North Carolina Plant Photos (original) (raw)
Trees, shrubs, and woody vines of North Carolina
Aconitum uncinatum (Eastern Blue Monkshood) - Alleghany Co., NC 9/3/06
Ammannia coccinea (Scarlet Toothcup) - Chatham Co., NC 9/19/09
Amsonia tabernaemontana (Wideleaf Blue-stars)
Anemone americana (Round-lobed Hepatica)
Anemonella thalictroides (Rue Anemone, Windflower)
Aplectrum hyemale (Puttyroot, Adam-and-Eve)
Apocynum cannabinum (Hemp Dogbane) - Orange Co., NC 6/15/06
Arisaema dracontium (Green Dragon) - Caswell Co., NC 5/21/10
Asarum canadense (Common Wild Ginger) - closeup of flower - Durham Co., NC 4/11/09
Asclepias humistrata (Pinewoods Milkweed) - Robeson Co., NC 5/29/08
Asclepias incarnata (Swamp Milkweed)
Asclepias quadrifolia (Fourleaf Milkweed) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Asclepias sp. (Milkweed) - Craven Co., NC 8/26/12
Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Milkweed) - Caswell Co., NC 5/30/10
Asclepias verticillata (Whorled Milkweed) - Durham Co., NC 6/27/2009
Balduina uniflora (Yellow Balduina) - Carteret Co., NC
Baptisia australis var. aberrans (Eastern Prairie Blue Wild Indigo, Glade Wild Indigo) - Granville Co., NC 5/25/09.
Blephilia ciliata (Woodmint, Downy Pagoda-plant)
Boechera laevigata (Common Smooth Rockcress) - Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012
Callisia graminea (Grassleaf Roseling) - Moore Co., NC 5/18/05
Calopogon tuberosus (Common Grass-Pink)
Cardamine concatenata (Cutleaf Toothwort) - Durham Co., NC 3/20/2011.
Cardamine dissecta (Dissected Toothwort) - Orange Co., NC 4/4/09
Carex jamesii (James's Sedge) - Durham Co., NC 3/25/2012
Carphephorus bellidifolius (Sandhill Chaffhead) - Scotland Co., NC 10/4/09
Castanea dentata (American Chestnut) - Carroll Co., VA 7/3/06 (more American Chestnut photos)
Castilleja coccinea (Scarlet Indian Paintbrush) - Clay Co., NC
Chimaphila maculata (Striped Pipsissewa) - Orange Co., NC 6/23/05
Chrysogonum virginianum (Green-and-gold) - Durham Co., NC 4/11/09
Cirsium carolinianum (Carolina Thistle) - Granville Co., NC 5/16/09
Cirsium horridulum (Yellow Thistle) - Pender Co., NC 4/19/08
Claytonia virginica (Virginia Spring-beauty)
Cleistes divaricata (Rosebud Orchid) - Brunswick Co., NC 5/15/04
Cnidoscolus stimulosus (Tread-softly) - Robeson Co., NC 5/29/08
Conoclinium coelestinum (Mistflower) - Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012
Conopholis americana (Squawroot) - Clay Co., NC 5/12/06
Coreopsis grandiflora (Large-flowered Coreopsis)
Coreopsis tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis) - Durham Co., NC 6/27/2009
Corydalis flavula (Short-spurred Corydalis) - Durham Co., NC
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis (Tropic Croton, Tooth-leaved Croton) - Madison Co., NC 7/29/12
Croton monanthogynus (Prairie-tea, One-seed Croton) - Madison Co., NC 7/29/12
Cynoglossum virginianum (Wild Comfrey) - Orange Co., NC
Cypripedium acaule (Pink Lady's-slipper)
Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum (Small Yellow Lady's-slipper) - Clay Co., NC 5/13/06
Dalea pinnata (Summer-farewell) - Hoke Co., NC 9/12/04
Delphinium tricorne (Dwarf Larkspur)
Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman's-Breeches) - Penny's Bend, Durham Co., NC
Dionaea muscipula (Venus Flytrap)
Drosera sp. (Sundew) - Pender Co., NC 4/19/08
Echinacea laevigata (Smooth Coneflower) - Granville Co., NC
Elephantopus tomentosus (Elephant's-foot) - Granville Co., NC 9/10/06
Endodeca serpentaria (Virginia Snakeroot) - formerly known as Aristolochia serpentaria
Enemion biternatum (Isopyrum, False Rue-anemone) - Eno River, Durham Co., NC 4/9/11
Eryngium yuccifolium (Rattlesnake-master)
Erythronium americanum (American Trout Lily)
Erythronium umbilicatum (Dimpled Trout Lily)
Eupatorium serotinum (Late-flowering Boneset) - Montgomery Co., MD 9/10/05
Euphorbia ipecacuanhae (American Ipecac) - Scotland Co., NC 3/22/08
Eurybia paludosa? (Savannah Grass-leaved Aster?) - Scotland Co., NC 10/4/09. Unfortunately I misplaced my notes and didn't get a leaf shot for confirmation, but whatever it is, it sure is pretty!
