Dr. Clare W. Graves (original) (raw)

8. Rigidity

Gough & Sanford Scale on Rigidity from Gough, H. G. & Sanford, R. N., rigidity as a psychological variable. Unpublished manuscript, University of California, Institute of Personality Assessment and Research, 1952.

Rigidity Rankings (Gough & Sanford Scale on Rigidity, 1952)
Dr. Graves Dr. Harvey (p. 49, 1966)
7 - 1 (Sign. < 4 - 5 - 6) 4 - 1 (Sign. < 1 - 2 - 3)
6 - 2 ( Sign. < 4 - 7) 3 - 2 (Like 2)
5 - 3 (Sign. < 4 - 7) 2 - 3 (Like 3)
4 - 4 (Sign. > 5 - 6 - 7) 1 - 4 (Sign. > 2 - 3 - 4)

Note: The next four tests are from the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS), an objective forced-choice inventory for use in personal counseling and personality research.

9. Deference (EPPS)

Deference: to get suggestions from others, to find out what others think, to follow instructions and do what is expected, to praise others, to tell others that they have done a good job, to accept the leadership of others, to conform to custom and avoid the unconventional, to let others make decisions.

Deference Rankings (EPPS)
Dr. Graves Dr. Harvey (p. 50, 1966)
7 - 1.5 (Sign. < 4) 4 - Like 2
6 - 3 3 -
5 - 1.5 (Sign. < 4) 2 - Like 4
4 - 4 1 - 4

10. Autonomy (EPPS)

Autonomy: to be able to come and go as desired, to say what one thinks about things, to be independent of others in making decisions, to feel free to do what one wants, to do things that are unconventional, to avoid situations where one is expected to conform, to do things without regard to what others may think, to criticize those in positions of authority, to avoid responsibilities and obligations.

Autonomy Rankings (EPPS)
Dr. Graves Dr. Harvey (p. 49, 1966)
7 - 3 (Sign. > 4) 4 - Like 2 (Sign. > 1 - 3)
6 - 2 3 -
5 - 3.5 2 - Like 4 (Sign. > 1 - 3)
4 - 1 (Sign. < 5 - 7) 1 -

11. Affiliation (EPPS)

(Affiliation: To be loyal to friends, to participate in friendly groups, to do things for friends, to form new friendships, to make as many friends as possible, to share things with friends, to do things with friends rather than alone, to form strong attachments, to write letters to friends.)

Affiliation Rankings (Need for Affiliation)
Dr. Graves Dr. Harvey (p. 50, 1966) Dr. Harvey (p. 50, 1966) [from French, 1956]
7 - 2 4 - 2 4 - 2
6 - 4 (Sign. > 4 - 5 - 7) 3 - 4 3 - 4
5 - 1 (Sign. < 4 - 6 - 7) 2 - 1 2 - 1
4 - 3 1 - 3 1 - 3

12. Agressiveness (EPPS)

Aggressiveness: To attack contrary points of view, to tell others what one thinks about them, to criticize others publicly, to make fun of others, to tell others off when disagreeing with them, to get revenge for insults, to become angry, to blame others when things go wrong, to read newspapers about accounts of violence.

Agressiveness Rankings (EPPS)
Dr. Graves Dr. Harvey (p. 50-51, 1966)
7 - 2 (Sign. < 5) 4 - 1
6 - 2 (Sign. < 5) 3 - 1
5 - 4 (Sign. > 4 - 6 - 7) 2 - 4
4 - 2 (Sign. < 5) 1 - 1

13. Self Causality (Srole Scale of Anomie)

Srole Scale of Anomie from Srole, L. Social integration and certain corrolaries. Amer. Sociol. Rev., New York: Harper, 1956 -- This scale tapped the extent to which an individual perceived himself as capable of effecting a desired outcome on society -- an assumed core of self-causality in general. Harvey, O. J. Self systems, anomie and self esteem. Technical Report No. 9, Contract Nonr. 1147(07), University of Colorado, 1963b. -- This scale tapped the extent to which an individual perceived himself as capable of effecting a desired outcome on society -- an assumed core of self-causality in general.

Self-Causality Rankings (Srole Scale of Anomie)
Dr. Graves Dr. Harvey (p. 51, 1966)
7 - 4 (Sign. < 4 - 6) 4 - 4
6 - 3 (Sign. > 5) 3 - 3
5 - 1 (Sign. < 4 - 6 - 7) 2 - 1 (Sign. < 1 - 3 - 4)
4 - 2 (Sign. > 5) 1 - 2

14. "Nettler" Anomie (Nettler Scale of Anomie)

Nettler Scale of Anomie. [Identification with the American Motif] from Nettler, G. A. A measure of alienation. Amer. Sociol. Rev. 1957, 22, 670-677

"Nettler" Anomie Rankings (Nettler Scale of Anomie)
Dr. Graves Dr. Harvey (p. 51, 1966)
7 - 2 (Sign. < 4 - 5) 4 - 2
6 - 3 (Sign. < 4 - 5) 3 - 3
5 - 1 (Sign. < 4 - 6 - 7) 2 - 1
4 - 4 (Sign. > 5 - 6 - 7) 1 - 4

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