922] Helle Fenster [f|Ge-1923] Lottis Christkind Und Andere Erzählungen [s|Ge-1925] Onkel Nikolaus [f|Ge-1925] Aus Deutscher Erde [s|Ge-1926] Die Rache Der Tiere [f|Ge-1927] Über Dem Alltag [f|Ge-1929] Der Verborgene Gott Und Andere Erzählungen [s|Ge-1929] Auf Dem Felde [f|Ge-1932] Ein Entdecker Wider Willen [f|Ge-1932] Der Graue Schleier [f|Ge-1934] Silkes Zweite Heimat [f|Ge-1934] Das Verlorene Schriftstück [f|Ge-1935] Der Alte Wahrspruch [f|Ge-1936] Das Lebendige Haus Am Bärenbrook [f|Ge-1936] Das Puppentheater [f|Ge-1936] Putt [f|Ge-1936] Die Welt Der Wunder [f|Ge-1936] Durch Einen Spiegel [f|Ge-1938] Der Schlüssel Zur Garage [f|Ge-1940] Das Thibe-Heim [f|Ge-1940] Der Junge Grönlandfahrer [f|Ge-1949]

Rollin Clarke MULLENIX {US} (M: 1869 Nov 26 - 1949 Jun 8) Studies Of Inheritance In Rabbits (w others) [n|1909] Solving The Industrial Problem (anon) [n|1920]

Joseph MULLENS (M: 1820 Sep 2 - 1879 Jul 10)


Achilles (August) MÜLLER / MÜLLER-KOBER {CH} (M: 1877 Jan 3 - 1964 Dec 24) Über Cystinurie Und Cystinsteine [n|Ge-1911] Über Prostataatrophie [n|Ge-1914] Eingabe Der Medizinischen Gesellschaft Basel.. [n|Ge-1924] In Memoriam Prof L Rütimeyer [b|Ge-1932] Verlust Der Linken Niere Durch Aufsteigende Venenthrombose [n|Ge-1943] Dr Albert Lotz [b|Ge-1953]

Adam MULLER (M: ? - ?) Ausgewahrte Abhandlungen [Ge-1921]

Adolf MÜLLER (M: 1801 - 1886) Der Gwissenswurm [d|Ge-?]

Alfred Dedo MÜLLER {DDR} (M: 1890 Jan 12 - 1972 Aug 4) Religion Und Alltag [n|Ge-1927] Du Erde Höre! [Ge-1930] Der Kampf Um Das Reich [n|Ge-1935] Ethik [n|Ge-1937] Luthers Katechismus Und Wir [n|Ge-1939] Musik Als Problem Lutherischer Gottesdienstgestaltung [n|Ge-1947] Prometheus Oder Christus? [n|Ge-1948] Grundriß Der Praktischen Theologie [n|Ge-1950] Der Ausweg [n|Ge-1953] Dämonische Wirklichkeit Und Trinität [n|Ge-1963]

Prof, Anton MÜLLER {AT} (M: 1870 Mar 10 - 1939 Feb 16) (ps: Bruder WILLRAM)

Armand-Léon MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1901 May 13 - 1973 Aug 28) Enseignement Littéraire Et Enseignement Chrétien [n|Fr-1958] Histoire De La Littérature Française (w Raoul MORÇAY) [n|Fr-1960] Le Chrétien Devant Les Droits Et Les Prétentions De L'État [n|Fr-1961] Une Mystique Dominicaine Du XVIIe Siècle [n|Fr-1963]

Arno Hermann MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1916 Aug 25 - 2006 Apr 11) Diagenetische Untersuchungen In Der..Schreibkreide Rügens [n|Ge-1951] Lehrbuch Der Paläontologie [7v|n|Ge-1957-94] Großabläufe Der Stammesgeschichte [n|Ge-1961] Aus Jahrmillionen [n|Ge-1962] Zur Ichnologie, Taxiologie Und Ökologie Fossiler Tiere [n|Ge-1962]

Bertold Friedrich MÜLLER (see: Bertold KEPPELMÜLLER)

Billex MULLER (see: Edward Sylvester ELLIS)

Caspar MÜLLER (see: Hermann MÜLLER)

Charles George MULLER, aka Charles GEOFFREY {US} (M: 1897 May 5 - 1987 Dec 14) Puck Chasers [1927] Baseball Detective [1928] The Commodore [1929] Sleep (aka: Energy And Sleep) (w D A LAIRD) [n|1930] Curry Was Right [1931] How They Carried The Goods [n|1932] Shipwrecked On Mystery Island [1943] Unburied Treasure [1944] Laziest Man On The Campus [1946] Ship A-Hoyden [1946] Tigers Of The Sea (w Horace S MAZET) [1946] The Proudest Day [1960] Hero Of Champlain [1961] The Darkest Day - 1814 [1963]

Charlotte MÜLLER {DE} (F: 1893 Jun 5 - 1972 Mar 26) Vom Deutschunterricht In Der Arbeitsschule [n|Ge-1921] Deutsche Sprachkunde [n|Ge-1923/?/?/1932] Einstellung Auf Freie Geistige Schularbeit [n|Ge-1927/?/?] Von Freier Schülerarbeit [n|Ge-1928/1932] Unsere Deutsche Sprache [n|Ge-1929] Schreiberziehung, Pädagogisch Und Graphologisch Betrachtet [n|Ge-1951] Umstellung Auf Freie Geistige Schularbeit [n|Ge-1951] Lehrpraktische Analysen [n|Ge-1960] Hugo Gaudig, Die Schule Der Selbsttätigkeit [n|Ge-1963/69]

Clara MÜLLER, Mrs JAHNKE (F: 1861 Feb 5 - 1905 Nov 4)

Clara (Maria Regina) MÜLLER, Mrs MUNDT (F: 1814 Jan 2 - 1873 Sep 26) (ps: L M; Luise/Louisa/Louise (von) MÜHLBACH) Der Pilger Der Elbe [f|Ge-1839] Nach Der Hochzeit [s|Ge-1844] Gisela [f|Ge-1845] Napoleon In Deutschland [f|Ge-?] 3801 Napoleon And Blucher [f|Ge-?] (tr F JORDAN) [1845] 19562 Napoleon And The Queen Of Prussia [f|Ge-?] (tr F JORDAN) [1868] Welt Und Bühne [f|Ge-1854] Historisches Bilderbuch [Ge-1855] Historische Characterbilder [Ge-1857] Kaiser Joseph Der Zweite Und Sein Hof [f|Ge-1858] 3793 Joseph II And His Court [f|Ge-1858] (tr A De V CHAUDRON) [1864] Kaiser Leopold Der Zweite Und Seine Zeit [f|Ge-1860] Kaiserin Josephine [f|Ge-1861] 4226 The Empress Josephine [f|Ge-1861] (tr Rev W BINET) [1867] Maria Theresia Und Der Pandurenobrist Trenck [f|Ge-1861] A Royal Marriage [f|Ge-?] (tr ?) [1861] Katharine Parr [f|Ge-?] (tr John Ringwood ATKINS) [3v|1862] 3476 Henry VIII And His Court [f|Ge-?] (tr Henry Niles PIERCE) [1865] Friedrich Der Große Und Seine Geschwister [f|Ge-1862] 3537 Frederick The Great And His Family [f|Ge-1862] (tr Mrs C COLEMAN) [1867] Friedrich Der Große Und Sein Hof [f|Ge-?] 4067 Frederick The Great And His Court [f|Ge-?] (tr Mrs C COLEMAN & others) [?] 4205 Berlin And Sans-Souci [f|Ge-?] (tr Mrs C COLEMAN & others) [1867] Prinz Eugen Und Seine Zeit [f|Ge-1864] Historische Lebensbilder [Ge-1864] Federzeichnungen Auf Der Reise Nach Der Schweiz [n|Ge-1864] Graf Von Benjowsky [f|Ge-1865] Der Große Kurfürst Und Seine Zeit [f|Ge-1865] Bernthal [f|Ge-?] (tr ?) [1867] Kaiserin Claudia, Prinzessin Von Tirol [f|Ge-1867] 12016 The Merchant Of Berlin [f|Ge-?] (tr Amory COFFIN) [1867] 3460 Old Fritz And The New Era [f|Ge-?] (tr Peter LANGLEY) [1867] Geschichtsbilder [s|Ge-1868] 3666 Andreas Hofer [f|Ge-?] (tr F JORDAN) [1868] Goethe Und Schiller [f|Ge-?] (tr Chapman COLEMAN) [1868] Kaiser Alexander Und Sein Hof [f|Ge-1868] Die Tochter Einer Kaiserin [f|Ge-?] 2132 The Daughter Of An Empress [f|Ge-?] (tr Nathaniel GREENE) [1869] Von Solferino Bis Königgrätz [f|Ge-1869] 3451 Marie Antoinette And Her Son [f|Ge-?] (tr Rev W L GAGE) [1867] Eine Welt Des Glanzes [f|Ge-1869] 4016 Prince Eugene And His Times [f|Ge-?] (tr Adelaide De V CHAUDRON) [1869] Kaiser Joseph Und Sein Landsknecht [f|Ge-1870] Damen-Almanach [Ge-1870] Kaiser Ferdinand I Und Seine Zeit [f|Ge-1871] Mehemed/Mohammed Ali Und Sein Haus [f|Ge-1871] 3320 Mohammed Ali And His House [f|Ge-?] (tr Chapman COLEMAN) [?] Reisebriefe Aus Ægypten [e|Ge-1871] Mohammed Ali's Nachfolger [f|Ge-1872] Von Königgrätz Bis Chiselhurst [f|Ge-1873] Der Alte Fritz Und Seine Zeit [f|Ge-?] 3693 Louisa Of Prussia And Her Times [f|Ge-?] (tr F JORDAN) [?] 12019 Queen Hortense [f|Ge-?] (tr Chapman COLEMAN) [?] 13295 The Youth Of The Great Elector [Ge-?] (tr Mary Stuart SMITH) [?] 16396 A Conspiracy Of The Carbonari [Ge-?] (tr Mary J SAFFORD) [?]

David MULLER {ZA} (M: before 1923 - ?)

Edouard MULLER {CH/US?} (M: 1885 Feb 16 - 1948 Sep 27) Swiss Diplomatic Represntation In The Middle East [n|?] La Position Economique De La Suisse [n|Fr-?] Le Rôle De La Science Dans L'Industries [n|Fr-?] Schokoladenindustrie [n|Ge-?] Kondensmilchindustrie [n|Ge-?]

Elise(=Elizabeth) MULLER {ZA} (F: 1919 Mar 11 - 1985 Nov 5)

Else MÜLLER {DE} (F: 1876 May 11 - 1941 Apr) (ps: Else MÜLLER-WALSDORF)

Emil MÜLLER {AT} (M: 1886 Jan 17 - 1952) (ps: Emil MÜLLER-STURMHEIM; E STURMHEIM) Kaiser Karls Neue Wege [n|Ge-1918] Der Narr Der Liebe [n|Ge-1920] Ohne Amerika Geht Es Nicht [n|Ge-1930] Die Am Krieg Verdienen [n|Ge-1936] Rüstungen Als Rettung [n|Ge-1937] 99,7%, Nintyninecommasevenpercent [n|1942] What To Do About Austria [n|Ge-1943]

Erich H MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1892 Aug 31 - 1962 Apr 4) (ps: Müller von ASOW)

Ernst MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1894 May 1 - 1972 Mar 10) Die Häusernamen Von Alt-Leipzig [n|Ge-1931] Die Privilegien Der Leipziger Reichsmesse [n|Ge-1941] Aus Geschichte Und Neuaufbau..Vorstadt Leipzigs (w ?) [n|Ge-1953]

Ernst Lothar MÜLLER {AT/US:1944on/AT:1949on} (M: 1890 Oct 25 - 1974 Oct 30) (ps: Ernst LOTHAR) Der Ruhige Hain [p|Ge-1910] Die Einsamen [s|Ge-1912] Die Rast [p|Ge-1913] Italien [n|Ge-1915] Österreichische Schriften [Ge-1916] Der Feldherr [f|Ge-1918] Ich! [d|Ge-pub:1921] Irrlicht Der Welt [f|Ge-1921] Irrlicht Des Geistes [f|Ge-1923] Bekenntnis Eines Herzsklaven [f|Ge-1923] Licht [f|Ge-1925] Triumph Des Gefühls [s|Ge-1925] Gottes Garten [Ge-1928] Drei Tage Und Eine Nacht [s|Ge-1928] Der Kampf Um Das Herz [f|Ge-1930] Der Hellseher [f|Ge-1930] The Clairvoyant [f|Ge-1930] (tr Beatrice RYAN) [1932] Kleine Freundin [f|Ge-1931] Little Friend [f|Ge-1931] (tr Edwin MUIR & Willa MUIR) [1933] Kinder [Ge-1932] Die Mühle Der Gerechtigkeit [Ge-1933] The Mills Of God (US: The Loom Of Justice) [Ge-1933] (tr MUIR & MUIR) [1935] Eine Frau Wie Viele [f|Ge-1934] Romanze F-Dur [Ge-1935] Nähe Und Ferne [Ge-1937] Die Zeugin [Ge-1951] A Woman Is Witness [Ge-1951] (tr Barrows MUSSEY) [1941] Unter Anderer Sonne [f|Ge-1961] Beneath Another Sun [Ge-1961] (tr Barrows MUSSEY) [1943] Der Engel Mit Der Posaune [Ge-1946] The Angel With The Trumpet [Ge-1946] (tr Elizabeth R HAPGOOD) [1944] Die Tür Geht Auf [Ge-1950] The Door Opens [Ge-1950] (tr Marion A WERNER) [1945] Heldenplatz [f|Ge-1945] The Prisoner [f|Ge-1945] (tr James A GALSTON) [1945] Die Rückkehr [f|Ge-49] Return To Vienna [f|Ge-1949] (tr ?) [1949] Verwandlung Durch Liebe [f|Ge-1951] Das Weihnachtsgeschenk [s|Ge-1954] Die Bessere Welt [e|Ge-1955] Das Wunder Des Überlebens [a|Ge-1960] Ausgewählte Werke [6v|Ge-1961-68]

Eugène MULLER (M: 1823 Sep 21 - 1913) (&ps: Oncle ANSELME) La Morale En Action Par L'Histoire [Fr-1881] 11905 Sous Les Marronniers [s|Fr-1888]

F MULLER (?: ? - ?) (ps: Raymond O'MALLEY) English For The Living (w Denys THOMPSON) [1949]

Felix MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1897 May 21 - 1977 Mar 24) (ps: Conrad FELIXMÜLLER)

Florens Theodor Reinhard MÜLLER (M: 1825 Dec 26 - 1881 Mar 4) Australische Buschgeschichten [German Jack; Der Gefundene] [s|Ge-1860] Australische Kolonisten [f|Ge-1878] Jagden In Australien [n|Ge-1878]

Florian MÜLLER (M: ? - ?) 13661 Der Bankerott [d|Ge-pub:?]

Francis Xavier Hermann MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1857 Feb 5 - 1916 Oct 29) (ps: Franz (Carl) MÜLLER-LYER) Entwicklungsstufen Der Menschheit [n|Ge-?] Phasen Der Kultur Und Richtungslinien Des Fortschritts [n|Ge-1908] The History Of Social Development [n|Ge-1908] (tr E LAKE & H LAKE) [1920] Der Sinn Des Lebens Und Die Wissenschaft [n|Ge-1910] Formen Der Ehe [n|Ge-1911] Familie [n|Ge-1912] Family [n|Ge-1912] (tr F W Stella BROWNE) [1931] Phasen Der Liebe [n|Ge-1913] The Evolution Of Modern Marriage [n|Ge-1913] (tr I C WIGGLESWORTH) [1930] Soziologie Der Leiden [n|Ge-1914]

Frederick MULLER (M: ? - ?) (ps: F M) Here's A Good One! (ed) [s|1939]

Friedrich Wilhelm MÜLLER {UK} (M: 1867 Apr 2 - 1925 Oct 16) (ps: Eugen SANDOW) + Sandow On Physical Training (w G Mercer ADAM) [n|1894]

Fritz MÜLLER (see: Karl August GERHARDI)

Fritz MÜLLER (M: 1822 - 1897) 6475 Facts And Arguments For Darwin [n|Ge-?] (tr W S DALLAS) [1869]

Fritz MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1875 Feb 24 - 1942 Feb 4) (ps: Fritz MÜLLER-PARTENKIRCHEN; MÜLLER-ZÜRICH)

Georg MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1868 Dec 30 - 1945 Apr 6) Das Recht In Goethes Faust [n|Ge-1912] Das Recht Bei Richard Wagner [n|Ge-1914] Bismarcks Gedanken Über Den Staat [n|Ge-1923] Recht Und Staat In Unserer Dichtung [n|Ge-1924] Das Neue Rechtsbuch Der Katholischen Kirche [n|Ge-1928] Staat, Volk Und Recht Bei Richard Wagner [n|Ge-1934]

Georg MÜLLER {DDR} (M: 1884 Sep 19 - 1970 Mar 1) (ps: MÜLLER-GIERSLEBEN)

Georg MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1917 Oct 13 - 2004 Dec 23)

George (Friedrich) MÜLLER (M: 1805 Sep 27 - 1898 Mar 10) 20379 ..Some Of The Lord's Dealings With George Müller [4v|n|1856] 27288 The Life Of Trust (ed H L WAYLAND) [a|1861] 25891 Answers To Prayer, From..Narratives (ed A E C BROOKS) [n|?]

George P MULLER {US} (M: 1877 Jun 29 - 1947 Feb 18) Applied Anatomy (2e w DAVIS) [n|?]

Gottfried MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1934 Aug 16 - ?) Das Feuer Brennt [n|Ge-1963]

Hanfried MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1925 Nov 4 - 2009 Mar 3) Der Christ In Kirche Und Staat [n|Ge-?] Von Der Kirche Zur Welt [n|Ge-1961]

Hans MÜLLER {AT} (M: 1882 Oct 25 - 1950 Feb 8) (ps: Hans MÜLLER-EINIGEN)

Hans Carl MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1889 Nov 5 - 1960 May 29)

Heiner MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1929 Jan 9 - 1995 Dec 30)

Heinrich (Josef Philipp) MÜLLER, aka Heinz MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1896 Jun 7 - 1945 Apr 27) Preußische Beamten-Besoldungsordnung (w Emil EBERSBACH) [n|Ge-1920] Ausführungs-Bestimmungen Zum Beamten.. (w Emil EBERSBACH) [n|Ge-1921] Beamtentum Und Nationalsozialismus [n|Ge-1931]

Helmut MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1930 Jun 12 - ?)

Henry Nicholas MULLER (Jr) {US} (M: 1914 Jun 27 - 1974 Aug 29) Electrical Transmission And Distribution.. (w others) [n|1942]

Prof, Herbert Joseph MULLER {US} (M: 1905 Jul 7 (wrongly 17) - 1980 Jan 27) Modern Fiction [n|1937] Science And Criticism [n|1943] Thomas Wolfe [n|1947] The Uses Of The Past [n|1952] The Spirit Of Tragedy [n|1956] The Loom Of History [n|1958] Issues Of Freedom [n|1960] Freedom In The Ancient World [n|1961] Freedom In The Western World.. [n|1963] Religion And Freedom In The Modern World [n|1963]

Hermann MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1889 Sep 2 - 1960 May 23) (ps: Caspar MÜLLER) Der Kuß [f|Ge-1949]

Prof, Hermann Joseph MULLER {US} (M: 1890 Dec 21 - 1967 Apr 5) Laboratory Directions For An Elementary..Genetics (w others) [n|1923] The Mechanism Of Mendelian Heredity (w others) [n|1915/1923] Out Of The Night [n|1935/1936/1938] Genetics, Medicine And Man (w ?) [n|1947] Studies In Genetics [n|1963]

Hermann Josef MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1901 Apr 25 - 1955 Jul 23) (ps: Kaspar KLOPS; Ad ADAM)

Hilgard MULLER {ZA} (M: 1914 May 4 - 1985 Jul 10)

Irene MÜLLER {DE} (F: 1896 Oct 12 - before 1971)

J J MULLER (M: ? - ?) The Mechanism Of Mendelian Heredity (w others) [n|1915]

Jacob Wijbrand MULLER {NL} (M: 1858 Jun 14 - 1945 Mar 18) De Oude En De Jongere Bewerking Van Den Reinaert [Du-1884] 'Tooneel En Houweel' [Du-1899] Eischen En Bezwaren Der Wetenschappelijke Lexicographie [n|Du-1899] Over Nederlandsch Volksbesef En Taalbesef [n|Du-1915] 'Het Goed Recht Van Critische Uitgaven In 'T Algemeen' [Du-1917] Critische Commentaar Op Van Den Vos Reinaerde.. [n|Du-1917] Lijst Der Aardrijkskundige Namen Van Nederland [n|Du-1936] Verspreide Opstellen (ed) [Du-1938] De Uitbreiding Van Het Nederlandsch Taalgebied.. [n|Du-1939] Van Den Vos Reinaerde [n|Du-1942]

Rev, James Arthur MULLER {US} (M: 1884 Dec 23 - 1945 Sep 5) Stephen Gardiner And The Tudor Reaction [n|1926] The Episcopal Church (2e w George HODGES) [n|1932] Apostle Of China [Bishop Schereschewsky] [b|1937] History Of The Episcopal Theological School [n|?]

Joey MULLER {ZA?} (?: ? - ?) Mrs Noltjie And Stories Of The Karroo [s|1958]

Johann MÜLLER (M: 1436 Jun 6 - 1476 Jul 6) (ps: REGIOMONTANUS) De Triangulis Omnimodis [n|La-1533]

Johannes MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1864 Apr 19 - 1949 Jan 4)

Johannes MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1901 Jun 5 - 1945 Jan 16) (ps: Johannes MÜLLER-RODEN)

Johannes Peter MÜLLER (M: 1801 Jul 14 - 1858 Apr 28) Zur Vergleichenden Physiologie Des Gesichtssinns [n|Ge-1826] Über Die Phantastischen Gesichtserscheinungen [n|Ge-1826] Bildungsgeschichte Der Genitalien [n|Ge-1830] De Glandularum Secernentium Structura Penitiori [n|Ge-1830] Vergleichende Anatomie Der Myxinoiden [n|Ge-1834-43] Systematische Beschreibung Der Plagiostomen (w F G J HENLE) [n|Ge-1841] System Der Asteriden (w F H TROSCHEL) [n|Ge-1842] Horae Ichthyologicae [n|Ge-1845-49]

John E MULLER (house pseudonym)

Jørgen Peter MÜLLER {DK} (M: 1866 Oct 7 - 1938 Nov 17 (wrongly 16)) Mit System [n|Da-1904] Hygienische Winke [n|Ge?-1907] Geschlechtsmoral Und Lebensglück [n|Ge?-1909] My System For Children [n|1913] My System For Women [n|1913] My Breathing-System [n|1921] The Daily Five Minutes [n|1924] Mein Freiluftbuch [n|Ge?-1927]

Josef MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1875 Dec 18 - 1945 Feb 5) Rheinisches Wörterbuch (jt ed) [9v|Ge-1928-71]

Julius(=George?) Washington MULLER {US} (M: 1867 Dec 29 - 1930 Jun 9 (or 8)) The Invasion Of America [f|1916]

Jutta MÜLLER, nee LÄTZSCH {DE} (F: 1928 Dec 13 - ?)

Karl Alexander von MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1882 Dec 20 - 1964 Dec 13) Bayern Im Jahre 1866 Und Die Berufung Des Fürsten Hohenlohe [n|Ge-1909] Über Die Stellung Deutschlands In Der Welt [n|Ge-1916] Deutschlands Kampf Auf Leben Und Tod (w W SEITZ) [n|Ge-1917] Des Deutschen Volkes Not Und Der Vertrag Von Versailles [n|Ge-1922] Die Deutschen Träumer (w Paul Nikolaus COSSMANN) [e|Ge-1925] Deutsche Geschichte Und Deutscher Charakter [e|Ge-1926] Zwölf Historikerprofile [e|Ge-1935] Aufsätze Und Reden 1914-1938 [e|Ge-1938] Erinnerungen [3v|a|Ge-1951-66] Am Rand Der Geschichte [n|Ge-1957]

Prof, Karl/Carl Otfried MÜLLER (M: 1797 Aug 28 - 1840 Aug 1) Aegineticorum Liber [n|Ge-1817] Geschichten Hellenischer Stämme Und Städte [3v|n|Ge-1820-24] 33743 The History..Doric Race [n|Ge-1820-24] (tr LEWIS & TUFNELL) [2v|1830] Prolegomena Zu Einer Wissenschaftlichen Mythologie [n|Ge-1825] Die Etrusker [n|Ge-1828] Handbuch Der Archäologie Der Kunst [n|Ge-1830] Denkmäler Der Alten Kunst (w Carl OESTERLEY) [n|Ge-1832] Geschichte Der Griechischen Literatur [2v|n|Ge-1841]

Kurt MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1902 Nov 11 - 1941 Aug 12) (ps: Kurt MÜLLER-MÜNO; Kurt MÜNO)

Kurt MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1924 Dec 7 - ?)

Leo Claude MULLER, Jr {US} (M: 1924 Dec 22 - 1984 Jan 26) College For Coeds [n|1960] New Horizons For College Women [n|1960]

Marcia MULLER, Mrs PRONZINI {US} (F: 1944 - ?)

Martha MÜLLER, Mrs HOUBEN {DE} (F: 1874 Aug 18 - 1951 Oct 31) (ps: Martha GRANOW-HOUBEN)

Mary MULLER (see: Lenore Elizabeth MULETS)

Max MÜLLER {AT} (M: 1890 Mar 9 - 1953 May 25)

Michael MÜLLER (M: 1825 - 1899) 28036 Public School Education [n|1872]

Nicolaas MULLER {NL?} (M: 1879 - 1965) Biografisch-Aetiologisch Onderzoek Over Recidive..Eigendom [n|Du-1908] Engelsche Misdadigers En Hunne Behandeling [n|Du-1912] Straf En Opvoeding Voor Volwassenen In Engeland [n|Du-1948] Work Of Rehabilitation (Reclassering) In The Netherlands [n|1954]

Fr, Otto MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1870 Dec 9 - 1944 Oct 12) Geschichte Der Christlichen Gewerkschaften Deutschlands [n|Ge-1904]

Otto Friedrich MÜLLER (M: 1730 Mar 11 - 1784 Dec 26) Fauna Insectorum Fridrichsdalina [n|La-1764] Vermivm Terrestrium Et Fluviatilium.. [n|La-1774] Zoologiae Danicae Prodromus [n|La-1776]

Ralph Louis Junius MULLER {UK} (M: 1933 Jun 30 - 2007 Oct 11)

Prof, Richard August MULLER {US} (M: 1944 Jan 6 - living 2022)

Siegfried Hermann MULLER {US:1944on} (M: 1902 Mar 24 - 1965 Jun 10) Gerhart Hauptmann Und Goethe [n|Ge-1949] General Language Laboratory Manual [n|1956]

Silvia MÜLLER, nee TEUTLOFF {DE} (F: 1953 Mar 22 - ?)

Susannah Grace MÜLLER, nee SANGER (F: 1817 or 1823 - 1894 Jan 13) 34377 The Preaching Tours And Missionary Labours Of George Müller [n|1883/89]

Theodore MULLER (M: ? - ?) 30850 Philippine Mats (w others) [n|1913]

Theodor MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1899 Dec 20 - 1964 Nov 20) (ps: Renatus SACHS) Aus Der Schublade [s|Ge-1960] Der Fisch Prinz Timpetee [Ge-1962] Schlaraffenland Und Andere Märchen [s|Ge-?]