Frasera caroliniensis (American Columbo) - Clay Co., NC 5/22/05
Gentiana autumnalis (Pine-barren Gentian) - Moore Co., NC 10/4/01
Gentiana catesbaei (Coastal Plain Gentian) - Scotland Co., NC 11/1/08
Heuchera sp. (Alumroot) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Heuchera sp. (Alumroot) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Hexastylis minor (Little Heartleaf Wild-ginger) - Durham Co., NC 3/24/2012
Hibiscus moscheutos (Eastern Rose-mallow) - Durham Co., NC 8/15/10
Hieracium venosum (Rattlesnakeweed) - Orange Co., NC 4/15/2012
Houstonia caerulea (Quaker Ladies, Common Bluet)
Houstonia purpurea (Summer Bluet)
Houstonia tenuifolia (Diffuse-branched Bluet)
Hybanthus concolor (Green Violet) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Hymenocallis crassifolia (Spiderlily) - Robeson Co., NC 5/29/08
Ionactis linariifolia (Stiff-leaved Aster)
Iris cristata (Dwarf Crested Iris) - Orange Co., NC 4/14/02
Iris prismatica (Slender Blueflag) - Harnett Co., NC 6/5/05
Iris tridentata (Savannah Iris) - Robeson Co., NC 5/29/08
Iris verna (Dwarf Iris) - Scotland Co., NC 4/13/02
Justicia americana (American Water-willow) - Eno River, Durham Co., NC 6/24/07
Lamium purpureum (Purple Dead-nettle) - Durham Co., NC 4/11/09
Lilium catesbaei (Pine Lily) - Craven Co., NC
Lilium grayi (Gray's Lily)
Lilium canadense var. editorum (Red Canada Lily) - Carroll Co., VA 7/14/07
Lilium superbum (Turk's-cap Lily) - Carroll Co., VA 7/25/04
Liparis liliifolia (Lily-leaved Twayblade) - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012.
Lithospermum canescens (Hoary Puccoon) - Granville Co., NC
Lysimachia terrestris (Swamp-candles) - Robeson Co., NC 5/29/08
Lysimachia tonsa (Southern Yellow Loosestrife) - Caswell Co., NC 5/30/10
Lupinus diffusus (Blue Sandhill Lupine) - Pender Co., NC 4/23/06
Lupinus villosus (Pink Sandhill Lupine) - Pender Co., NC 4/23/06
Magnolia tripetala (Umbrella-tree) - Carroll Co., VA 7/3/06 (more Umbrella-tree photos)
Marshallia legrandii (Tall Barbara's-buttons) - Granville Co., NC
Matelea gonocarpos (Milkvine) - Durham Co., NC 6/24/07
Matelea decipiens (Deceptive Spinypod)
Mertensia virginica (Virginia Bluebells)
Mikania scandens (Climbing Hempvine) - New Hanover Co., NC 9/29/09
Monotropa uniflora (Indianpipe) - Carroll Co., VA 7/27/03
Nymphaea odorata (American White Waterlily)
Onosmodium virginianum (Virginia Marbleseed) - Scotland Co., NC 10/4/09
Orobanche uniflora (One-flowered Broomrape)
Orontium aquaticum (Golden Club) - Richmond Co., NC 4/20/05
Packera aurea (Golden Ragwort) - Durham, NC
Packera obovata (Roundleaf Ragwort, Running Ragwort) - Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012
Panax quinquefolius (American Ginseng) - Caswell Co., NC 5/30/10
Panax trifolius (Dwarf Ginseng) - Durham Co., NC 4/12/14.
