RBH Biography: Richard Curtyn (d. 1643) (original) (raw)

Richard Curtyn (d. 1643)
Co-F ounder of Pembroke College, Oxford D ied: 1643 at Abingdon, Berkshire

Richard Curtyn came of a yeoman family from Milton in Berkshire and was a Governor of Christ's Hospital in Abingdon from 1610 until his death in 1643. He was also Master of the same institution on three occasions. Three times he was Mayor of the town and, it was during his tenure in 1622-3, that steps were taken by the Corporation of Abingdon for bringing Pembroke College, Oxford, into existence for the exclusive purpose of receiving as fellows and students, scholars educated at the local Grammar School. From his will of 1641, we have proof that Curtyn was a man of bountiful disposition. Amongst other benefactions, he bequeathed lands to Christ's Hospital for a weekly distribution of bread and money to the poor. He lies buried in the north aisle of St. Helen's Church in Abingdon under a tomb once supported by marble pillars, but now gone. Such part of it as remained in 1826 was repaired by the Master and Governors of the Hospital. The tomb bore an inscription with quaint verses that have often been printed.

Edited from John Johnson's 'Christ's Hospital, Abingdon' (1930)