Thomas MULLER {US} (M: 1933 Oct 29 - 2006 Oct 24)

Valentin MÜLLER {DE/US?} (M: 1889 Sep 23 - 1945 Oct 17) Frühe Plastik In Griechenland Und Vorderasien [n|Ge-1929]

Vincenz MÜLLER {DDR} (M: 1894 Nov 5 - 1961 May 12) Ich Fand Das Wahre Vaterland (ed K MAMMACH) [Ge-1963]

Prof, W Max MÜLLER (M: 1862 May 15 - 1919 Jul 12) Asien Und Europa Nach Den Ägyptischen Denkmälern [n|Ge-1893] Die Liebespoesie Der Alten Agypter [n|Ge-1899] Egyptian Mythology [n|1918]

Waldemar MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1871 Jun 3 - 1955 Jul 6) (ps: Ernst Erik EBERHART; Waldemar MÜLLER-EBERHART)

Walter August MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1877 Jul 8 - 1952 Nov 16) Die Griechische Kunst [n|Ge-1925]

Prof, Walter Henry MULLER {US} (M: 1921 Jan 30 - 1986 May 28)

Wilhelm MÜLLER (M: 1794 - 1827)

Willy MÜLLER {DE} (M: ? - 1945 Apr 7)

William James MÜLLER (M: 1812 Jun 28 - 1845 Sep 8) Müller's Sketches Of The Age Of Francis The First [n|1841]

Wolfgang MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1907 Oct 21 - 1967 Jul 24)

Agnes MÜLLER Von BROCKHAUSEN {DE} (F: 1893 May 11 - 1960 Sep 4)

Herbert Ludwig MÜLLER-DOERING {DE} (M: 1879 Mar 26 - c1952) (ps: Herbert LUDWIG)

Waldemar MÜLLER-EBERHART (see: Waldemar MÜLLER)


Prof, Richard MÜLLER-FREIENFELS {DE} (M: 1882 Aug 7 - 1949 Dec 12) (ps: Sebastianus SEGELFALTER)

Wilhelm MÜLLER-GORDON {DE} (M: 1881 Feb 26 - 1944 Jan 5)

Herbert MÜLLER-GUTTENBRUNN {AT} (M: 1887 Jun 5 - 1945 Apr 10) Aus Der Hinterdreinsicht [a|Ge-1915] Der Weg Zur Inneren Freiheit [n|Ge-1936] Mensch Und Erde [n|Ge-1937]

Roderich MÜLLER-GUTTENBRUNN {AT} (M: 1892 Feb 3 - 1956 Feb 7) (ps: Dietrich ARNDT; Roderich MEINHART)

Dietrich MÜLLER-HILLEBRAND {DE} (M: 1902 Feb 17 - 1964 Jun 13) Die Bemessung Von Überspannungsableitern.. [n|Ge-1935] Blitzschutz Von Elektrischen Anlagen [n|Ge-1936] Aus Der Neueren Entwicklung Von Schaltgeräten.. [n|Ge-1938] Explosionsprüfungen Schlagwettergeschützter Elektrischer.. [n|Ge-1939] The Formation Of Explosive Vepour [n|1949]

Ernst MÜLLER-HOLM {SE} (M: 1861 Dec 13 - 1927 Aug 28) (ps: Julian WEST) Ein Ruckblick..2037 [f|Ge-?] My Afterdream [f|Ge-?] (tr anon) [1900]

Maximilian MÜLLER-JABUSCH {DE} (M: 1889 Dec 14 - 1961 Jan 3)

Wolfgang MÜLLER Von KONIGSWINTER (M: 1816 - 1873)

Wilhelm MÜLLER-LENHARTZ {DE} (M: 1873 May 26 - 1952 Nov 8) Wie Füttert der Landwirt Zweckmässig Rübenblätter? [n|Ge-1908] Grundzüge einer Wirtschaftlichen Ernährung der Milchkühe [n|Ge-1909] Hygienisch Einwandfreie Milch, ihre Gewinnung, ihre.. [n|Ge-1914] Die Fortschritte der Landwirtschaftswissenschaft.. [n|Ge-1917] Erzeugung von Pflanzlichen Nährstoffen im Deutschen Reiche [n|Ge-1917] Der Kreislauf des Stickstoffes [n|Ge-1917] Die Nahrungsmittelversorgung Deutschlands nach dem Kriege [n|Ge-1918] Die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft [n|Ge-1918] Landwirtschaft und Wiederaufbau [n|Ge-1923] Hygienische Michgewinnung mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung.. [n|Ge-1925] Die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft im 19. Jahrhundert [n|Ge-1927] Die Wirtschaftliche Ernährung des Huhns [n|Ge-1930] Die Höchste Milchleistung [n|Ge-1930] Zur Ernährung der Pelztiere, Besonders der Farmfüchse [n|Ge-1930] Die Grundlagen der Landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugung [n|Ge-1931] Die Höchste Eierleistung [n|Ge-1932] Warum Geburtenrückgang im Abendland? [n|Ge-1940] Da Kokosi Nesu Više Jaja [n|?-1942]

Wilhelm MÜLLER-LOEBNITZ {DE} (M: 1874 Jan 2 - 1940 Feb 2)

Franz (Carl) MÜLLER-LYER (see: Francis Xavier Hermann MÜLLER)

Ernst MÜLLER-MEININGEN {DE} (M: 1866 Aug 11 - 1944)

Eckhard MÜLLER-MERTENS {DE} (M: 1923 Aug 28 - 2015 Jan 14) Das Zeitalter Der Ottonen [n|Ge-1955] Karl Der Große, Ludwig Der Fromme Und Die Freien [n|Ge-1963]



Johannes MÜLLER-RODEN (see: Johannes MÜLLER)

Wilhelm MÜLLER-RÜDERSDORF {DE} (M: 1886 Jul 1 - 1945 Jun) Das Riesen- Und Isergebirge [n|Ge-1925]

Hans MÜLLER-SCHLOSSER {DE} (M: 1884 Jun 14 - 1956 Mar 21)

Wolfgang R MÜLLER-STOLL, originally MÜLLER {DE} (M: 1909 Apr 21 - 1994 Apr 16) Mikroskopie Des Zersetzten Und Fossilisierten Holzes [n|Ge-1951] Die Pflanzenwelt Brandenburgs (ed) [n|Ge-1955]



Adolfo MULLER-URY {US} (M: 1864 Mar 28 - 1947 Jul 6)

Wilhelm MÜLLER-WILLE {DE} (M: 1906 Oct 20 - 1983 Mar 15) Westfalen [n|Ge-1952] Die Geographische Landesforschung In Westfalen [n|Ge-1953] Die Stadt Oldenburg Als Standort Einer Universität [n|Ge-1961]

Walter (Lothar) MÜLLER-WULCKOW, originally MÜLLER-DIENST {DE} (M: 1886 Mar 18 - 1964 Aug 18) Die Konstruktion Der Bildarchitekturen In..Graphik.. [n|Ge-1914] Kleiner Führer Durch Das Landesmuseum Zu Oldenburg I O [n|Ge-1922] Bauten Der Arbeit Und Des Verkehrs [n|Ge-1925] Wohnbauten Und Siedlungen [n|Ge-1928] Bauten Der Gemeinschaft [n|Ge-1928] Die Deutsche Wohnung Der Gegenwart [n|Ge-1930] Wilhelm-Tischbein-Gedächtnis-Ausstellung.. [n|Ge-1930] Oldenburgisches Landesmuseum [n|Ge-1938] Der Oldenburger Maler Professor Bernhard Winter.. [b|Ge-1942]


Lisette MULLÈRE (see: Georg Heinrich Balthasar SEIDEL)

Rev, John St Hilary MULLETT {UK} (M: 1925 - 2017 Jul 30)

Leslie Baden MULLETT {UK} (M: 1920 Aug 22 - 2008 Mar 13)

Frederick William MULLEY, (life) Baron MULLEY of Manor Park {UK} (M: 1918 Jul 3 - 1995 Mar 15)

Louis Christian MULLGARDT {US} (M: 1865 (or 1866) - 1942) 9647 The Architecture And Landscape Gardening.. (ed) [n|1915]

Andrew Armstrong MULLIGAN {UK} (M: 1936 Feb 4 - 2001 Feb 24)

Col, Hugh Waddell MULLIGAN {UK} (M: 1901 Nov 13 - 1982 Jul 26)

Judge, James MULLIGAN {UK} (M: 1847 - 1937 Dec 15)

James Venture MULLIGAN (M: 1837 Feb 13 - 1907 Aug 24) A Guide To The Palmer River And Normanby Goldfields [n|1875]

John (Eugene) MULLIGAN {UK/US} (M: 1950 Jun 2 - 2005 Oct 12)

Prof, Robert Sanderson MULLIKEN {US} (M: 1896 Jun 7 - 1986 Oct 31)

Daniel MULLIN {CA} (M: 1860 Jan 30 - 1936 Feb 7)

Rev, Francis Anthony MULLIN {US} (M: 1892 Dec 31 - 1947 Jan 2) The Work Of Cistercians In Yorkshire [n|1932]

(J S E) Lyle MULLIN, nee ? {UK} (F: ? - ?) (&ps: J S D LYLE; Erin VARARA) The Lands Of The Moon.. [p|1907] In The Mesh Of A Soul And After [p|1921] Isles Of Memory.. [p|1923]

Prof, John (William) MULLIN {UK} (M: 1925 Aug 22 - 2009 Mar 11) Crystallization [n|1961/?/?/?]

Robert Norville MULLIN {US} (M: 1893 Aug 10 - 1982 Jun 27)

Archdeacon, Harold George MULLINER {UK} (M: 1897 Sep 18 - 1946 Jul 1) Arthur Burroughs [b|1936]

James Bass MULLINGER (M: c1834 - 1917 Nov 22) (&ps: THEODORUS) Cambridge Characteristics In The Seventeenth Century [n|1867] The Ancient African Church [n|1869] The New Reformation (ps: THEODORUS) [n|1875] The Schools Of Charles The Great [n|1876] The University Of Cambridge From The Earliest Times.. [4v|n|1873-1916] An Introduction To English History (w S R GARDINER) [1881/83/94/1903] The Age Of Milton (w MASTERMAN) [n|?/?/?/?/?/?/1913] History Of St John's College, Cambridge [n|1901]

Prof, Leith (Patricia) MULLINGS, Mrs MARABLE {JM/US?} (F: 1945 Apr 8 - 2020 Dec 13)

Fr, Aloysius George MULLINS, aka George Aloysius MULLINS {UK} (M: 1910 Feb 9 - 1980 Feb or Mar) A Guide To The Kingdom [n|1963]

Brian Percival MULLINS {UK} (M: 1920 Aug 5 - 1990 Feb 27) Spontaneous Ignition Of Liquid Fuels [n|1955] Explosions, Detonations, Flammability And Ignition (w ?) [n|1959]

Claud (William) MULLINS {UK} (M: 1887 Sep 6 - 1968 Oct 23) London's Story [n|1920] The Leipzig Trials [n|1921] In Quest Of Justice [n|1931] Marriage, Children, And God [n|1933] Wife Versus Husband In The Courts [n|1935] Crime And Psychology [n|1943] Why Crime? [n|1945] Fifteen Years' Hard Labour [n|1948] Are Findings Keepings?.. [e|1953] Marriage Failures And The Children [n|1954] The Sentence On The Guilty [n|1957] One Man's Furrow [a|1963]

Rev, Edgar Young MULLINS {US} (M: 1860 Jan 5 - 1928 Nov 23) The Axioms Of Religion [n|1908] Baptist Beliefs [n|1912] Christianity At The Cross Roads [n|1924] The Baptist Faith (w Harold W TRIBBLE) [n|1935]

Lt-Col, George Lane MULLINS (M: 1862 Aug 24 - 1918 Mar 20) History Of Smallpox And Vaccination In New South Wales [n|1898] A Course Of First Aid [n|?/?/1914] Camps And Camp Hygiene [n|1908] Medical Electricity [n|1915]

Isla May MULLINS, nee HAWLEY {US} (F: 1859 Apr 30 - 1936 Feb 6) Side By Side [1898] An Upward Look For Mothers [1900] 30354 The Boy From Hollow Hut: A Story Of The Kentucky Mountains [f|1911] The Blossom Shop [1913] Anne Of The Blossom Shop [1914] Anne's Wedding [1916] The Mt Blossom Girls [1918] Timothy's Second Wife [1922] Tweedie [1922] Uncle Mary [1922] Captain Pluck [1926] When Yesterday Was Young [1926] Edgar Young Mullins [b|1929] House Beautiful [1934]

John Davies MULLINS (M: 1832 - 1900 May 27)

John Joseph MULLINS {US?} (M: ? - ?) (ps: An Irish PRIEST) Jack Casey And Molly O'Dea [1930]

John Lane MULLINS {AU} (M: 1857 - 1939 Feb 24)

Patricia (Ann) MULLINS {AU} (F: 1952 Sep 19 - ?)

(J) Patrick MULLINS {UK} (M: 1922 - 1996 May 1)

Patrick Jerome MULLINS (M: ? - ?) The Spiritual Life According To Saint Isidore Of Seville [n|1940]

Patrick Joseph MULLINS {AU} (M: c1923 - 2002 Sep 7)

Rose MULLION (see: Douglas (Brooke Wheelton) SLADEN)

John H MULLIS {UK} (M: ? - ?)

Phyllis Amelia MULLIS, Mrs RUBENSOHN {AU} (F: c1905 - ?) (ps: Amery PAUL) Peggy [p|1944] It Could Be So [p|1944]

William MULLIS {CA} (M: c1876 - 1932) 'Words, Words, Words' [p|1927] More 'Words, Words, Words' [p|1931]

Adolph MÜLLNER (M: 1774 - 1829) Guilt [Ge-?] (tr William Edward FRYE) [1819]

Dietmar Engbert MÜLLNER {IL} (M: 1941 Aug 5 - 2017 Jul 16) (ps: David SCHÜTZ)

Bp, John Thomas MULLOCK (M: 1807 (or 1806) Sep 27 - 1869 Mar 29) The Cathedral Of St John's, Newfoundland And Its Consecration [n|1856] Lectures On Newfoundland [e|1860] Two Lectures On Newfoundland [e|1860]

Abbé, Jacques Isidore MULLOIS (M: 1811 Dec 7 - 1870 Jan 5) Le Dimanche Au Peuple [Fr-?] The Sunday Of The People In France [Fr-?] (tr Selina BUNBURY) [1855]

Charles Robert MULLONG {US} (M: 1884 Jun 16 - 1975 Jan 8) Beyond Paradise [1924] Small Change [1925] Crude Material [1927]

John James MULLOWNEY {US} (M: 1878 Jul 20 - 1954 Oct 16) American Gives A Chance.. [a|1940]

Helene MULLUNS {US} (F: 1899 - ?) Earthbound.. [p|1920] Convent Girl [1929]

Miss, (Dinah Maria) MULOCK, Mrs CRAIK (F: 1826 Apr 20 - 1887 Oct 12) (&ps: Mrs Henry CRAIK) The Ogilvies [f|1846] How To Win Love [f|1848] Cola Monti [f|1849] 22121,V Olive [f|1850] The Head Of The Family [f|1852] V Avillion.. [s|1853] A Hero, Philip's Book [f|1853] 21767 Agatha's Husband [f|1853] 2351,J John Halifax, Gentleman [f|1856] Nothing New [s|1857] V A Woman's Thoughts About Women [n|1858] A Life For A Life [f|1859] 19734,k The Fairy Book:..Stories Selected And Rendered Anew (anon) [s|1863] 13461,T Mistress And Maid: A Household Story [f|1864] 14687 Christian's Mistake [f|1865] V Poems [p|1866] 14373 A Nobel Life [f|1866] Two Marriages [f|1867] A French Country Family [f|1867] The Woman's Kingdom [f|1869] A Brave Lady [f|1870] The Unkind Word.. [s|1870] Hannah [f|1871] Little Sunshine's Holiday [f|1871] 30494,V The Adventures Of A Brownie (And Some Children's Poems) [f|1872] My Mother And I [f|1874] 496,V The Little Lame Prince And His Travelling Cloak [s|1875] I Sermons Out Of Church [e|1876] The Laurel Bush [f|1876] 14708,I The Laurel Bush: An Old-Fashioned Love Story [f|1876] Young Mrs Jardine [f|1879] Collected Poems [p|1881] His Little Mother.. [s|1881] An Unsentimental Journey Through Cornwall [n|1884] Miss Tommy [f|1884] King Arthur [f|1886] An Unknown Country [1887] The Half-Caste [f|1897] 24053 The Little Lame Prince (w Margaret WATERS) [f|?] Motherless (tr) [f|?]

Edith MULOCK {CA} (F: ? - ?) Voices Of The Dusk [p|1934]

Rev, John A MULOCK (M: c1814 - 1897)

Thomas Samuel MULOCK (M: 1789 - 1869 Aug 11)

William MULREADY (M: 1786 Apr 1 - 1863 Jul 7)

Maj, Paul E MULRENIN {US} (M: 1921 Aug 26 - 2004 Nov 20) Marauder Memoirs [n|?] Combat Drawings And Memoirs Of Prof Benedict I Goldsmith 1942-45 [n|?] Prisoners Of War / Missing In Action [n|?] The Squadron Beyond [n|?] Marauder Squadron Albums [3v|n|?]

Martin John MULROY (M: 1865 - ?) The Irish In America One Thousand Years Before Columbus [n|1906]

Prof, James (Ronald) MULRYNE {UK} (M: 1937 May 24 - ?)

Josef/Jozef MULS {BE} (M: 1882 - 1961) Moderne Kunst [n|Du-1901] Steden [n|Du-1913] De Gruweljaren [n|Du-1916] Le Crepuscule Des Villes D'Art Flamandes [n|Fr-1917] 11500 De Val Van Antwerpen: 10 Oktober 1914 [n|Du-1918] Met Rijk Der Stilte [n|Du-1920] Peter Bruegel [n|Du-1924] Val El Greco Tot Met Cubisme [n|Du-1929] Melancholia [n|Du-1929]

MULTATULI (see: Eduard Douwes DEKKER)

Hans MULTERER {AT} (M: 1892 Feb or Dec 27 - 1945 Jul 12) Der Himmelblaue Wagen [f|Ge-1935] Leben Und Sterben [d|Ge-1938]

Robert P MULTHAUF {US} (M: 1919 Jun 8 - 2004 May 8) 31024 Mine Pumping In Agricola's Time And Later [n|1959] 32482 The Introduction Of Self-Registering Meteorological Instruments [n|1961]

Johannes de MULTONA (see: John Maurice TURNER)

Prof, Derek John MULVANEY {AU} (M: 1925 Oct 26 - 2016 Sep 21) Cricket Walkabout [n|1967/88] The Prehistory Of Australia [n|1969/75] Digging Up A Past [n|201]

Susan MULVANEY {MT} (F: 1946 Nov 11 - ?)

Charles Mathew MULVANY {UK} (M: 1867 Aug 28 - 1945 Jun 11) Translation From Urdu [n|1901] Our Common Inheritance, I [1911]

Charles Pelham MULVANY (M: 1835 May 20 - 1885 May 31) Lyrics, Songs And Sonnets (w Amos CHANDLER) [p|1880] Toronto, Past And Present [n|1884] History Of The County Of Peterborough, Ontario (w others) [n|1884] The History Of The North-West Rebellion Of 1885 [n|1885] + History Of Toronto And County Of York, Ontario (w others) [2v|n|1885]

George F MULVANY (M: 1809 - 1869 Feb 6)

Robert D MULVENNA {CA} (M: ? - ?) The Old Home Town [p|c1945]

Prof, Ruth Watt MULVEY, Mrs HARMER {US} (F: 1919 Jun 18 - ?) (&ps: Ruth Mulvey HARMER) Good Food From Mexico (w L M ALVAREZ) [n|1950] The High Cost Of Dying (ps: Ruth Mulvey HARMER) [n|1963]

Thomas MULVEY {CA} (M: 1863 Aug 18 - 1935 Nov 30 or Dec 1) Dominion Company Law [n|1919]

Prof, Edward Robert MULVIHILL (Jr) {US} (M: 1917 May 20 - 1995 Feb 21)

Michael Joseph MULVIHILL (Sr) {US} (M: 1855 Jul 17 or 27 - 1935 Nov 21) The First Mississippi Regiment [n|1931] Vicksburg And Warren County, Mississippi [n|1931]

T C MULVIHILL {CA} (?: ? - ?) A Pageant Of Canadian History (w J B CALLAN & E C SCULLY) [d|1938]

William Patrick MULVIHILL {US} (M: 1923 Jun 25 - 2004 Sep 17) Fire Mission [1957] The Mantrackers [1960] The Sands Of Kalahari [1960]

Frank Arthur MUMBY {UK} (M: 1872 Feb 3 - 1954 Aug 16) Letters Of Literary Men [2v|n|1906-07] Girlhood Of Queen Elizabeth [b|1909] Romance Of Bookselling [n|1910] Youth Of Henry The AIII [b|1913] Elizabeth And Mary Stuart [n|1914] The Great World War [9v|n|1915-20] The Fall Of Mary Stuart [b|1920]

Karl MUMELTER {AT} (M: 1875 Jun 30 - 1945 Nov 7) Der Meister Der Gekreutzten Hände [f|Ge-1932]

Alfred Harold MUMFORD {UK} (M: 1864 - 1939 Sep 16) (&ps: [VIDENS]; [VINDEX])

Eliza MUMFORD (F: 1819 - 1884 Feb 3) (ps: LILLIE; Lillie MONTFORT)

Elizabeth MUMFORD (see: Elizabeth HERZOG & Bessie Judith JONES) Whistler's Mother [b|1940] Judy Joins The Jasmines [f|?]

Prof, Enid MUMFORD, nee McFARLAND {UK} (F: 1924 Mar 6 - 2006 Apr 7)

Ethel (nee)Watts MUMFORD, 2:Mrs GRANT {US} (F: 1878 (or 1876) - 1940) (&ps: Ethel Watts Mumford GRANT) Dupes [f|1901] The Cynic's Calendar Of Revised Wisdom.. (w O HERFORD & A MIZNER) [1902] Whitewash [1903] 13273 Out Of The Ashes [1913] Sick Abed [d|1919] All In The Night's Work [1924] Hand-Reading Today [n|1925]

Prof, Frederick Blackman MUMFORD {US} (M: 1868 May 28 - 1946 Nov 12)

Prof, Lewis (Charles) MUMFORD {US} (M: 1895 Oct 19 - 1990 Jan 26) The Story Of Utopias [1922] Sticks And Stones [1924] The Golden Day [1926] The American Caravan (ed) [1927] Whither Mankind [1928] Herman Melville [b|1929] American Taste [1929] The Critique Of Humanism [n|1930] Living Philosophies [n|1931] The Brown Decades [1931] The City In History [n|1961]

Nan MUMFORD {UK} (F: ? - ?) Such Days Will Pass [p|1941] Silver Lining [p|1942]

Ruth Minnie MUMFORD {NZ} (F: 1919 Sep 29 - 2008 Mar 18) (ps: Ruth DALLAS) Mountain Mornings [1946] Country Road.. [p|1953] The Turning Wheel [1961]

Hassan Sheikh MUMIN {SO} (M: 1931 - 2008 Jan 16)

Albert Frederick MUMMERY (M: 1855 Sep 10 - 1895 Aug 25)

James Howard MUMMERY {UK} (M: 1847 Jan 18 - 1926 Aug 30)

MUN (see: (Wilbur) Munro LEAF)

Comte, Adrien Albert Marie de MUN (M: 1841 Feb 28 - 1914 Oct 6) Discours [7v|e|Fr-1888-1904] La Loi Des Suspects [n|Fr-1900] Contre La Séparation [2v|n|Fr-1905] Ma Vocation Sociale [n|Fr-1908] Les Dernières Heures Du Drapeau Blanc [n|Fr-1910] Combats D'Hier Et D'Aujourd'hui [6v|Fr-1911] L'Heure Décisive [n|Fr-1913] La Guerre De 1914, Derniers Articles.. [e|Fr-1914]

Bruno MUNARI {IT} (M: 1907 Oct 24 - 1998 Sep 30) The Elephant's Wish [1945] What I'd Like To Be [1945] The Lorry Driver [1945] In The Dark Of The Night [1961] Bruno Munari's Zoo [1963] Good Design (w Giovanni SCHEIWILLER) [n|1963]

Alan Noel Latimer MUNBY {UK} (M: 1913 Dec 25 - 1974 Dec 26) The Alabaster Hand.. [s|1949]

Arthur Joseph MUNBY (M: 1828 Aug 19 - 1910 Jan 29) Benoni [p|1852] Verses New And Old [p|1865] Dorothy [p|1880] Poems, Chiefly Lyric And Elegiac [p|1901] Relicta [p|1909]

Denys Lawrence MUNBY {UK} (M: 1919 Oct 9 - 1976 Apr 24) Industry And Planning In Stepney [n|1951] Christianity And Economic Problems [n|1956]

Giles MUNBY (M: 1813 - 1876 Apr 12)

Lionel (Maxwell) MUNBY {UK} (M: 1918 - 2009 Apr 19)

Claude MUNCASTER (see: Oliver Graham HALL)

Eric MUNCASTER {CA} (M: 1889 - ?) 'Gentlemen, The King!'.. [p|1934]

Charles MUNCH {FR} (M: 1891 Sep 26 - 1968 Nov 6) Je Suis Chef D'Orchestre [a|Fr-1954]

Edvard MUNCH {NO} (M: 1863 Dec 12 - 1944 Jan 23)

P A MUNCH (M: 1810 - 1863) Kong Olaf Tryggvesons Saga (ed) [n|1853] Chronica Regum Manniae Et Insularum (w Dr GOSS) [n|1874]

Paul-Georg MUNCH {DE} (M: 1877 Feb 16 - 1956 Jun 16)

Willi MÜNCH-KHE {DE} (M: ? - c1963) Die Flaschenpost [f|Ge-1940] Kapitän Romer Bezwingt Den Atlantik [Ge-1940] Späte Ernte [p|Ge-1944]

Freiherr, Börries (Albrecht Conon August Heinrich) von MÜNCHHAUSEN {DE} (M: 1874 or 1877 Mar 20 - 1945 Mar 16) (&ps: H ALBRECHT) Gedichte [p|Ge-1897] Juda [Ge-1900] Balladen [p|Ge-1906] Die Rittergüter Der Fürstentümer Calenberg, Göttingen.. [b|Ge-1912] Fröhliche Woche Mit Freunden [Ge-1922] Ausgewählte Aufsätze [e|Ge-1933] Geschichten Aus Der Geschichte..Nacherzählt [Ge-1934] Münchhausen Beeren-Auslese [Ge-1937] Das Dichterische Werk [2v|p|Ge-1950-1953]

Prof, Vernon Arthur MUND {US} (M: 1906 Jun 5 (wrongly 6) - 1993 Jul 17) Monopoly [n|1933] Open Markets [n|1948]

Albert Henry MUNDAY {CA} (M: 1896 - ?) No Other Gods [f|1934] Captains Of The Sky [f|1942]

Albert R MUNDAY {CA} (M: ? - ?) Lover Lyrics.. [p|1916]

Anthony MUNDAY (M: baptised 1560 Oct 13 - buried 1633 Aug 10) John A Kent And John A Cumber [d|1594] The Downfall Of Robert, Earle Of Huntingdon [1601] The Death Of Robert, Earle Of Huntingdon [?]