Parthenium integrifolium (Common Wild Quinine)
Parthenium auriculatum (Glade Wild Quinine) - Caswell Co., NC 5/30/10
Passiflora lutea (Yellow Passionflower) - Durham, NC 8/12/13
Passiflora incarnata (Purple Passionflower)
Penstemon australis (Southern Beardtongue) - Wake Co., NC 5/23/2009
Phemeranthus teretifolius (Appalachian Rock-pink, Talinum) - Wake Co., NC 5/23/2009
Phlox nivalis (Trailing Phlox) - Scotland Co., NC 4/13/02
Phlox stolonifera (Creeping Phlox) - Uwharrie River slopes, Montgomery Co., NC 4/17/2011
Phlox sp. - Granville Co., NC 5/25/09
Phlox sp. - Granville Co., NC 5/25/09
Physalis virginiana (Virginia Ground-cherry) - Granville Co., NC 5/16/09
Pinguicula caerulea (Blue Butterwort)
Pinguicula lutea (Yellow Butterwort)
Platanthera blephariglottis (White Fringed Orchid)
Platanthera ciliaris (Yellow Fringed Orchid) - Carteret Co., NC
Platanthera integra (Yellow Fringeless Orchid) - Craven Co., NC
Platanthera lacera (Green Fringed Orchid)
Podophyllum peltatum (Mayapple)
Pogonia ophioglossoides (Rose Pogonia)
Polygonatum biflorum (Solomon's-seal) - Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012.
Polymnia canadensis (White-flowered Leafcup) - Madison Co., NC 7/29/2012.
Pontederia cordata (Pickerelweed) - Washington Co., NC 6/21/06. With a Yehl Skipper.
Prunella vulgaris (Heal-all, Self-heal) - Granville Co., NC 5/25/09
Pyxidanthera brevifolia (Sandhills Pyxie-moss) - Moore Co., NC 3/14/07 (more Sandhills Pyxie-moss photos)
Ruellia carolinensis (Carolina Wild-petunia)
Ruellia humilis (Low Wild-petunia)
Ruellia purshiana (Pursh's Wild-petunia) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Sabatia angularis (Common Marsh-pink, Bitter-bloom) - Durham Co., NC 8/23/2013
Sabatia sp. (Rose-Gentian) - Pea Is. NWR, Dare Co., NC 11/9/07
Salvia azurea var. azurea (Azure Sage)
Salvia lyrata (Lyre-leaved Sage)
Salvia urticifolia (Nettle-leaved Sage)
Sanguinaria canadensis (Bloodroot) - Orange Co., NC 3/31/02
Sarracenia flava (Yellow Pitcherplant)
Sarracenia purpurea (Purple Pitcherplant)
Saxifraga michauxii (Michaux's Saxifrage) - Mt Jefferson, Ashe Co., NC 7/6/07
Scrophularia marilandica (Eastern Figwort) - Madison Co., NC 7/29/2012
Scutellaria integrifolia (Skullcap) - Person Co., NC 6/13/06
Scutellaria (Skullcap) - Orange Co., NC 6/3/12
Sedum sp. - Haywood Co., NC 5/9/08
Sicyos angulatus (Bur-cucumber) - Durham Co., NC 9/9/2012
Silene virginica (Fire Pink) - Granville Co., NC 6/4/05
Silphium asteriscus (Starry Rosinweed) - Durham Co., NC 6/21/2009
Solanum carolinense (Horsenettle)
Solidago latissimifolia (Coastal Swamp Goldenrod)
Spartina cynosuroides (Giant Cordgrass) - New Hanover Co., NC 8/12/07
Spiranthes sp. - Bladen Co., NC 10/7/06
Spiranthes sp. - Bladen Co., NC 10/7/06
Stellaria pubera (Giant Chickweed) - Penny's Bend, Durham Co., NC 3/24/07
Tephrosia virginiana (Goat's-rue) - Wake Co., NC 5/8/2011
Thalictrum sp. (Meadow-rue) - Granville Co., NC 5/25/09
Tipularia discolor (Cranefly Orchid)
Tofieldia glabra (Carolina Bog Asphodel) - Scotland Co., NC 10/4/09
