RBH Biography: Sir Ivo FitzWarin (1343-1414) (original) (raw)

Sir Ivo FitzWarin - � Nash Ford PublishingSir Ivo FitzWarin (1343-1414)
Born: 1343 Soldier Died: 6th September 1414 at Wantage, Berkshire

Sir Ivo FitzWarin was the son and heir of William, Lord FitzWarin of Wantage, and Amicia, daughter and heiress of Sir Henry De Haddon of Caundle Stourton in Dorset. Ivo's home seems to have been at his cousin's manor of Wantage in Berkshire, but, like his father, Ivo was abroad on military service throughout much of his life. In 1380, he was, with his banner and pennon, in the retinue of Prince Thomas of Woodstock, Earl of Buckingham, at the Siege of Nantes; and is thought, at this time, to have adopted his Swan crest in honour of his patron. Five years later, he attended Prince John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, in his expedition for the recovery of the inheritance of his, titular Queen Constance of Castile & Leon. He died 6th September 1414, and was buried in Wantage Church; there being, against the wall of the north aisle, a superb brass figure, which represents him, five foot tall in full armour with a moustache - very unusual in a brass.

By his wife, Maud, daughter and co-heiress of Sir John D'Argentine, Ivo apparently had two daughters: Eleanor, who married Sir John Chidiock, was his eventual heiress but most celebrated was Alice, who unfortunately predeceased him. Legend tells how Ivo, or Hugh as he is sometimes called, was said to have had considerable mercantile interests in London, with extensive premises in Leadenhall Street in the centre of the City. It was here that the celebrated Dick Whittington - three times Lord Mayor of London - is said to have fallen in love with young Alice. Although they may have known each other previously since Dick's family appear to have hailed from the old family seat of Whittington in Shropshire. The two were eventually married and Alice became the toast of the city. All three remain characters in Christmas pantomimes to this day.

Edited from George Frederick Beltz's 'Memorials of the Most Noble Order of the Garter' (1841)

See Extract from Sir Ivo FizWarin's Will