Betty MUNDAY {UK} (F: ? - ?) The Spirit Of England.. [p|1946]

(Walter Alfred) Don MUNDAY {CA} (M: 1890 (or 1888) Mar 16 - 1950 Jun 12) The Unknown Mountain [n|1948]

John MUNDAY {UK} (M: 1924 Aug 10 - 2012 Apr 20) For Those In Peril [n|1963] Dress Of The British Sailor [n|?/1977]

Luta MUNDAY, nee ? {CA} (F: ? - ?) A Mounty's Wife [a|1930]

Luther MUNDAY {UK} (M: 1857 - 1922 Mar 29) A Chronicle Of Friendships [1912]

Maj-Gen, Richard Cleveland MUNDAY {UK} (M: 1867 Dec 17 - 1952 Jul 15) A Report On Beri-Beri [n|1912]

Rupert MUNDAY {CA} (M: ? - ?) Within The Tavern Caught [p|1950]

Charles MUNDE {US} (M: ? - ?) 26008 Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms [n|1857]

Prof, Marvin Everett MUNDEL {US} (M: 1916 Apr 20 - 1996 Jul 9)

Prof, Robert Alexander MUNDELL {US} (M: 1932 Oct 24 - 2021 Apr 4)

William Adam MUNDELL (M: 1815 - 1875 Jul 15)

Kenneth White MUNDEN {US} (M: 1912 Feb 16 - 1974 Sep 17) Combined British-American Records..World War II [n|1948] Preservation Of Records Essential To..Government [n|1958]

Robin (Richard) MUNDILL {UK} (M: 1958 May 27 - 2015 Jul 4)

Friedrich MUNDING {CH} (M: 1887 May 10 - 1963 Mar 19)

Dr, Gerda MUNDINGER (see: Paul Hugo LITWINSKY)

Jerrold MUNDIS {US} (M: 1941 Mar 3 - ?) (&ps: Robert CALDER; Eric CORDER)

Max MUNDLAK {UK} (M: 1899 Aug 29 - 1967) The Nature And Mechanics Of Consciousness [n|1932]

Prof, Clement Williams Kennedy MUNDLE {UK} (M: 1916 Aug 10 - 1989 Jul 27)

Karl MUNDSTOCK {DE} (M: 1915 Mar 26 - 2008 Aug 31) Ali Und Die Bande Vom Lauseplatz [f|Ge-1958] Die Stunde Des Dietrich Conradie [Ge-1958] Gespenster - Edes Tod Und Auferstehung [Ge-1962]

Ernest (Karl) MUNDT {US} (M: ? - ?) Art, Form, And Civilization [n|1952]

Sen, Karl Earl MUNDT {US} (M: 1900 Jun 3 - 1974 Aug 16)

Prof, Theodor MUNDT (M: 1808 Sep 19 - 1861 Nov 30) Madonna [n|Ge-1835] Die Kunst Der Deutschen Prosa [n|Ge-1837] Geschichte Der Literatur Der Gegenwart [n|Ge-1840] Thomas Münzer [f|Ge-1841] Aesthetik [n|Ge-1845/68] Die Götterwelt Der Alten Völker [n|Ge-1846/54] Mendoza [f|Ge-1847] Die Matadore [f|Ge-1850]

Rev, George MUNDY (M: ? - 1853 Aug 23)

Sir, George Rodney MUNDY (M: 1805 Apr 19 - 1884 Dec 23)

Lt-Gen, Godfrey Charles MUNDY (M: 1804 Mar 10 - 1860 Jul 10) Pen And Pencil Sketches, Being The Journal Of A Tour In India [n|1832] Our Antipodes [n|1852]

Max MUNDY (see: Sylvia (Anne) SCHOFIELD)

Talbot MUNDY (see: William Lancaster GRIBBON)

William Nelson MUNDY {US} (M: 1860 May 7 - 1946 Feb 28) Diseases Of Children [n|1902]

Beverley Bland MUNFORD (Sr) {US} (M: 1856 Sep 10 - 1910 May 31) Random Recollections [a|1905]

James MUNFORD {UK} (M: 1852 - 1932 Mar 9)

Robert MUNFORD (M: c1730 - 1784) A Collection Of Plays And Poems [d|1798]

William MUNFORD (M: 1775 - 1825) Prose On Several Occasions [e|1798]

William Arthur MUNFORD {UK} (M: 1911 Apr 27 - 2002 Dec 23)

Murathan MUNGAN {TR} (M: 1955 Apr 21 - ?)

Shirley MUNGAPEN {UK} (F: 1933 Dec 9 - ?)

Ernst Moritz MUNGENAST {DE} (M: 1898 Nov 29 - 1964 Sep 3) Der Mörder Und Der Staat (ed) [Ge-1928] Asta Nielsen [n|Ge-1929] Christoph Gardar [f|Ge-1935] Die Halbschwester [f|Ge-1937] Der Kavalier [f|Ge-1938] Der Pedant [f|Ge-1939] Der Zauberer Muzot [f|Ge-1939] Bunkergeschichten (ed) [Ge-1940] Willkommen Oder Nicht? [d|Ge-1941] Der Held Von Tannenberg (aka: Die Helden Von Tannenberg) [Ge-1943] Cölestin [f|Ge-1949] Hoch Über Den Herren Der Erde [f|Ge-1950] Die Ganze Stadt Sucht Günther Holk [f|Ge-1954] Der Tanzplatz Der Winde [f|Ge-1957]

Al MUNGER (see: Maurice Albert UNGER)

Dell H MUNGER {US} (M: 1862 - ?) 26992 The Wind Before The Dawn [f|1912]

Prof, Edwin Stanton MUNGER {US} (M: 1921 Nov 19 - 2010 Jun 15) Cultures, Chess And Art [3v|n|?]

Prof, Frank James MUNGER, originally James Franklin MUNGER {US} (M: 1929 Sep 18 - 1981 Apr) River Basin Administration And The Delaware (w others) [n|1960] New York Politics (w Ralph STRAETZ) [n|1960]

Hiram MUNGER (M: 1806 - ?) The Life And Religious Experience Of Hiram Munger [a|1856]

Katy MUNGER {US} (F: 1956 - ?) (&ps: Gallagher GRAY)

Royal Freeman MUNGER {US} (M: 1894 Jul 25 - 1944 Mar 25) The Rise And Fall Of Samuel Insull [?] A Square Deal For Labor [?]

Rev, Theodore Thornton MUNGER (M: 1830 Mar 5 - 1910 Jan 11 (or 13)) On The Threshold [e|1881] The Freedom Of Faith [e|1883/?/?/85] Lamps And Paths [e|1885] The Appeal To Life [e|1887] Character Through Inspiration [e|1896] Plain Living And High Thinking [n|1897] Horace Bushnell [b|1899]

Edgar (Joseph) MUNHALL {US} (M: 1933 Mar 14 - 2016 Oct 17)

Mia (Mrs)MUNIER-WROBLEWSKA / MUNIER-ROBLEWSKI {DE} (F: 1882 Feb 20 - 1965 Oct 19) Und Doch! [f|Ge-1917] Der Graue Baron [s|Ge-1919] Die Domina [f|Ge-1929] Unter Dem Wechselnden Mond [5v|Ge-1931] Wind Darüber Weht [Ge-1932]

Abdul-Rahman MUNIF / MOUNIF {JO/SA/SY?} (M: 1933 - 2004 Jan 24) [The Race Of Long Distances] [f|Ar-?] The Ends [f|?]

Muhammad MUNIR {PK} (M: 1895 May 3 - 1981 Jun 26)

S MUNIR (see: Gabriel BAER)

Ariel MUNIZ {UY} (M: 1942 - 2005)

(Juan María) Lucio MUNIZ {UY} (M: 1939 May 16 - ?)

Manuel Antonio MUÑIZ (M: ? - ?) * Primitive Trephining In Peru (w W J McGEE) [n|1897]

Kaptein, MUNK (see: Olaf Wilhelm ERICHSEN)

Prof, Arthur William MUNK {US} (M: 1909 Apr 26 - 1992 Oct 6) History And God [n|1952] A Way Of Survival [n|1954] Perplexing Problems Of Religion [n|1954]

Christian MUNK (see: Günther WEISENBORN)

Georg MUNK (see: Paula WINKLER)

Jens MUNK (M: 1579 - 1628)

Joseph Amasa MUNK {US} (M: 1847 Nov 19 - 1927 Dec 4) Bibliography Of Arizona Books, Pamphlets & Periodicals [n|1900] 756 Arizona Sketches [n|1905] Arizona Bibliography [n|1908] Southwest Sketches [n|1920] Activities Of A Lifetime [a|1924] History Of Arizona Literature [n|1925] Story Of The Munk Library Of Arizoniana [n|1927]

Rev, Kaj (Harald Leininger) MUNK, originally PETERSEN {DK} (M: 1898 Jan 13 - 1944 Jan 4 (or 5)) Pilatus [d|Da-pro:1917/pub:1937] Ordet [d|Da-1925] Kærlighed [d|Da-1926] En Idealist [d|Da-1928] I Brændingen [d|Da-1929] Kardinalen Og Kongen [d|Da-1929] Cant [d|Da-1931] De Udvalgte [d|Da-1933] Sejren [d|Da-1936] Han Sidder Ved Smeltediglen [d|Da-1938] Egelykke [d|Da-1940] Niels Ebbesen [d|Da-1942] Før Cannae [d|Da-1943]

Odd MUNK (see: Sven ELVESTAD & Olaf Wilhelm ERICHSEN) Det Nye Norge [No-1905]

Rabbi, Rav Elie MUNK {DE} (M: 1900 - 1980) [The Call Of The Torah] [5v|n|?-?] [The Call Of Prayer] [n|?-?]

Salomon MUNK (M: 1802 May 2 - 1867 Feb 6) Cours De Langues Hébraïque, Chaldaïque Et Syriaque.. [n|Fr-1865]

Walter Heinrich MUNK {US} (M: 1917 Oct 19 - 2019 Feb 8) The Rotation Of The Earth (w G J F MacDONALD) [n|1960/75]

William MUNK (M: 1816 Sep 24 - 1898 Dec 20)

MUNKEPUNKE (see: Alfred Richard MEYER)

Alberta MUNKREES {US?} (F: ? - ?) My Best Book (jt ed) [1924]

Charles Clark MUNN (M: 1848 - 1917) 20057 Pocket Island: A Story Of Country Life In New England [f|1900] 28446 Uncle Terry: A Story Of The Maine Coast [f|1900] 33787 Rockhaven [f|1902] 34202 The Girl From Tim's Place [f|1906] The Hermit [f|?]

Geoffrey (Charles) MUNN {UK} (M: 1953 Apr 11 - living 2022)

George MUNN {CA} (M: ? - ?) Patriotic.. [p|1900]

Glenn (Gaywaine) MUNN {US} (M: 1890 Feb 15 - 1977 Sep 19) Paying Teller's Department [n|1922] Encyclopedia Of Banking And Finance [n|1924/1937/1962] Bank Credit [n|1925] Meeting The Bear Market [n|1930]

Henry Toke MUNN {CA} (M: ? - ?) Tales Of The Eskimo [s|1925] Prairie Tales And Arctic By-Ways [n|1932]

Meryl Lucile MUNN, Mrs NEARING, aka Penny NEARING {US} (F: 1916 Apr 16 - 1999 Aug 12) (ps: Anne MAGUIRE)

Vella MUNN, nee ? {US} (F: ? - ?) (&ps: Dawn FLINDT; Heather WILLIAMS)

W Augustus MUNN (M: ? - ?) 19319 A Description Of The Bar-And-Frame Hive [n|1844]

George Glaeser MUNNIK {ZA?} (M: 1846 - 1935) Major Greville, VC [f|1911]

Eduard MUNNINGER {AT} (M: 1901 Dec 6 or 8 - 1965 Feb 12) (&ps: Medardus O R C) Österreichisches Musiker-Jahrbuch (ed) [n|Ge-1930] Die Beichte Des Ambros Hannsen [f|Ge-1937] Großes Rosenkreuzer Manifest [n|Ge-1954] Burg Krämpelstein [n|Ge-1956]

Sir, Alfred James MUNNINGS {UK} (M: 1878 Oct 8 - 1959 Jul 17) An Artist's Life [a|1950] The Second Bursta [1951] The Finish [a|1952] Ballads And Poems [p|1957]

Hilda Tansley MUNNINGS {UK} (F: 1896 Mar 4 - 1974 Feb 5) (ps: Lydia SOKOLOVA) Dancing For Diaghilev (ed Richard BUCKLE) [a|1960]

Chris(=Christopher) MUNNION {UK} (M: 1940 Apr 24 - 2010 Sep 28)

Prof, Donald N MUNNS {AU} (M: 1931 Dec 6 - 2000 Mar 16)

Douglas MUNNS {UK} (M: 1919 - ?)

Jean MUNO (see: Robert BURNIAUX)

Kurt MÜNO (see: Kurt MÜLLER)

John MUNONYE {NG} (M: 1929 Apr - 1999 May 10)

Ken MUNOWITZ {US} (M: 1935 May 2 - 1977 Dec 20) Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus [?]

Daniel MUÑOZ (VIDAL) {UY} (M: 1849 Mar 10 - 1930 Jun 10) (ps: Sansón CARRASCO)

Gabriel E MUÑOZ (M: 1863 Aug 3 - 1908 Jun 14)

Juan MUÑOZ (M: 1953 Jun 17 - 2001 Aug 28)

Manuel MUÑOZ {PR} (M: c1932 - ?)

Manuel MUÑOZ {US} (M: 1972 Mar 4 - ?)

María Elena MUÑOZ {UY} (F: 1905 - 1964)

Pedro José MUÑOZ {VE} (M: 1888 - ?)

Rafael (Felipe) MUÑOZ {MX} (M: 1899 May 1 - 1972 Jul 2) El Feroz Cabecilla [s|Sp-1928] El Hombre Malo Y Otros Relatos [s|Sp-1930] Vámonos Con Pancho Villa! [f|Sp-1931] Bachimba [f|Sp-1934] Si Me Han De Matar Mañana [s|Sp-1934]

Rafael José MUÑOZ {VE} (M: 1928 May 22 - 1981)

Roque R MUÑOZ {VE} (M: 1890 - 1975)

Mario MUÑOZ BUSTAMENTE {CU} (M: 1881 - 1921)

Vitalia MUÑOZ De CHACIN {VE} (F: ? - ?)

Angel MUÑOZ IGUARTA {PR} (M: 1905 - ?)

(José) Luis (Alberto) MUÑOZ MARÍN {PR} (M: 1898 Feb 18 - 1980 Apr 30) Borrones [Sp-?] Madre Haraposa [Sp-?]

Francisco MUÑOZ Del MONTE (M: 1800 - 1865)

Mayor, José MUÑOZ RIVERA {PR} (M: 1868 Aug 6 - 1937) (&ps: Juan Sin PATRIA)

Luis MUÑOZ RIVERA (M: 1859 Jul 17 or 19 - 1916 Nov 15) (&ps: DEMÓCRITO; DIÓGENES; Fair FAX; INCOGNITUS; RIGOLÓ; X X X)

Jesus MUÑÓZ y RIVERO (M: ? - ?) * Manual De Paleographía Diplomatica..Siglos XII Al XVII [n|Sp-?]

Enrique MUÑOZ RUEDA {VE} (M: ? - 1966)

Pedro MUÑOZ SECA (M: 1881 - 1936) El Rey Nuevo (w Pedro PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ) [d|Sp-1923]

Sir, Alasdair (Thomas Ian) MUNRO, 6th Bt {UK/US?} (M: 1927 Jul 6 - 2014 Mar 13)

Msgr, Alexander MUNRO (M: 1819 - 1892 Nov)

Alice MUNRO, nee LAIDLAW {CA} (F: 1931 - ?)

Bruce Weston MUNRO (M: 1860 - c1900) Splinters [f|1886] A Blundering Boy [f|1887] Groans And Grins Of One Who Survived [1889]

C K MUNRO (see: Charles Walden Kirkpatrick McMULLAN)

Colin MUNRO (M: 1834 - 1918) 27169 Fern Vale; or, The Queensland Squatter [f|1862]

Crawford Hugh MUNRO {AU} (M: 1904 Mar 23 - 1976 Sep 21)

Prof, Dana Gardner MUNRO {US} (M: 1892 Jul 18 - 1990 Jun 16) The Five Republics Of Central America [n|1918] The United States And The Caribbean Area [n|1934] The Latin American Republics [n|1942/?/1960] Refugee Settlement In The Dominican Republic (ed) [n|1942]

Sir, David MUNRO {UK} (M: 1878 Jun 23 - 1952 Nov 8) It Passed Too Quickly [a|1941]

Capt, Donald John MUNRO {UK} (M: 1865 Jan 9 - 1952 Jul 11) The Roaring Forties And After [n|1929] Scapa Flow [n|1932] Convoys, Blockades, And Mystery Towers [n|1932]

Duncan H MUNRO (see: Eric Frank RUSSELL)

Eleanor C MUNRO, Mrs FRANKFURTER {US} (F: 1928 Mar 28 - ?) Golden Encyclopedia Of Art [n|1961]

Elizabeth V MUNRO, nee ? {CA} (F: 1900 - ?) Bricks Without Straw [p|1934]

Ethel M MUNRO {UK} (F: c1869 - ?) The Biography Of Saki [b|1924]

Florence Margaret MUNRO {NZ} (F: 1905 - 1982) (ps: Florence PRESTON)

Georgina Cornelia MUNRO (F: baptised 1820 Feb 25 - buried 1854 Jun 30) De Montfort [f|1842] Charles Harcourt [f|1843] The Voyage Of Life [f|1844] The White Rose Of The Huron [f|1852] The Little Emigrant's Birthday [s|1853]

Hector Hugh MUNRO (M: 1870 Dec 18 - 1916 Nov 14) (&ps: SAKI) The Rise Of The Russian Empire [n|1900] The Westminster Alice (ps: SAKI) [f|1902] 2830 Reginald (ps: SAKI) [s|1904] Reginald In Russia (ps: SAKI) [s|1910] Mrs Emsley [f|1911] 3688 The Chronicles Of Clovis (ps: SAKI) [s|1912] 555 The Unbearable Bassington (ps: SAKI) [f|1912] 14540 When William Came (ps: SAKI) [f|1913] 269 Beasts And Super-Beasts (ps: SAKI) [s|1914] 1477 The Toys Of Peace.. (ps: SAKI) [s|?] & Tobermory [?] The Square Egg (ps: SAKI) [s|?] The Death Trap (ps: SAKI) [d|?] Karl-Ludwig's Window (ps: SAKI) [d|?] The Watched Pot (ps: SAKI) [d|?]

Prof, Hugh Andrew Johnstone MUNRO (M: 1819 Oct 19 - 1885 Mar 30) Criticisms And Elucidations Of Catullus [n|1878] Translations Into Latin And Greek Verse [p|1884]

Sir, Hugh Thomas MUNRO, 4th Bt (M: 1856 Oct 16 - 1919 Mar 19) Munro's Tables Of The 3000-Feet Mountains Of Scotland.. [n|1953]

Ion S MUNRO (M: ? - ?) 20136 The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry (jt ed) [n|1920]

Irene Brinson MUNRO {US} (F: 1898 Dec 15 - 1991 Aug 23)

James MUNRO (see: Roderick (George James Munro) CAVE)

James MUNRO (see: James (William) MITCHELL)

James MUNRO (see: Ernest Victor THOMPSON)

James Iverach MUNRO {UK?} (M: ? - ?) Essays Towards A Comparative Grammar Of Semitic Languages.. [e|1912]

Prof, John MUNRO {UK} (M: 1849 Dec - 1930 Dec 19) 979 Heroes Of The Telegraph [n|1891] 4710 The Story Of Electricity [n|1896] 13716 A Trip To Venus [f|1897]

John Forbes MUNRO {UK} (M: 1933 Jun 25 - 2013 Jul 4)

John Mackintosh Mackay MUNRO {UK} (M: 1853 - 1925) Spiritual Dynamics [n|1886] The Divine Mechanism [n|1926]

Prof, Joseph Edwin Crawford MUNRO (M: 1849 (wrongly 1851) Jun - 1896 Sep 10)

Kathryn MUNRO, Mrs TUPPER {CA} (F: ? - ?) Forfeit.. [p|1926] Under The Maple [p|1930] Whiskers In Lilactown [f|1934] New Moon [p|1938] Tanager Feather [p|1950]

Sir, Leslie (Knox) MUNRO {NZ} (M: 1901 Feb 26 - 1974 Feb 13)

Neil MUNRO {UK} (M: 1863 (or 1864) Jun 3 - 1930 Dec 22) (&ps: Hugh FOULIS; [Mr INCOGNITO]) 43729 The Lost Pibroch.. [s|1896] 22321 John Splendid: The Tale Of A Poor Gentleman.. [f|1898] 22211 Gilian The Dreamer: His Fancy, His Love And Adventure [f|1899] 21333 Doom Castle [f|1901] 43732 The Shoes Of Fortune [f|1901] Children Of Tempest [f|(?)/1903] Erchie, My Droll Friend (ps: Hugh FOULIS) [1904] # The Vital Spark And Her Queer Crew (ps: Hugh FOULIS) [f|1906] 43731 Bud [f|1906] The Daft Days [f|1907] The Clyde River And Firth [n|1907] Fancy Farm [f|1910] # In Highland Harbours With Para Handy (ps: Hugh FOULIS) [f|1911] Ayrshire Idylls [1912] The New Road [f|1914] Jimmy Swan: The Joy Traveller (ps: Hugh FOULIS) [1917] Jaunty Jock.. [s|1918] # Hurricane Jack Of The Vital Spark (ps: Hugh FOULIS) [f|1923] The History Of The Royal Bank Of Scotland, 1727-1927 [n|1928] The Brave Days [1931] Para Handy.. [s|1931] The Poetry Of Neil Munro [p|1931] The Looker-On [e|1933] The Works Of Neil Munro [9v|1935]

Neil MUNRO (M: ? - ?) Use Your Brains (w Dennis YATES) [n|1944] What D'You Know? [1945]

Neil MUNRO {UK/CA?} (M: 1947 Jan 1 - 2009 Jul 13)

Neil Gordon MUNRO (M: ? - ?) Coins Of Japan [n|1904] Primitive Culture In Japan [n|1906] Prehistoric Japan [n|1908] Reflections On Some European Palæoliths And Japanese Survivals [n|1909] Prehistoric Japan [n|1911] Some Origins And Survivals [n|1911] Sogoro [f|1912] Ainu Creed And Cult (ed B Z SELIGMAN) [n|1962]

Robert MUNRO {UK} (M: 1835 Jul 21 - 1920 Jul 18) Ancient Scottish Lake-Dwellings [n|1882] The Lake-Dwellings Of Europe [n|1890] Rambles And Studies In Bosnia-Herzegovina And Dalmatia [n|1895/1900] Prehistoric Problems [n|1897] Prehistoric Scotland And Its Place In European Civilisation [n|1899] Man As Artist And Sportsman In The Palæolithic Period [n|1904] Archæology And False Antiquities [n|1905] Munro Lectures (Palæolithic Man; Terremare) [e|1912] Prehistoric Britain [n|1914] Darwinism And Human Civilization [n|1917] From Darwinism To Kaiserism [n|1919]

Robert MUNRO, 1st Baron ALNESS {UK} (M: 1868 May 28 - 1955 Oct 6) Looking Back [1930]

Robert Ross MUNRO {CA} (M: 1913 - ?) Gauntlet To Overlord [n|1945]

Robert William MUNRO, aka Billy MUNRO {UK} (M: c1914 - 2003 Dec 15)

Ronald Eadie MUNRO (see: Duncan (Munro) GLEN)

Prof, Thomas MUNRO {US} (M: 1897 Feb 15 - 1974 Apr 14) Primitive Negro Sculpture (w ?) [n|1926] Scientific Method In Aesthetics [n|1928] Art And Education (w ?) [n|1929] Great Pictures Of Europe [n|1930] Methods Of Teaching Fine Arts (w ?) [n|1935] 600 Doctrinal Drawings [n|1941] The Arts And Their Interrelations [n|1949/67] Toward Science In Aesthetics [n|1956] Art Education [n|1956] Evolution In The Arts [n|1963]

W D MUNRO {CA} (?: ? - ?) Mirror And Reflections [p|1942]

William MUNRO (M: 1818 - 1880 Jan 29) A Monograph Of The Bambusaceae.. [n|(1868)/1966]

Surg-Gen, William MUNRO (M: 1823 Nov 30 - 1896 Oct 30) Records Of Service And Campaigning In Many Lands [n|1887]

William MUNRO {CA} (M: ? - ?) Manitoulin Echoes From Bluff, Dale, Lake And Stream, In Verse [p|?]

Prof, William Bennett MUNRO {CA/US?} (M: 1875 Jan 5 - 1957 Sep 4) Canada And British N America [n|1905] The Seigniorial System In Canada [n|1907] Documents Related To The Seigniorial Tenure In Canada.. [n|1908] The Government Of European Cities [n|1909] The Initiative, Referendum And Recall [n|1912] The Government Of American Cities [n|1912] Bibliography Of Municipal Government [n|1914] 4655,k The Seigneurs Of Old Canada:..New-World Feudalism [n|1914] Principles And Methods Of Municipal Administration [n|1916] 12523 Crusaders Of New France: A Chronicle Of The Fleur-De-Lis.. [n|1918] The Government Of The United States [n|1919/?/?/?/1946] Social Civics [n|1922] Municipal Government And Administration [2v|n|1923] Current Problems In Citizenship [n|1924] Personality In Politics [n|1924] The Governments Of Europe [n|1925] The Invisible Government [n|1928] American Influences On Canadian Government [n|1929] Makers Of The Unwritten Constitution [n|1930] The Constitution Of The United States [n|1931] Municipal Administration [n|1934]

William F MUNRO {CA} (M: ? - ?) The Backwoods' Life [n|1869] The Backwoods Of Ontario, And The Prairies Of The North West [n|1881] Emigration Made Easy [n|1883] I Diary Of The Christie Party's Trip To The Pacific Coast [n|1897]

Henry MUNROE (M: 1818 - 1887 Jan 4 (wrongly 5))

(Macfarlane) Hugh MUNROE {UK} (M: ? - ?) (&ps: JASON; Ben WYVIS) Who Told Clutha [f|1958] Clutha Plays A Hunch [f|1959] A Clue For Clutha [f|1960]

Kirk MUNROE {US} (M: 1850 - 1930) 4393 Wakulla: A Story Of Adventure In Florida [f|1886] 15746,N The Flamingo Feather [1887] 21863 Derrick Sterling: A Story Of The Mines [f|1888] 16231 'Forward, March': A Tale Of The Spanish-American War [f|1889] 22497 Cab And Caboose: The Story Of A Railroad Boy [f|1892] 19303 Raftmates: A Story Of The Great River [f|1893] 33343 Campmates: A Story Of The Plains [f|1893] The Fur Seal's Tooth [1894] 19223 At War With Pontiac [1895] 26993 The Copper Princess: A Story Of Lake Superior Mines [f|1898] 19235 Under The Great Bear [1900]

Myles MUNROE {BA} (M: 1954 Apr 20 - 2014 Nov 9)

Robert C MUNROE {US?} (M: ? - ?) The Magic Of Words [n|1924]

Roberta Marie MUNROE {CA} (F: ? - ?) An Insider's Guide To Short Filmmaking [n|?]

Ruth Learned MUNROE {US?} (F: 1903 - 1963) The Happy Family (w John LEVY) [1938] Teaching The Individual [n|1942] Prediction Of The Adjustment And Academic Performance.. [n|1945] Schools Of Psychoanalytic Thought [n|1955]

Albert Davis MUNROW {UK} (M: 1908 Mar 17 - ?) Pure And Applied Gymnastics [n|1955/1963]

David John MUNROW {UK} (M: 1942 Aug 12 - 1976 May 15)

Albert Henry MUNSELL (M: 1858 - 1918) 26054 A Color Notation [n|1905/07/13/?/19/?/?/1936/1941/1946]

Joel MUNSELL (M: 1808 - 1880) * The Every Day Book Of History And Chronology [n|1843]

Warren Perry MUNSELL, Jr {US} (M: 1915 Nov 19 - 1952 Jul 28)

Frank Andrew MUNSEY {US} (M: 1854 Aug 21 - 1925 Dec 22) 28887 The Boy Broker: Among The Kings Of Wall Street [f|1888] 27935 Under Fire: A Tale Of New England Village Life [f|1897] A Tragedy Of Errors [?] Derringforth [?] Afloat In A Great City [?]

William Elbert MUNSEY (M: 1833 - 1877) Sermons And Lectures [e|1881]

Kanialal Maneklal MUNSHI (M: 1887 Dec 30 - 1971 Feb 8)

Jules MUNSHIN {US} (M: 1915 Feb 22 - 1970 Feb 19) Dear Anybody [1957]

Suzanne (Lynne) MUNSHOWER {US} (F: 1945 Jun 27 - ?)