Toxicodendron vernix (Poison Sumac)
Tradescantia ohiensis (Smooth Spiderwort) - Haywood Co., NC 6/13/09
Tragia urticifolia (Nettleleaf Noseburn) - Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012
Trichostema dichotomum (Common Bluecurls) - Granville Co., NC 9/10/06
Trifolium reflexum (Buffalo Clover)
Trillium catesbaei (Catesby's Trillium)
Trillium cuneatum (Little Sweet Betsy) - Penny's Bend, Durham Co., NC 3/24/07
Trillium discolor (Pale Yellow Trillium) - Macon Co., NC 5/14/06
Trillium luteum (Yellow Trillium) - Madison Co., NC
Trillium undulatum (Painted Trillium) - Grayson Co., VA 5/25/08
Trillium vaseyi (Sweet Trillium) - Macon Co., NC 5/14/06
Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) - Madison Co., NC 7/29/2012
Verbena simplex (Narrowleaf Vervain) - Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012
Vernonia acaulis (Stemless Ironweed) - Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012
Vicia caroliniana (Carolina Vetch) - Botetourt Co., VA 4/19/05
Viola hastata (Halberd-leaf Violet) - Orange Co., NC 4/4/09
Viola pedata (Bird's-foot Violet) - Wilkes Co., NC 4/17/05
Viola sp. - Pender Co., NC 4/19/09
Waldsteinia fragarioides (Appalachian Barren Strawberry) - Clay Co., NC 5/22/05 (not in full bloom)
Zephyranthes atamasca (Atamasco Lily)
Zizia aurea (Common Golden-Alexanders) - Granville Co., NC 5/16/09
Chasmanthium latifolium (River Oats) - Durham Co., NC 8/23/09
Tripsacum dactyloides (Eastern Gamagrass) - one of the ancestors of corn - Person Co., NC 6/13/06
Zizania aquatica (Southern Wild-rice) - New Hanover Co., NC 8/12/07
Adiantum pedatum (Northern Maidenhair Fern) - Caswell Co., NC 5/30/10
Apslenium resiliens (Blackstem Spleenwort) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Asplenium montanum (Mountain Spleenwort) - Hanging Rock State Park, Stokes Co., NC 6/14/2009
Asplenium platyneuron (Ebony Spleenwort) - Wake Co., NC 5/30/11
Asplenium rhizophyllum (Walking Fern) - Haywood Co., NC 5/9/08
Asplenium ruta-muraria Linnaeus var. cryptolepis (American Wall-rue) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Asplenium trichomanes (Maidenhair Spleenwort) - Caswell Co., NC 5/30/10
Athyrium filix-femina (Common Ladyfern) - Grayson Co., VA 7/25/10
Botrypus virginianus (Rattlesnake Fern) - Durham, NC 4/14/11
Cheilanthes lanosa (Hairy Lipfern) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Cheilanthes tomentosa (Woolly Lipfern)
Cystopteris protrusa (Lowland Bladder Fern) - Caswell Co., NC 5/30/10
Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Hay-scented Fern) - Grayson Co., VA 7/25/10
Diplazium pycnocarpon (Glade Fern) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Dryopteris campyloptera (Mountain Woodfern) - Grayson Co., VA 7/25/10
Lygodium palmatum (American Climbing Fern) - Hanging Rock State Park, Stokes Co., NC 7/3/09
Ophioglossum pycnostichum (Southern Adder's-tongue) - Wake Co., NC 4/9/11
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis (Royal Fern)
Osmundastrum cinnamomea (Cinnamon Fern) - Pender Co., NC 4/19/08.
