Purpuricenus deyrollei (original) (raw)

Purpuricenus deyrollei Thomson, 1867
[= Purpuricenus ledereri Ferrari, 1869]


Purpuricenus deyrollei
[Photo © Petr Jelínek]

Purpuricenus deyrollei is known from Iran and Turmenistan, but in both these countries this rare species occurs extremely locally. This striking species was described from Gorgan evirons (Golestan, Iran) by James Thomson in 1867 [❖]. Adults, active from May to July, are diurnal and visit often flowering shrubs.

Body length: 12 - 20 mm
Life cycle: 2 - 3 years
Adults in: May - July
Host plant: Quercus spp.
Distribution: Iran, Turmenistan

The depicted beetle was collected in Minudast environs (NE Iran, Khorasan province) on May 21, 2018.

Collected by Petr Jelínek

Thomson J.:
X. Description d'un Coléoptère.
Physis: Recueil d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 1 (3): 16, 1867. [download pdf icon]

Ambrus R. and Grosser W.:
Results of the Czech entomological expedition to Iran (2009-2010) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Humanity space International Almanac 2 (3): 461-482, 2013. [download pdf icon]

Purpuricenus deyrollei
Purpuricenus deyrollei
[Photo © Petr Jelínek]

Subfamilia Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus Trachyderini Dupont, 1836
Genus Purpuricenus Dejean, 1821
Species Purpuricenus deyrollei Thomson, 1867