William MUNSIE (M: 1801 Oct 24 - 1864 Feb 9)

Lynn MUNSINGER, Mrs LACE {US} (F: 1951 Dec 24 - ?)

Arley Isabel MUNSON, Mrs HARE {US} (F: 1871 Nov 14 - 1957 Dec 3) Jungle Days [a|1913]

Charlie Ellis MUNSON {US} (M: 1877 Feb 11 - 1975 Sep 23)

Douglas Anne MUNSON {US} (F: 1948 Feb 17 - 2003 Dec 22) (&ps: Mercedes LAMBERT)

Brig-Gen, Edward Lyman MUNSON (Sr) {US} (M: 1868 Dec 27 - 1947 Jul 7) Emergency Diet For The Sick In The Military Service [n|1899] Theory And Practice Of Military Hygiene [n|1901] Study In Troop Leading And Management.. (w John F MORRISON) [n|1910] Principles Of Sanitary Tactics [n|1911] The Soldier's Foot And The Military Shoe [n|1912] Military Absenteeism In War [n|1915] The Management Of Men [n|1921]

Maj, Edward Lyman MUNSON (Jr) {US} (M: 1904 Aug 26 - 1967 Jun 29) Leadership For American Army Leaders [n|1941/1944]

Gorham (Bert/Bockhaven) MUNSON {US} (M: 1896 May 26 (wrongly 22) - 1969 Aug 15) Waldo Frank [n|1923] Robert Frost [n|1927] Destinations [n|1928] Style And Forms In American Prose [n|1929] The Dilemma Of The Liberated [n|1930]

Lou MUNSON (see: Mary Lou MUNSON)

Mary Lou MUNSON, nee EASLEY {US} (F: 1935 Sep 30 - 2006 Feb 10) (&ps: Lou MUNSON) West To The Pacific [n|1963]

Sheryl McDanel MUNSON (F: ? - ?) (ps: Sheryl DANSON)

Fr(SJ), Thomas Nolan MUNSON {US} (M: 1924 Jan 26 - 2007 May 26) The Essential Wisdom Of George Santayana, An American Philosopher [n|1962]

Katrien van MUNSTER {NL?} (F: ? - ?) Die Junge Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn [b|Ge-1929]

Prof, Hugo MÜNSTERBERG (M: 1863 Jun 1 - 1916 Dec 15) Psychology And Life [n|1899] American Traits From The Point Of View Of A German [n|1901] American Traits [n|1902] 16266 Harvard Psychological Studies [?v|e|1903] The Americans [n|1904] The Principles Of Art Education [n|1905] Eternal Life [n|1905] Science And Idealism [n|1906] On The Witness Stand [n|1907] & On The Witness Stand: Essays On Psychology And Crime [e|1908] The Eternal Values [n|1909] Psychology And The Teacher [1909] 22775 Psychotherapy [n|1909] American Problems From The Point Of View Of A Psychologist [n|1910] 15154,& Psychology And Industrial Efficiency [n|1913] 25006 Psychology And Social Sanity [n|1914] 15383 The Photoplay: A Psychological Study [n|1916]

Prof, Hugo MUNSTERBERG {DE/US} (M: 1916 Sep 13 - 1995 Feb 16) A Short History Of Chinese Art [n|1949] Twentieth Century Painting [n|1951]

F M MÜNTER (M: ? - ?) Der Stern Der Weisen [n|Ge-1827]

Georg (Karl Hugo) MÜNTER {DE} (M: 1900 Mar 17 - 1965 May 19) Idealstädte [n|Ge-1957]

Axel (Marten Fredrik) MUNTHE {SE/UK:c1916on} (M: 1857 Oct 31 - 1949 Feb 11) (&ps: A DOCTOR in France) k Letters From A Mourning City [e|Sw-1885] (tr Maude Valerie WHITE) [1887] Letters From A Mourning City [e|Sw-1885] (tr self) [?] Små Skizzer [Sw-1888] k Vagaries (aka: Memories And Vagaries) [e|1898/1930] Bref Och Skizzer [Sw-1909] k Red Cross & Iron Cross (ps: A DOCTOR in France) [n|1916] + The Story Of San Michele [n|1929]

Malcolm (Ludvig Martin) Grane MUNTHE {UK} (M: 1910 (wrongly 1920) Jan 30 - 1995 Nov 25) Sweet Is War [1954] Hellen's [n|1956] The Bunty Boys [1961]

(Abraham) Wilhelm (Støren) MUNTHE {NO} (M: 1883 Oct 20 - 1965 Dec 18) De Norske Bibliotekers Historie [n|No-1927] American Librarianship From A European Angle [n|1939] Litterære Falsknerier [n|No-1942] Norwegian Libraries During The War [n|1947]

Abraham MUNTING (M: 1626 - 1683)

George Frederick MUNTZ (M: 1794 Nov 26 - 1857 Jul 30)

(Isabelle) Hope MUNTZ {CA} (F: 1907 Jul 8 - 1981 Sep 25)

James (Albert) MUNVES {US} (M: 1922 Mar 23 - 2018 Aug 31) We Were There With Lewis And Clark [f|1959] (We Were There) At The Opening Of The Atomic Era [f|1960]

Hirsch MUNZ {AU} (M: 1905 Apr 21 - 1979 Apr 22) Jews In South Australia [n|1936] Second Australian Jewish Almanac (jt ed) [n|1942] The Australian Wool Industry [n|1950]

Prof, Peter MUNZ {DE/NZ:1946on} (M: 1921 May 12 - 2006 (or 2007) Oct 14) The Place Of Hooker In The History Of Thought [n|1952] Problems Of Religious Knowledge [n|1959]

Prof, Philip Alexander MUNZ {US} (M: 1892 Apr 1 - 1974 Apr 10) A Venational Study Of The Suborder Zygoptera [n|1919] A Manual Of Southern California Botany [n|1935] A California Flora [n|1958] California Spring Wildflowers [n|1961] California Desert Wildflowers [n|1962] California Mountain Wildflowers [n|1963]

Philipp MÜNZ {DE} (M: 1864 Jan 9 - 1944 Aug 15) Ein Fall Von Isoliertem Hypoglossuskrampf [n|Ge-1894] Handbuch Der Ernährung Für Gesunde Und Magenkranke [n|Ge-1901] Künstliche Nährpräparate Und Ihre Rituelle Zulässigkeit [n|Ge-1904] Die Arterienverkalkung (Arteriosklerose), Ihr Wesen.. [n|Ge-1907/13] Die Ernährung Des Gesunden Und Kranken Magens [n|Ge-1912] Die Richtiggestellten Hauptmethoden.. (w Nathan ROSENBERG) [n|Ge-1913] Nähr- Und Organpräparate Und Ihre Rituelle Zulässigkeit [n|Ge-1926]

Carl Eduard MÜNZENBERG {DE} (M: 1895 Apr 25 - c1950)

Willi MÜNZENBERG {DE} (M: 1889 Aug 14 - 1940)

Heinrich MÜNZENMAIER {DE} (M: 1883 Feb 18 - 1975 Jan 19) Die Korrektionelle Nachhaft Auf Grund Der Überweisung.. [n|Ge-1912] Geschichte Der..Schottland Zu Tübingen 1849 Bis 1924 (ed) [n|Ge-1924]

Kurt MÜNZER {DE} (M: 1879 Apr 18 or Jun 10 - 1944 Apr 27) (&ps: Georg FINK) Das Verlorene Lied [d|Ge-1907] Der Weg Nach Zion [f|Ge-1907] Der Ladenprinz [f|Ge-1914] Taten Und Kränze [Ge-1914] Phantom [f|Ge-1919] Der Weiße Knabe [f|Ge-1921] Dichter Und Bürger [Ge-1922] Das Kalte Herz [f|Ge-1922] Das Entfesselte Jenseits [s|Ge-1922] Mamuschka [f|Ge-1923] Jude Ans Kreuz [f|Ge-1928] Mich Hungert (ps: Georg FINK) [Ge-1929] Hast Du Dich Verlaufen? (ps: Georg FINK) [Ge-1930]

Martha E MUNZER, nee EISEMAN {US} (F: 1899 Sep 22 - 1999 Sep 13) Teaching Science Through Conservation (w Paul BRANDWEIN) [n|1960] Unusual Careers [n|1962]

Marie MUNZINGER {CH} (F: 1885 Apr 10 - 1952 Jul 4) English Segunda Série Ginasial [n|Pt-1949] English For Young Students And Beginners [n|1950] English Quarta Série Ginasial [n|Pt-1951] Cours De Français Pour Les Petits [n|Fr-?] Methode Directe De Français (w Louise JAQUIER) [n|Fr-1949]

Rolf MÜNZNER {DE} (M: 1942 Jan 3 - ?)

Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-MUQADDASI (M: fl c946)

Prof, Toshio MURA {US} (M: 1925 Dec 7 - 2009 Aug 9)

Béat Louis de MURALT (M: 1665 Jan 9 - 1749 (or 1745) Nov 20) Lettres Sur Les Anglais Et Les Français [n|Fr-1725] Letters Describing..English And French Nations [n|Fr-1725] (tr ?) [1726] L'Instinct Divin Recommandé Aux Hommes [n|Fr-1727] Lettres Sur Les Voyages Et Sur L'Esprit-Fort [n|Fr-1728] Lettres Fanatiques [Fr-1739] Fables Nouvelles [s|Fr-1753]

Roland de MURALT {CH} (M: 1947 Jul 3 - living 2022) La Planète Des Sentiments [e|Fr-?]

Shikibu MURASAKI (ps) (F: c978 - 1031 or 1014 or 1025) Genji Monogatari [f|Ja-c1010] (tr Kencho SUEMATSU) [1882] The Tale Of Genji [f|Ja-c1010] (tr A D WALEY) [6v|1925-33] & Diaries.. (w IZUMI Shikibu) [Ja-var] (tr A S OMORI & K DOI) [?]

Alexander MURASZEW {UK} (M: ? - ?) The Measurement Of Atomisation In Fuel Sprays (w E GIFFEN) [n|1948] Atomisation Of Low-Pressure Fuel Sprays (w E GIFFEN) [n|1948]

Prince, Achille (Charles Louis Napoléon) MURAT (M: 1801 Jan 21 - 1847 Apr 15) Lettres Sur Les Etats-Unis [e|Fr-1830] Esquisse Morale Et Politique.. [Fr-1832] (tr ?) [1833] Esquisse Morale Et Politique.. [Fr-1832] (tr ?) [1849] Exposition Des Principes Du Gouvernment Republican.. [Fr-1833]

Princess, Caroline (Laetitia) MURAT, 1:Baroness de CHASSIRON, 2:Mrs GARDEN (F: 1832 (or 1833) Dec 31 - 1902 Jul 23) My Memoirs [a|1910]

Eugene MURAT {CA} (M: ? - ?) Papeta [f|1867]

Princesse, Lucien MURAT (see: Marie de CHAMBRUN)

Paul(=Pavel) (Pavlovich) MURATOFF / MURATOV {SU} (M: J 1881 Feb 19 - 1950 Feb 5) [Obrazy Italii] [3v|n|Ru-1911-1924] [Egeria] [f|Ru-1922] The Russian Campaigns Of 1941-1943 (w W E D ALLEN) [n|1944] The Russian Campaigns Of 1944-1945 (w W E D ALLEN) [n|1946] Caucasian Battlefields [n|1953]

Lodovico Antonio MURATORI (M: 1672 Oct 21 - 1750 Jan 23) (&ps: Lamindo PRITANIO) Anecdota Latina Ex Ambrosianæ Bibliothecæ Codicibus [2v|n|La-1697-98] Primi Disegni Della Republica Letteraria D'Italia (ps: L PRITANIO) [n|It-1703] Della Perfetta Poesia Italiana [n|It-1706] Riflessioni Sopra Il Buon Gusto Nelle Scienze E Nelle Arti [n|It-1708] Anecdota Græca [n|La-1709] Vita E Rime Di F Petrarca [b|It-1711] Governo Della Peste Politico, Medico Ed Ecclesiastico [n|It-1714] De Ingeniorum Moderatione In Religionis Negotio [n|La-1714] Antichità Estensi Ed Italiane [2v|n|It-1717-40] Della Regolata Divozione De' Cristiani [n|It-1723] Della Carità Cristiana [n|It-1723] Rerum Italicarum Scriptores Ab..500 Ad..1500 [28v|n|La-1723-51] Vita Ed Opere Di L Castelvetro [b|It-1727] Filosofia Morale Esposta [n|It-1735] Delle Forze Dell' Intendimento Umano [n|It-1735] Antiquitates Italicæ Medii Ævi (ed) [6v|e|La-1738-42] Novus Thesaurus Veterum Inscriptionum [4v|n|La-1739-42] Defetti Della Giurisprudenza [n|It-1741] De Superstitione Vitanda [n|La-1742] Delle Forze Della Fantasia [n|It-1745] Liturgia Romana Vetus [2v|n|La-1748] Della Pubblica Felicità [n|It-1749] Dissertazioni Sopra Le Antichità Italiane [3v|n|It-1751] * Annali D'Italia [12v|n|It-1744-49/1753-56/1818-21] De Ingeniorum Moderatione [n|La-?]

Saverio MURATORI {IT} (M: 1910 Aug 31 - 1973 Oct 17) Architettura E Civiltà In Crisi [n|It-1963] Studi Per Una Operante Storia Urbana Di Roma (w others) [n|It-1963]

Konstantin Vladov MURAVIEV {BG} (M: 1893 Mar 5 - 1965 Jan 31) [Subitiya I Khora] [n|Bg-1963]

(Yves) Laurent MURAWIEC {US} (M: 1951 Jun 6 - 2009 Oct 7)

Fr, Friedrich MURAWSKI {DE} (M: 1898 Mar 17 - 1945) Das Geheimnis Der Auserwählung [n|Ge-1924] Die Juden Bei Den Kirchenvätern Und Scholastikern [n|Ge-1925] Religionsunterricht An Berufsschulen [n|Ge-1927] Die Aszetische Theologie [n|Ge-1928] Wehrgeist Und Christentum [n|Ge-1940] Jesus Der Nazoräer, Der König Der Juden [b|Ge-1940] Das Gott [n|Ge-1940]

Nickolas MURAY (see: Miklós MANDL)

Nell (H) (nee)Lounsberry MURBARGER {US} (F: 1909 Oct 19 - 1991 Dec 19)

Arthur MURCH (M: 1836 - 1885 Dec 2)

Rev, James DeForest MURCH (Sr) {US} (M: 1892 Oct 23 - 1973 Jun 16) Successful Prayer Meetings [n|1930] Studies In Christian Living [n|1937] Christian Ministers Manual [n|1937] Sunday School Handbook [n|1939] Christian Education And The Local Church [n|1943] God Still Lives [n|1943] Cooperation Without Compromise [n|1956] Teach Me To Pray [n|1958] Christians Only [n|1962] Teach Or Perish [n|1962] Studies In Church-State Relations [n|1963] God's Answers To Life's Problems [n|1963]

Sir, Jerom MURCH (M: 1807 Oct 29 - 1895 May 13)

Ria(=Gloria) (Mavis) MURCH, nee COUNSELL {AU} (F: 1918 Feb 1 - 2014)

Guy MURCHIE (Jr) {US} (M: 1907 Jan 25 - 1997 Jul 8) Men On The Horizon [1932] Song Of The Sky [1954]

Robert Welch MURCHIE {CA?} (M: 1883 - 1937) Agricultural Progress On The Prairie Frontier [n|1936]

Carl Allanmore MURCHISON {US} (M: 1887 Dec 3 - 1961 May 20)

Charles MURCHISON (M: 1830 Jul 26 - 1879 Apr 23)

Sir, (Charles) Kenneth MURCHISON {UK} (M: 1872 Sep 22 - 1952 Dec 17) Account Of Farmers' Club 1795 [n|1940] Family Notes And Reminiscences [n|1940] Letters To My Grandsons [n|1941] The Dawn Of Motoring [n|1942]

Sir, Roderick Impey MURCHISON, 1st Bt (M: 1792 Feb 19 - 1871 Oct 22)

V-Rev, Thomas Moffat MURCHISON {UK} (M: 1907 Jul 27 - 1984 Jan 9) The Plight Of The Smallholders [n|1935] Alba (jt ed) [1948] The Golden Key (ed) [1950]

Prof, Robert Gordon MURDICK {US} (M: 1920 Aug 26 - 1998 Nov 17) Managing Engineering And Research (w D W KARGER) [n|1963]

Beamish MURDOCH (M: 1800 - 1876 Feb 9) Celebration Of The Centenary..Of Halifax (w Joseph HOWE) [n|1849]

Rev, Benedict Joseph MURDOCH {CA} (M: 1886 - ?) The Red Vineyard [b|1923] Souvenir [f|1926] Sprigs [f|1927] Alone With Thee [n|1934]

David MURDOCH (M: ? - ?) R The Dutch Dominie Of The Catskills; or,..The 'Bloody Brandt' [f|1861]

Frank Hitchcock MURDOCH (see: Frank HITCHCOCK)

H Adlai MURDOCH {AG} (M: ? - ?) Decolonizing Representation [n|?]

Dame, (Jean) Iris MURDOCH, Mrs BAYLEY {UK} (F: 1919 Jul 15 - 1999 Feb 8)

Prof, James MURDOCH {AU} (M: 1856 Sep 26 - 1921 Oct 30) Don Juan's Grandson In Japan [p|1890] From Australia And Japan [s|1892/?/?] Ayame-san [f|1892] A History Of Japan.. (w J H LONGFORD & I YAMAGATA) [3v|n|1903-1926] From The Origins To The Arrival Of The Portuguese In 1542 AD [n|1910] The Tokugawa Epoch, 1652-1868 [n|1926]

James Edward MURDOCH (M: 1811 - 1893) Love Of Country And Foot-Prints Of Time [n|1888]

John MURDOCH {CA?} (M: 1852 - 1925) I Ethnological Results Of The Point Barrow Expedition [n|c1889] I Ethnology Of The Ungava Bay District (w Lucien M TURNER) [n|c1894]

John A MURDOCH {CA} (M: ? - ?) In The Woods And On The Waters [f|1896]

Prof, Joseph MURDOCH {US} (M: 1890 Feb 19 - 1973 Dec 31) Microscopical Determination Of The Opaque Minerals [n|1916] Minerals Of California (w Robert W WEBB) [n|1948/1956/66]

Sir, Keith Arthur MURDOCH {UK} (M: 1886 Aug 12 - 1952 Oct 5)

Maclean MURDOCH {UK} (M: 1887 - ?) Songs Of A Roving Celt [1917] From Craft And Claghan [1919] The Wind In The Heather [1931]

Madoline MURDOCH, Mrs BROWN {AU} (F: 1890 Oct 19 - 1976 Apr 16) (&ps: [MANIN]; Nina MURDOCH) Songs Of The Open Air [p|1915] More Songs Of The Open Air [p|1922] Seventh Heaven [n|1930] Miss Emily In Black Lace [f|1930] She Travelled Alone In Spain [n|1935] Tyrolean June [n|1936] Exit Miss Emily [f|1937] Vagrant In Summer [n|1937] Portrait Of Miss Emily [f|1939] Portrait In Youth Of Sir John Longstaff, 1861-1941 [b|1948]

Nina MURDOCH (see: Madoline MURDOCH)

Prof, Norman Howard MURDOCH {US} (M: 1939 May 15 - 2015 Jul 27)

Rev, Patrick John MURDOCH {AU} (M: 1850 Jun 10 - 1940 Jul 1) Sidelights On The Shorter Catechism [n|1908] The Central Doctrines Of The Christian Faith [n|1915] Laughter And Tears Of God.. [e|1915]

Robert MURDOCH {CA} (M: 1836 - ?) A Complete Work Of Robert Murdoch.. [p|1890]

Sir, Walter Logie Forbes MURDOCH {AU} (M: 1874 Sep 17 - 1970 Jul 30) (&ps: [ELZEVIR]) The Oxford Book Of Australasian Verse (ed) [p|1918/1923/1945] Alfred Deakin [b|1923] Speaking Personally [e|1930] Australian Short Stories (jt ed) [s|1951] The Struggle For Freedom [n|?] The Australian Citizen [n|?] Loose Leaves [e|?] A New Primer Of English Literature [n|?] The Making Of Australia [n|?] Saturday Mornings [e|?] Moreover [e|?] The Wild Planet [e|?] Lucid Intervals [e|?] The Spur Of The Moment [e|?] Steadfast [n|?]

William MURDOCH (M: 1823 Feb 24 - 1877 May 4) Poems And Songs [p|1860/72] Discursory Ruminations, A Fireside Drama.. [p|1876]

Prof, William David MURDOCH {AU} (M: 1888 Feb 10 - 1942 Sep 9) Brahms, With An Analytical Study Of The..Pianoforte Works [b|1933] Chopin [b|1934]

William Garden Blaikie MURDOCH {UK} (M: 1880 - 1934 Aug 5) The Royal Stuarts In Their Connection With Art And Letters [n|1908] The Art Treasures Of Edinburgh [n|1924] Japanese Literature In The Era Of The Japanese Print [n|1927] Scottish Architecture [n|1930]

William Lloyd MURDOCH (M: 1834 Oct 14 - 1911 Feb 18) Cricket [n|1893]

Charles Albert MURDOCK {US} (M: 1841 - 1928) 12911,L A Backward Glance At Eighty: Recollections & Comment [a|1921]

Emily/Emma Medora MURDOCK (wrongly MURDOCH), Mrs VAN DEVENTER (F: 1853 Jan 16 - 1914 May 13) (ps: Lawrence L LYNCH) Shadowed By Three [f|1879] 25695 The Diamond Coterie [f|1884] 26482 Madeline Payne, The Detective's Daughter [f|1884] Dangerous Ground [f|1885] Out Of A Labyrinth [f|1885] A Mountain Mystery [f|1886] The Lost Witness [f|1890] Moina [f|1891] A Slender Clue [f|1891] A Dead Man's Step [f|1893] 29670 Against Odds: A Detective Story [f|1894] The Last Stroke [f|1894] No Proof [f|1895] The Unseen Hand [f|1898] High Stakes [f|1899] Under Fate's Wheel [f|1901] The Woman Who Dared [f|1902] The Danger Line [f|1903] A Woman's Tragedy [f|1904] The Doverfields' Diamond [f|1906] Man And Master [f|1909] A Sealed Verdict [f|1910] A Blind Lead [f|1912]

Prof, George Peter MURDOCK {US} (M: 1897 May 11 - 1985 Mar 29) Our Primitive Contemporaries [n|1934]

Harold MURDOCK {US?} (M: ? - ?) Notes From A Country Library (anon) [1911]

Prof, Kenneth Ballard MURDOCK {US} (M: 1895 Jun 22 - 1975 Nov 15) Portraits Of Increase Mather [b|1924] Increase Mather, The Foremost American Puritan [b|1925] Handkerchiefs From Paul [n|?] A Leaf Of Grass From Shady Hill [1928] Prose Masterpieces (w HILLYER & SHEPARD) [?] The Sun At Noon [1939]

M MURDOCK (?: ? - ?) Held Inn Trust [f|?]

Myrtle (nee)Cheney MURDOCK {US} (F: 1885 Nov 28 - 1980 Mar 19) Constantino Brumidi [b|1950]

Victor MURDOCK {US} (M: 1871 Mar 18 - 1945 Jul 8) China, The Mysterious And Marvelous [n|1920] Folks [1921] Constantinople [n|1926]

Louise (nee)Baughan MURDY {US} (F: 1935 Sep 28 - 2017 Mar 22)

Benoît Jules MURE (M: 1809 May 4 - 1858 Mar 4) * Materia Medica [n|?]

Geoffrey Reginald Gilchrist MURE {UK} (M: 1893 Apr 8 - 1979 May 24) Aristotle [n|1932] Merry Go Round The World [p|1939] The Boots And Josephine [1939] An Introduction To Hegel [n|1940] A Study Of Hegel's Logic [n|1950] Retreat From Truth [n|1958]

James MURE (M: 1796 Jul 31 - 1876 Jul 20)

Sir, William MURE (M: 1594 - 1657) Historie And Descent Of The House Of Rowallane [n|1650]

William MURE (M: 1799 Jul 9 - 1860 Apr 1) A Critical History Of The Language..Of Ancient Greece [5v|n|1850-57]

Gilles MUREAU / MUREUE (M: 1450 - 1512)

Myles MUREDACH (see: Francis Clement KELLEY)

Marc Antoine MURET, aka Marcus Antonius MURETUS (M: 1526 Apr 12 - 1585 Jun 4)

Jane MURFIN, originally MACKLEM ?, 1:Mrs TRIMBLE, 2:Mrs CRISP {US} (F: 1892 Oct 27 - 1955 Aug 10) (ps: Allan Langdon MARTIN (2))

Mary Noailles MURFREE {US} (F: 1850 Jan 24 - 1922 Aug 1) (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK; R Emmett DEMBRY) T In The Tennessee Mountains (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [s|1884] Where The Battle Was Fought (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1884] 5306 Down The Ravine (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [1885] T The Prophet Of The Great Smoky Mountains (ps: C E CRADDOCK) [1885] In The Clouds (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1887] The Story Of Keedon Bluffs (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1888] The Despot Of Broomsedge Cove (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1889] In The 'Stranger People's' Country (ps: Charles E CRADDOCK) [f|1891] His Vanished Star (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1894] 31122 The Mystery Of Witch-Face Mountain (ps: Charles E CRADDOCK) [s|1895] 23630 The Phantoms Of The Foot-Bridge (ps: Charles E CRADDOCK) [s|1895] 20365 The Young Mountaineers (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [s|1897] The Juggler (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1897] 31801 The Story Of Old Fort Loudon (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [1899] The Bushwhackers.. (ps: Charles E CRADDOCK) [s|1899] A Spectre Of Power (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1903] 13724 The Frontiersmen (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [s|1904] * The Storm Centre (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1905] The Amulet (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1906] The Windfall (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1907] T e Fair Mississippian (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1908] 19776 The Ordeal (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1912] 23548 The Raid Of The Guerilla.. (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [s|1912] * The Story Of Duciehurst (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [f|1914]

Captain, Matthew MURGATROYD (see: James Athearn JONES)

Sarah (Louise) MURGATROYD, Mrs BUTLER (F: 1967 Sep 23 - 2002 Mar 26)

(Louis) Henri MURGER (M: 1822 Mar 24 - 1861 Jan 28) 18446 Scènes De La Vie De Bohème [Fr-?] 18445 Bohemians Of The Latin Quarter [Fr-?] (tr anon) [1888] 18537 Scènes De La Vie De Jeunesse [Fr-?] 21966 Propos De Ville Et Propos De Théâtre [Fr-?]

Adolph MURIE {US} (M: 1899 Sep 6 - 1974 Aug) & Fauna Of The National Parks Of The United States [n|1940] & The Wolves Of Mount McKinley [n|1944]

James R MURIE, aka YOUNG EAGLE {US} (M: c1863 - ?) Pawnee Indian Societies [n|1914]

Margaret Elizabeth MURIE, nee THOMAS, aka 'Mardy' {US} (F: 1902 Aug 11 - 2003 Oct 19) Two In The Far North [a|1962]

Olaus (Johann) MURIE {US} (M: 1889 Mar 1 - 1963 Oct 21) The Elk Of North America [n|?] Alaska-Yukon Caribou [n|1935] Food Habits Of The Coyote In Jackson Hole, Wyoming [n|1935] Field Guide To Animal Tracks [n|1954] Fauna Of The Aleutian Islands And Alaska Peninsula [n|1959] Jackson Hole With A Naturalist [n|1963]

Auntie, MURIEL (see: Muriel LEVY)

Frances Matilda MURIEL, nee DALY {UK} (F: c1857 - 1953) Glimpses Of Burma [n|?] Pictures Of Lotus Land (w R SWINHOE) [n|?]

