Kentucky Opponents (original) (raw)

Kentucky Opponents

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Opponents with all box scores available are listed in bold. Opponents which Kentucky has not competed against in Regulation games are italicized.


| A.C.T. | Abilene Christian | Advent Memorial Club | Air Force | Akron | Alabama | Alabama-Birmingham | Alaska Anchorage | Albany | Alcorn State | Alumni | American | Appalachian State | Argentina | Arizona | Arizona State | Arkansas | Arkansas State | Arkansas-Little Rock | Army | Asbury | Ashland YMCA | Athletes in Action | Auburn | Austin Peay | Australia | Australian All-Stars |


| Bahamas | Ball State | Baylor | Bellarmine | Belmont | Berea | Berea (Naval V-12) | Bethany | Boise State | Boston University | Bowling Green | Bradley | Brigham Young | Brown | Bucknell | Buffalo | Bulleen Heidelberg | Butler |


| Cagiva Varese | California | California All-Stars | Cambridge | Campbell | Campbellsville | Canada | Canisius | Carelton | Carleton | Carnegie Tech | CCNY | Centenary | Central Arkansas | Central Florida | Central Michigan | Central University | Centre College (*) | Chaminade | Champagne Chalons-Reims Basket | Chicago | Chile | China | Christ Church Cincinnati | Cincinnati | Cincinnati YMCA | Clarion | Clemson | Cleveland State | Coburg | Colgate | Coll. of Charleston | Colorado | Colorado St Teachers | Columbia | Connecticut | Coppin State | Cornell | Court Authority | Creighton | Cumberland | Czechoslovakia |


| Dartmouth | Davidson | Dayton | Delaware State | DePaul | DePauw | Detroit | Dillard | Dominican Republic | Drexel | Duke (*) | Duquesne |


| EA Sports | East Carolina | East Tennessee State | Eastern Kentucky | Eastern Michigan | Eastern Normal | Egypt | Evansville |


| Fairleigh Dickinson | Finland | Florida | Florida A&M | Florida Atlantic | Florida International | Florida State | Fort Benning | Fort Knox | Fort Knox A.R.T.C. | Fort Wayne | France | Furman |


| Gardner-Webb | George Washington | Georgetown | Georgetown College | Georgia | Georgia State | Georgia Tech | Germany | Gippsland All Stars | Gonzaga | Grand Canyon | Great Lakes |


| Hampton | Hardin-Simmons | Hartford | Harvard | Hawaii | High Five America | High Point | Hofstra | Holy Cross | Houston | Howard |


| Idaho | Illawarra Hawks | Illinois | Illinois State | Illinois-Chicago | Indiana | Indiana Central | Indiana University of Pennsylvania | Iona | Iowa | Iowa State | Israel | Istanbul | IUPUI |


| Jackson State | Jacksonville | Jacksonville State | Japan |


| Kansas | Kansas State | Kent State | Kentucky Collegiate AllStars | Kentucky State | Kentucky University | Kentucky Wesleyan |


| La Salle | Lafayette | Laker All Stars | Lamar | Lexington High | Lexington YMCA | Liberty | Lindsey Wilson | Lipscomb | Lithuania | Long Beach State | Long Island | Longwood | Louisiana State | Louisville (*) | Louisville Coliseum | Louisville YMCA | Louisville YMHA | Loyola (Chicago) | Loyola (LA) | Loyola (MD) |


| Maine | Marathon Oil | Marietta | Marist | Marquette | Marshall | Maryland (*) | Maryville | Massachusetts | Mega Bemax | Melbourne | Memphis | Mercer | Mexico | Mexico City YMCA | Mexico University | Miami | Miami (OH) | Michigan | Michigan State (*) | Middle Tennessee | Miles College | Minnesota | Minnesota State Mankato | Mississippi | Mississippi A & M | Mississippi State | Mississippi Valley State | Missouri | Missouri - St. Louis | Missouri Western State | Monmouth | Montana | Montana State | Montecatini | Montevallo | Moores Hill | Morehead | Morehouse | Mount St. Marys |


| N.S.W. All Stars | Navy | Navy All-Stars | Nebraska | Netherlands | New Albany YMCA | New Jersey Institute Technology | New Mexico State | New York University | Newcastle | Niagara | Nike Elite | North Carolina (*) | North Carolina State | North Dakota | North Florida | North Melbourne | North Vernon | Northern Kentucky | Northern State | Northwestern | Northwestern State | Northwood (FL) | Notre Dame (*) | Nunawading |


| Oakland | Oglethorpe | Ohio | Ohio State | Ohio Wesleyan | Oklahoma | Oklahoma A&M | Oklahoma State | Old Dominion | Oregon | Oregon State | Ottawa | Otterbein | Ouachita Baptist |


| Penn State | Pennsylvania | Pepperdine | Peru | Phillips Oilers | Pikeville | Pittsburgh | Poland | Ponce Lions | Portland | Portland State | Princeton | Providence | Puerto Rico All-Stars | Puerto Rico Reserves | Purdue |


| Radford | Rhode Island | Richmond | Rider | Robert Morris | Rose Polytechnic | Russia Dynamo | Rutgers |


| Saint Peters | Salonika | Sam Houston State | Samford | San Diego | San Francisco | San German Athletic Club | San Jose State | San Lorenzo de Almagro | Santa Clara | Santurce | Seattle | Seton Hall | Sewanee | Siena Basketball Club | South Australian All Stars | South Carolina | South Carolina State | South Carolina Upstate | South China | South Dakota State | South Florida | South Korea | Southern | Southern California | Southern Illinois | Southern Methodist | Soviet Union | St. Andrews | St. Bonaventure | St. Johns | St. Josephs | St. Kilda Business House | St. Louis | Stanford | Stephen F Austin | Stonehill | Stony Brook | SW Louisiana | SW Texas State | Sweden | Switzerland | Syracuse |


| Tahiti | Team Africa | Team Nike | Team Toronto | Tec de Monterrey | Temple | Tenn-Chattanooga | Tennessee | Tennessee State | Tennessee Tech | Tennessee-Martin | Texas | Texas A & M | Texas A&M Commerce | Texas Arlington | Texas Christian | Texas Southern | Texas Tech | Texas Western | Thomas More | Toledo | Transylvania (*) | Troy | Tufts | Tulane | Tulsa |


| UCLA | Ukraine | UNC-Asheville | UNC-Charlotte | UNC-Greensboro | UNC-Wilmington | University Puerto Rico | UNLV | Uruguay | Utah (*) | Utah State | Utah Valley |


| Valparaiso | Vanderbilt | Venice Reyer | Vermont | Villanova | Virginia | Virginia Military | Virginia Tech |


| Wabash | Wake Forest | Warsaw | Washington | Washington (St. Louis) | Washington & Lee | Washington State | Wayne State | West Germany | West Texas State | West Virginia | Western Carolina | Western Kentucky (*) | Western Ontario | Wichita State | William & Mary | Windsor | Winthrop | Wisconsin | Wisconsin-Green Bay | Wofford | Wright Field | Wright State | Wyoming |


| Xavier |


| Yale | Yugoslavia |

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

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