Pellaea atropurpurea (Purple Cliff-brake) - Madison Co., NC 5/11/08
Pleopeltis polypodioides ssp. michauxiana (Resurrection Fern)
Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas Fern)
Polypodium virginianum (Rockcap Fern, Rock Polypody)
Thelypteris kunthii (Desvaux) C.V. Morton, Kunth's Maiden Fern, Southern Shield Fern - Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 8/26/2012
Thelypteris noveboracensis (New York Fern) - Grayson Co., VA 7/25/10
Woodsia obtusa (Blunt-lobed Cliff Fern) - Wake Co., NC 5/30/11
Woodwardia areolata (Netted Chain Fern) - Pender Co., NC 4/19/08
Woodwardia virginica (Virginia Chain Fern) - Pender Co., NC 4/19/08
Moss sp. 120964 - Orange Co., NC 4/4/09
Moss sp. 120968 - Orange Co., NC 4/4/09
Moss sp. 130015 - Orange Co., NC 4/4/09
Reynoutria japonica (Japanese Knotweed) - Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012.
Ficaria verna (Lesser Celandine) - Durham, NC 3/19/2011
Hesperis matronalis (Dame's Rocket) - Grayson Co., VA 5/30/2009
Houttuynia cordata - Durham, NC 5/26/2011
Miscanthus sinensis - Miscanthus, Chinese Silver Grass
Youngia japonica (Oriental False Hawksbeard)
Cultivated Plants
Aquilegia canadensis (Red Columbine) - Chapel Hill, NC 4/11/04
Edgeworthia chrysantha (Oriental paperbush) 'Gold Rush' - Chapel Hill, NC 1/15/07
Fothergilla gardenii × major 'Mount Airy' - Chapel Hill, NC 4/11/04
Salvia chionophylla (Snowflake Sage)
Salvia clevelandii (Fragrant Sage)
Salvia divinorum (Diviner's Sage) - native to Mexico; photographed 12/14/01 (in a greenhouse)
Salvia elegans (Pineapple Sage) - Mexico; Craven Co., NC 10/12/01
Salvia greggii (Gregg's Sage)
Salvia guaranitica (Guarani Sage, Blue Brazilian Sage) - Brazil; Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05
Salvia hispanica (Chia) - Mexico and Guatemala; Durham, NC 11/17/2012
Salvia iodantha (Mexican Fuchsia Sage) - Mexico; 12/9/01 (in greenhouse)
Salvia littae (Litta's Purple Sage) - Mexico; 12/9/01 (in greenhouse)
Salvia lycioides (Canyon Sage) - TX, NM, Mex; Chapel Hill, NC 4/27/02
Salvia melissodora (Grape-scented Sage) - Mexico; Chapel Hill, NC 12/10/01
Salvia mexicana (Mexican Sage) - Mexico; Chapel Hill, NC 11/1/02
Salvia microphylla (Littleleaf Sage)
Salvia regla (Mountain Sage) - Texas/Mexico; Chapel Hill, NC 10/28/01
Salvia roemeriana (Cedar Sage) - TX, Mexico; Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05
Salvia splendens (Red Salvia) - Brazil; Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05
Salvia thymoides (Thyme-leaved Sage) - Mexico; Chapel Hill, NC 12/9/01
Stokesia laevis (Stokes' Aster) - SE US; Carroll Co., VA 7/3/05
Notes on Growing Salvias in Central NC
Recommended Plant Identification Books Though web sites are helpful, it is easier to learn how to identify plants by studying good books. There are so many available now, it can be difficult to figure out which ones to get. Here are a few to get you started.Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines | |
Trees of North America: A Guide to Field Identification, Revised and Updatedby C. Frank Brockman and Rebecca Marrilees (2001) The classic Golden Guide, the first tree book I ever used. Covers the whole continental US, including Florida, which many guides skip. Recommended for kids and casual reading. | |
Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of the Southeast: Landscaping Uses and Identificationby Leonard E. Foote and Samuel B. Jones Jr. (2005) One of the very few shrub and woody vine books available, with photographs and descriptions of 550 species. I haven't seen this book, but it looks comprehensive and very useful for this undercovered group. Well worth seeking out as a used book. | |
The Illustrated Book of Wildflower & Shrubsby William Carey Grimm and John Kartesz (1993) Great companion to the Grimm tree book and one of the very few shrub books available. It's fairly comprehensive, covering 1300 species. Well worth seeking out as a used book. | |
The Illustrated Book of Treesby William Carey Grimm and John Kartesz (2001) Excellent illustrations detailed descriptions of both summer and winter forms. Includes both summer and winter keys. Comprehensive coverage of Eastern US trees. This is one of my favorite and most-used tree books and helped get me started. Highly recommended. | |
National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North Americaby Bruce Kershner, Craig Tufts, Daniel Mathews and Gil Nelson (2008) Ambitious and worthy addition, packing 2000 photos of 700 species into one compact volume. Covers Western trees, too, which could be a distraction or a bonus, depending on what you're looking for. Nice maps. I have a good number of photos in this guide. Highly recommended. | |
