web bucket - Baiting (original) (raw)

BAITING http://www.baiting.org

A couple of years back, Bubblegun's own Mr Biffo did something he's regretted in a guilty-pleasure-sort-of-way ever since; he used the Internet to track down a friend he hadn't seen in seven years, following something of a "spat", posed as a young, attractive, female schoolteacher, and lured his former friend into a seedy netherworld of staged cybersex. Biffo broke off relations and - possibly misguidedly - revealed the truth, after the former friend forced his phone number upon the faux female, while in the same breath confessing that he masturbated "eight or nine times a week - it's a lot, I know". Though Biffo feels bad about what he did (even though the former friend probably deserved every bit of it, because he was stupid and ugly), the twisted minds behind Baiting.org perform similar scams on a regular basis, and display no sign of a conscience in doing so.

This site lists AOL chat transcripts in which the Baiting crew scam worthy chatroom targets such as Christians, paedophiles, firemen and masturbating teenagers. Occasionally verging on the too-dark - the fact that some of these people actually believe they're having cybersex with 12 year-olds merely disturbs - it's often laugh-your-guts-up funny. Observe this amusing exchage between Baiting's AmazingLarry, and some sap in an AOL Christianity discussion forum (spelling and grammar are nothing to do with us, incidentally):

Well, I don't remember the specific verse or chapter......But Jesus is talking to his desciples...and suddenly he goes down on Peter, and gives him a blowjob. John the Baptist comes and they have a three-way. It's a very touching tale.

please tell me your jokin

Well, John is usually viewed as the 'comedic' part of the Bible.

its not in any part of the Bible

I am not joking. I swear I read that somewhere.....

its not

Of course, it might have been in a porno mag....I get them and the Bible mixed up a lot. Next you're going to tell me Jesus wasn't gay.

all i have to say is dont call yourself a Christina which means little Christ if you are going to defy Him and male fun of Him. Its very offensive and one day you will have to face Him and answer for that as he shoes you his nailed scarred hands which your sins and mine put Him up there

Well, if I do meet him, I will tell him what a hottie he is. Then I will lick his wounds and make them better. We will kiss passionately and then have Heavenly sex....."

Then there's this rather splendid transcript, dubbed "Pokemon Baiting", courtesy of the site's very own "Cum Recepticle":

"Cum Recepticle:
I smile at you, my huge eyes gleaming in the sunlight

Cum Recepticle:
nd kiss you passionately

i slide down between your legs....

Cum Recepticle:

Cum Recepticle:
I'm all wet

and start kissing your legs...

kissing....licking... up and down each leg...

Cum Recepticle:
Pika pika!

Cum Recepticle:
I'm thrusting against your face, awaiting your tongue

Cum Recepticle:
pika piKA!

Cum Recepticle:
I'm humping your face madly

I stand up...

take your hand

and wrap it around my hard cock...

and whisper in your ear

Cum Recepticle:
*Somewhere behind you, you hear someone scream, "Pikachu! Thunder Shock attack NOW!"*

Cum Recepticle:

deep inside you... while I'm thrusting

Cum Recepticle:
My body crackles with electricity as my Thunder Shock attack hits you, charring your skin and igniting your nerves in waves of pain!

ouch..what happened to the cum?

Cum Recepticle:
Huh, what cum?


Cum Recepticle:
I'm a fucking Pok�mon, you moron?

Cum Recepticle:
Er, lemme rephrase that..."

Cum Recepticle:
I'm a fucking Pok�mon, you FUCKING MORON.

what the hell is a pokemon?"

Well worth a look.