John Saint Clair MURIEL {UK?} (M: 1909 - ?) (ps: Simon DEWES; John LINDSEY) Molten Ember (ps: John LINDSEY) [1930] The Voice Of One (ps: John LINDSEY) [1930] The Lady And The Mute (ps: John LINDSEY) [1931] Stricken Gods (ps: John LINDSEY) [1931] The Bull Calf (ps: John LINDSEY) [1932] Peacock's Feathers (ps: John LINDSEY) [1933] Vicarage Party (ps: John LINDSEY) [1933] Youth In Bondage (ps: Simon DEWES) [1933] Tenderness (ps: John LINDSEY) [f|1934] Charles II And Madame Carwell (ps: John LINDSEY) [b|1937] The Tudor Pawn:..Lady Jane Grey (ps: John LINDSEY) [b|1938] His Little Kingdom (ps: Simon DEWES) [1939] Marian: The Life Of George Eliot (ps: Simon DEWES) [b|1939] The Lovely Quaker [Hannah Lightfoot] (ps: John LINDSEY) [b|1939] Reluctant Revelry (ps: Simon DEWES) [1939] Mrs Delany (ps: Simon DEWES) [b|1940] Still Eastward Bound (ps: John LINDSEY) [a|1940] April Fool (ps: John LINDSEY) [1941] Cul-De-Sac (ps: Simon DEWES) [f|1941] Suburban Gentleman:..Thomas G Wainewright.. (ps: John LINDSEY) [b|1942] Sergeant Belle-Jambe:..Marshal Bernadotte.. (ps: Simon DEWES) [1943] At The Feet Of Gamaliel (ps: Simon DEWES) [1944] A Month In The Summer (ps: John LINDSEY) [1944] The Bay Filly (ps: John LINDSEY) [f|1945] Panic In Pursuit (ps: Simon DEWES) [1945] Death Stalks The Waterway (ps: Simon DEWES) [1946] A Sound Fellow (ps: Simon DEWES) [1947] White Socks (ps: John LINDSEY) [f|1948] A Just Man (ps: Simon DEWES) [1948] Temple Bar Tapestry (ps: Simon DEWES) [1948] Lucy Carter (ps: Simon DEWES) [1949] Piccadilly Pageant (ps: Simon DEWES) [1949]

Gerardo MURILLO (CORNADO) {MX} (M: 1875 Oct 3 - 1964 Aug 15) (&ps: Dr, ATL) Las Sinfonías Del Popocatépetl [p|Sp-1921] Catálogo De Pinturas Y Dibujos De La Colección Pani [n|Sp-1921] Un Hombre Más Allá Del Universo [f|Sp-1935] El Padre Eterno, Satanás Y Juanito García [f|Sp-1938] Cuentos De Todos Los Colores [s|Sp-?-1941] Los Judíos Sobre América [e|Sp-1942] Cómo Nace Y Crece Un Volcán, El Paricutín [Sp-1950] Gentes Profanas En El Convento [a|Sp-1950] La Perla [Sp-?]

Prof, Alexander Falconer MURISON {UK} (M: 1847 Mar 3 - 1934 Jun 8)

David Donald MURISON (M: 1913 Apr 28 - 1997 Feb 17)

Ross George MURISON (M: c1866 - 1905 Sep 4)

MURITOTILA (see: Johann Gabriel ANDERLE)

Anton Johann MURKO (M: 1809 - 1872) Theoretisch-Practische Grammatik Der Slowenischen Sprache.. [n|Ge-?/1843]

Matthias(=Matija) MURKO {YU} (M: 1861 Feb 10 - 1952 Feb 11) Jan Kollár [b|?-1894] Deutsche Einflüsse Auf Die Anfänge Der Böhmischen Romantik [n|Ge-1897] Die Südslavischen Literaturen [n|Ge-1908] Geschichte Der Älteren Südslawischen Litteraturen [n|Ge-1908] Die Bedeutung Der Reformation Und Gegenreformation.. [n|Ge-1825] La Poésie Populaire Épique En Yougoslavie..Du XXe Siècle [n|Fr-1929] Tragom Srpskohrvatske Epike [n|Se?-1951] Izbrano Delo (ed Anton SLODNJAK) [e|Se?-1962]

John Tregarthen MURLEY {UK} (M: 1928 Aug 22 - 2012 Jan 12) The Origin And Outbreak Of The Anglo-French War Of 1793 [n|1959]

Sir, Reginald (Sydney) MURLEY {UK} (M: 1916 Aug 2 - 1997 Oct 2)

Prof, Francis Dominic MURNAGHAN {UK/US?} (M: 1893 Aug 4 - 1976 Mar 24) Vector Analysis And The Theory Of Relativity [n|1922] Theoretical Mechanics (w J S AMES) [n|1929] Hydrodynamics (w H BATEMAN & H L DRYDEN) [n|1932] Theory Of Group Representations [n|1938] Analytic Geometry [n|1946] Differential And Integral Calculus [n|1947] Applied Mathematics [n|1948] Finite Deformation Of An Elastic Solid [n|1951] Algebra Elementar E Trigonometria [n|Pt-1954] Cálculo Avancado [n|Pt-1954] Equações Diferenciais [n|Pt-1955] The Orthogonal And Symplectic Groups [n|1957] The Laplace Transformation [n|1962] The Calculus Of Variations [n|1962] The Unitary And Rotation Groups [n|1962]

William J MURNANE, Jr {US} (M: 1945 Mar 22 - 2000 Nov 17)

Martha MURNER (see: Venetiana TAUBNER-CALDERON)

Martina MURNER (see: Venetiana TAUBNER-CALDERON)

Msgr, Philip J MURNION {US} (M: 1938 Mar 1 - 2003 Aug 19)

Kyuso MURO (see: Naokiyo MURO)

Naokiyo MURO (M: 1658 Mar 30 - 1734 Sep 9) (ps: Kyuso MURO) & Shundai Zatsuwa [Ja-?] (tr George William KNOX) [1892]

Johannes MURON (see: Gustav KECKEIS)

Murray Griffin MURPHEY {US} (M: 1928 Feb 22 - 2018 Dec 6) The Development Of Peirce's Philosophy [n|1961]

Prof, Rhoads MURPHEY {US} (M: 1919 Aug 13 - 2012 Dec 20) Shanghai, Key To Modern China [n|1953] An Introduction To Geography [n|1961/66]

Robert Wentworth MURPHEY {US} (M: 1916 Oct 4 - 1988 Nov) How And Where To Look It Up [n|1958]

Rev, Thomas Grier MURPHEY (M: 1817 Mar 26 - 1878 Jan 9) Four Years In The War [a|1866]

Agnes G MURPHY (F: ? - ?) # Melba [b|1909]

Prof, Agnes Louise Keating MURPHY {US} (F: 1912 Apr 23 - 1995 Aug 29) The Ideology Of French Imperialism [n|1948] An Evil Tree [n|1961/1962]

Prof, Alfred John MURPHY {UK} (M: 1901 Feb 26 - 1980 Sep 25)

Arthur MURPHY (M: 1727 Dec 27 - 1805 Jun 18) (&ps: Charles RANGER) 34871 The Englishman From Paris [d|pro:1756] The Apprentice [d|pro:1756] The Upholsterer [d|pro:1758] The Orphan Of China [d|pro:1759] The Way To Keep Him [d|pro:1760] The Desert Island [d|pro:1760] + The Citizen [d|pro:1761] All In The Wrong [d|pro:1761] The Old Maid [d|pro:1761] Fielding's Works [n|1762] No One's Enemy But His Own [d|pro:1764] Three Weeks After Marriage [d|pro:1764] The Choice [d|pro:1764] The School For Guardians [d|pro:1767] Zenobia [d|pro:1768] 30271 The Grecian Daughter [d|pro:1772] Alzuma [d|pro:1773] News From Parnassus, A Prelude [d|pro:1776] Know Your Own Mind [d|pro:1777] An Essay On The Life And Genius Of Samuel Johnson [b|1792] Life Of David Garrick [b|1801] The Rival Sisters [d|?]

Audie (Leon) MURPHY {US} (M: 1924 Jun 20 - 1971 May 28) To Hell And Back [a|1949]

Barbara (nee)Beasley MURPHY {US} (F: 1933 Feb 4 - ?)

Bill MURPHY {US} (F: c1930 - ?)

C L MURPHY (see: Lawrence Augustus MURPHY)

Charles J MURPHY {US} (M: 1832 Jun 3 - 1921 May 29) Reminiscences Of The War Of The Rebellion And Of The Mexican War [a|1882] American Indian Corn (Maize) A Cheap, Wholesome..Food [n|1917]

Charles (John Vincent) MURPHY {US} (M: 1904 Oct 11 - 1987 Dec 29)

Charles M MURPHY (M: ? - ?) A Mile-A-Minute Career.. [a|?]

Charlotte (A) MURPHY, nee HEUSER {US} (F: c1925 - ?)

David Edmund MURPHY {US} (M: 1921 May 23 - 2014 Aug 28)

Prof, Denis MURPHY (M: 1833 - 1896 May 18)

Dervla MURPHY (F: 1931 (or 1932) Nov 28 - 2022 May 22)

Prof, Earl Finbar MURPHY {US} (M: 1928 Nov 1 - 2006 Jul 23) Water Purity [n|1961]

Rev, Edgar Gardner MURPHY {US} (M: 1869 Aug 31 - 1913) (&ps: Kelvin McKREADY) The Larger Life [n|1897] Words For The Church [n|1897] The Negro And The 'Solid South' [n|1900] The Case Against Child Labor [n|1900] Child Labor Legislation [n|1900] The Task Of The South [n|1900] The White Man And The Negro Of The South [n|1900] Child Labor And The Public [n|1900] Child Labor In Alabama And The South [n|1901] Child Labor In The Southern Press [n|1902] The South And Her Children [n|1902] Southern Education [n|1902] Child Labor And Business [n|1902] Alabama's First Question [n|1904] Problems Of The Present South [n|1904/09] Child Labor Question In Alabama [n|1907] The Federal Regulation Of Child Labor [n|1907] The Church And The Negro Episcopate [n|1907] The Basis Of Ascendancy [n|1909] A Beginner's Star Book [n|1912] A Beginner's Guide To The Stars (ed Maud King MURPHY) [n|1924]

Edward William MURPHY (M: 1802 - 1877 Jan 4)

Edwin Greenslade MURPHY {AU} (M: 1866 (or 1861) Dec 12 - 1939 Mar 9) (ps: DRYBLOWER) Sweet Boronia [f|1904] Jarrahland Jingles [p|1908] Dryblower's Verses [p|1926]

Elizabeth MURPHY {UK?} (F: ? - ?) The Levite [f|1845]

Elmer A MURPHY {US} (M: ? - ?) The Thirtieth Division In The World War (w Robert S THOMAS) [n|1936]

Emily (Gowan) (nee)Ferguson MURPHY {CA} (F: 1868 Mar 14 - 1933 Oct 17 or 26 or 27) (&ps: Janey CANUCK) The Impressions Of Janey Canuck Abroad (ps: Janey CANUCK) [n|1902] J Janey Canuck In The West (ps: Janey CANUCK) [n|1910] Open Trails (ps: Janey CANUCK) [n|1912] 32409 Seeds Of Pine (ps: Janey CANUCK) [n|1914] The Black Candle (ps: Janey CANUCK) [n|1922] Our Little Canadian Cousin Of The Great Northwest (ps: Janey CANUCK) [f|1923] Bishop Bonapas (ps: Janey CANUCK) [1929]

Emmett Jefferson MURPHY {US} (M: 1926 Jul 2 - ?) (&ps: Pat MURPHY)

Emmy(=Emma) Louise (nee)Osborne MURPHY {US} (F: 1910 Jun 18 - 1985 Jun 12) Paco And Paquita Of Mexico [1962]

Ethel Allen MURPHY {US} (F: 1877 Nov 20 - 1949 Mar 16) 27275 The Angel Of Thought.. [p|1909] The Victory Of The Gardens [1919]

Bp, Francis MURPHY (M: 1795 May 20 - 1858 Apr 26) Letter To .. On The Opening Of The New Catholic Chapel [n|1827]

Francis MURPHY {US} (M: 1932 Mar 13 - ?)

Fr, Francis Xavier MURPHY {US} (M: 1914 Jun 26 - 2002 Apr 11) (&ps: Xavier RYNNE) Letters From Vatican City..Council II.. (ps: Xavier RYNNE) [n|1963]

Franklin D MURPHY {US} (M: 1916 Jan 29 - 1994 Jun 16)

Frederick Vernon MURPHY {US} (M: 1879 - 1958)

Gardner MURPHY {US} (M: 1895 Jul 8 - 1979 Mar 18) Human Potentialities [n|1958]

George Henry MURPHY {CA} (M: 1875 - ?) Shakespeare And The Ordinary Man [n|1939]

George Lloyd MURPHY {US} (M: 1902 Jul 4 - 1992 May 3)

George Mollett MURPHY (M: 1823 Sep 9 - 1887 Jul 17) (&ps: An UNKNOWN)

George Read MURPHY {AU} (M: 1856 May 17 - 1925 Sep 11) The Blakely Tragedy [f|1891] Beyond The Ice [f|1894] History Of Federation [1894] Peace [1920]

Canon, (John) Gerry(=Gervase) (Maurice Walker) MURPHY {UK} (M: 1926 Aug 20 - 2014 Jan 7)

Gregory MURPHY {US?} (M: ? - ?) Builders Of Georgia (ed anon) [1941]

Gwendolen MURPHY (F: ? - ?) A Select Bibliography Of The Writings Of Alfred W Pollard.. [n|1938]

Harry Williams MURPHY {US} (M: 1878 - ?) Twenty-Five Years In 'Hell's Kitchen' [a|1931]

Henry Cruse MURPHY (M: 1810 - 1882) 5252 The Voyage Of Verrazzano [n|1875]

Hermann Dudley MURPHY {US} (M: 1867 Aug 25 - 1945 Apr 16)

Rev, Hugh Davis MURPHY {UK} (M: 1849 Jun 8 - 1927 Mar 8) A Forgotten Gospel [n|?] The State Of The Soul Between Death And The Resurrection [n|?]

J A MURPHY {CA} (?: ? - ?) Songs Of The Evening [p|1896]

Jack MURPHY {US} (M: ? - ?) (ps: Patrick BUCHANAN (2))

James MURPHY (M: c1726 - 1759 Jan 5)

James MURPHY {UK} (M: 1839 - 1921) Convict No 25 [f|1885] The Haunted Church [f|1889] The Shan Van Vocht [f|1889]

Prof, James Gracey MURPHY (M: 1808 Jan 12 - 1896 Apr 19)

Rev, James J MURPHY {CA} (M: ? - ?)

James Keogh MURPHY (M: 1869 Sep 12 - 1916 Sep 13) A System Of Syphilis (jt ed) [6v|n|?] Practitioner's Encyclopaedia Of Medicine, Surgery, And Midwifery (2e) (ed) [n|1913]

James Maurice MURPHY (Jr) {US} (M: 1932 Jul 25 - 1966 Oct 2) Handbook Of Job Facts (3e) [n|1963]

Fr, James (Vincent) MURPHY {IE} (M: 1884 (or 1880) Jul 7 - 1946 Jul 4) Adolf Hitler [b|1934] Who Sent Rudolf Hess? [n|1941]

Jane Brevoort Walden MURPHY {US} (F: 1901 Oct 8 - 1980 Mar 7) Igloo [?] The Long Whip [?]

Jill MURPHY {UK} (F: ? - 2021 Aug)

Jim MURPHY {US} (M: 1947 Sep 25 - ?)

John MURPHY (M: ? - ?) & A Treatise On The Art Of Weaving.. [n|1824/27/31/35/?/?/42/?/?/?/57] The Manufacturer And Weaver's Companion [n|?]

Rev, John MURPHY {UK} (M: 1876 Mar 13 - 1949 Jul 28) Primitive Man, His Essential Quest [n|1927] Lamps Of Anthropology [n|1943] The Origins And History Of Religions [n|1948]

John MURPHY {UK} (M: 1917 Nov 13 - 2010 Jan 28)

Bp, John Baptist Tuohill MURPHY {UK} (M: 1854 Jun 24 - 1926 Apr 17)

John Benjamin MURPHY (M: 1857 Dec 21 - 1916 Aug 11)

John C MURPHY {US?} (M: ? - ?) An Analysis Of The Attitudes Of American Catholics..Negro.. [n|1940]

Prof, John Carter MURPHY {US} (M: 1921 Jul 17 - 2012 Oct 26)

Fr, John Lawrence MURPHY {US} (M: 1924 Sep 7 - 1984 May 7) The Living Christ [n|1952/1956] In The Image Of Christ [n|1954] The Mass And Liturgical Reform [1956] The Notion Of Tradition In John Driedo [n|1959] The General Councils Of The Church [n|1960]

John Thomas MURPHY (M: ? - ?) A Manual On The Eclipse Of The Japanese Empire [n|1943]

Joseph John MURPHY (M: 1827 Jan 13 - 1894 Jan 25)

Lawrence Augustus MURPHY {US} (M: 1924 May 17 - ?) (&ps: Steven C/G LAWRENCE; C L MURPHY) The Naked Range (ps: Steven G/C LAWRENCE) [f|1956] Saddle Justice (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [f|1957] Brand Of A Texan (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [f|1958] The Iron Marshal (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [f|1960] Night Of The Gunmen (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [f|1960] Gun Fury (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [f|1961] With Blood In Their Eyes (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [f|1961] Slattery (aka: The Lynchers); Bullet.. (ps: S C LAWRENCE) [s|1961] Walk A Narrow Trail; A Noose For Slattery (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [s|1962] Longhorns North; Slattery's Gun Says No (ps: Steven C LAWRENCE) [s|1962]

Lois (Margerie) (nee)Barclay MURPHY {US} (F: 1902 Mar 23 - 2003 Dec 24) Experimental Social Psychology (w Gardner MURPHY & T NEWCOMB) [n|1937]

Louise MURPHY {CA} (F: ? - ?) Sweet Canada [p|1923]

Margaret MURPHY {UK} (F: 1959 - ?) (&ps: A D GARRETT (2))

Mario MURPHY (see: José Mario Garry Ordoñez EDMONDSON y COTTON)

Sister, Mary MURPHY {CA} (F: ? - ?) St Boniface Heroines Of Mercy [n|1944]

Maura MURPHY, nee McNAMEE {IE} (F: 1928 Sep 6 (or 7) - 2005 Oct 6)

Merilene MURPHY {US} (F: 1955 Mar 20 - 2007 Feb 2) Under Peace Rising [p|?]

Michael MURPHY {US} (M: 1930 Sep 3 - 1985)

Michael MURPHY {UK} (M: 1965 Dec 14 - 2009 May 8)

Michael Daly MURPHY (M: ? - ?) (ps: Dr, PANINI) Irish Up-To-Date [1933]

Neville Richard MURPHY {UK} (M: 1890 Mar 3 - 1971 Jul 15)

Pat MURPHY (see: Emmett Jefferson MURPHY)

Patricia MURPHY, Mrs SCARRY {US} (F: c1920 - ?)

Patrick MURPHY (M: 1947 - ?)

Patrick Charles MURPHY {US} (M: 1883 - ?) Behind Gray Walls.. [a|1920]

Patrick Vincent MURPHY {US} (M: 1920 May 15 - 2011 Dec 17)

Richard J MURPHY {US} (M: 1929 Oct 15 - 2006 Aug 16)

Prof, Richard Thomas (Aquinas) MURPHY {US} (M: 1908 Nov 23 - 1998 Dec 31) Commentary On The Psalms (aka: The Little Office Companion) [n|1953] The Sunday Gospels [n|1960/?/?/64] Pére Lagrange And The Scriptures [n|?] The Sunday Epistles [n|?] Background To The Bible [n|?] An Introduction To The Prophets Of Israel [n|?]

Rev, Robert MURPHY (M: c1808 - 1843 Mar 12) ..Molecular Actions [n|?]

Robert Cushman MURPHY {US} (M: 1887 Apr 29 - 1973 Mar 20) Land Birds Of America (w Dean AMADON) [n|1953]

Robert Daniel MURPHY {US} (M: 1894 Oct 28 - 1978 Jan 9) A Look At The Middle East [n|1957] Reporting Public Problems [n|1960]

Prof, Robert Francis MURPHY {US} (M: 1924 Mar 3 - 1990 Oct 8) The Trumai Indians Of Central Brazil (w B H QUAIN) [n|1955] The Structure Of Parallel Cousin Marriage [n|1959] Headhunter's Heritage [n|1960] * Shoshone-Bannock Subsistence And Society (w Yolanda MURPHY) [n|1960] Overture To Social Anthropology [n|1979/86/89] The Body Silent [n|1987/90/2001]

Robert Lee MURPHY (M: ? - ?)

Robert (William) MURPHY {US} (M: 1902 Aug 27 - 1971 Jul 13) Murder In Waiting [f|1938]

Prof, (later)Roland Edmund (V) MURPHY {US} (M: 1917 Jul 19 - 2002 Jul 20) The Dead Sea Scrolls And The Bible [n|1956] Seven Books Of Wisdom [n|1960]

Rosalie Miller MURPHY (F: ? - ?) R Destiny; or, Life As It Is [f|1867]

Sallee MURPHY {CA} (F: ? - ?) A Chapbook (w others) [p|1922]

Shirley Rousseau MURPHY {US} (F: 1925 - ?)

Msgr, Terrence John MURPHY {US} (M: 1921 (or 1920) Dec 21 - 2004 Feb 25) Censorship [n|1963]

Terry MURPHY (F: ? - ?)

Thomas Dowler MURPHY {US} (M: 1866 - 1928) 17297 British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car [n|1908] Three Wonderlands Of The American West [n|1912] Oregon, The Picturesque [n|1917]

Virginia (nee)Reed MURPHY (F: c1834 - ?) & Across The Plains In The Donner Party (ed Karen ZEINERT) [n|(1891)/1995]

Prof, Walter (Francis) MURPHY (Jr) {US} (M: 1929 Nov 21 - 2010 Apr 20) Courts, Judges And Politics (w ?) [n|1961] The Presidential Difference [n|?]

Warren (Burton) MURPHY {US} (M: 1933 Sep 13 - 2015 Sep 4)

William Emmett MURPHY {AU} (M: 1841 May 12 - 1921 Feb 26) History Of The Eight Hours' Movement [2v|n|1896-1900]

Rev, William Leo MURPHY {CA} (M: 1899 - ?) The Hill Of Triumph [f|1928] The Golden Heritage [f|1929] Trail's End [f|1941] The Cobble Stones Of Galilee [n|1946] Silver Glade [f|1947]

William M MURPHY {US} (M: 1916 Aug 6 - 2008 Sep 26)

William Parry MURPHY {UK} (M: 1892 Feb 6 - 1987 Oct)

Yolanda MURPHY, nee ? {US} (F: c1925 - ?) * Shoshone-Bannock Subsistence And Society (w R F MURPHY) [n|1960]

Cardinal, Cormac MURPHY-O'CONNOR {UK} (M: 1932 Aug 24 - 2017 Sep 1)

Fr, Jerome(=James) MURPHY-O'CONNOR {IE} (M: 1935 Apr 10 - 2013 Nov 11)

Jan MURR (see: Willy (Richard) SACHSE)

Kater MURR (see: Julius KNOPF)

John Victor MURRA (see: Isak LIPSCHITZ)

Najiya MURRANI {IQ} (F: c1919 - 2011) Sabaean Mandaean Concepts [n|?]

Lieut, MURRAY (see: Maturin Murray BALLOU)

A C MURRAY (M: ? - ?) (ps: Andrew GRAY)

Adolf MURRAY (M: 1751 - 1803)

Adrian MURRAY (see: Mona (Elisa) CURRAN)

Albert (Lee) MURRAY {US} (M: 1916 May 12 - 2013 Aug 18) South To A Very Old Place [n|?] The Blue Devils Of Nada [n|?]

Albert N MURRAY {US?} (M: ? - ?) The Story Of Kendall Square (anon) [n|1916]

Prof, Albert Victor MURRAY {UK} (M: 1890 Sep 1 (or Nov 16) - 1967 Jun 10) The School In The Bush [n|1929] The Cause And The Individual [n|1933] Are Missions Up To Date? [n|1934] Personal Experience And The Historic Faith [n|1939] The School And The Church [n|1944] Security Of Church And State [n|1947] How To Know Your Bible [n|1952] Education Into Religion [n|1953] Truth And Certainty [n|1954] Teaching The Bible, Especially In Secondary Schools [n|1955] Natural Religion And Christian Theology [n|1956] The State And The Church In A Free Society [n|1958]

Alec MURRAY {AU} (M: 1917 Feb 9 - 2002 Jul 11) Alec Murray's Album [n|?]

Alexander Edward MURRAY, 8th Earl of DUNMORE, aka Viscount FINCASTLE {UK} (M: 1871 (wrongly 1872) Apr 22 - 1962 Jan 29) A Frontier Campaign (w P C ELIOTT-LOCKHART) [n|1898]

Alexander Henry Hallam MURRAY {UK} (M: 1854 - 1934 Feb 10) The High Road Of Empire [n|1905]

Alexander Hunter MURRAY (M: 1818 - 1874 Apr 20)

Alexander Stuart MURRAY (M: 1841 Jan 8 - 1904 Mar 5) Manual Of Mythology [n|1874] Etruria [n|1880] A History Of Greek Sculpture [n|1890]

Amelia (Matilda) MURRAY (F: 1795 Apr 30 - 1884 Jun 7) I Letters From The United States, Cuba And Canada [a|1856]

Prof, Andrew MURRAY (M: 1812 Feb 19 - 1878 Jan 10) Catalogue Of The Coleoptera Of Scotland [n|1853] Book Of The Royal Horticultural Society [n|1863] The Geographical Distribution Of Mammals [n|1866]

Andrew MURRAY (M: 1813 - 1872) Ship-Building In Iron And Wood [n|?/1863]

Rev, Andrew MURRAY (M: 1828 May 9 - 1917 Jan 18) 26990 Holy In Christ [n|1887] 26003 'Jesus Himself' [n|1893] 12854 The Master's Indwelling [n|1896] 26709 Lord, Teach Us To Pray [n|1896] 29296 The Ministry Of Intercession [n|1898?] C The True Vine: Meditations For A Month On John 15:1-16 [n|1898] C The New Life [n|?-?] (tr J P LILLEY) [?] C The Lord's Table [n|?] C The Deeper Christian Life [n|?] C The Two Covenants And The Second Blessing [n|?] C Absolute Surrender [n|?] C The School Of Obedience [n|?] C With Christ In The School Of Prayer [n|?] + The Holiest Of All [n|?] Abide In Christ [n|?] Waiting On God [n|?] Like Christ [n|?]

Andrew MURRAY (M: ? - ?) Lord Kelvin [b|1908]

Andrew Gordon MURRAY, 1st Viscount DUNEDIN {UK} (M: 1849 Nov 21 - 1942 Aug 22) The Divergencies And Convergencies Of English And Scottish Law [n|1935]

Andy(=Andrew) MURRAY {UK} (M: 1987 May 15 - living 022)

Angus Wolfe MURRAY {UK} (M: ? - ?)

Anna Maria MURRAY (F: 1808 - 1889)

Annabel MURRAY (F: ? - ?)

Sir, Archibald James MURRAY {UK} (M: 1860 Apr 21 - 1945 Jan 23) Sir Archibald Murray's Despatches, June 1916 - June 1917 [n|1920]

Arthur MURRAY (see: Arthur Murray TEICHMAN)

Arthur Cecil MURRAY, 3rd Viscount ELIBANK {UK} (M: 1879 Mar 27 - 1962 Dec 5) Memorials Of Sir Gideon Murray Of Elibank And His Times, 1560-1621 [b|?] The Five Sons Of 'Bare Betty' [1936] A Modern Marvel [1938] Master And Brother [1945] British Foreign Policy Between The Two World Wars [n|1946] At Close Quarters [n|1947] Decisive Battles In History In A Nutshell [n|1947] Whatnots [1947] Corrievreckan [1949] An Episode In The Spanish War, 1739-1744 [n|1952]

Col, Arthur Mordaunt MURRAY {UK} (M: 1852 Jan 20 - 1920 May 23) Imperial Outposts [n|1907] Fortnightly History Of The War, 1914-1916 [n|?]