Native Trees of the Southeast: An Identification Guideby L. Katherine Kirkman, Claud L. Brown, Donald J. Leopold (2007) Helpful in that it focuses on the Southeast, with detailed descriptions, photos, both summer and winter keys, and range maps. Comprehensive for natives, but has little information on introduced species - unfortunate, since they are frequently encountered. Recommended. | |
A Field Guide to Eastern Treesby Elbert Little (1980) Quite dated, but still useful, with great photos and maps. This and the Grimm books are the ones that I learned with when I was a teenager. Recommended. | |
A Field Guide to Eastern Treesby George A. Petrides and Janet Wehr (1998) Part of the Peterson Field Guide series, this is a little dated, but still quite useful, with nice photos, illustrations, and range maps. Covers Florida, which is unusual in an Eastern US tree guide. Recommended. | |
Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinasby Albert E. Radford, Harry E. Ahles, and C. Ritchie Bell (1968) Our classic flora is out of date but still required for any student of botany in the region. Comprehensive, with keys, detailed technical descriptions, excellent illustrations, and county dot maps. Highly recommended, especially in combination with Weakley's flora. | |
The Sibley Guide to Treesby David Sibley (2009) This is a fantastic beautifully illustrated new-ish guide from the master bird artist David Sibley. He takes a similar approach to trees as in his bird guide, helping to make tree ID easier. Covers Western trees, too, which could be a distraction or a bonus, depending on what you're looking for. Highly recommended. | |
Trees of the Carolinas Field Guideby Stan Tekiela (2007) Good for casual thumbing through for a beginner, but not comprehensive and has little information specific to the Carolinas. This is part of a series of cookie-cutter books for various states. Though a number of my photos are in this book, I'm a little annoyed that the cover photo obviously wasn't taken anywhere near the Carolinas! Perhaps worth a look. | |
Wildflower Field Guides | |
The Illustrated Book of Wildflower & Shrubsby William Carey Grimm and John Kartesz (1993) Great companion to the Grimm tree book and one of the very few shrub books available. It's fairly comprehensive, covering 1300 species. Well worth seeking out as a used book. | |
Wild Flowers of North Carolina, 2nd William S. Justice, C. Ritchie Bell and Anne H. Lindsey (2005) An update of the classic, which should be in every wildflower-lover's collection. Recommended. | |
Forest Plants of the Southeast and Their Wildlife Usesby James H. Miller and Karl V. Miller (2005) Includes photographs and descriptions of 330 species. Recommended. | |
A Field Guide to Wildflowers: Northeastern and North-Central North Americaby Roger Tory Peterson and Margaret McKenny (1998) The classic Peterson guide for the northeastern US. Useful for the Mountains of NC, but generally not the Coastal Plain. Not comprehensive and in need of an update, but still worth a look. | |
A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolinaby Richard Dwight Porcher and Douglas Alan Rayner (2002) I haven't seen this book, but the reviews are glowing. Covers over 680 species with photographs and extensive descriptions. Plants are grouped by habitat. Highly recommended. | |
Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinasby Albert E. Radford, Harry E. Ahles, and C. Ritchie Bell (1968) Our classic flora is out of date but still required for any student of botany in the region. Comprehensive, with keys, detailed technical descriptions, excellent illustrations, and county dot maps. Highly recommended, especially in combination with Weakley's flora. | |
A Field Guide to Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region: North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgiaby Bruce A. Sorrie (2011) Excellent new book, covering more than 600 wildflowers, flowering shrubs, and vines, grouped by plant community. Comprehensive within the Sandhills region. Highly recommended. | |
Wildflowers and Plant Communities of the Southern Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont: A Naturalist's Guide to the Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgiaby Timothy P. Spira (2011) Another excellent new book, covering plant communities as well as wildflowers. Highly recommended. |
North Carolina Nature Photos | Plants for birds | Plants for butterflies | Notes on growing Salvias