Arthur Turnour MURRAY {UK} (M: 1858 - ?) The Law Of Hospitals [n|1908]

Audrey Alison MURRAY, nee ? {ZA} (F: 1910 Mar 28 - ?) The Blanket [f|1957] Anybody's Spring [f|1959]

Augustus Taber MURRAY {US} (M: 1866 - 1940)

Prof, Bruce Churchill MURRAY {US} (M: 1931 Nov 30 - 2013 Aug 29) Mars And The Mind Of Man (w others) [n|?]

Caitlin MURRAY (see: Patricia AHEARN)

Charles MURRAY (M: c1754 - 1821 Nov 8)

Charles MURRAY {UK} (M: 1864 Sep 28 - 1941 Apr 12) Hamewith [p|1900] A Sough O' War [p|1917] In The Country Places [p|1920] Hamewith, AOP [p|1927]

Charles Adolphus MURRAY, 7th Earl of DUNMORE, aka Viscount FINCASTLE (M: 1841 Mar 24 - 1907 Aug 28)

Sir, Charles Augustus MURRAY (M: 1806 Nov 22 - 1895 Jun 3) The Prairie Bird [f|1844] Hassan [f|1857]

Charles de Bois MURRAY {UK} (M: 1891 - 1974 Mar 19)

Charles James MURRAY (M: ? - ?) (ps: C M) Loch Carron [p|1924]

Charles Oliver MURRAY {UK} (M: 1842 - 1923 (wrongly 1924) Dec 11)

Charles Theodore MURRAY (M: 1843 - ?) 30041 Mlle Fouchette; or, The Monkey & The Tiger [f|1902] A Modern Gypsy [f|?]

Colin MURRAY {UK} (M: 1948 Apr 3 - 2013 Oct 14)

Clara Elizabeth MURRAY {CA} (F: 1894 Jun 13 - ?) John Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress' For Devotional Reading [n|1958/1959]

Cromwell MURRAY (see: Murray Cromwell MORGAN)

Abp, Daniel MURRAY (M: 1768 Apr 18 - 1852 Feb 26)

Prof, Daniel Alexander MURRAY {CA} (M: 1862 May 23 - 1934 Oct 19) Introductory Course In Differential Equations [n|1897] An Elementary Course In The Integral Calculus [n|1898] Plane And Spherical Trigonometry [n|1902] Essentials Of Trigonometry And Mensuration [n|1909] Elements Of Plane Trigonometry [n|1911]

Daniel Alexander Payne MURRAY {US} (M: 1852 - 1925)

Sir, David MURRAY (M: 1567 - 1629)

David MURRAY (M: 1830 - 1905) 29798 Japan [n|1894]

David MURRAY {UK} (M: 1842 Apr 15 - 1928 Oct 2) The York Buildings Company [n|1883] The Law Relating To The Property Of Married Persons [n|1891] An Archæological Survey Of The United Kingdom [n|1896] Museums, Their History And Their Use [n|1904] Early Burgh Organisation In Scotland v1 - Glasgow [n|1924] Memories Of The Old College Of Glasgow [n|1927]

Prof, David Ambrose MURRAY {US} (M: 1861 Mar 23 - 1949 Sep 29) Inductive English Lessons [n|1890] Atoms And Energies [n|1901] [Kojin Dendo] [n|Ja-1905] [Ten No Tomo] [n|Ja-1907] [Sukui No Michi] [n|Ja-1907] Christian Faith And The New Psychology [n|1911] The Supernatural [n|1917] His Return [n|1925] The Real Meaning Of Genesis [n|1930] Studies In The Beliefs Of Our Religion [n|1931] Jehovah, Friend Of Men [n|1936] Vignettes Of Life [n|1941] I Believe In God [n|1941]

David Christie MURRAY / CHRISTIE-MURRAY (M: 1847 Apr 13 - 1907 Aug 1) A Life's Atonement [f|1880] Joseph's Coat [f|1881] 22206 Coals Of Fire.. [s|1882] A Model Father [f|1883] Val Strange [f|1883] By The Gate Of The Sea [f|1883] Hearts [f|1883] The Way Of The World [f|1884] Rainbow Gold [f|1885] A Bit Of Human Nature [s|1885] First Person Singular [f|1886] Cynic Fortune [f|1886] 22202 Aunt Rachel: A Rustic Sentimental Comedy [f|1886] Old Blazer's Hero [f|1887] The Weaker Vessel [f|1888] 22271 Schwartz.. [s|1889] A Dangerous Catspaw (w Henry MURRAY) [f|1889] The Bishop's Bible [f|1890] John Vale's Guardian [f|1890] He Fell Among Thieves [f|1891] Bob Martin's Little Girl [f|1892] Time's Revenges [f|1893] A Wasted Crime [f|1893] 22204 In Direst Peril [f|1894] The Rising Star [f|1894] 22204 The Making Of A Novelist: An Experiment In Autobiography [a|1894] 22203 My Contemporaries In Fiction [n|1897] A Race For Millions [f|1898] The Church Of Humanity [f|1901] 22276 Despair's Last Journey [f|1901] 22275 VC: A Chronicle Of Castle Barfield And Of The Crimea [f|1904] The Brangwyn Mystery [f|1906] The Penniless Millionaire [f|1907] 22200 Recollections [a|1908] His Father's Honour [f|1909] London Visit [?] English School Tradition [?]

David Leslie MURRAY {UK} (M: 1888 Feb 5 - 1962 Aug 30) 10970 Pragmatism [n|1912] Scenes And Silhouettes [n|1926] Disraeli [b|1927] The Bride Adorned [f|1929] Stardust [f|1931] The English Family Robinson, Trumpeter, Sound! [f|1933] Regency [f|1936] Commander Of The Mists [f|1938] Tale Of Three Cities [f|1940] Enter Three Witches [f|1942] Folly Bridge [f|1945] Leading Lady [f|1947] Royal Academy [f|1950] Outrageous Fortune [f|1952] Fortune's Favourite (w WMACQUEEN-POPE) [b|1953] Come Like Shadows! [f|1955] Roman Cavalier [f|1958] Hands Of Healing [f|1961]

Sir, Digby MURRAY, 10th Bt (M: 1829 Oct 31 - 1906 Jan 5) Ocean Currents And Atmospheric Currents [n|?] The ABC Of Sumner's Method [n|?]

Donald Morison MURRAY {US} (M: 1924 Sep 16 - 2006 Dec 30) Man Against Earth [1961]

Douglas MURRAY (M: c1863 - 1936 Aug 6)

Rev, Douglas Miller MURRAY (M: 1946 Sep 25 - 2001 Aug 10)

Edgar Joyce MURRAY {UK} (M: 1878 - ?) (ps: Sydney DREW)

Edna MURRAY (see: Donald Sydney ROWLAND)

Edward MURRAY (M: 1798 Nov 5 - 1852 Jul 1)

Edward James MURRAY {US} (M: 1928 May 6 - 2007 Oct 27)

(Katherine Maud) Elisabeth MURRAY {UK} (F: 1909 Dec 3 - 1998 Feb 6) The Constitutional History Of The Cinque Ports [n|1935] Register Of Daniel Rough [n|1945]

Elizabeth MURRAY, nee HEAPHY (F: ? - 1882 Dec 8)

Elizabeth MURRAY {UK} (F: 1903 - ?) Comedy [f|1927] The Partridge [f|1928] The Gilded Cupid [f|1930] June Lightning [f|1932]

Elizabeth Alice(=Alicia) MURRAY, nee POITIER (F: 1820 - 1877 Dec 27) Ella Norman [f|1864] John Alston's Vow [f|1865] Robert Chetwynd's Confession [f|1868] The Flower Of Kildalla [f|1870]

Elizabeth (nee)Dunbar MURRAY {US} (F: 1877 Oct 25 - 1966 May 19) Early Romances Of Historic Natchez [n|1950] My Mother Used To Say [n|1959]

Elsie McLeod MURRAY {CA} (F: ? - ?) A Check-List Of Early Newspaper Files..Western Ontario [n|1947]

Elsie Riach MURRAY (F: 1861 - 1932) 10042 The Child Under Eight (w Henrietta Brown SMITH) [n|1919]

Eustace Clare Grenville MURRAY (M: 1819 or 1824 - 1881 Dec 20) (&ps: The Roving ENGLISHMAN; Mark HOPE; TROIS-ÉTOILES) Droits Et Devoirs Des Envoyés Diplomatiques [n|Fr-1853] Walter Evelyn (anon) [f|1853] From Mayfair To Marathon [n|1853] Doine (aka: The National Songs And Legends Of Roumania) [n|1854] The Roving Englishman [n|1854] The Roving Englishman In Turkey [n|1855] Embassies And Foreign Courts (ps: The Roving ENGLISHMAN) [n|1855] Pictures From The Battle Fields (ps: The Roving ENGLISHMAN) [n|1856] The Member For Paris:..Second Empire (ps: TROIS-ÉTOILES) [f|1871] Young Brown; or, The Law Of Inheritance (ps: TROIS-ÉTOILES) [f|1874] The Boudoir Cabal (anon) [f|1875] French Pictures In English Chalk (anon) [1876] Narrative Of An Appeal To The Crown In 1877 [n|1877] Round About France [n|1878] The Russians Of To-day (anon) [n|1878] Strange Tales [1878] That Artful Vicar (anon) [f|1879] Prodigal Daughter:..Female Prison Life (ps: Mark HOPE) [f|1879] Side-Lights On English Society [n|1881] Six Months In The Ranks (anon) [f|1881] People I Have Met [n|1883] High Life In France Under The Republic [n|1884] Under The Lens [1] [?v|n|1885] Young Widows [1886] Imprisoned In A Spanish Convent [f|1886] Queer Stories From 'Truth' [1886] Jilts [repr of v1 of 1] [n|1887]

Sir, (George) Evelyn (Pemberton) MURRAY {UK} (M: 1880 Jul 25 - 1947 Mar 30) The Post Office [n|1927]

Everitt George Dunne MURRAY {CA?} (M: 1890 Jul 21 - 1964 Jul 6) The Meningococcus [n|1929] Studia Varia (ed) [e|1957] Our Debt To The Future (ed) [n|1958]

Fiona MURRAY (see: Glory BEVAN)

Frances Elizabeth MURRAY (F: 1830 Jan 14 - 1901 Feb 18) I Memoir Of LeBaron Botsford, MD: By His Niece.. [b|1892] In Memoriam (anon) [b|1899]

Gerald E MURRAY, aka Gerry MURRAY {US} (M: 1945 Dec 17 - 2008 Jun 23)

Sir, George MURRAY (M: 1772 Feb 6 - 1846 Jul 28)

George MURRAY (M: 1830 Mar 23 - 1910 Mar 13) I How Canada Was Saved.. [p|1874] Verses & Versions [p|1891] Men And Women Merely Players [p|1903] Poems [p|1912]

George (McIntosh) MURRAY {UK} (M: 1900 Dec 16 - 1970 Nov 2) The Life Of King George V [b|1935] His Majesty King Edward VIII [b|1936] King George VI And The Coronation [b|1937] The Impatient Horse [1952]

Prof, George Redmayne MURRAY {UK} (M: 1865 Jun 20 - 1939 Sep 21) Diseases Of The Thyroid Gland [n|1900]

George Robert Milne MURRAY (M: 1858 Nov 11 - 1911 Dec 16) Introduction To The Study Of Seaweeds [n|1895] Hand-book Of Cryptogamic Botany (w ?) [n|1889]

George W MURRAY (M: ? - ?) The Life And Adventures Of Sergt G W Murray.. [a|1872]

George William Welsh MURRAY {UK} (M: 1885 Sep 9 - 1966 Jan 31) Sons Of Ishmæl [1935]

Gideon (OLIPHANT-)MURRAY, 2nd Viscount ELIBANK {UK} (M: 1877 Aug 7 - 1951 Mar 12) A United West Indies [n|1912] A Man's Life [1934]

Gilbert MURRAY (see: Richard Newman WYCHERLEY)

Prof, (George) Gilbert (Aimé) MURRAY {UK} (M: 1866 Jan 2 - 1957 May 20) (&ps: G M) Gobi Or Shamo [f|1889] History Of Ancient Greek Literature [n|1897] k Carlyon Sahib [d|pro:1899/pub:1900] k Andromache [d|1900] Liberalism And The Empire (w J L HAMMOND & F W HIRST) [e|1900] The Rise Of The Greek Epic [n|1907/11] Greek Historical Writing [e|1908] The Interpretation Of Ancient Greek Literature [n|1909] Ancient Greek Literature [n|1911] Four Stages Of Greek Religion [n|1913] k Euripides And His Age [n|1913] Hamlet And Orestes [n|1914] The Stoic Philosophy [n|1915] The Foreign Policy Of Sir Edward Grey, 1906-1915 [n|1915] The International Crisis In Its Ethical..Aspects (w others) [n|1915] k The United States And The War [e|1916] k Faith, War And Policy [e|1917] Religio Grammatici [n|1918] Aristophanes And The War Party [n|1919] Satanism And The World Order [n|1920] Essays And Addresses [e|1921] + The Problem Of Foreign Policy [n|1921] Tradition And Progress [n|1922] Greek Historical Thought (w A J TOYNBEE) [n|1924] 30250 Five Stages Of Greek Religion [n|1925/1951] The Classical Tradition In Poetry [n|1927] The Ordeal Of This Generation [n|1928] Aristophanes [n|1933] Then And Now [n|1935] Liberality And Civilisation [e|1938] Stoic, Christian And Humanist [n|1940] Aeschylus [n|1940] Herbert Albert Laurens Ficher, 1865-1940 (anon) [b|1940] Anchor Of Civilisation [n|1942] A Conversation With Bryce [n|1943] Myths And Ethics [n|1944] Edwyn Robert Bevan, 1870-1943 (anon) [b|1944] Victory And After [n|1945] The Wife Of Heracles [n|1947] Greek Studies [n|1947] From The League To The UN [n|1948] k Andrew Lang, The Poet [n|1948] Hellenism And The Modern World [n|1953]

Gordon Stewart MURRAY {US} (M: 1950 Mar 13 - 2011 Jan 15)

Gregory MURRAY (M: 1905 - ?) Gregorian Chant, According To The Manuscripts [n|1963]

H Robertson MURRAY {UK} (M: ? - ?) Kultur And The German Blunder (Buss) [p|1914]

Hamilton MURRAY (see: Marie Pauline Rose STUART)

Harold MURRAY (M: ? - ?) (ps: H M) The New Methodism [n|1934]

Harold MURRAY (M: ? - ?) The Boys Of Sancotes [s|1920]

Harold James Ruthven MURRAY {UK} (M: 1868 Jun 24 - 1955 May 16) A History Of Chess [n|1913] History Of Board Games Other Than Chess [n|1952] A Short History Of Chess [n|1963]

Harold (Scott) MURRAY {UK} (M: 1878 Jul 26 - 1960 Dec 26)

Henry (George) MURRAY {UK} (M: 1859 (or 1860) - 1937 Jun 11) A Dangerous Catspaw (w David MURRAY) [f|1889] A Game Of Bluffs [f|1890] A Deputy Providence [f|1891] A Song Of Sixpence [f|1892] A Man Of Genius [f|1895] The Charlatan (w Robert W BUCHANAN) [f|1895] The Ordeal Of Thomas Taffler, Costermonger [f|1896] A Fatal Mistake [f|1896] Robert Buchanan, A Critical Appreciation.. [e|1901]

Prof, Henry Alexander MURRAY {US} (M: 1893 May 13 - 1988 Jun 23) Explorations In Personality (w others) [n|1938] Thematic Apperception Test Manual (w others) [n|1943] A Clinical Study Of Sentiments (w Christiana D MORGAN) [n|1945] Myths And Mythmaking (ed) [n|1960]

R-Adm, Henry Anthony MURRAY (M: 1810 - 1865 Feb 17) 11329 Lands Of The Slave And The Free: Cuba, The US, And Canada [n|1855]

Hilda Mary (Emily Ada) Ruthven MURRAY {UK} (F: 1875 - 1951 Aug 23) 33768 The Middle English Poem 'Erthe Upon Erthe' (ed) [n|1911]

Prof, Howard MURRAY {CA} (M: 1859 - 1930 Sep)

Hubert Leonard MURRAY {AU} (M: 1886 Dec 13 - 1963 Dec 9) Territory Of Papua [n|1923/1930]

Hubert Montague MURRAY (M: 1855 - 1907 Nov 25)

Sir, (John) Hubert (Plunkett) MURRAY {AU} (M: 1861 Dec 29 - 1940 Feb 27) # Papua Or British New Guinea [n|1914] Papua Of Today [n|1925]

Hugh MURRAY (M: 1779 - 1846 Mar 4) Historical Account Of Discoveries And Travels In Africa [n|1817] Historical Account Of Discoveries And Travels In Asia [3v|n|1820] Southern Seas [n|1826] Historical Account Of Discoveries And Travels In North America [n|1829] Polar Seas [n|1830] British India [n|1832] Encyclopaedia Of Geography [n|1834] China [n|1836] British America [n|1839] Africa [n|1840] The United States [n|1844]

Prof, Ian MURRAY {UK} (M: 1899 Apr 26 - 1974 Mar 7)

(Grace) Irene MURRAY {US} (F: 1913 Apr 4 - 1979 Dec 28) The Yielded Heart [1959] The Green Olive Tree [1962]

J W MURRAY {UK} (M: ? - ?) Light And Shade (w Maurice A P FORESTER) [p|1946]

Sir, Jack Keith MURRAY {AU} (M: 1889 Feb 8 - 1979 Dec 10) The Provisional Administration Of The Territory Of Papua-New Guinea [n|1949]

Sir, James MURRAY (M: 1788 - 1871 Dec 8) Dissertation On The Influence Of Heat And Humidity [n|1829] Observations On Fluid Magnesia [n|1840] Electricity As A Cause Of Cholera, Or Other Epidemics.. [n|1849]

James MURRAY (M: 1831 Dec 9 - 1863 Oct 24) Modern Architecture [n|1862] Gothic And Classical Buildings.. [n|1862]

James MURRAY (M: c1802 - 1882 Aug c15) The Maid Of Galloway [f|1850]

James MURRAY (M: 1865 Jul 21 - 1914 Feb) The Natural History Of Bolivia And Peru [n|?] Antarctic Days (w George MARSTON) [n|1913]

James MURRAY {US} (M: 1900 May 9 - 1966 Sep 24) Cardinal Aspects Of Speech (w Wesley LEWIS) [n|1938]

Prof, James Greig MURRAY {UK} (M: 1919 Apr 1 - 1987 Dec 21)

Sir, James Henry Augustus MURRAY (M: 1837 Feb 7 - 1915 Jul 26) Dialect Of The Southern Counties Of Scotland [n|1873] 11694,& The Evolution Of English Lexicography [n|1900] Murray The Dictionary-Maker (w W G R MURRAY) [b|1943]

James (Patrick) MURRAY {UK} (M: c1892 - 1933 (wrongly 1934) Jan 19) Broken Waters [f|1926] The Riddle Of The Virgins [f|1928] Caribbean Gold [f|1930] Coloured [f|1932]

Sister, Jane Marie MURRAY {US} (F: ? - ?) God And His People (w Thomas BAROSSE) [n|1958] God's People (w Thomas BAROSSE) (ed V J GIESE) [n|1960] Christ In The World (w Thomas BAROSSE) [n|1960] Christ And His Church (w Thomas BAROSSE) (ed V J GIESE) [n|1961]

Jean Elmslie Henderson MURRAY, Viscountess DUNEDIN, nee FINDLAY {UK} (F: c1886 - 1944 Mar 20)

Jef(=Jeffrey) (Patrick) MURRAY {US} (M: 1960 - ?)

Dame, Jenni(=Jennifer) (Susan) MURRAY, nee BAILEY {UK} (F: 1950 May 12 - living 2022)

Jesse George MURRAY (M: 1909 - ?)

Jill MURRAY (see: Emily (Kathleen) WALKER)

Jim(=James) (Patrick) MURRAY {US} (M: 1919 Dec 29 - 1998 Aug 16 (or 17)) The Best Of Jim Murray [e|?]

Joan (Vincent) MURRAY {UK?} (F: 1917 Feb 12 - 1942 Jan 4)

Rev, John MURRAY (M: 1741 - 1815) Letters And Sketches Of Sermons [3v|a|1812-13] Records [1816] The Life Of Rev John Murray.. [a|1869]

John MURRAY (M: c1786 - 1851 Jun 28) (&ps: A FELLOW of the Geological Society; A FELLOW of the Linnean Society) Elements Of Chemical Science As Applied To The Arts.. [n|1815/18] Minor Poems [p|1816] Observations And Experiments On The Bad Composition..Paper [n|1823] Remarks On The Cultivation Of The Silk Worm [n|1825] Experimental Researches On The Light And Luminous..Glow-Worm [n|1826] A Manual Of Experiments Illustrative Of Chemical Science [n|?/1828/?/34/39] A Glance At Some Of The Beauties And Sublimities Of Switzerland [n|1829] Practical Remarks On Modern Paper [n|1829] Remarks On The Disease Called Hydrophobia [n|1830] Researches In Natural History [n|?/1830] A Treatise On Pulmonary Consumption [n|1830] A Treatise On Atmospherical Electricity [n|1830] A Memoir On The Diamond [n|1831/39] The Truth Of Revelation (anon) [n|1831/40] Practical Observations On The Phenomena Of Flame And Safety Lamps [n|1833/36] The Physiology Of Plants (anon) [n|1833] The Description Of A New Lightning Conductor [n|1833] An Account Of The Phormium Tenax, Or New-Zealand Flax [n|1836] Descriptive Account Of The Palo De Vaca, Or Cow-tree Of The Caracas [n|1837/38] The Natural History Of The Silk-Worm [n|1838] A Portrait Of Geology (ps: A FELLOW Of The Geological Society) [n|1838] Economy Of Vegetation (ps: A FELLOW Of The Linnean Society) [n|1838] A Sketch Of Chemistry, Practical And Applied [n|1839] The Plague And Quarantine [n|1839]

John MURRAY (M: 1804 Dec 12 - 1882 Feb 2) An Address On The Sanatory Improvement Of The Metropolis [n|1852] The Tides And Currents In The Polar Seas [n|1854]

John MURRAY, III (M: 1808 Apr 16 - 1892 Apr 2) (&ps: VERIFIER) Hand-book For Travellers In France [n|1843] A Handbook For Travellers In Egypt [n|1847] Hand-book For Belgium And The Rhine [n|1852] Handbook For Travellers On The Continent (12e) [n|1858] Handbook For Travellers In Central Italy (5e) [n|1861] Scepticism In Geology (ps: VERIFIER) [n|1877]

John MURRAY (M: ? - ?) 763 The Round-Up: A Romance Of Arizona.. (w M M MILLER) [f|1908]

Sir, John MURRAY (M: 1841 Mar 3 - 1914 Mar 16) The Ocean [n|1913]

Sir, John MURRAY {UK} (M: 1851 - 1928 Nov 30) Memoirs Of John Murray III [b|1919]

Rev, John MURRAY {CA} (M: 1843 - 1935) The History Of The Presbyterian Church In Cape Breton [n|1921] Scotsburn Congregation, Pictou County, Nova Scotia [n|1925]

John MURRAY {UK} (M: 1863 Jun 16 - 1943 Aug 16) Surgery Of The Thorax [n|?] International Text-book Of Surgery [n|?]

John MURRAY {US} (M: 1906 Oct 12 - ?)

John MURRAY {US} (M: 1923 Jul 8 - ?) (&ps: Robert COMBS) Mystery Plays For Young People [d|1956] Comedies And Farces For Teen-agers [d|1959]

John MURRAY {UK} (M: 1950 - ?)

Sir, John Archibald MURRAY (M: 1779 - 1859 Mar 7) (ps: A MEMBER of Court)

John (Arnaud Robin Grey) MURRAY, originally GREY {UK} (M: 1909 Sep 22 - 1993 Jul 22) Byron (jt ed) [n|1950]

Rev, John Clark MURRAY (M: 1836 Mar 19 - 1917 Nov 20) Outline Of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy.. [n|1870] The Ballads And Songs Of Scotland [n|1874] A Handbook Of Psychology [n|1885] An Introduction To Ethics [n|1891] Epimetheus [p|1897] He That Hath Received The Five Talents [f|1904] A Handbook Of Christian Ethics [n|1908]

John Fisher MURRAY (M: 1811 Feb 11 - 1865 Oct 20) The Viceroy [f|1840]

John Francis MURRAY (Jr) {US} (M: 1923 Jun 25 - 1977 Apr 28) (&ps: Daisy BACKGAMMON; Nick CARRYAWAY)

John Francis Nowell MURRAY {AU} (M: 1900 Dec 25 - 1978 Mar 13) Principles And Practice Of Valuation [n|1949] Valuation Practice [n|1953]

John Franklin MURRAY (M: 1854 - ?)

John Franklin MURRAY {US} (M: 1911 Apr 11 - 1979 May 6)

Bp, John Gardner MURRAY (M: 1857 - ?)

John Gilbert MURRAY (M: 1917 - ?)

Prof, John Joseph MURRAY {US} (M: 1915 Jul 2 - 1993 Jul 29) Student Guidebook To English History [n|1947] Essays In Modern European History Honoring W T Morgan (ed) [e|1952]

Rev, John Lovell MURRAY {CA} (M: 1874 - 1955 Apr 30)

John O'Kane MURRAY (M: 1847 Dec 12 - 1885 Jul 30)

Prof, John Oswald MURRAY {UK} (M: 1869 Jan 4 - 1943 Oct 25) Christianity And Human Thought [n|1909]

Canon, John Owen Farquhar MURRAY {UK} (M: 1858 May 6 - 1944 Nov 29) The Revelation Of The Lamb [n|?] The Courage Of Hope [n|?] Cambridge Greek Testament [n|?] Studies In The Temptation Of The Son Of God [n|?] The Christian Armour [n|?] The Goodness And Severity Of God [n|?] Du Bose As A Prophet Of Unity [n|?] Asking God [n|?] The Magnet Of The Cross [n|?] The Obedience Of The Cross [n|?] Jesus According To St John [n|?]

John Tucker MURRAY {CA} (M: ? - ?) English Dramatic Companies 1558-1642 [2v|n|1910]

John Walton MURRAY (M: c1828 - 1893 May 14)

John Wilson MURRAY (M: 1840 - 1906) * Memoirs Of A Great Detective (ed Victor SPEER) [a|1905]

Prof, Joseph (Edward) MURRAY {US} (M: 1919 Apr 1 - 2012 Nov 26)

Judith Sargent Stevens MURRAY (F: 1751 - 1820) (ps: CONSTANTIA) The Gleaner [3v|1798]

Julia MURRAY (F: ? - ?)

Kate MURRAY {CA} (F: ? - ?) I The Guiding Angel [f|1871]

Keith MURRAY {UK} (M: ? - ?) Beyond Pardon [f|1929]

Keith A H MURRAY {UK?} (M: ? - ?) Land And Life (w Waldorf ASTOR) [n|1932] The Planning Of Agriculture (w Waldorf ASTOR) [n|1933]

Prof, Keith Alexander MURRAY {US} (M: 1910 Oct 31 - 2000 Mar 9) The Story Of Banking In Whatcom County [n|1954] The Modocs And Their Ways [n|1959] Reindeer And Gold [?]

Ken MURRAY (see: Robert (Harry) TURNER)

Linda (Mary) MURRAY, nee BRAMLEY {UK} (F: 1913 Oct 31 (wrongly 1) - 2004 Nov 12) The Art Of The Renaissance (w Peter MURRAY) [n|1963] Dictionary Of Art And Artists (w Peter MURRAY) [n|?]

Lindley MURRAY (M: 1745 Jun 7 (or Apr 17 or 22) - 1826 Feb (or Jan) 16 (wrongly 26)) English Grammar [n|1795/1818] Reader [n|1799] Spelling Book [n|1804] English Exercises, Adapted To Murray's Eng Grammar [n|1807] Memoirs.. [a|1826] & The English Reader; or, Pieces In Prose And Poetry [1827]

Lois Lovina MURRAY, nee ABBOTT {US} (F: 1826 - ?) Incidents Of Frontier Life.. [a|1880]

Louisa (Annie) MURRAY (F: 1818 May 24 - 1894 Jul 27) # Mr Gray's Strange Story [f|1892]

Margaret MURRAY, nee ? (F: ? - ?) The White Rabbit.. [s|1921]

Margaret Alice MURRAY {UK} (F: 1863 Jul 13 - 1963 Nov 13) Guide To The Collection Of Egyptian Antiquities [n|1903] The Osireion At Abydos (w W E CRUM & J G MILNE) [n|1904] Saqqara Mastabas [2v|n|1904] Elementary Egyptian Grammar [n|1905] Index Of Names And Titles In The Old Kingdom [n|1908] Elementary Coptic Grammar [n|1911/1927] Tomb Of Two Brothers [n|?] Ancient Egyptian Legends [n|1913] 20411 The Witch-Cult In Western Europe [n|1921] Egyptian Elements In The Grail Romance [n|?] Notes On Egyptian Standard [n|?] Descent Of Property In The Old Kingdom [n|?] Royal Marriages And Matrilineal Descent [n|?] Excavations In Malta [3v|n|1921-1929] Egyptian Objects Found In Malta [n|?] Handbook Of Egyptian Sculpture [n|1930] Egyptian Temples [n|1931] Excavations In Minorca, Trapucó I And II And Sa Torreta [n|?] Maltese Folk-tales [n|?] Coptic Reading-Book (w Dorothy PILCHER) [n|1933] The God Of The Witches [n|1933/1956] Petra, The Rock City Of Edom [n|1939] A Street In Petra (w J C ELLIS) [n|1940] Connexions Between Ancient Egypt And Russia [n|?] The Splendour That Was Egypt [n|1949/1963] Egyptian Religious Poetry [n|1949] The Divine King In England [n|1954] The Genesis Of Religion [n|1963] My First Hundred Years [a|1963]

Margaret L MURRAY, nee ? {CA} (F: ? - ?) St Mary's Of Lillooet [n|1935] Little Travels To Windy Ridge.. [1944]

Margaret (N) (nee)Pexton MURRAY {US} (F: 1920 Jan 31 - 2001 Dec 17)

Marian (Estelle) MURRAY, nee JOHNSON {US} (F: 1890 May 28 - 1985 Jan 14) Sarasota The Circus City [n|1951] Here Comes The Circus [1952]

(Jean Heather) Marris MURRAY {ZA?} (F: 1908 - ?) The Fire-Raisers [f|?]

Max(=Maxwell) MURRAY {AU} (M: 1901 - 1956) The Voice Of The Corpse [f|1947] The King And The Corpse [f|1948] No Duty On A Corpse (US: The Queen And The Corpse) [f|1949] The Neat Little Corpse [f|1950] Good Luck To The Corpse [f|1951] The Right Honourable Corpse [f|1951] The Doctor And The Corpse [f|1952] The Sunshine Corpse [f|1954] Royal Bed For A Corpse [f|1955] Breakfast With A Corpse (US: A Corpse For Breakfast) [f|1956] Twilight At Dawn [f|1957] Wait For The Corpse [f|1957]

Prof, (later)Michael Vivian MURRAY {US} (M: 1906 Nov 28 - 1969 Sep 8) Philosophy And You [n|1955] Problems In Ethics [n|1961]

(Judith) Michele MURRAY, nee FREEDMAN {US} (F: 1933 Apr 25 - ?)

Morag MURRAY, Mrs SHAH, aka Saira Elizabeth Luiza SHAH {UK} (F: 1900 - 1960 Aug 15) (ps: Morag Murray ABDULLAH) My Khyber Marriage [a|1934]

N MURRAY {CA} (?: ? - ?) The Experience Of An Old Country Pedler Among The Montreal.. [n|1891]

Rev, Nicholas MURRAY (M: 1802 Dec 25 - 1861 Feb 4) (&ps: KIRWAN) Notes, Historical And Biographical, Concerning Elizabethtown NJ [n|1844] A Letters To The Rt Rev John Hughes, RC Bishop Of NY (anon) [e|1847/55] A The Difference Between Popery And Protestantism (anon) [n|1850] Decline Of Popery And Its Causes [n|1851] A Romanism At Home:..To The Hon Roger B Taney (ps: KIRWAN) [e|1852] Men And Things As I Saw Them In Europe [n|1853] Parish.. [1854] The Happy Home (anon) [n|1858] Preachers And Preaching [n|1860] A Dying Legacy To The People Of My Beloved Charge [e|1861]

Norman MURRAY {CA} (M: 1853 - ?) The Celtic Tragedy [n|1919-21]

Norman Ross MURRAY {UK} (M: 1873 Jul 19 - 1967) Verses Grave And Gay [p|1947]

Ossie(=Oswald) (G) MURRAY {JM} (M: 1938 May 28 - living 2008)

Patrick Aloysius MURRAY (M: 1811 Nov 18 - 1882 Nov 15)

Prof, Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald MURRAY {UK/AU?} (M: 1900 Jun 18 - 1967 May 17) Bones [n|1936] Biology [n|1950/1960]

Sir, Patrick (Ian Keith) MURRAY, 10th Bt {UK} (M: 1904 Aug 28 - 1962 Jun 18) Radio Communication Applied To Mines [n|1933]

Rev, (Anna) Pauli(=Pauline) MURRAY, Mrs ? {US} (F: 1910 Nov 20 - 1985 Jul 1) Proud Shoes [n|1956]

Pembroke Lathrop MURRAY {AU} (M: 1846 Jul 26 - 1929 Sep 26) (&ps: [L])

Peter J MURRAY (M: 1951 - ?)

Prof, Peter (John) MURRAY {UK} (M: 1920 Apr 23 - 1992 Apr 20) Italian Renaissance Architecture [n|1963] The Art Of The Renaissance (w Linda MURRAY) [n|1963] Dictionary Of Art And Artists (w Linda MURRAY) [n|?]

Philip MURRAY {UK/US} (M: 1886 May 25 - 1952 Nov 9) Organized Labor And Production (w Morris Llewellyn COOKE) [n|1942]

Rev, Ralph LaVerne MURRAY {US} (M: 1921 May 28 - 2021 May 4)

Raymond William MURRAY (M: 1893 - ?)

Reginald MURRAY (M: 1913 - ?)

Reginald Augustus Frederick MURRAY {AU} (M: 1846 Feb 18 - 1925 Sep 5) Victoria [n|1887/95]

Reginald Myrie MURRAY {UK} (M: 1883 - ?) Ramblings [?]

Reginald Temple S C Grenville MURRAY (M: 1846 Aug 29 - 1892 Mar or Apr 5) (ps: James Brinsley RICHARDS) The Duke's Marriage [f|1886] Prince Roderick [f|1889] The Alderman's Children [f|1891]

Rhaynel MURRAY (see: Henry Murray LANE)

Richard MURRAY (M: 1777 - 1854 Aug 2)

Richard Hollins MURRAY {UK} (M: 1882 Oct 28 - 1957 Jan 16) Random Thoughts In Verse [p|1952]

Richard William MURRAY (M: 1819 - 1908)

Robert MURRAY (M: ? - ?) Industrial Health Technology (w Bryan HARVEY) [n|1958]

Robert A MURRAY (M: 1904 - ?)

Robert Dickson MURRAY {US} (M: 1906 May 8 - 1991 Jan 31)

Robert Fuller MURRAY (M: 1863 Dec 26 - 1894 Jan 17) (&ps: A St Andrews MAN) 16821 The Scarlet Gown: Being Verses By A St Andrews Man [p|1891] 1333 Robert F Murray, His Poems [p|1894]

Dean, Robert Henry MURRAY {UK} (M: 1874 - 1947 Nov 2) Revolutionary Ireland And Its Settlement [n|1911] The Public Record Office, Dublin [n|1919] Erasmus And Luther [n|1920] A Short Guide To Some MSS In The Library Of Trinity College, Dublin [n|1920] Ireland, 1494-1829 [n|1920] Dublin University And The New World [n|1921] Science And Scientists In The Nineteenth Century [n|1925] The Political Consequences Of The Reformation [n|1926] The History Of Political Science From Plato To The Present [n|1926] The Hereafter And The Undying Hope [n|1926] The History Of The 8th Hussars [2v|n|1928] Studies In The English Social And Political Thinkers.. [2v|n|1929] The Life Of Edmund Burke [n|1931] The Life Of Archbishop Bernard [n|1931] Group Movements Throughout The Ages [n|1936] The King's Crowning [n|1936] The Individual And The State [n|1946] Inspiration, Human And Divine [n|1948] Anglican Essays (w ?) [e|1923] Ireland [n|1924] The Victoria History Of The Counties Of England [n|1925] The Oxford Convention Of The Clergy Of The Diocese Of Worcester [n|1936] Written For Our Learning [n|1938]

Robert William MURRAY {UK} (M: c1860 - ?) Hare-Lip And Cleft Palate [n|1902] Hernia [n|1908/10]

Robert William MURRAY {US?} (M: 1914 - ?)

Robert (William Felton) Lathrop MURRAY (M: ? - ?) An Appeal To The British Nation [n|1815]

Rona MURRAY, 1:Mrs HADDON, 2:Mrs DEXTER {CA} (F: 1924 Feb 10 - 2003) Blue Duck's Feather And Eagledown [d|pro:1958]

Ronald Ormiston MURRAY {UK} (M: 1912 Nov 14 - 1995 Mar 5)

Rosalind MURRAY, Mrs TOYNBEE {UK} (F: 1890 - 1967) The Leading Note [f|1910] Moonseed [f|1911] Unstable Ways [f|1914] The Happy Tree [f|1926] Hard Liberty [f|1929]

Dame, (Alice) Rosemary MURRAY {UK} (F: 1913 Jul 28 - 2004 Oct 7 (or 8))

Rosemary MURRAY (F: 1921 - ?)

Roy Irving MURRAY (M: ? - ?) 18529 August First (w Mary Raymond Shipman ANDREWS) [1915]


Rev, Samuel MURRAY (M: 1806 - ?) Short Autobiography.. [a|1896]

Sarah MURRAY, nee MAESE, 2:Mrs AUST (F: 1744 - 1811) * A Companion And Useful Guide To The Beauties Of Scotland.. [n|1799]

Lady, Sarah (Maria Hay) MURRAY (F: ? - ?) & A Memorial Of The Isle Of Man [n|1825]

Sinclair MURRAY (see: (Edward) Alan SULLIVAN)

Stuart MURRAY {US} (M: ? - ?)

Thomas MURRAY (M: 1792 - 1872 Apr 15)

Rev, Thomas Boyles MURRAY (M: 1798 Dec 16 - 1860 Sep 24) 21819,I Kalli, The Esquimaux Christian [b|1856]

Thomas Cornelius MURRAY {IE} (M: 1873 - 1959 Mar 7) Birthright [1911] Maurice Harte [1912] Spring.. [d|1917] Aftermath [1922] Autumn Fire [1925] Birthright And The Pipe In The Fields [1928]

Thomas Douglas MURRAY (M: 1841 - 1911 Nov 21 (wrongly 20)) Sir Samuel Baker [b|1895] Jeanne D'Arc [b|1902]

Thomas Keir MURRAY (M: ? - ?) The Child's Own Book Of Toys (w S C WOODHOUSE) [n|1910]

Tom MURRAY {UK} (M: c1900 - ?)

Webster MURRAY {CA} (M: c1900 - 1952 or 1957 Feb) Fireworks And Fêtes (w A St H BROCK) [1946]

Wilfrid George Ruthven MURRAY {UK/ZA?} (M: 1871 Oct 20 - 1964 Apr 29) Murray The Dictionary-Maker (w J A H MURRAY) [b|1943]

Mrs William, (Hannah) MURRAY, nee GREEN (F: 1836 - 1873 Aug 12) Lilian's Inheritance [f|1867]

William MURRAY (see: William Murray GRAYDON)

William MURRAY {UK?} (M: 1912 - 1995)

William (B) MURRAY {US} (M: 1926 Apr 8 - 2005 Mar 9)

William D MURRAY {US} (M: 1858 - ?) As He Journeyed [a|1929]

Gov, William Henry (David) MURRAY, aka 'Alfalfa Bill' {US} (M: 1869 Nov 21 - 1956 Oct 15) Memoirs Of Governor Murray.. [3v|a|1945] Christian Mothers [1950]

Rev, William Henry Harrison MURRAY, aka 'Adirondack' MURRAY (M: 1840 - 1904) A Adventures In The Wilderness; or, Camp-Life In The Adirondacks [n|1869] Music-Hall Sermons (1st series) [e|1870] Music-Hall Sermons (2nd series) [e|1873] Words Fitly Spoken [1873] The Perfect Horse [n|1873] Sermons Delivered From Park Street Pulpit [e|1874] R Deacons [f|1875] John Norton's Thanksgiving Party.. [s|1886] 16308 How Deacon Tubman And Parson Whitney Kept New Year's.. [s|1887] Daylight Land [f|1888] Three Stories [s|1889] k The Story That The Keg Told Me.. [s|1889] Mamelons, And Ungava [f|1890] 28502 The Busted Ex-Texan.. [s|1890] How John Norton The Trapper Kept His Christmas [f|1891] Cones For The Camp Fire [1891] k The Mystery Of The Woods; and, The Man Who Missed It [s|1891] 28098 Holiday Tales: Christmas In The Adirondacks [1897] Complete Works Of W H H Murray [s|1900] Adirondack Adventures [?]

William Henry Wood MURRAY (M: 1790 Aug 26 - 1852 May 5 or 6)

William Hutchison MURRAY, aka Bill MURRAY {UK} (M: 1913 Mar 18 - 1996 Mar 19) Mountaineering In Scotland [n|1947/1962] Rock Climbs In Glencoe And Ardgour (ed) [n|1959]

William J MURRAY (III) {US} (M: 1946 May 25 - living 2022)

William Mozley MURRAY (Jr) {US} (M: 1912 Aug 4 - 1995 Nov 9)

William S MURRAY (M: ? - ?) The Making Of The Balkan States [n|1910]

William Spencer MURRAY {US} (M: 1873 Aug 4 - 1942 Jan 9) A Superpower System For The Region Between Boston And Washington [n|1921] Government Owned And Controlled..Regulated Electric Utilities.. [n|1922] Superpower, Its Genesis And Future [n|1925]

William Waldie MURRAY {CA} (M: 1891 or 1892 - 1956 Aug 2) (ps: The Orderly SERGEANT) Five Nines And Whizz Bangs [f|1937]

Mrs Wolfe, MURRAY, nee ? (F: ? - ?)

Prof, Yxta Maya MURRAY {US} (F: ? - ?)

Eugene MURRAY-AARON (M: 1852 - 1941) The New Jamaica (w Edgar Mayhew BACON) [n|1890]

Olive (Mary Garry) MURRAY CHAPMAN, nee SIMPSON {UK} (F: 1892 Mar 18 - 1977 Jun 11) Across Iceland, The Land Of Frost And Fire [n|1930] Across Lapland [n|1932/1947] Across Cyprus [n|1937] Across Madagascar [n|1943]

Capt, Edward MURRAY-HARVEY {UK} (M: 1886 - 1967 Jun 20)

Aileen MURRAY SLATER, Mrs PARSONS {UK} (F: 1915 Oct 31 - 2012 Feb 1) (ps: Betty PARSONS)

Joanna MURRAY-SMITH {AU} (F: 1962 Apr 17 - living 2022)

Christine Mary MURRELL {UK} (F: 1874 - 1933 Oct 18) Womanhood And Health [n|1923]

George MURRELL {US} (M: ? - ?)

Glenn MURRELL (see: Leonard (Frank) MEARES)

Harold Franklyn MURRELL {UK} (M: 1882 - 1939 Sep 1) Modern Sunday School Buildings (w R M PIGOTT) [n|1926]

Hilda MURRELL {UK} (F: 1906 Feb 3 - 1984 Mar 21)

Irene MURRELL (F: ? - ?)

(Vernon) Jim(=James) MURRELL {UK} (M: 1934 Feb 26 - 1994 Jun 15)

Shirley MURRELL (see: Olive PITTER)

William MURRELL (M: 1853 Nov 26 - 1912 Jun 28) Aids To Forensic Medicine And Toxicology [n|1909] Aids To Forensic Medicine And Toxicology (8e w W G A ROBERTSON) [n|1914]

Fr, John Charles MURRETT {US} (M: 1892 Aug 13 - 1971 Oct 12) Tar Heel Apostle [n|1944] The Story Of Father Price [1953] Mary Of St Martin's [1960] Message Of Mass Melodies [1961] English Conversation [n|1961]

Jeneth MURREY (F: ? - ?)

Thomas Jefferson MURREY {US} (M: ? - ?) 25007 Fifty Soups (8e) [n|1884] 24542 Fifty Salads [n|1886] 24205 Breakfast Dainties [n|1887] Salads And Sauces [n|?] Valuable Cooking Recipes [n|?]

Romolo MURRI {IT} (M: 1870 Aug 27 - 1944 Mar 12) Conservatori Cattolici E Democratici Cristiani [n|It-1900] L'Organizzazione Di Classe E Le Unioni Professionali [n|It-1901] Battaglie D'Oggi [n|It-1901] Sintesi Sociali [n|It-1906] La Politica Clericale E La Democrazia [n|It-1908] Dalla Democrazia Cristiana Al Partito Popolare Italiano [n|It-1920] Il Messaggio Cristiano E La Storia [n|It-1943] 25265 Il Cristianesimo E La Religione Di Domani [n|It-?] 26166 Il Partito Radicale E Il Radicalismo Italiano [n|It-?]

Eleanore Boswell MURRIE (see: Eleanore BOSWELL)

Prof, Herbert Henry John MURRILL {UK} (M: 1909 May 11 - 1952 Jul 25)

Paul Whitfield MURRILL (Sr) {US} (M: 1934 Jul 10 - 2018 Apr 2)

William Alphonso MURRILL {US?} (M: 1869 Oct 13 - 1957 Dec 25) Billy The Boy Naturalist [a|1918] The Naturalist In A Boarding School [a|1919] Autobiography [a|1945]

Kris(=Kristina) MURRIN, nee HUNT {UK} (F: c1965 - living 2022) How To Start A Creative Revolution [n|?] What Worries Parents [n|?] Healthy Happy Children [n|?] Honey, We're Killing The Kids [n|?]

(Charles) Casey MURROW {US} (M: 1945 Nov 6 - ?)

Edward R MURROW (see: Egbert Roscoe MURROW)

Egbert Roscoe MURROW {US} (M: 1908 Apr 25 - 1965 Apr 27) (ps: Edward R MURROW) This Is London [n|1941]

Liza MURROW, nee KETCHUM {US} (F: c1945 - ?)

Colin MURRY (see: John Middleton MURRY)

John Middleton MURRY {UK} (M: 1889 Aug 6 - 1957 Mar 13) (&ps: J M M) Still Life [1917] Fyodor Dostoevsky [n|1917] Poems, 1917-18 [p|1919] The Evolution Of An Intellectual [n|1920] 14637 Aspects Of Literature [n|1920] Cinnamon And Angelica [1920] The Things We Are [1922] Countries Of The Mind [1922] Aspects Of Literature [n|1920] Poems, 1916-20 [p|1920] The Problem Of Style [n|1922] Countries Of The Mind (1st Series) [1922] Pencillings [1923] The Voyage [1923] Discoveries [1924] To The Unknown God [1924] Keats And Shakespeare [n|1925] The Life Of Jesus [b|1926] Things To Come [1928] Letters Of Rotherne Manfield [1928] God [1929] Studies In Keats [n|1930/1939] Son Of Woman [1931] Countries Of The Mind (2nd series) [1931] The Necessity Of Communism [n|1932] William Blake [n|1933] The Life Of Katherine Mansfield (w Ruth E MANTZ) [b|1933] Between Two Worlds [1934] Shakespeare [n|1936] The Necessity Of Pacifism [n|1937] Heaven And Earth [1938] The Pledge Of Peace [n|1938] The Price Of Leadership [n|1939] The Defence Of Democracy [n|1939] Europe In Travail [n|1940] The Betrayal Of Christ By The Churches [n|1940] Christocracy [n|1942] Adam And Eve [1944] The Free Society [n|1948] The Challenge Of Schweitzer [n|1948] Katherine Mansfield.. [n|1949] The Mystery Of Keats [n|1949] The Conquest Of Death [n|1951] Community Farm [1951] Jonathan Swift [b|1954] Unprofessional Essays [e|1955] Love, Freedom And Society [n|1957] Katherine Mansfield.. [e|1959] Not As The Scribes (ed AR VIDLER) [n|1960]

John Middleton MURRY {UK} (M: 1926 May 9 - 2002 Apr 29 (wrongly Mar 31)) (ps: Richard COWPER; Colin MURRY) The Golden Valley (ps: Colin MURRY) [f|1958] Recollections Of A Ghost (ps: Colin MURRY) [1960] A Path To The Sea (ps: Colin MURRY) [1961]

Violet MURRY (F: ? - ?) (ps: Mary ARDEN) The House Of Mystery [1940] The Woman In Black [1944]

James MURSELL (M: 1829 Jul 22 - 1875 May 28)

James Lockhart MURSELL {US} (M: 1893 Jun 1 - 1963 Feb 1)

Rev, James Philippo MURSELL (M: 1799 Sep 7 - 1885 Nov 2)

Prof, Bernard Irving MURSTEIN {US} (M: 1929 Apr 29 - ?) Theory And Research In Projective Techniques.. [n|1963]

Fr, James George Hill MURTAGH {NZ/AU?} (M: 1908 Jul 20 - 1971 Jun 7) Australia [n|1946/1959/69] Democracy In Australia [n|1946] Catholics And The Commonwealth [n|1951]

Judge, John Martin MURTAGH {US} (M: 1911 Feb 26 - 1976 Jan 13) Cast The First Stone (w Sara HARRIS) [1957] Who Live In Shadow [1959]

MURTAZA HUSAIN BILGRAMI, aka Sheikh, Allahyar USMANI (M: 1720 - c1795) [Hadikat-ul-Akalim] [?-?]

Mary (Esther) MURTFELDT (F: 1848 Aug 6 - 1913 Feb 23) Outlines Of Entomology [n|1891] Stories Of Insect Life [n|1900]

Jessie Wilmore MURTON, nee JONES {US} (F: 1886 Apr 22 - 1973 May 18) Frankincense And Myrrh [p|1939] Whatsoever Things Are Lovely [p|1948]

Sir, Walter MURTON {UK} (M: 1836 Apr 6 - 1927 Jun 20) Wreck Inquiries [n|1884] Reminiscences [a|1926]

Prof, Paul MUS {FR} (M: 1902 Jun 1 - 1969 Aug 9)

Prof, Mark (Louis) MUSA {US} (M: 1934 May 27 - 2014 Dec 31)

Joseph MUSAPHIA {NZ} (M: 1935 Apr 8 - living 2022)

Johann Karl August MUSÄUS (M: 1735 - 1787) 25530 Die Nymphe Des Brunnens [Ge-?]

Carmelo MUSCAT {MT} (M: 1926 Oct 12 - ?)

Frederick MUSCAT {MT} (M: 1945 - 2000 Nov 26)

Joseph MUSCAT {MT} (M: 1934 Dec 16 - ?)

Joseph MUSCAT {MT} (M: 1974 Jan 22 - ?)

Joseph A MUSCAT {MT} (M: 1915 Sep 9 - 1999 Aug 28)

Josie MUSCAT {MT} (M: 1945 Jul 31 - ?)

Fr, Luigi MUSCAT (M: 1863 Nov 6 - 1931 Nov 17)

Richard MUSCAT {MT} (M: 1944 Sep 19 - ?)

Gino MUSCAT AZZOPARDI {MT} (M: 1899 Oct 19 - 1982 Mar 7)

Guze MUSCAT AZZOPARDI (M: 1853 Sep 1 - 1927 Aug 4)

Ivo MUSCAT AZZOPARDI {MT} (M: 1893 Dec 18 - 1965 Dec 13) Ir-Re George V [b|Mt-1936] Short Stories - Minn Xtut In-Nil [s|Mt-1937] Triq Id-Dejqa [f|Mt-1938] II-Hames Wiehed [d|Mt-1944] Tiflcira [d|Mt-1944] Nases [d|Mt-1945] Min Iduq Ilmet In-Nil [f|Mt-1946] Who Drinks Nile Water [f|Mt-1946] (tr Arthur CHARLES) [1961] Rwiefen [d|Mt-1946] Francesco Azzoppardi [b|Mt-1949] Icilio Calleja [b|Mt-1952] Fernand Cregh [b|Mt-1952] Il-Garra Nkisret [d|Mt-1952] Censt Barbara [d|Mt-1953] Nicolo' Isouard [b|Mt-1959] II-Ghibien Tal-Kommendatur Filomeni Jew Id-Ditekitiv.. [Mt-1961] Meta I-Qalb Titbenna [d|Mt-?] D Faust In Frack [d|Mt-?] La Modelia [d|Mt-?]

Antonio MUSCAT FENECH (M: 1854 Mar 10 - 1910 Sep 21)

Prof, Charles (Samuel) MUSCATINE {US} (M: 1920 Nov 28 - 2010 Mar 12) Chaucer And The French Tradition [n|1957] Book Of Geoffrey Chaucer [n|1963]

Doris (Charm) MUSCATINE, nee CORN {US} (F: 1926 Jan 14 - 2006 Mar 25) A Cook's Tour Of San Francisco [n|1963/69] The University Of California/Sotheby Book Of California Wine [n|?]

Bp, Cecil Emerson Barron MUSCHAMP {UK} (M: 1902 Jun 16 - 1984 Sep 28)

Herbert (Mitchell) MUSCHAMP {US} (M: 1947 Nov 28 - 2007 Oct 2)

William (E) MUSCHENHEIM {US} (M: 1902 Nov 7 - 1990 Feb 1)

(Friedrich) Adolf MUSCHG {CH} (M: 1934 May 13 - living 2022)

Prof, Walter MUSCHG {CH} (M: 1898 May 21 - 1965 Dec 6) Kleist [Ge-1923] Babylon [d|Ge-1926] Psychoanalyse Und Literaturwissenschaft [n|Ge-1931] Gotthelf [n|Ge-1931] Die Mystik In Der Schweiz, 1200-1500 [n|Ge-1935] Tragische Literaturgeschichte [n|Ge-1948] Jeremias Gotthelf [n|Ge-1954] Dichtertypen [n|Ge-1954] Die Zerstörung Der Deutschen Literatur [n|Ge-1956] Goethes Glaube An Das Dämonische [n|Ge-1958] Schiller [n|Ge-1959] Von Trakl Zu Brecht [n|Ge-1961]

Reinhold MUSCHLER {DE} (M: 1882 Aug 9 - 1957 Dec 10)

Prof, Bernard MUSCIO {UK} (M: 1887 - 1926 May 28) Lectures On Industrial Psychology [n|1917/21]

Harold Charles MUSCUTT (M: ? - ?) Display Technique [n|1963]

Benjamin MUSE {US} (M: 1898 Apr 17 (wrongly 7) - 1986 May 4) Virginia's Massive Resistance [n|1961] Tarheel Tommy Atkins [1963]

Clarence MUSE {US} (M: 1889 Oct 14 (or 7) - 1979 Oct 13)

The Scotch MUSE of an Italian Poet-Seer Now in the Unseen (see: Margaret C LEWIS)

Wilhelm MÜSELER {DE} (M: 1887 - 1952) Reitlehre [n|Ge-?/1933] Riding Logic [n|Ge-1933] (tr F W SCHILLER) [1937] Deutsche Kunst Im Wandel Der Zeiten [n|Ge-1935] Geist Und Antlitz Der Romanischen Zeit [n|Ge-1936] Geist Und Antlitz Der Gotik [n|Ge-1936] Geist Und Antlitz Der Renaissance [n|Ge-1937] Geist Und Antlitz Des Barock [n|Ge-1937] Europäische Kunst [n|Ge-1939] Europäische Malerei [n|Ge-1948] Kunst Der Welt (w Felix DARGEL) [n|Ge-1952] Wandlungen In Der Deutschen Dichtung (w Irma von HUGO) [n|Ge-1956]

V-Adm, Émile Henry MUSELIER {FR} (M: 1882 Apr 17 - 1965 Sep 2) Marine Et Résistance [n|Fr-1945] De Gaulle Contre Le Gaullisme [n|Fr-1947]

Joseph MÜSER {DE} (M: 1894 Apr 2 - 1967 May 11)

Oskar MUSER {DE} (M: 1850 Feb 28 - 1935 Jun 25) Sozialistengesetz Und Rechtspflege [n|Ge-1889] Die Sociale Frage Und Die Nächstliegenden Socialen Aufgaben.. [n|Ge-1891] Sind Die Fortschriftlichen Volksparteiler Religionsfeinde.. [n|Ge-1912] Die Stellung Der Frau Zum Staat Und Im Staat [n|Ge-1913] Das Frauenstimmrecht Vor Dem Badischen Landtag [e|Ge-1918]

Mrs, (H) MUSGRAVE, aka Marriette BEADUN ? {UK?} (F: ? - ?) Astræa [f|1884] Illusions [f|1887] 31498 A Little Hero [f|1887] Miriam [f|1888] In Cloudland [f|1888] The Lost Thimble.. [s|1889]

Sir, Anthony MUSGRAVE (M: 1828 Nov 17 - 1888 Oct 9) Studies In Political Economy [n|1875]

Anthony MUSGRAVE {AU} (M: 1895 Jul 9 - 1959 Jun 4) Bibliography Of Australian Entomology, 1775-1930 [n|1932]

Barbara (nee)Stewart MUSGRAVE {US} (F: 1913 Oct 15 - 1993 Feb 25) Verbal Behavior And Learning (jt ed) [n|1963]

Archdeacon, Charles MUSGRAVE (M: c1792 - 1875 Apr 17)

Charles Edwin MUSGRAVE {UK} (M: 1861 Apr 17 - 1923 Aug 3) Handbook, The Factory And Workshops Act, 1901 (w ?) [n|?] The London Chamber Of Commerce, From 1881 To 1914 [n|?]

Clifford MUSGRAVE {UK} (M: 1904 Jul 26 - 1982 Sep 15) Late Georgian Architecture 1760-1810 [n|1956] Sussex [n|1957] Regency Architecture 1810-1830 [n|1958] Royal Pavilion [n|1959] Regency Furniture [n|1961/71] Life In Brighton [n|1969/80]

Ernest Illingworth MUSGRAVE {UK} (M: 1901 Dec 16 - 1957 Nov 18)

Fanny(=Frances) Wood MUSGRAVE {CA} (F: 1850 Jul 18 - 1947 Sep 1) Gabrielle Amethyst [f|1908] The Dark And Bright Side Of Women's Suffrage [n|1911] Gypsy [f|?] A Ray Of Light [f|?] True To The Last [f|?]

Florence MUSGRAVE {US} (F: 1902 Jul 21 - 1999 Aug 26) Mary Lizzie [1951] Dogs In The Family [1952] Stars Over The Tent [1952] Oh Sarah [1953]

Frank MUSGRAVE (M: 1834 - 1888 May 11)

George Clarke MUSGRAVE {UK/US:1897on} (M: 1874 May 1 - 1932) To Kumassi With Scott [n|1896] Under Three Flags In Cuba [n|1899] In South Africa With Buller [n|1900] The Peking Legations [n|1901] Under Four Flags For France [n|1918] Cuba -The Land Of Opportunity [n|1919]

George (Musgrave) MUSGRAVE (M: 1798 Jul 1 - 1883 Dec 26)

Michael MUSGRAVE (M: c1922 - living 2004)

Michael MUSGRAVE {UK} (M: 1942 Aug 26 - ?)

Prof, Peggy (nee?)Boswell/Brewer MUSGRAVE {US} (F: c1915 - living 2007)

Prof, Richard (Abel) MUSGRAVE {US} (M: 1910 Dec 14 - 2007 Jan 15) The Theory Of Public Finance [n|1959]

Steve MUSGRAVE (M: ? - ?)

Thea MUSGRAVE {UK} (F: 1928 - ?)

Abp, Thomas MUSGRAVE (M: 1788 Mar 30 - 1860 May 4)

Thomas Moore MUSGRAVE (M: 1775 - 1854 Sep 4)

Victor MUSGRAVE {UK} (M: ? - ?) Montgomery [b|1947]

William Peete MUSGRAVE (M: 1813 - 1892 Apr 11)

John Bertram MUSGRAVE-WOOD {UK} (M: 1915 Feb 22 - 1999 Aug 30) (ps: EMMWOOD) Jungle, Jungle, Little Chindit [1946]

Arthur MUSGROVE (M: ? - ?) A Short History Of The Birmingham Law Society 1818-1918 (anon) [n|1918]

Charles David MUSGROVE (M: ? - ?) * Nervous Breakdowns And How To Avoid Them [n|1913]

Charles Hamilton MUSGROVE {US} (M: ? - ?) The Dream Beautiful.. [p|1898] 27333 Pan And Æolus [p|1913]

Prof, Frank MUSGROVE {UK} (M: 1922 Dec 16 (wrongly 12) - 2011 Aug 29) The Migratory Elite [n|1963] Ecstasy And Holiness [n|1974/94]

Prof, John MUSGROVE {UK} (M: 1920 Jun 20 - 2000 May 8)

Margaret MUSGROVE (F: ? - ?) A Bill Of Exchange [f|1929] The Blond Ace [f|1930]

Richard Watson MUSGROVE (M: 1840 - 1914) Autobiography.. [a|1921]

Saneatsu MUSHANOKOJI {JP} (M: 1885 May 12 - 1976 Apr 9) 31757 [Omedetaki Hito = Good Natured Person] [Ja-1910] [Seken Shirazu = Babe In The Woods] [Ja-1912] [Sono Imoto = His Sister] [d|Ja-1915] [Kofukumono = A Happy Man] [f|Ja-1919] 33307 [Yujo = Friendship] [f|Ja-1920] [Ningen Banzai = Three Cheers For Mankind] [d|Ja-1922] [Aru Otoko = A Certain Man] [f|Ja-1923] [Dai Toa Senso Shikan] [n|Ja-1942] [Shinri Sensei] [f|Ja-1949]

PK Pres, Pervez MUSHARRAF {PK} (M: 1943 Aug 11 - living 2022)

Robert MUSHET (M: 1811 - 1871 Sep 4)

Robert Forester MUSHET (M: 1811 Apr 8 - 1891 Jan 19)

William Boyd MUSHET (M: 1828 - 1887 Nov 17)

Prof, William Woolf MUSHIN {UK} (M: 1910 Sep 29 - 1993 Jan 22)

Syed MUSHTAQ ALI {IN} (M: 1914 Dec 17 - 2005 Jun 18)

Ivan (M) MUSICANT {US} (M: 1943 Dec 18 - 1999 Mar 5)

A Wandering Author MUSICIAN (see: M ARNOLD)

John Roy MUSICK (M: 1849 - 1901) (&ps: [Benjamin BROADAX]; [Benjamin BROADAXE]; [Don JENARDO]; [Ebenezer SLYPOLE]) Brother Against Brother [f|1887] Calamity Row [1887] The Bad Boy And His Sister [f|1887] Columbia [f|1891] Estevan [f|1892] Saint Augustine [f|1892] 10370 Sustained Honor: A Story Of The War Of 1812 [f|1893] A Century Too Soon [f|1893] The Pilgrims [f|1893] Pocahontas [f|1893] Braddock [f|1893] Humbled Pride [f|1893] Independence [f|1893] 26282 The Witch Of Salem; or, Credulity Run Mad [f|1893] Union [f|1894] Mysterious Mr Howard [f|1896] Stories Of Missouri [s|1897] His Brother's Crime [f|1898] John Hancock [b|1898] Lights And Shadows Of Our War With Spain [n|1898] History Of The War With Spain [n|1898] Hawaii, Our New Possessions [n|1898] Crutches For Sale [f|1899] Cuba Libre [f|1900] Columbian Historical Novels [1f|1892-1901] 10387 The Real America In Romance [14v|n|1908] The Banker Of Bedford [?] Orland Hyde [?]

Alois MUSIL {CS} (M: 1868 Jun 30 - 1944 Apr 12) Kuseir 'Amra Und Andere Schlösser Östlich Von Moab [n|Ge-1902] Sieben Samaritanische Inschriften Aus Damaskus [n|Ge-1903] Od Stvoření Do Potopy [Cz-1905] Auf Den Spuren Der Geschichte Des Alten Testaments [2v|n|Ge-1906] Kuseir 'Amra [2v|n|Ge-1907] Arabia Petraea [4v|n|Ge-1907] Ethnologischer Reisebericht [n|Ge-1908] Im Nördlichen Hegaz [n|Ge-1911] Zur Zeitgeschichte Arabiens [n|Ge-1918] The Manners And Customs Of The Rwala Bedouins [n|1928] In The Arabian Desert [n|1930] Krest'anské Církve Dnešního Orienta [n|Cz-1939]

Ludwig MUSIL (M: 1900 - ?)

Edler, Robert von MUSIL {AT} (M: 1880 Nov 6 - 1942 Apr 15) 34717 Die Verwirrungen Des Zöglings Törleß [f|Ge-1906] 46896 Beitrag Zur Beurteilung Der Lehren Machs [n|Ge-1908] Vereinigungen [s|Ge-1911] Die Schwärmer [d|Ge-pub:1921] Vinzenz Und Die Freundin Bedeutender Männer [f|Ge-1924] Drei Frauen [s|Ge-1924] Nachlaß Zu Lebzeiten [e|Ge-1936] Über Die Dummheit [Ge-1937] Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften [2v|Ge-1930-43]

Ouide MUSIN {BE/US?} (M: 1854 - 1929) My Memories [a|1920]

A E MUSK (?: ? - ?)

Bill A MUSK (M: ? - ?) The Unseen Face Of Islam [n|1989/2003]

Christine MUSK (F: ? - ?)

Denise MUSK (F: ? - ?)

Elaine (R) MUSK (F: ? - ?)

George MUSK (M: ? - ?) A Short History And Fleet..Canadian Pacific Ocean Steamships [n|1956] Canadian Pacific [n|1981/89]

Julie MUSK (F: ? - ?)

(Jennifer) Justine MUSK, nee WILSON {CA} (F: 1972 Sep 2 - living 2022)

Leslie F MUSK (M: ? - ?)

Simon (R) MUSK (M: ? - ?)

Trevor MUSK (M: ? - ?)

William MUSKERRY(-TILSON), originally TILSON (M: c1846 - 1918 Jun (wrongly Jul) 26) Davy Garrick [d|?] Little Cinderella [d|?]

Alice Jane MUSKETT {AU} (F: 1869 Apr 28 - 1936 Jul 17) (ps: Jane LAKER) Among The Reeds [f|1933]

Prof, Arthur Edmund MUSKETT {UK} (M: 1900 Apr 15 - 1984 Oct 22)

Netta (Rachel) MUSKETT, nee HILL {UK} (F: 1887 - 1963 May 29) (&ps: Anne HILL) The Jade Spider [f|1927] The Open Window [f|1930] The Flickering Lamp [f|1931] Nor Any Dawn [f|1932] Silver-Gilt [f|1935] Winter's Day [f|1936] Alley-Cat [f|1937] Middle Mist [f|1937] Happy To-Morrow [f|1938] The Shadow Market [f|1938] To-day Is Ours [f|1939] Scarlet Heels [f|1940] Twilight And Dawn [f|1941] Love In Amber [f|1942] Time For Play [f|1943] The Quiet Island [f|1943] The Wire Blind [f|1944] Golden Harvest [f|1944] Winter's Day [f|1946] Misadventure [f|1946] The Patchwork Quilt [f|1946] The Durrants [f|1948] Cast The Spear [f|1950] The Long Road [f|1951] Rock Pine [f|1952] Red Dust [f|1954] Philippa [f|1954] Give Back Yesterday [f|1955] Flowers From The Rock [f|1956] The White Dove (ps: Anne HILL) [f|1956] The Crown Of Willow [f|1957] This Lovely Thing (ps: Anne HILL) [f|1957] No Yesterdays (ps: Anne HILL) [f|1959] The Shadow Market [f|1960] Painted Heaven [f|1960] Candle In The Sun [f|1960] Safe Harbour (ps: Anne HILL) [f|1960] After Rain [f|1961] The Fettered Past [f|1961] Jennifer (ps: Anne HILL) [f|1961] The Patchwork Quilt [f|1962] The Gilded Hoop [f|1962] The Touchstone [f|1962] House Of Straw (ps: Anne HILL) [f|1962] A Mirror For Dreams [f|1963] Love And Deborah [f|1963] Staff Nurse (ps: Anne HILL) [f|1963]

Philip Edward MUSKETT (M: 1857 Feb 5 - 1909 Aug 25) The Health And Diet Of Children In Australia [n|1888] Prescribing And Treatment In The Diseases Of Children [n|1891] Australian Appeal [n|1892] 4219,Z The Art Of Living In Australia (w Harriett WICKEN) [n|1893] The Book Of Diet [n|1898] The Diet Of Australian School Children And Technical Education [n|1899] Illustrated Australian Medical Guide [2v|n|1903-09] The Attainment Of Health [n|1909]

Edmund Sixtus MUSKIE {US} (M: 1914 Mar 28 - 1996 Mar 26)

Jane (nee)Gray MUSKIE {US} (F: 1927 Feb 12 - 2004 Dec 25)

Hana MUŠKOVÁ, Mrs SHAW {CS/US} (F: 1897 Dec 26 (or 25) - 1985 Jun 3) (&ps: Hana Mušková SHAW)

Abdul MUSLIM (see: Zelimkhan Abdulmuslimovich YANDARBIYEV)

Judge, Michael Angelo MUSMANNO {US} (M: 1897 Apr (wrongly Jul) 7 - 1968 Oct 12)

Edmund Knowles MUSPRATT {UK} (M: 1833 Nov 6 - 1923 Sep 1) My Life And Work [a|1917]

Eric MUSPRATT {AU} (M: 1899 - 1949) My South Sea Island [1931] Wild Oats [1932]

Prof, James Sheridan MUSPRATT (M: 1821 Mar 8 - 1871 Feb 3) Outlines Of Qualitative Analysis [n|1849] Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, And Analytical [n|1860]

Johannes Hendricus van MUSSCHER {NL} (M: 1924 Feb 7 - 1989 Jan 8) (ps: Johnny JORDAAN)

Sir, Gerald MUSSEN {NZ/AU?} (M: 1872 Oct 17 - 1960 Mar 21) The Humanizing Of Commerce And Industry [n|1919] Australia's Tomorrow [n|1944]

Joseph M MUSSEN {CA} (M: ? - ?) The Church Of St Mark, AD 1792, Niagara-On-The-Lake.. [n|1934]

Paul Henry MUSSEN {US} (M: 1922 Mar 21 - 2000 Jul 7) Child Development And Personality (w J J CONGER) [n|1956] Child Development And Personality (2e w J J CONGER & J KAGAN) [n|1963] Instructor's Manual To Accompany.. (w J J CONGER & J KAGAN) [n|1963] The Roots Of Caring, Sharing And Helping (w Nancy EISENBERG) [n|?] The Psychological Development Of The Child [n|?] Handbook Of Research Methods In Child Development [n|?] Handbook Of Child Psychology [n|?]

Surg-R-Adm, Robert Walsh MUSSEN {UK} (M: 1900 May 13 - 1985 Nov 12)

Rev, Howard Anderson MUSSER {US} (M: 1873 Aug 10 - 1955) Jungle Tales [?] More Jungle Tales [1923]

Prof, John MUSSER {US} (M: 1887 Nov 14 - 1949 Mar 21) The Establishment Of Maximilian's Empire In Mexico [n|1918]

John Herr MUSSER (M: 1856 - 1912 Apr 3) A System Of Therapeutics (jtg Ed) [n|?]

John Herr MUSSER {US} (M: 1883 Jun 9 - 1947 Sep 5) Internal Medicine (ed) [n|1932/?/?1945]

(Louis Charles) Alfred de MUSSET(-PATHAY) (M: 1810 Dec 11 - 1857 May 2) La Confession D'Un Enfant Du Siècle [a|Fr-1836] 13221 O=Euvres Complètes De Alfred De Musset [7v|Fr-1888] N Frederic And Bernerette [Fr-?] (tr ?) [1905] N Tizianello [Fr-?] (tr ?) [1905] N Margot [Fr-?] (tr ?) [1905] 3942 Child Of A Century [Fr-?] (tr ?) [3v|?] 9869 The Confession Of A Child Of The Century [f|Fr-?] (tr K WARREN) [?] 26806 Gamiani; ou, Une Nuit D'Excès [Fr-?] The Immortals [?]

Paul(-Edme) de MUSSET (M: 1804 Nov 7 - 1880 May 14) He And She [f|?] The Last Abbé [f|?] 14539 La Chevre Jaune [Fr-?]

Prof, Reuben Dimond MUSSEY (M: 1780 Jun 23 - 1866 Jun 21) An Address On Adrent Spirit..New-Hampshire Medical Society.. [n|1828] 19667 An Essay On The Influence Of Tobacco On Life And Health [n|1836] The Trials And Rewards Of The Medical Profession [n|1852] Alcohol In Health And Disease [n|1855] Health [n|1862]

Virginia T H MUSSEY (see: Virginia (Tier) HOWELL)

Georg MÜSSIG {DE} (M: 1875 Apr 28 - 1952 Jan 1) Die Hauspflege Des Dritten Ordens Des Hl Franziskus [n|Ge-1929]

Arnaldo MUSSOLINI {IT} (M: 1885 Mar 11 - 1931 Dec 21)

Benito (Amilcare Andrea) MUSSOLINI {IT} (M: 1883 Jul 29 - 1945 Apr 28) Il Trentino Visto Da Un Socialista [n|It-?] Diario Di Guerra [n|It-?] Discorsi Politici [n|It-?] Diuturna [n|It-?] Roma Antica Sul Mare [n|It-?] My Autobiography [a|1928] Campo Di Maggio (w G FORZANO) [d|It-?] Villafranca (w G FORZANO) [d|It-?]

Rachele (nee)Guidi MUSSOLINI {IT} (F: 1890 Apr 11 - 1979 Oct 30) My Life With Mussolini (w Michael CHINIGO) [a|1959]

(Guilio) Romano MUSSOLINI, aka Romano FULL {IT} (M: 1927 Sep 26 - 2006 Feb 3 (or Jan 31))

Harold Edward MUSSON {UK} (M: 1920 Jan 5 - 1965 Jul 5) (ps: Bhikkhu, Nanavira THERA)

Rev, Spencer Coleridge MUSSON {UK} (M: ? - 1927 May 19) The Upper Engadine [n|1907] Sicily [n|1911] La Côte D'Emeraude [n|1912] Around St Malo [n|1912] Beautiful Europe [n|1924] The Engadine [n|1924]

Modest (Petrovich) MUSSORGSKY (M: 1839 Mar 21 - 1881 Mar 28)

Nelle M MUSTAIN (F: ? - ?) Popular Amusements For In And Out Of Doors [n|1920]


Wilfred Pirt MUSTARD {CA} (M: 1864 - 1932) Tennyson And Virgil [n|1899] Classical Echoes In Tennyson [n|1904]

Jack(=John) (Clark) MUSTARDÉ {UK} (M: 1916 Jun 6 - 2010 Oct 16)

Rev, Abraham Johannes/John MUSTE (M: 1885 Jan 8 - 1967 Feb 11)

Karl MUSTER {DE} (M: 1900 Nov 22 - 1965 Mar 4)

George Chaworth MUSTERS (M: 1841 Feb 13 - 1879 Jan 25)

J M MUSTIELES (M: ? - ?)

Michael John MUSTILL, (life) Baron MUSTILL of Pateley Bridge {UK} (M: 1931 May 10 - 2015 Apr 24) The Law And Practice Of Commercial Arbitration.. (w S C BOYD) [n|1982/89] Scrutton On Charterparties And Bills Of Lading (jt ed) [n|?] Arnould On Marine Insurance (jt ed) [n|?]

Sir, Arnold (Albert) MUSTO {UK} (M: 1883 Oct 4 - 1977 May 29)

David Franklin MUSTO {US} (M: 1936 Jan 8 - 2010 Oct 8) The American Disease [n|1973/87/99] The Quest For Drug Control (w Pamela KORSMEYER) [n|?] Drugs In America (ed) [n|?] One Hundred Years Of Heroin (ed) [n|?]

Jorge MUSTO {UY} (M: 1927 - ?)

Walter John Robert MUSTO {UK} (M: 1879 Mar 27 - 1952 Dec 3)

Anne MUSTOE, nee REVILL {UK} (F: 1933 May 24 - 2009 Nov 10) Cleopatra's Needle [n|?] Amber, Furs And Cockleshells [n|?]

Nelson Edwin MUSTOE {ZA} (M: 1896 Jul - 1976 Apr 8) Income Tax On Landed Property [n|?] Close Companies [n|?] Agricultural Law And Tenant Right [n|?] Simon's Income Tax (2e) (ed) [n|?/?]

Winifred MUSTOE {UK} (F: ? - ?) The Light Left Burning [p|1961]

Sir, Andrea MUSTOXIDI (M: 1785 - 1860 Jul 17)

Prof, Herbert Anthony Peter MUSURILLO {US} (M: 1917 Jun 13 - 1974 May 27) Acts Of The Pagan Martyrs [n|1954] The Problem Of Ascetical Fasting In The Greek Patristic Writers [n|1956] Methodius Of Olympus [n|1958] Symbol And Myth In Ancient Poetry [n|1961]

Gilbert MUSY {DE/CH?} (M: 1944 Dec 29 - 1999 May 4) Que D'Embûches Sur La Voie De Nasrudin Et Zeineb [d|Fr-?]

Prof, Claude (Armen) MUTAFIAN {FR} (M: 1942 - ?)

Ramon MUTANER (M: 1265 - 1336)

Quantum MUTATUS (see: William BIGG)

Thomas Davies MUTCH {AU} (M: 1885 Oct 17 - 1958 Jun 4) The Early Life Of Henry Lawson [b|1933] # The First Discovery Of Australia..Captain Willem Jansz [n|1942]

William (Edward Scott) MUTCH {UK} (M: 1925 Aug 14 - 2014 Apr 8) Tall Trees And Small Woods [n|1998/2008]

Prof, William James MUTCH {US} (M: 1858 Feb 7 - 1947 Nov 24) Christian Teachings [n|1899] The Testing Of A Soul [n|1899] History Of The Bible [n|1901] How To Interest [n|1906] Samuel, Saul And [n|1907] Graded Bible Stories [1914]

Gladys Nelson MUTER (F: ? - ?) & About Bunnies [f|1924] Told In Our Neighborhood [1925]

Kabaka, (Edward Frederick William Walugembe Mutebi Luwangula) MUTESA II, of Buganda {UG} (M: 1924 Nov 19 - 1969 Nov 21)

Prof, Carl MUTH {DE} (M: 1867 Jan 31 - 1944 Nov 15)

Prof, John Fraser MUTH {US} (M: 1930 Sep 27 - 2005 Oct 23) Planning Production, Inventories, And Work Force (w others) [n|1960]

Prof, Richard Ferris MUTH {US} (M: 1927 May 14 - 2018 Apr 10) Regions, Resources, And Economic Growth (w others) [n|1960]

Prof, Richard MUTHER (M: 1860 Feb 25 - 1909 Jun 28)

Chowry MUTHU (M: 1864 - ?) Results Of Sanatorium Treatment Of Phthisis [n|1910] Pulmonary Tuberculosis And Sanatorium Treatment [n|1910] Pulmonary Tuberculosis [n|1922] Ancient Hindu Medicine [n|?]

Álvaro MUTIS (JARAMILLO) {CO} (M: 1923 Aug 25 - 2013 Sep 22) La Balanza [p|Sp-1948] Los Elementos Del Desastre [p|Sp-1953] Reseñas De Los Hospitales De Ultramar [p|Sp-1955] Diario De Lecumberri [f|Sp-1960]

Mothobi MUTLOATSE {ZA} (M: 1952 - ?)

Arthur MUTSCHELLER {US?} (M: ? - ?) Principles For The Use Of Roentgen Ray Tubes (anon) [n|1917]

Solomon (Mangwiro) MUTSWAIRO / MUTSVAIRO {ZW} (M: 1924 Apr 26 - 2005 Nov) Feso [f|Sh-1957]

Jean MUTTER, nee ? {CA} (F: ? - ?) Mud-Pup [p|1944]

Alice Florence Adelaide MUTTON {UK} (F: 1908 Mar 4 - 1979 Mar 1) Central Europe [n|1961]

Karen MUTTON, nee CARFOOT {AU} (F: c1959 - ?) T Lobsang Rampa [b|?]

(Vusamazulu) Credo MUTWA {ZA} (M: 1921 Jul 21 - ?) Zulu Shaman: Dreams, Prophecies, And Mysteries ?/2003

Flemming Bruun MUUS {DK} (M: 1907 Nov 21 - 1982 Sep 23) Ingen Tænder Et Lys - [Da-1950] Solsiden Vender Mod Nord [Da-1951] Det Begyndte Under Sydkorset [Da-1952] Der Kom En Dag [Da-1953] Monica Wichfeld [Da-1954] Over 23 Grænser [Da-1955] Skik Og Brug [Da-1956] Hilsen Til Bo [Da-1958] Bo & Co [Da-1958] Bo Lider Skibbrud [Da-1958] Bo Redder A-Bomben [Da-1958] Bo Og Gestapochefen [Da-1958] Bo På 4 Breddegrad [Da-1958] Bo Kommer Til Island [Da-1958] Bo Og De Sorte Trælle [Da-1959] Bo I Siam [Da-1959] Bo På Sporet Af Sputnik [Da-1959] Bo På De Store Have [Da-1959] Faldskærmsudspring Over Jylland [Da-1960] Bo I USA [Da-1960]

Prof, Rolf Eduard (Helmut) MUUSS {DE/US} (M: 1924 Sep 26 - 2020 Jul 3) First For Classroom Discipline Problems [n|1962] Theories Of Adolescence [n|1962/68]

Rudolf (August Edgar) MUUSS {DE} (M: 1892 Apr 24 - 1972 Jul 31) Führer Durch Flensburg [n|Ge-1920] Plattdütsche Karkenleeder [Ge-1925] Das Junge Schleswig-Holstein (w Georg Ove TöNNIES) [Ge-1926] Die Friesen (w Conrad BORCHLING) [n|Ge-1931] Nordfriesische Sagen [Ge-1932] Rungholt [Ge-1934]

Eadweard MUYBRIDGE (see: Edward James MUGGERIDGE)

Edgard MUYLLE {BE} (M: 1887 Feb 11 - 1945 Jul 22) (ps: Filibert van HAVERBEKE)

Artemas Bowers MUZZEY (M: 1802 - 1892) 24524 The Young Maiden [n|1840]

David Saville MUZZEY {US} (M: 1870 Oct 9 - 1965 Apr 14 (or 15)) Rise Of The New Testament [n|1900] Spiritual Heroes [n|1902] The Spiritual Franciscans [n|1907] Beginners Latin Book [n|1907] An American History [n|1911] State, Church And School In France [n|1911] Readings In American History [n|1915] Life Of Thomas Jefferson [b|1918] The United States Of America [3v|n|1922-1924] History Of The American People [n|1927] James G Blaine, A Political Idol Of Other Days [b|1934] Ethics As A Religion [n|1951]